The Red Hand

Chapter 92 – A Deal with the Devil.

Chapter 92 – A Deal with the Devil.


We hit 7th on trending again, so here is one extra chapter as a thank you!

A few days later.

Akagi stood in front of the RRT headquarters in Tokyo, the smile on her face showed just how happy she was that her plans were coming together. After Nagoya, Hishya informed her that the government wished to speak with her again, this time she'd be meeting with the new Prime Minster and a few other members of government. It seemed they'd grown desperate. After the battle of Nagoya, mass protests erupted across the country, and calls for international intervention only grew stronger. Akagi knew Libra's backers were making moves behind the scenes and their capture of sensitive government documents would leave Japan in an unfavorable diplomatic position at this rate, and the government knew it. In such a situation, Akagi was certain the government would cave to her demands, and she was more than happy to take advantage of their weakness. Though, in fairness, she'd been the one to guide things to such a conclusion. When Hishya called her the puppet master, she wasn't wrong, as Akagi'd been manipulating things behind the scenes, at least to some degree.

Birdy was useful in not only keeping tabs on Libra, but also as a voice to push them towards more radical action and Akagi encouraged her to stoke the flames of radicalism within Libra's members. While her agents that watched the RTT helped her read the political winds accurately so she knew just how much pressure to apply. Akagi truly was playing both sides of this conflict, though that was par for the course.

As she walked through the front door, Akagi found Mixu waiting for her in the lobby. "How's it going, vampy?" Akagi said as she walked in. "Keeping out of the sun?"

"Yeah, but staying away from running water is the much more inconvenient thing." Mixu rolled her eyes as she flicked a cigarette into a container. She was not actually vulnerable to any of the common vampire tropes, though she did prefer the nighttime. "Aoi is on a call with the PM and someone else. She told me to take you to our waiting room upstairs. We can chat for a bit while we wait, come on spooky." She motioned for Akagi to follow her to the elevator. The two entered and once the doors closed and the elevator began it's ascent, Mixu spoke up.

"Care to explain why I have a feeling that everything is going according to your plan? Something about how everything's playing out strikes me as too perfect for you." She looked at Akagi. “I know you don't just let things happen and this all feels like some long con you planned, like what you did in Nagorno. How much control are you exerting over both us and Libra? And don't try and sell me some crock about how you're not involved.” She'd known Akagi long enough to know that the Demon always had a plan or scheme in the works.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Akagi stuck our her tongue cheekily. "I don't control Libra. But if their actions are to my benefit, I have no qualms with exploiting that." She wasn't technically lying, since all her mole did was push some ideas and stoke tensions.

"I know you too well to believe that," Mixu said. "You had to know that attack was coming. No way in hell you missed that. Your intel network is too good for me to believe that you had no clue that Nagoya was getting hit. Hishya said you were unusually insistent on having her teleport into the city with that priestess of yours. She figured you set her up as a fun surprise for Libra since they wouldn't know she was in the city." Mixu had worked with and around Akagi long enough to know just how on top of things she usually was. She never knew how Akagi did it, but she always had perfect intel on the Assault Teams movements and actions in FWO.

"And if I did know?" Akagi smiled. "What of it? Do I have some kind of obligation to warn you? Are the lives of this country's people my responsibility? And as for Hishya, I might have placed her within Nagoya but she made the choice to intervene not me. I didn't force her to do anything."

"You really don't care about others, do you?" Mixu asked. “Do you truly see peoples lives as nothing more than pieces on a game board? Is this all just some sick game to you?” She wasn't exactly angry or upset, rather she was genuinely curious.

"I simply see things through a different lens than you, so don't misunderstand my intentions or feelings. I can assure you that I am not some uncaring monster that lacks empathy and compassion. I simply pick and choose who those feels are directed towards in a much more tight manner than a human would and I generally don't allow emotions to cloud my judgement. It might appear cruel, but there is no malice behind my actions, Mixu. I just calculate the cost and benefit to every situation. That doesn't mean I enjoy seeing people die, but if people dying gives me an advantage, so be it." Akagi shrugged. "Perhaps that's just part of who I am. Or it's because, as a Demon, most mortals are little more than food to me."

