The Red Hand

Interlude 10 – The Spirits Discuss the Past and the Future.

Interlude 10 – The Spirits Discuss the Past and the Future.


Apologize for the error. My file doesn't have these in the right place, so when I uploaded the chapters, I accidentally skipped this one. I will place it in the correct order on the list.

"I can't believe it's come to this." Mizumi sighed. She, Shinlua, and Kukurihime were sitting around a table in the greenhouse discussing recent events. They'd brought out some alcohol since they needed something to take the edge off.

"That our own descendants would come to act in such a fashion... I imagine Dokorimon would be spinning in his grave if he had one." Kukurihime shook her head in disbelief. She'd been informed of the events within Omara, and was both saddened and angered by the foolishness of the Council.

{Our people fled this world out of fear of humanity, but to think they'd one day come back to kill and enslave them... Our people never wanted that, so why would they try and do such a thing. I understand being angry at those who attacked you in that other world, but the people of Earth have done nothing to you. Even in the past, clashes were minor, and it was rare for one of us to perish by human hands.} (Kukurihime)

"It's funny. Many of our kind think us better than others, and yet we're no different when you get down to it." Mizumi gave a defeated laugh as she took a shot of sake. "We disparage humans for their petty squabbles, yet here we are... We finally get to a place where we can live in peace, and the first thing we do is make an enemy of the very being that could destroy us..." She took another sip. Mizumi didn't really like alcohol, but right now, she needed a drink.

"At the very least, Akagi seems like she has no malicious intent." Shinlua gave a wry smile. "I'm not sure if that's just me being optimistic or naive."

"Probably a mix of both." (Mizumi x Kukurihime)

"Don't get me wrong, Akagi has been a big help in getting Omara to where it is, and she's not exactly a terrible person." Mizumi groaned. "It's just that I know her well enough by this point... That mind of hers is a crazy place, and I don't even want to imagine what might happen to her over the centuries and millennia."

{I anticipate that things will go the way of EVERY being that has a long lifespan. She'll eventually get bored and start doing things to entertain herself. I just hope that she doesn't start seeing PEOPLE as acceptable targets for boredom alleviation.} (Mizumi)

"Time has a way of warping people. I've only been around a few thousand years, and I can tell that I've become much less attached to the world around me." Kukurihime gave a nervous laugh. “Its just what happens...”

"I understand what you mean." Shinlua gave a wry smile. "My kind lives much shorter lives than yours, but even our outlook can confuse humans. I suppose that is a natural part of living longer than most other beings."

{Humans typically see us Elves as aloof or uncaring, something that is not necessarily untrue.} (Shinlua)

"And Akagi will live on far longer than any of us." Mizumi laughed as she put her head on the table. "If nothing kills her, that crazy Demon will be here forever! And I've doomed our people to eternally serving her..."

{Things couldn't get any worse...} (Mizumi)

"Please don't say things like that, Lady Mizumi." Shinlua tried to comfort her. "Things will be fine. While becoming subjects of a Demon Lord is not the most... desirable outcome, I believe it was the most favorable outcome we could have gotten."

{We could easily be dead or wishing we were right now, so lets just be thankful for the cards we've been dealt, rather than wishing we could have a new hand.} (Shinlua)

"Indeed, from what you've told me, she intends to allow things to run as they were before, and she isn't exactly making you slaves. In fact, having such an existence protecting you has its benefits." Kukurihime tried to make her feel better with head pats.

{Why are they treating me like a child?!? I know your older than me, but its still not right!} (Mizumi)

As she was dying on the inside from being comforted by Kukurihime, a voice called out to them.

"Oh? Is someone else using the greenhouse today?" Alice entered the greenhouse while holding Floofy in her arms.

"Hello, Alice." Mizumi sighed.

{I swear if she starts to comfort me too, I'ma scream...} (Mizumi)

"It's that sweet child from last time!" Kukurihime's eyes sparkled when she saw Alice. "Come here." She patted her lap.

"???" Alice tilted her head. "Ahh, you're that old lady who was here before!" She didn't recognize Kukurihime at first and gave her a knockout blow.

"Pfff." (Shinlua x Mizumi)

"O-old..." Kukurihime froze.

{O-old...} (Kukurihime)

"Mama said that you were one of those mean old ladies who do nothing but drink box wine and take care of cats 'cause you're lonely!" Alice stepped back.

"Oh, my fucking god!" Mizumi burst out laughing. "Akagi, you're so awful!"

{But that was great...} (Mizumi)

"I..." Kukurihime had no idea what to even say to such comments from the child.

"I think she broke." Shinlua was having a hard time holding in laughter as she watched Kukurihime break.

Alice's lips curled into a smirk. "Just kidding!" She started laughing. "Mama said no such thing. I just wanted to mess with you!" She walked up to the Oni and crawled onto her lap.

"THAT'S EVEN FUNNIER!" Mizumi started pounding on the table as she laughed, and Shinlua finally lost control of herself. Being slightly buzzed probably didn't help.

"Why would you do such a thing?!? I thought you were a sweet child!" Kukurihime shook off her shock and questioned her.

"I'm my mother's daughter. What did you expect?" Alice grinned.

"She corrupted you!" Kukurhime cried out in horror

"Maybe?" Alice thought for a moment. "Yeah, probably. But that's fine." She smiled.

