The Red Hand

Chapter 233 – Delivering the News.

Chapter 233 – Delivering the News.

While the girls were busy having fun at the beach, and Akagi was breaking out the single most wanted criminal in Japan, Mizumi, Kukurihime, and Shinlua descended the Council Hall's main staircase to speak with the jailed former Council members who were being held below. The three Spirits were being held in specialized cells and bound with magical restraints that rendered them unable to use their magic, and Mizumi wanted to deliver them a very important message.

"I...I still don't know if this is a good idea, Lady Mizumi." Shinlua said as the two of them moved past a guard. "The people are angry with them, but... Such extreme measures will probably not go over well."

{I know that ending their lives may be the best way to stop future problems, but I fear it also may CREATE problems for us as well...} (Shinlua)

"They might be angry about this decision, but I hope that in time they'll come to understand my reasoning." Mizumi replied as they reached the bottom of the staircase and veered off into an area that was far less grandiose than the rest of the Council Hall. "Our people's tendency to hold life sacred is admirable, but sometimes it's necessary to make exceptions." She'd steeled herself for this, but it still left her slightly uncomfortable inside.

{I used to advocate for the protection of all life, and here I am, about to cast three people into...} (Mizumi)

"There are times when it becomes necessary to put aside one's lofty ideals and face reality." Kukurihime commented, noticing that Mizumi was currently experiencing a torrent of emotions. "In the past, our kind used to fight each other relentlessly, and while I'm glad to see that our descendants have elevated themselves above our past, in my personal opinion, these three are getting what they deserve." She was none too happy to learn that the Council was planning on murdering/enslaving all mankind, and as a result, put their entire people at risk.

{How could they turn their back on their own people like they did? Dokorimon wanted peace between our people and humanity. Even if such horrors happened in that other world, I have no doubt that he'd NEVER agree with taking revenge, especially on a people who had nothing to do with it.} (Kukurihime)

As they entered the holding area, they were greeted by the sight of the three fallen Council members shackled to the walls of their cells in large long chains while massive iron barn kept them separate from each other. The floors and walls were covered in magical formations, and each had a different look on their face, ranging from anger to despair.

"Well, Well, Well, I see the Demons PETS came to visit us." Daruma scoffed as he glared at the three women. He was utterly embarrassed by Akagi's quick and easy defeat of him. Mizumi was hoping that he'd be injected with a bit of humility, but sadly that had no happened. "Come to gloat? To lord yourself before us? Well, if you've come to enjoy your victory, then I hate to disappoint you, but I'll never grovel before you!" He huffed.

{I'd sooner die than prostrate myself before them, or beg for clemency from a monster or its pets!} (Daruma)

"Still as arrogant and hot-headed as always, aren't you." Mizumi sighed as she shook her head. "I'm not here to gloat, anyway. I just wanted to speak to the three of you."

{At least one good thing about all of this is that Daruma will soon stop being a problem. Now if only we could get Muichiro in here. I have a feeling that an nice angry mob tearing him to pieces would be a welcome sight in the Central Square.} (Mizumi)

"What could you possibly wish to discuss with us?" Onmiyame asked, his face contorted into a deep scowl. "You've sold our people to a Demon. I hope you've not come to ask us to join your servitude, or perhaps have you come to seek advice on a rebellion?" He smirked.

{Mizumi has a leash wrapped around her neck like the good little pup that she is. I highly doubt she'd ever betray her master. I wonder what she was promised by that creature? Dominion over our people? Power? Some fun at night?} (Daruma)

"I'm not suicidal, thank you very much." Mizumi rolled her eyes. She figured that Daruma and the other two were still stupid when it came to Akagi, and his comments proved her right. "Akagi has already granted us a kindness by allowing us to live under her rule. I'm not about to take chances with our entire people, so there will be no talk of rebellion." She knew it would be both stupid and pointless to plot something like that. Not to mention, Akagi's people kept tabs on Omara and would instantly know if something subversive was going on.