Mixu's skin crawled at that comment. "Please don't tell me you're actually going around and eating people's souls or something." The vampire was a little concerned. “I'd rather not have to deal with that.”

"Do you go around and drink people's blood?" Akagi asked in return. "At least without permission, I should say."

"No." Mixu shook her head. "I can, but I don't need to." Mixu didn't need blood to survive. It did make her stronger temporarily, and she did say it tasted good. But it wasn't required to survive.

"I'm the same." Akagi glanced over at her. "Just because I can, doesn't mean I do." Her lips briefly curled into a smile before returning to normal.

{Though, I won't turn my nose up at a meal if it would present itself to me.} (Akagi)


The elevator reached the designated floor, and Akagi stepped out followed closely behind by a slightly more nervous vampire.

"Oh hey." Superbia and Hishya were sitting at a small table chatting over some tea. This was apparently a break room for the team and they'd begun to customize it and improve it with some extra features.

"Hey, Superbia." Akagi waved. "I see you're up and around after everything that happened. Heard you almost died, oof."

"Yeah, the elixir and potion handled most damage. But damn is my body still feeling the exhaustion." Superbia had bags under her eyes. "But I guess that's better than dying, so I'll take it. I wonder why the effects are so bad?"

"That's because potions and magic accelerate natural healing, so it can take a lot out of you if the injury is severe," Akagi told her a bit about her research with Mimi on potions and magic.

"Yeah, Imp said something similar." Superbia gave a small smile. "I hate to admit this, but she's incredible. She took to medical stuff like it was nothing. I don't know whether I should be impressed or concerned that the mad scientist is able to understand biology, at this rate she might start making her own crazy experimental creatures."

"Well, she might have been getting a small amount of help from my dedicated physician. As for some Frankenstein monster creations, I would actually like to see it." Akagi chuckled.

"Ah, that's right." Mixu came back from the kitchen with a drink. "You have that Yuki-Onna. Name's Mimi if I recall." She took a seat on the couch. "Must be nice having someone so skilled at potion and elixir making on your side. Imp sucks at making those."

"Yeah, she's better at crafting items than brewing," Akagi recalled the last time the Imp tried to brew. It resulted in a massive explosion which took out one of Akagi's workshops. "Best keep her away from that stuff lest the RRT's HQ becomes a crater."

"Yeah trust me, I've been keeping an eye on her." Superbia groaned. "Even in the real world she's still awful at brewing." Imp was currently banned from trying any new potion related experiments without someone else to handle the brewing.

"Where's Excelsior?" Akagi asked. "I don't see that walking tank anywhere."

"He didn't want to be around you," Hishya answered. "So he left for a bit."

"Yeah, I suppose a devoutly Catholic man wouldn't really want to pal around a Demon." Akagi chuckled. "He doesn't have to worry, though. I don't burn when I walk in churches or touch holy water. So it's all good!" She'd actually tried just to see what happened.

"Dang, there goes my best method of beating you." Hishya joked. "Perhaps we should contact some Onmyoji? They could probably exorcise you since defeating Demons and Yokai is their forte." There were a few families and shrines that supposedly had spiritual powers, though whether there was any truth to that was unknown.

"I think you might need a wee bit more than some talismans and incense to banish me." Akagi winked, causing Superbia and Hishya to laugh. The four of them chatted a bit more before one of Aoi's aides came down the elevator and told Akagi they were ready for her. None of the other members were invited since this would technically be an off-the-books meeting and they had no reason to insist on joining.

After Akagi got in the elevator and departed, Mixu let out a sigh. "You weren't kidding, Hishya. I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest!" She was referring to Akagi's natural aura. "I mean seriously, what the hell was that? It was like some crazy dense power!"

"I told you." Hishya smiled. "The first time it hits you is quite intense."