"I knew that Demon was no good!" Kukurihime's eyes lit up with fire. "I shall save you, my child, no matter the cost!"

"Good luck." Alice laughed.

"I see that Akagi's child is just as feisty as she is." Shinlua was still giggling. "Though, I must ask what kind of saint the father is if he can put up with such a woman." This comment caused the entire room to quiet up.

{Did I ask something I shouldn't have?} Shinlua started sweating nervously.

"Alice is not Akagi's biological child, Shinlua." Mizumi decided to explain things. "She took her in during their time in-game, and formally adopted her as her daughter once they returned to Earth. Her biological parents are... are no longer with us."

"Oh...." Shinlua felt bad for bringing up the topic. "I'm sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories with my words."

"It's fine." Alice hugged Floofy. "Mama has been a great Mama to me. She's taken care of me ever since we first met..."

{I barely even remember my real parents anymore, and I don't even recall what their faces looked like....} (Alice)

"My poor child." Kukurihime stroked her head. "You've been through so much, haven't you?" She had a soft spot for children and didn't like to see them in pain.

"It's been hard, there were so many mean people that did bad things to me, but Mama has been nothing but kind to me." Alice said while her face was pushed against Floofy. "She saved me from the pain..."

"You love Akagi very much, don't you?" Mizumi asked. She'd sobered up slightly now that Alice was here, but was still drunk.

"Yeah!" Alice smiled. "Mama always plays with me every day, and she does everything she can to make me smile. Though I wish she'd let me do more for her..." She knew Akagi kept some of her own issues away from her. When she found out just how lonely Akagi was without Yumi, the girl yelled at her for not seeking her out. The Demon didn't like the idea of relying on her for support, but Alice told her that it was perfectly fine and scolded her for being stupid.

"I'm glad to hear that." Kukurihime smiled. "I can't say much about Akagi myself, but it's nice to see her taking such good care of you."

"Yeah, it's still strange to think the Demon Lord can be a loving parent." Mizumi sighed. "It goes against all logic."

"Mama... Mama's parents were awful people..." Alice said quietly. "They were terrible to her, and they hated her." She knew a small bit of Akagi's history, as the Demon had shared a bit about her own past to get Alice to open up. "The other day, Mama's Mama said something that made her sad... so Mama came into my room and hugged me while singing a song. Kana explained it to me later, but Mama was in a lot of pain..."

Kukurihime and Shinlua didn't really understand the situation and looked at Mizumi.

"Akagi's parents were, for whatever reason, aware that she was not human, and treated her as a pariah her entire life." Mizumi gave a bitter smile. "She was hated by her own parents, and that contributed to how bitter and twisted of a person she is today. It's... it's truly awful. Demon Lord or not, for a young child to experience such hatred is... is unacceptable." She shook her head.

{She's only told me a tiny fraction of the story, and I imagine it goes much deeper. I wonder if Vikes went through something similar?} (Mizumi)

"That's..." Kukurihime had no idea what to say. "To think that one could treat their own child in such a way." She shook her head. "I cannot even fathom such a thing. I've loved every member of my family, from my own son to my distant descendants. Hating one's own child for simply not being human is just..."

{What appalling people. She was a child who needed a loving family! Pushing her away for being born differently is just awful!} (Kukurihime)

"But it's all ok!" Alice smiled as she kicked her feet. "Mama has all of us now!" She smiled. "We all love her and support her so she's never alone again."

"That's good to hear." Kukurihime pat her on the head.

{I wonder where we fall in that? Does Akagi actually give a damn about me and the Spirits, or are we just toys for her amusement?} (Mizumi)

"The other day Mama and I had so much fun!" Alice looked over at Mizumi. "She was telling me all sorts of stories about your new home! She even showed me pictures! It was so pretty, and the people seemed really nice."

"Thank you." Mizumi smiled. The girl's warmth was infectious.

{I just hope Akagi really means it when she says that she wants this girl to always smile.} (Mizumi)

"Mama told me that after Serval is beaten that she'd take me to see the Spirit City." Alice smiled.

"I'd love to show you around." Shinlua chuckled. "It is a wonderful place."

"Mama said so too!" Alice's words surprised the Elf and Water Spirit. "She loved the whole place! She told me about all the people she met, and the things that she and Kana did! When she talked to me about it, she had the biggest smile on her face!" Alice giggled. "Mama seemed to like your home a lot, and she didn't stop talking about it for like a week! Mama said it reminded her of Antkellion, which was our favorite place to go in FWO. It was always busy, and the people there were so much fun!"

{Did she really enjoy herself that much?} (Mizumi)

"Mama even told me that she wants to make your home even better once she gets her country in the Summer." Alice said. "What was it that she said to me?" She thought for a minute. "Ahh, yes. She said. I want to make that world into a place where everyone can be happy!"

Alice's words again shocked Shinlua and Mizumi. They never expected Akagi to take such a liking to their home, and the idea of the Demon genuinely desiring the happiness of their people had never crossed their minds.

"I would love for that!" Mizumi giggled. "And I'll work as hard as possible with Akagi to make it happen."

"As will I." Shinlua smiled.

{Perhaps I've misjudged her yet again. Is it really possible that Akagi truly wants to make my people... happy?} (Mizumi)

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