The Red Hand

Chapter 235 – A Missing Piece.

Chapter 235 – A Missing Piece.

"Oh hey, Superbia." Kana waved at her. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." She'd never really seen the Oni in street clothing and almost didn't recognize her at first, even though the horns should've been a dead giveaway.

{She looks so different with her hair down like that. Also, I guess not wearing samurai clothes helps with that too...} (Kana)

"I mean, I am from Osaka." Superbia commented as the girls took a seat at an adjacent table. "I came to see my parents during my time off and I'm in and out periodically." She pointed to the two people sitting across from her. One was an older woman with short black hair and wearing a white and black sweater with jeans. While the other was an equally old man who wore a dress shirt along with a sweater vest over it along with dress pants. "This is my mother Aya, and my father, Mitsurugi." Her father was the head of her family and the owner of the Yoshida transportation company.

"Nice to meet you." Aya smiled as she waved at the girls.

"Likewise." Mitsurugi's face was rather expressionless, and Kana got the sense that he was a stoic businessman.

{He's kinda like Dad if he was a bit grumpier.} (Kana)

"I see that neither trouble makers is with you at the moment." Superbia noted that absence of Akagi and Hishya as she sipped her drink. “Its unusual for both to be missing with so many of you around.”

"Onee-chan is busy back at the house, though I did invite her to come along. While Hishya is staying with her parents, and they're doing some stuff together in Tokyo." Kana had originally been invited but once she was told that Hishya was going to some kind of knitting event she politely declined.

{I swear to god if she comes home with homemade pillows...} (Kana)

"I suppose that's for the best since either of them would undoubtedly cause all kinds of chaos in a place like this." Superbia laughed. "And when they get together, the crazy only ramps up significantly." She wasn't aware of Akagi's breakout of Elna at this point since she was on leave, otherwise she might've started interrogating Kana about Akagi's whereabouts more thoroughly.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Mika laughed. "Akagi is pretty much chaos incarnate. Especially in kitty mode."

"As if you're any better." Naomi poked her in the side.

"I never claimed to be." Mika smirked.

{Its fine when I do it since I'm cute!} (Mika)

"You don't normally stay in Osaka much, so it was a pretty big coincidence that we're all here at the same time." Yumi said as the waitress brought everyone menus. "You normally stay in Tokyo most days, but I know you come back here from time to time."

"I'm going to ignore the part about you spying on me." Superbia shook her head, figuring it wasn't worth it. "I came here to take my parents out to dinner. My father only gets so much free time, and I like to make a habit of seeing these two when I get the chance. Otherwise, they might get lonely without me around." She laughed.

"She says that, but Akari here always enjoys spending time with us." Aya teased her.

"Akari?" Mika didn't know Superbia's real name, as she'd only ever heard her go by her FWO name.

"That would be my real name. Though I don't really use it much more at this point." Superbia shrugged. "Most people just call me Superbia, and that's what's stuck."

{Plus... It was given to me by...} (Superbia)

"Ah, so that's why your sister was named Munechika." Yumi commented. In Japanese Akari could mean light, while Munechika, while not actually meaning darkness, was similar to moon when using romanji.

The use of her sister's name caused her to stop for a moment as she glanced over at Miji. Superbia had been informed by Akagi of the events that transpired within the Council Hall, and the Demon herself bluntly told her that she had the chance to reunite her with her sister, but chose to resurrect Miji instead. Naturally, this caused a great deal of anger to swell within the Oni, but she quickly realized that it would do nothing to harbor such feelings toward Akagi. The Demon was the one given the choice, and she had no obligation or reason to choose Munechika over the sister of her Bonded Soul.

"Moonie's name had nothing to do with the moon actually. I just called her that as a nickname." Superbia replied. "My mother's name is actually where the naming convention comes from since her name means moon." Superbia's lips seemed to quiver slightly as she spoke of her sister and both of her parents were clearly worried about her. Her sister's death had occurred many years ago at this point, but it was clear to the girls that the pain of that loss had not abated for one moment.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was that Hishya girl that killed those men that took my daughter from us." Superbia's father spoke as he looked over at Kana.

"Yes, she was. It was during the battle of Nagoya, and she stopped them from killing Superbia as well." Kana'd heard the entire story from Hishya in the days after the battle, and knew just how much Hishya kicked herself for not killing those two sooner.

{She still regrets it to this day... Just another thing that she can't forgive herself for.} (Kana)

"I've only rarely seen Hishya as angry as she was that day." Superbia shook her head. "I suppose she blames herself for Moonie's death since she stopped us from hunting them down like we wanted to." Hishya was concerned that a large portion of the team leaving to hunt Gim and Grim would weaken the Assault team, and she was wary of what might happen once more blood was spilled.

"I still wish it was me." Superbia said quietly. She wanted to be the one to kill them, and while she was happy that they'd died one way or the other, she still felt as if she was robbed of her vengeance. Though Yumi thought her comment could've easily meant something else entirely.

{I heard from Akagi that Superbia attempted suicide in the game once after her sister died... I'm worried that she still...} (Yumi)

"Yes. Well, the next time you see her..." Mitsurugi stood up and bowed. "Please give her my thanks, both for saving Akari and for avenging the death of Munechika." His formal bow shocked Superbia, who only ever saw her father act this way during work.

"I-I will let her know." Kana was taken aback slightly, as she pegged the man as a hardass. "Though I doubt she wants any such gratitude, seeing as she feels responsible for everything."

