The Red Hand

Chapter 220 – Saving the Day.

Chapter 220 – Saving the Day.

"That was fun!" Mika smiled as the girls walked out of the karaoke studio. They'd spent a around two hours singing together, and they ended up having a pretty fun time together. "Naomi always gets into it, and nice to see our stick in the mud come out of her shell from time to time." She giggled, and Naomi pinched her nose, causing her to squeel.

"Stick in the mud. Sure Ms. Magical Girl..." Naomi glared at her before pulling her forward by her nose and letting go.

"Well, I thought your voice was lovely." Momo commented. “I didn't know you could sing that well, and it was a treat to listen to you.”

"Yeah, you can really sing, Naomi!" Himari's smile came through her words. "We should do that more often! It was nice to see Momo act normal and not stuck up like she usually is." They'd gotten the two Spirit girls to sing with them, and it turned out that neither was very good at it, though they seemed to have fun regardless.

"What do you mean, normal?!? I'm always normal!" Momo huffed, not appreciating the comment.

{I noticed you didn't comment about the stuck-up part, Momo.} (Kana)

"Momo is to Himari what Naomi is to me." Mika laughed. “And by that I mean, a massive kill joy.” She smirked as she laughed at her friend, who glared back at her.

"Naomi, please hit her for me..." Momo asked, and Naomi obliged with her fist.


"Owchi!" Mika rubbed the top her of head. "Why must you abuse me?!?"

{Why must my friends be so violent towards me?!? I'm too cute to get hit!} (Mika)

"Because you deserve it!" (Naomi x Momo)

"Mika, you have a habit of putting your foot in your mouth. So don't sit here and play the victim. You know darn well that you instigate your own abuse with your comments and actions." Kana stared at he friend who just started whistling in denial.

{You know full well what you're doing! You Magical Idiot!} (Kana)

As they were discussing what to do next, Mika's stomach growled loudly.


"Ah-heh-heh." Mika gave a nervous laugh. "It looks like all that singing made me hungry."

{Well either that or using my magic.} (Mika)

"I swear, Mika. You're even more of a bottomless pit than you were before." Kana sighed. "But yeah, let's go get something to eat. I'm starting to get hungry too, and the light snacks we had aren't gonna be enough for us." They'd each started eating more than normal, and Kana thought it strange that she could eat so much food and not gain a single pound.

{Darn you increased metabolism... But also, hurrah for calorie burning!} (Kana)

After agreeing on where to go, the girls began walking down the sidewalk toward a nice café they'd come to enjoy, it was along the main road in Kyoto, and only a few minutes away from where they were now. The girls chatted about various things as they moved toward their destination, and as they came to one of the intersections and waited for the light to change, the girls were shocked as they witnessed a nearly head-on collision between a truck and a small car.

"Oh my god!" Naomi cried out in horror.

{Is it bad that I immediately thought that someone got Isekai'd?} (Mika)

"Someone, no wait. I'll call an ambulance!" Kana scrambled to dial for help on her AR device. "That looked really bad! Mika can you-" She turned to where Mika was standing a moment ago, but noticed her friend had mysteriously disappeared. "Where did she- NO!" Kana called out for Mika, but it was already too late to stop what she knew was coming, as a moment later her friend reappeared, this time as Magical Girl Star Guardian.

{Noooooooo...} (Kana)

"Magical Girl Star Guardian is here to help!" Mika leaped overhead, jumping into the scene of the accident. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there." She landed next to the small car, which had been partially crushed by the larger vehicle.

{They seem to be alive, but they've got serious injuries!} Rather than carefully opening the wrecked vehicle, Mika decided to tear the car apart with her bare hands, ripping the doors off and pulling out the three people inside in quick succession.

"W-Who are you?" The older woman that she pulled out of the wreck was woozy, and going in and out of consciousness. Her head was partially bloody, and it was clear that she had suffered from a concussion.

"I'm a Magical Girl, and I've come to help!" Mika smiled as she sat the woman on the ground. "Now, let's get those injuries healed up!" She put her hand on the woman's head. "Pain Pain Go Away!" She gave a small, and very unnecessary, chant as she channeled power just like Akagi showed her earlier that day.

{I hope I can do this right! Akagi said I just needed to imagine my power healing wounds, so I hope this works!} (Mika)

As she concentrated, a bright blue light flowed around the woman's head, originating in the palm of Mika's hand, and a moment later all her cuts, bruises, and other visible injuries faded. She seemed to still be confused and disoriented, but it was clear that her had condition improved drastically. "All done! Now let me get the other two, and then I'll help the man in the truck!" Mika quickly zipped to the little girl and the older man who she pulled out of the car, performing the same magic on both of them.