{I suppose even after understanding that Akagi is a true Demon Lord, they still act like arrogant fools. I guess that's not surprising, considering everything we know about them. The amount of money they and their co-conspirators stole, the resources they squandered... and... the lives they...} (Mizumi)

"Then we've nothing to speak about." Onmiyame replied. "I have no wish to speak to a traitor to our people. You are nothing more than a collaborator, and mark my words you will be remembered as such in the future when our people are free." He was still sure that Akagi would be felled one day in the future.

{It may not be tomorrow, but one day our people will be free of that Demon and you, and you'd best be prepared for what comes then.} (Onmiyame)

"If you still think that taking down Akagi is either possible or in our people's best interest, then you are truly even more foolish than I believed." Kukurihime sighed.

"And who are you to speak of foolishness?" Onmiyame quipped. "You who stayed behind in that world and abandoned our people for humans have no right to judge me." He gave a derisive laugh. "I see for all your years and wisdom, you've become soft. No doubt because you need those wretched creatures to survive." He knew that Kukurihime was different than the other Spirits, and he felt that she was little better than Mizumi, especially since, from his point of view, she abandoned her fellow Yokai to be with humans.

{You have no idea what our people went through. You're just an old God Kukurihime, a relic of the past! Our kind have no need for human emotions, prayers or power to survive, so you should keep your mouth shut!} (Onmiyame)

"I no longer need them to live, Akagi saw to that." Kukurhime shook her head. Akagi had created a magical device with Imp's help that transformed magical energy into the power she needed to survive so Kukurihime would never need to worry about humans forgetting about her again. "But if you'll recall what I said during our first meeting, not all of our kind needed human prayer to exist in the firstplace, and many had fruitful relationships with them over the millennia." She herself had even bore children with a human, and it wasn't something unheard of among her kind to do so. “Humans are not our enemy. We warred with them in the pasts, and had points of conflict... But at the end of the day, we were the ones at fault for refusing to respect them.”

{We always saw humans as some kind of lessor. Even I was guilty of that in the past, and it was only after I met my husband that I realized just how similar we really were. Sadly it was too late to reconcile by the time most of our kind woke up to that reality an the only viable choice was to flee from our ancestral home.} (Kukurihime)

"You only say that because the humans never took anything from you!" Daruma yelled. "You've not seen the darkness within their hearts! So what right do you have to criticize our actions? We fought those bastards to save our people from destruction! Why shouldn't we seek to avenge the fallen?" He growled. “Don't the dead deserve to be avenged?!?”

"Two wrongs don't make a right." Kukurihime shook her head. She understood his anger, but knew that the path they wanted to go down was a dead end. "Killing and enslaving humans, even the ones directly responsible for all those deaths wouldn't bring our people back. Not to mention that vengeance is often a hollow thing, and it does nothing but drag people into ruin.” She'd seen plenty of her fellow Yokai as well as humans who destroyed themselves in the pursuit of vengeance. “Listen, I'm not saying that you don't have a right to feel angry, and I sympathize with all of our kin who feel the way you do, but even you must understand deep down that your path was nothing more than a way to drag all our people into darkness." She looked at him with a mix of pity and remorse.

{I know there was nothing that I could've done to prevent this... But for some reason I still feel like I failed... Dokorimon I'm sorry that our people had to flee from another home... Wherever your might be looking down from, I want you to know that I'll do everything in my power to ensure that our people never experience something like this again.} (Kukurihime)

"My people have a proverb, Elsna eteruna abskelon tu dekamon. Which means that Before You Embark On A Journey Of Revenge, Dig Two Graves." Shinlua explained. "You would've doomed our people to become that which you hated, Daruma, and as a result, the cycle of hate would continue. The humans would've one day risen up against us as you claim that we would do to Akagi, and in the end, our people would not survive.” She knew that no matter how powerful the Spirits or Yokai were, that humanity would one day drive them out again if they tried to oppress them. “We might've been able to temporarily subjugate them, but as we've seen, humanity cannot be contained for long." She shook her head.

