The Red Hand

Chapter 242 – The Pudding.

Chapter 242 – The Pudding.


Merry Christmas!
Tournament will begin soon!

"And as we end today's sermon, let us pray for Our Dark Lady's grace." Misha stood before a small group of Akagi's clan, dressed in what appeared to be something akin to a darker version of a Shine Maiden's clothing. As there was no proper temple to worship the Demon quite yet, they were using a hastily constructed wooden building that looked similar to a Guardian Deity shrine with an underground prayer area.

"Let us pray." (Congregation members)

There were less than a dozen people in the small dimly lit room including Misha, and as they stood up from the small benches they were sitting on, they offered a prayer in Akagi's name.

“The Dark Lady protects us, guides us, and gives us warmth.” Misha started a small prayer, which the congregation repeated. “All who seek salvation must give themselves to the Dark Lady entirely, and in return she will fill your heart with her love and protect you from the unrighteous.” She clasped her hands together in prayer.

Meanwhile, the 'Dark Lady' in question was happily sitting on a large fluffy pillow at the center altar of the room, which was surrounded by flowers and lit candles. Akagi begrudgingly came to this night's sermon, mostly because there would be a small bit to celebrate the marriage between two of Akagi's clan members, the Elf Shora and the Wolfkin Ijin.

Naturally, she did not want to actually listen to said sermon and so disabled her hearing once things started. Akagi figured that if she couldn't hear the cringe, that the cringe could not harm her. However as Kana would later say, there was no escaping the cringe no matter how hard you tried.

Once things were finished Yumi figured it was time to awaken the almighty Dark Lady from her sleep. "Alright, kitty, it's time to get up." She walked over to the sleeping Catkagi and tried to rouse her. "Come on..." She started poking Akagi incessantly in an attempt to communicate the fact that she needed to awaken her.


After she was poked an inordinate number of times, one of Akagi's drooped ears perked up, indicating that she was paying attention.

{Cute!} (Yumi)

"Time to get up, kitty." Yumi continued poking her in the ears to ensure she stayed awake. "You need to say a few words for our newly married couple.” She got no initial response and so decided to play hardball. “If you don't then I'll be withholding the payment for your presence tonight." She smirked. Akagi had been coaxed into attending in large part because Misha was going to give her something tasty as a reward.

"Don't you dare!" Akagi sat up quickly and hissed at her, swiping at Yumi. "I'll fucking bite you if you deny my pudding!" Misha's family ran a confectionery, and one of the things they sold was a homemade chocolate pudding that Akagi had come to enjoy a great deal.


"Hmmm." Yumi thought for a moment as she pat Akagi on the head. "Perhaps bad kitties shouldn't get pudding?" She snickered.

"I guess I'll just need to drop you into my shadow for a bit. I did get a brand new tickle room all kitted out, and I need a test subject." Akagi threatened her with doom.

"Bad kitty!" Yumi lightly bopped her on the head. "No committing war crimes!" Akagi's tickles could be so bad that she thought they should be included in the Geneva Convention banned weapons list.

"But war crimes are fuuuuuun!" Akagi cackled as she imagined unveiling the tickle monster mark two. "Now prepare to be tickled, Yumi!" She wiggled her fingers in an attempt to scare Yumi, who just rolled her eyes.

"Lady Akagi, we're ready for your officiation." Misha interrupted Akagi and Yumi's silly time, much to Akagi's disappointment since she barely got to torment her Priestess.

"You're lucky, Yumi, but next time..." Akagi wiggled her fingers menacingly before hopping off the pillow and reverting to her usual appearance.

{I'll give you pets later, and you'll forget all about this...} (Yumi)

After getting herself presentable, Akagi gave a small congratulatory statement to the newlyweds, and while she refrained from making any overtly religious statements regarding their new union, the Demon could tell that those who listened to her saw the new couple as being blessed by her.

*Sad Catkagi whimper noises*

Once things were finished and everyone cleared out for the night, Akagi Yumi and Misha headed outside and into the exterior garden, where the Demon whined in Yumi's arms.

"Now, now. It's not so bad, so stop whining." Yumi giggled while petting Akagi on the head. "We all love you very much, so how about you just take it rather than complain about our love." She was enjoying seeing Akagi's reaction and thought it was nice to see her on the backfoot with torment for once.

"You're not the one who has to listen to people talk about how wonderful and amazing you are." Akagi hung between Yumi's arms, her ears drooping. "Do you have any idea how embarrassing you idiots are?!?"

"It's not embarrassing to us, so it's all good!" Yumi smiled.

"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" Akagi looked up at her. "I bet you like seeing me get like this."

"Never." Yumi denied her statement. "Though I might have a bit of a chuckle when you get embarrassed, but that's all."

{Where did my nice Yumi go?!?} (Akagi)

"What have I done to deserve this?" Akagi sighed.

"You have merely given us all hope and love." Misha commented. She'd changed out of her Priestess outfit and was now in normal clothing. "So I think it only right that we return that gift to you!"