"From what I was told, her actions were taken to save as many lives as possible, and she was fearful that further bloodshed would only weaken the resolve of those under her command." Mitsurugi sat back down. "As a father, I wish she'd killed those men before my daughter was taken, but from an objective viewpoint, I understand her reluctance. Taking a life isn't easy, and I understand her hesitancy."

{Dad...} (Superbia)

"And to be honest, I don't think Munechika would've wanted Akari to cover her hands with blood." Aya chimed in. "She was never that kind of girl. Munechika was sweet, caring, and generally kind. I don't think she would like to hear that her older sister did something like that, even for her." She reached out and grabbed Superbia's hand over the table.

"I know." Superbia sighed. "But those two still had to pay, even if Moonie wouldn't have liked it." She clicked her tongue. "I still wish it was me who killed them, at least that way..."

{At least that way it would've given me some closure...} (Superbia)

"Superbia... I'm... I'm sorry." Yumi said weakly. She still felt bad that it was her sister that returned instead of Superbia's.

"Stop." Superbia shook her head. "There's no reason to feel bad. Just... Just do me one thing, please." She stared into Yumi's eyes. "Make sure you take good care of your sister, Yumi. You were given a chance, one that many others would kill for, so don't waste it. OK? Otherwise, I will be angry." She figured that if Munechika's return was denied, Yumi should at least make sure she cherishes the one brought back in her place.

{Its the least you can do...} (Superbia)

"It's a deal." Yumi smiled as she pat Miji on the head. "I'll make sure that Miji is given far more love than she could handle!"

"What are you two talking about, Sister?" Miji asked, not knowing the context of the petting, but being happy to receive it nonetheless.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Yumi smiled. “Just know that I love you very much.” She hugged her tightly for a moment.

"???" Miji tilted her head, still confused.

"It just means that you and your sister need to take good care of each other." Superbia commented. "And that you always need to love each other very much."

"Well, I love Sister lots already, so it's all good!" Miji gave a toothy smile as Yumi continued to pat her on the head.

"More than the kitty?" Mika smirked as she asked a question that made Kana roll her eyes.

{I swear to god if she says yes...} (Kana)

"Kitty is nice..." Miji thought for a moment. "But Sister is still better!" She hugged Yumi.

{That she had to think for a moment says a lot.} (Naomi)

{Mama is fluffy! Its understandable for her to hesitate!} (Alice)

The two groups continued their discussion over dinner, and it turned out that the food at this restaurant was as excellent as Naomi claimed. The girls ordered a wide variety of dishes ranging from scallops to swordfish, and everyone was quite happy with their meals. Once everyone had eaten, the girls gave their goodbye to Superbia and her family before heading back to their beach house for some well earned rest.

"Those girls seemed nice." Superbia's mother chuckled as they walked towards their car. "I'm glad to see you have such good friends."

"Friends might be a bit too strong of a word. I just mostly know them because of a certain trouble making Demon." Superbia sighed.

{Though... They are all nice people...} (Superbia)

"Regardless, it's nice to see you acting a bit less mopey. You're always serious like your father, and it's rare to see you laugh like you did tonight." Her mother smiled, and Superbia looked away from her in embarrassment.

{I hope that one day you can be as happy as you were when your sister was still with us, Akari.} (Aya)

"It's just... I..." Superbia didn't really know what to say. "Losing Moonie really took it out of me. She was always the one to bring me out of my shell and get me to laugh, and ever since she..."

{Ever since she died, part of me hasn't been the same, and I feel like half a person...) (Superbia)

"Akari." Her father cut in. "Your Sister's death... It affected all of us. She was a beacon of light in our house, and I miss her every day." He gave a bitter smile as he recalled the past. "No matter how bad of a day at work I had or how depressed your mother got over her job, Munechika was always there to bring us back up." He put his hand on Superbia's shoulder. "I've struggled with the loss of that light, but... but I've told myself that she wouldn't want us to be miserable just because she's gone." He shook his head. "That girl... She wouldn't want to see you in the state you're in, she'd be sad to see you in such pain, and I know that wherever she is, Munechika's probably screaming at you to smile. I know it will be hard Akari, but think of it this way..." He continued. "Your smile, your laughs, all of it... They are how your Sister continues to live on. So smile, laugh. If for no other reason, than because that's what she would've wanted." He pat her on the shoulder and pulled her into a hug. "Your mother and I love you, Akari. Never forget that. I don't care what you look like now or what kind of power you have, you will always be our daughter. Nothing can change the fact that you're one of my beloved children and I will always be here for you, now and forever."

"Your father is right." Her mother hugged her as well. "So, please... I know it will be hard, but try and smile, for your Sister."

"I... I'll try." Superbia was slightly flushed in the face. "I'll try..." She was teary eyed as she backed away from the two of them.

"Are you going to visit her?" Her mother asked if she was going to visit the grave.

"Yeah... I feel like I need to..." Superbia turned to leave but stopped just as she was about to leap away. "Mom, Dad... I know I probably don't say it enough but... I love you both too." She said as she jumped into the air and took off atop the rooftops of Kyoto.

"She really does take after you." Superbia's mother giggled as she got in the car. "Akari can't even say the word love while looking at us."

"Yeah, but she also takes after you in her devotion to her family." Her father laughed as he got in the car and started the engine. "I just hope that she can smile like she used to... At dinner tonight... That was the Akari that I remember... How she was all those years ago."

"I know... I know..." Superbia's mother put her hands on her husband's as they hugged in the car, each shedding a few tears as a picture of their family dangled on the rear view mirror. In it were two young black-haired girls that looked like twins, and the smile on their faces seemed to brighten the very air around them.

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