Akagi was taken into a conference room on the upper floor where the meeting was going to be held. Aoi was sitting in front of a long table, next to another man who Akagi assumed was a translator, and on the wall was an array of monitors. On them were the Japanese Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Diet, and several other members of the Cabinet and Legislature. However, there was also one unexpected guest. Akagi figured the Americans would want a seat at this discussion, but having the President herself attend via video was an unexpected surprise, but a welcome one.

{I guess things just got more interesting.} (Akagi)

Akagi took her seat next to Aoi and gave an introduction before the meeting began in ernest.

"Good afternoon everyone. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Prime Minister, Members of the Diet." Akagi gave a polite bow. “My name is Akagi Dumetor. And Madam President, this is quite unexpected, I never imagined you would be here." She gave a polite smile.

"Yes, well, when I was informed of the events in Nagoya and that you'd be speaking with Prime Minister Nodoka, I figured it would be a good opportunity to speak with you myself. I've wanted to talk to you ever since your name came across my desk, so this worked out well. Though sadly the circumstances surrounding this meeting are anything but pleasant." President Rosewood answered. “Things have escalated quickly and so I wanted to handle things personally, hence my being here rather than a member of the State Department.”

"I'm glad to hear that the President of the United States has seen me as someone of interest." Akagi chuckled.

"I'd say you're more than just an interest. But I will save further discussion for after we are finished with the main topic of discussion. Mr. Prime Minister, we can begin when you are ready. I'll try not to take up too much of your time." President Rosewood looked to him.

"Thank you, Madam President, and thank you for coming Ms. Akagi." The Prime Minster continued. "I've been informed of your requested payment for assistance in the Libra matter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what you want is a twenty-square-mile area of land around your current residence to be given to you as a sovereign. You wish to have your own micro-state similar to the Vatican in Europe. Is that correct?" He asked.

"Indeed." Akagi nodded. "That is exactly what I want."

"Can I ask why?" The Prime minister continued. "What reason could you have for such a request? I fail to see what you could really gain from becoming the ruler of your own nation. Pardon my frankness, but you already operate independently of government oversight as it it, having your own nation wouldn't grant you much you don't already have, and it would only burden you. Would it not?" He was trying to figure out her reasoning, since his team couldn't figure out Akagi's goals.

Akagi thought for a moment before answering. "A few reasons. One, I do not wish to be ruled over by humans. Even if I don't operate under your laws, I am still considered a citizen of Japan, and that in and of itself rubs me the wrong way. Two, I wish to establish my new nation as a refuge for those who were affected by FWO. There have been cases of discrimination against survivors and I wish to take them in, not to mention that I have plans for expansion of my estate into a town and I'd prefer to perform that task as a sovereign not a citizen. Third, I am a bit of a vain person. So having the title of a nation's ruler is quite attractive to me, even if it is technically unnecessary. And fourth, let's just say it's in my very nature to rule over things, and this will serve to satisfy that craving." Her last point was given with a much sharper tone.

"I see." The Prime Minister thought for a moment. "Ms. Akagi, let me ask something. You said you do not wish to be ruled over by humans, but the other returnees seem to have no issue with it." He continued. "After all, even if your appearance changed, are you not still a human yourself? So I don't see why you would have different feelings on the matter."

"Pffff" Akagi let out a laugh. "You really didn't tell them Aoi?" She looked at the girl, who just shook her head.

"I couldn't exactly bring that up to the Prime Minster myself, and I figured you'd handle it better." Aoi gave a wry smile.

"Tell us what?" The Prime Minister asked. 

"That I'm not human." Akagi's voice distorted which caused everyone to flinch. "I'll spare you the details, but after some digging, I've found out that I was never a human, Mr. Prime Minister." Akagi's smile caused everyone's skin to crawl. "I am a Demon. That is not just some title or designation I've chosen, it's a fact. It was not FWO that granted me these powers, I've always had them, and they were just dormant until recently." Though technically FWO and the events regarding the transfer of power did impact her abilities to a point.

Gathering up some courage, President Rosewood asked. "How is that possible? This world has no such creatures, so I find it hard to believe that you could be some creature of myth."