"Yeah, she's right." Yumi smirked as Akagi hopped out of her arms and onto the ground. "Or are you denying our love?" She gave a very dramatic hand to the head, feigning shock and despair.

"Whatever." Akagi rolled her eyes before turning to Misha. "Now, where is my pudding? I require the promised reward!" She wasn't about to let this go since it was the whole reason she showed up tonight.

{It is kind of funny that the being who does not need to eat has become obsessed with food as of late.} (Yumi)

"It's in the fridge in the kitchen." Misha smiled as she pat Akagi on the head, eliciting a brief glare from Yumi.

"Then we shall go there!" Akagi began walking toward the kitchen followed closely behind by Yumi and Misha.

"Pudding! Pudding! Pudding! Pudding! Pudding! Pudding!" Akagi began banging on the table as Yumi brought said pudding out from the fridge. It was in a small bowl and Akagi eyed it up as it was brought over. "PUDDING!"


"No need to shout." Yumi sighed as she put the bowl and a spoon in front of Akagi. "It's not going to disappear or anything."

"You don't know that." Akagi snickered. "It might run away in fear of being eaten!"

"If it did that, then I'd just make you some more." Misha laughed. "I'm glad to see you like my Mom's baking, and she told me to thank you for all the extra business at the shop!" Ever since Akagi had gotten a taste of some of her family's treats, they'd been nearly overwhelmed with orders from her and the rest of the clan. Apparently, the little hole in the wall that they ran was quite an amazing little find, and Akagi was keen on securing as many sweets as possible.

"Your parents make all kinds of goodies." Akagi smiled as she looked down at the pudding before her. "And this stuff is the cream of the crop!" She'd always liked pudding, but this stuff was on a whole nother level.

"You're looking at it like it's some sacred dish." Yumi chuckled. "Is this perhaps your new favorite food?"

"Nah." Akagi shook her head. "That's still souls. Ain't no way your beating that." She recalled the taste of Rivenshaft's soul and drooled a bit. "Maybe we should acquire more? I am in the mood for some."

{Snacks...} (Akagi)

"Please don't start eating people's souls like snacks." Yumi sighed. She could tell what Akagi was thinking by the look on her face and didn't want to risk going down that path. "Be content with the sweets you get. Otherwise, you might consume this entire planet if you got the craving bad enough."

{Kitty eating snacks is cute. But kitty consuming all mankind's souls AS snacks, not so much... Well... Its still cute but my point stands!} (Yumi)

"It's fine. If I do get hungry for souls, then I'll just nibble on you a bit. After all, you're my snack." Akagi winked as she picked up Yumi's arm and gave a play bite. It took a minute for Yumi to catch her actual meaning which then resulted in her turning away in embarrassment.

{I both love and hate that she's gotten into that stuff more...} (Yumi)

"Just eat your pudding." Yumi sighed as she slid a spoon closer to the Catkagi, which caused Akagi to look between said spoon and Yumi several times.

"What?" Yumi asked, and Akagi continued looking between Yumi and the spoon. "Do you want me to feed you?" The Priestess asked with a sigh.

"BEEP!" Akagi beeped, which Yumi figured meant yes.

"I hate that I don't want to say no..." Yumi slid closer and picked up the spoon, and began feeding Akagi.

{This is far too cute... Damn me for loving this stupid cat... and damn me for enjoying this...} (Yumi)

{I NEED PICTURES!} Misha quick started snapping pictures with her AR device which she forwarded to Mika.

"Aww, that's adorable. Can I try?" Misha asked if she could also feed the Demon kitty but was quickly silenced by a death glare from Yumi.


{Yumi is so cute when she gets jealous.} (Akagi)

Yumi slowly fed Akagi the entire bowl of pudding while Misha watched with visible sadness on her face. The girl really wanted to feed her Dark Lady and Akagi laughed internally at how funny this situation was. Once the pudding was consumed, and Misha was delivered back home, Akagi and Yumi moved into the living room to relax, with the kitty curled up on the Priestess's lap.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Yumi asked as she pet Akagi's ears. "You made me feed you in front of Misha, and I'm pretty sure you know that killed the poor girl on the inside." Though Yumi was more than happy to see the girl tormented by being denied access to the floof.

{I am the most devoted! I shall not let anyone surpass me!} (Yumi)

"Why, in fact, I did enjoy myself." Akagi snickered. "And I did not make you do anything. I simply asked, and you obliged. If you didn't want to do it then you could've said no." She knew that there was no way in hell Yumi was going to pass up the chance.

"If I would've said no, then you would've gotten all pouty." Yumi sighed as she watched something on the news.

"Let's be real here. You were enjoying yourself as much as I was, Yumi." Akagi laughed. "Don't forget that I can read your biometrics quite easily, and you were quite happy." That was part of why lying to her was quite hard, as the body's own natural reactions to stress gave one's real feelings and intentions away.

"I have no comment." Yumi declined to answer. "Though I will not deny that you have me in the palm of your hand. Look at me now, sitting on the couch with you curled in my lap petting you to your heart's content." She giggled.

"As it should be." Akagi smiled. "As it should be."

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