{It was the same on Enoris. There are just too many humans. Dwarves, Elves and even Beastkin cannot compete with their numbers and what they lack in strength they more than make up for in their resourcefulness. In such a scenario it would be only a matter of time until they win.} (Shinlua)

"YOU have especially no right to talk, Elf!" Daruma hissed at her. "Your people helped to destroy ours! That you gained the favor of some of the rabble does not absolve you of the sins your kind committed!" He never accepted her as a 'Spirit' and only acquiesced to her placement on the Council due to her skill and public pressure.

"Shinlua fought to save us, Daruma!" Mizumi interjected. "She fought Shiroe Amakusa head-on, risking her life to buy us time! So don't you dare impune her character just because other members of her race were assholes!" She didn't take too kind to anyone talking down the Shinlua just because she wasn't a Spirit. “She's a far better person than you three and has always had our people's best interest at heart!”

{You're lucky that I don't strangle the life out of you right now! Had it not been for Shinlua nearly dying TWICE we might not have had enough time to escape Enoris! She was prepared to die in a last stand against Shiroe and the other Heroes!} (Mizumi)

"Hah! Figures you would side with her." Daruma scoffed as he looked away. "You've got quite the track record, Mizumi. Siding with those who aren't our kind."

"I side with those who have our best interest in mind!" Mizumi yelled at him. "Whether they're Spirit or not is irrelevant! What our people need its to be safe and secure! If I have to get the help of somebody outside then so be it!"

"And you truly believe that a Demon Lord has our people's best interest at heart?" Onmiyame could never believe something like that was true. "Do you truly think that such a being, one born to DESTROY sees all of us as more than just toys? That she wouldn't cast you and everyone else into darkness for entertainment?"

{You're naive Mizuimi. Our ancestors fought against Vikes all those millennia ago and I can assure you that there's nothing redeemable about a monster like that.} (Onmiyame)

Mizumi was about to go ballistic, but Before she could say anything, Kukurihime answered.

"Far be it from me to defend a Demon. But at the very least, I can tell you that Akagi has no malice toward our people." Kukurihime said with a stern voice. "I've met many evil beings over the years, truly evil beings, Onmiyame. And while I'll admit that Akagi has a great darkness within her, that is not all that she is." She shook her head. "In the short time I've known her, I've come to understand that for all the great power she has and all the bluster that she spews regarding her status, what she wants more than anything is to be left in peace."

{Not to mention that for all the bluster about throwing away her humanity and embracing her status as a Demon Lord, she still bears the scars of her past and they haunt her to his very day. Akagi may not be a human, but her mind can never be rid of its humanity entirely, and THAT'S why I think she can be a good friend and ally to our people. We may be a curiosity to her, but at the same time I no longer doubt her intentions toward us or our people. Time can do a lot to beings like her and I, but I do not think it can erase the kindness that I know exists within her heart.} (Kukurihime)

"So you say, but for how long?" Onmiyame asked. "How long until such a being tires of peace and desires violence and destruction?" He figured that Akagi would one day bore of them and start treating them like playthings.

"I don't know." Kukurihime shrugged, and Onmiyame twitched at the unexpected comment. "I have no idea if she'll one day bore of our people and start acting out. However, I see no reason to judge her on what she could do versus what she has done." She laughed. "And when I look at her actions up till today, I see someone that can be kind and caring, but also firm and forceful. Akagi had every chance to destroy our people but chose to give Mizumi the opportunity to prove that we deserved to live. She could've enslaved humanity but instead chose to co-exist with them, albeit with the understanding that she was above their laws. Thus, from my perspective, she's better than some of our kind that I knew in the past, and there were plenty of our people that used their power to lord over humans in the very way you lot intended to."