"I have no idea." Akagi shrugged. "Some that I've spoken to have a few theories, but right now we've no concrete answer." Akagi grinned. "But I can tell you this. My kind are quite... bloodthirsty, and we view most mortals as little more than food. " She saw some question forming on peoples lip but continued anyway.

"Now, I am not one for mindless slaughter, and I usually refrain from killing unless given a reason. But as you saw at Camp Katsura, I am not above acting on those base instincts." Akagi laughed, which creeped everyone out. "If you give me what I want, I can promise you the swift and complete destruction of Libra. Though I have a caveat."

"What do you want?" The Prime Minister asked.

"A girl named Alice is among the members of Libra. She was the one who created those puppets." Akagi said.

"Yes, I recall seeing something about her in my briefings. What about her?" (PM)

"She will fall under my personal control rather than be terminated or captured by you," Akagi explained. "The girl has been quite broken, mostly because she was used as an illegal medical experiment by a prior government." Her statement caused murmurs among the member of the diet. "I have all the evidence and proof you could ever need on that front, and my agents can forward it to you once we've finished here. Getting back to Alice, due to her trauma and some events in the game. I've taken her as my adoptive daughter, and thus once Libra is handled. She will be coming to stay with me."

"You want us to just let free the person who killed tens of thousands in Nagoya!" One of the Diet members yelled. "How can we explain that to the public!"

"Not my problem," Akagi said. "All I care about is getting what I want. Besides even if Libra would be defeated by the RRT, I'd still step in to take Alice under my protection. So you're not losing out on anything by accepting my offer, since you'd never be allowed to try her as a criminal either way." Akagi smirked. She knew they couldn't stop her, so that threat was very real.

On top of that, the Libra member Birdy is actually my informant, a mole if you will. So she will naturally not be included in any request for termination.” Akagi explained what Birdy was doing and what she'd learned from infiltration.

“So that means you knew these attacks were coming?” President Rosewood asked. Her face showed a bit of irritation. “I suppose that means you chose to allow them to happen to give yourself a stronger negotiation position?”

Yes,” Akagi confirmed. “I have no obligation to help. So why not use things to my advantage? President Rosewood, you're intelligent enough to understand my actions without letting emotions cloud your judgment. I know it seems cruel from a human perspective, but on a purely logical level it makes sense. Why shouldn't I take advantage of the chaos to get what I want? Don't act like the United States or Japan haven't done similar things in the past to get their way.” Akagi shrugged. She was a student of history and knew just how cutthroat international politics is. If you want something, you do everything to make it happen, that's just how things worked.

“I suppose you're right.” President Rosewood sighed. “From a human perspective your methods would seem quite unpleasant. But I suppose if you are a Demon rather than a human, it makes sense. If I am to believe that you are one, your kind are notorious for scheming and plotting for their own ends. Though that does not mean I have to agree with your actions or your methods.” She couldn't exactly refute Akagi's point so she choose a more neutral path. “Though you understand that your attitude might cause concern or resentment within the government and population? I doubt people will be too happy if you keep acting like that.”

Who cares?” Akagi waved her off. “What you all think about me is irrelevant. I don't care if you all hate me. And if you view me as the greater evil and don't wish to work with me, fine. But that will be your loss, not mine. No matter what, I will get what I want, and its up to you to decide if you want our relationship to be amicable or not."

{I've never met someone who cares so little for what others around them think. She acts as if everything is already hers and we are simply a minor inconvenience. Is that because she's confident in her power? Or is it simply naivety and hubris? For the first time in my life, I can't tell.} (President Rosewood)

After some bickering between government members, the Prime Minister turned to Akagi and told her they would discuss this and give her an answer in due time, which she said was fine. One by one, they began to disconnect until only President Rosewood was left on the call. 

"Now that they're gone, and we have a little time, I would like to speak to you in private if possible." President Rosewood asked. “You've piqued my interest even more than it already was and I wish to learn just a bit more about you, if you don't mind.”

"Sounds good to me." Akagi smiled. "I've been wanting to talk to you as well."

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