{There's a reason the Tokugawa clan created a special Yokai hunting family from their blood. Humans needed protection from those Yokai who went beyond what humanity could tolerate, and our eventual exile was the result of all those mistakes.} (Kukurihime)

"Whatever." Daruma huffed. "I'm done with this conversation. Just leave me to rot in this cell and go fuck yourself." He turned away.

"Fine. I have no real interest in talking to you idiots anymore either." Mizumi replied. "Though don't expect to 'rot' for very long." Her lips curved into a smirk.

"Oh? Why not?" Daruma asked with one eye turned toward her.

"Because I've asked Judge Musharna to order your executions as part of your punishment." Mizumi's words caused all three former Council members to stare at her in shock.

"WHAT?!?" Sizix finally spoke up.

{I DON'T WANT TO DIE!} (Sizix)

"Y-You'd seriously..." Onmiyame was in shock. Capital punishment was essentially banned by their people, even in the most extreme instances.

"Hah! You really have become that Demon's puppet!" Daruma laughed. "I guess it makes sense since she sees nothing as sacred. Congratulations Mizumi! You've really let that Demon take you for a ride!”

"Contrary to what you expect. Akagi was not the one who made this call. I was." Mizumi glared at the three of them. "I merely asked for her advice on the matter, and she told me to follow my gut." She looked between the three former Council members. "You lot have not only placed our people in great danger, but you schemed to commit an atrocity that would make what happened to our people look tame in comparison!" Her anger exploded as years of emotions came spilling out. "You three make me ashamed to call myself a Spirit! Not to mention the fact that despite all your claims about keeping our people safe, you and your cronies were stealing our people's resources for your backers! You three were living it up while many of our people had NOTHING!" She bit her lip in frustration. "None of you have any right to call yourself the protectors of our people when, from the very beginning, you've thought of NOTHING but yourselves! If not for your foolishness we could've avoided this whole series of events! Hymone secured a peace deal with the other races, and yet YOU THREE rejected it, thinking that it was stupid to accept something when you were CERTAIN we could secure a more favorable outcome. WELL, GUESS WHAT! YOU WERE WRONG! YOU WERE WRONG, AND NOW HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF OUR PEOPLE ARE DEAD! DEAD BECAUSE YOU THREE COULDN'T PUT ASIDE YOUR GREED FOR FIVE MINUTES AND PUT OUR PEOPLE'S SAFETY AS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY!" She let out a deep breath. Mizumi had wanted to yell at them like this for a while but never did due to decorum but with that no longer required she was letting loose. "And the best part? If it wasn't for Akagi, the rest of us would be doomed. Because those fucking Gods weren't content with driving us from our home. No, now because Enoris is a sinking ship, those rats are trying to find a way to flee, and guess what their idea was?" She gave a terrifying smile that gave everyone chills. "They're sending those Heroes here with the express goal of wiping us out and becoming the new gods of this world."

"W-What?!?" Onmiyame barely squeaked out one word.

{They're...} (Onmiyame)

“They're coming here?!?” Sizix paled.

“You can't be serious?!?” Daruma tried to pull away from his chains but was unable to move much.

"You heard me!" Mizumi growled. "Akagi is now the only thing that stands between our people and annihilation. So sorry that I'm trying to cultivate a good relationship with the ONE person who seems to genuinely want to help us!" She turned to leave. "Now, use whatever time you have left to contemplate the stupidity of your lives, and the next time I see you, it will be when they remove your heads from your bodies!" She walked away, tears coming down her eyes.

{This is what I have to do. I'm sorry, Hymone. I know you would've never wanted things to end like this, but please understand that I'm doing what I need to do for our people. If they all condemn me for this action, then so be it. Even if they don't want me, I'll always protect them. It was the job you gave me and the duty that has fallen to me, and I'm going to see it through to the end.} (Mizumi)

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