"A real Magical Girl!" The little girl squeaked in joy as she looked at Mika.

{Now that's the reaction I wanted!} (Mika)

"Yupper! That's what I am!" Mika smiled as she pat the girl on the head. "Now, just wait here like a good girl. I need to go save the-" She stopped mid sentence as her eyes spotted a small fuel leak from the tank the truck was carrying. It was leaking what looked like diesel, and it was getting dangerously close to a small flame that was coming from what looked like exposed wiring. "I need to hurry!" Mika moved at high speed picking up the family and dropping them off next to Naomi and Kana. "It might explode! Keep back!" She yelled at Kana who was on the phone with emergency services to get away before it went boom.

Kana wanted to say something, but didn't have the chance, as before she could say anything, Mika had zipped over to the truck's cab. The man inside was conscious, but clutching his chest tightly, and he was in visible pain

{Did he have a heart attack?!?} Out of the corner of Mika's eye, she caught the sight of a flame shooting up the trail of fuel, and she knew she had to act fast. In a flash, she tore the door off the truck's cab, threw it aside, and pulled the injured man out before dropping him next to Kana. "I'll try and make a shield with my power, but everyone GET BACK!" She screamed at the onlookers who all started running as they could see the danger.

Time seemed to slow down for the Magical Girl as she looked at the approaching flame. Her heart pounded so loud that she figured others could hear it, and her entire body was starting to sweat. After pulling herself together, Mika channeled power into her wand, creating a starry barrier around the truck and car, and a moment later, the fire reached the large tanker...


A massive explosion went off inside the barrier, but thanks to Mika's quick actions, it was unable to cause any further damage. The Magical Girl was visibly tired from holding the barrier together but was otherwise unharmed.

{U-Unbelievable! Since when could Mika act like that?!?} Kana figured that Mika wouldn't have the mindset to actually act like a Magical Girl from an anime, so her quick decision-making genuinely surprised her.

"Heh-Heh." Mika took a few deep breaths. She wasn't actually very tired physically, but the mental exhaustion finally hit her. "I think it's safe. We're good..." She let the barrier down before healing the man she plucked from the truck. She wasn't sure this would work for a heart attack, but it probably couldn't hurt.

"Did you call an ambulance?" Mika turned to the girls. "I healed everyone, but I still think they should get checked out by a real doctor." She knew healing magic caused exhaustion and wasn't perfect, so caution was needed.

"Y-Yeah, I did. That was... That was actually pretty cool..." Kana was slightly embarrassed that she doubted her friend.

{I guess Mika CAN actually do something other than just act goofy.. Now I feel like an ass for thinking she was just going to play around...} (Kana)

"It's all in a day's work for a Magical Girl!" Mika smiled as she twirled backward into the road. "Everyone the people from the crash will be fine, and an ambulance is on the way!" She declared proudly and with a massive smile as she took a very Magical Girl pose.

The onlookers stared at her for a moment before one older man started clapping, after which everyone else started clapping and cheering.

{I suppose this is Mika's debut, and what a debut it was.} Naomi smiled. She was similarly impressed by her friend, and like Kana, felt bad for doubting her.

Once EMS arrived, Mika explained what happened and told everyone that she was Kyoto's very own homegrown Magical Girl. People seemed to have all kinds of questions for her, and the family that she saved thanked her profusely. Some wanted to talk to her more, but she decided to leave before any media could arrive, and after a few minutes, she flew into the air and took off, ostensibly because she needed to be elsewhere, but the girls knew it was because she wanted to stoke mystery about her on the internet.

A few minutes later, Mika reappeared behind Kana and Naomi in her usual appearance, giving them a wink and a nod as she blended back into the crowd. Which caused both girls to giggle a bit.

With no reason to stick around, the girls slunk off down the road before anyone got an ideas about questioning them, and as they were still hungry, they went to their original destination. Kana told Mika she'd pay for her food, and congratulated her on a successful debut, which caused Mika to blush a bit out of embarrassment. She'd just acted on instinct and still couldn't believe that she managed to do all that.

Inside the café, everyone was talking about the appearance of a real Magical Girl in Kyoto, which only caused Mika to blush more now that the adrenaline of the moment wore off. Some people in the café were speculating that she was a returnee, while others thought that perhaps Magical Girls had always been real and that this was just the first confirmed sighting.

{You know, if this world DID have them, it wouldn't be that surprising. We had real Onmyoji and Yokai, so why not fucking Magical Girls from the Kingdom of Sugar, Sparkles and Kindness...} (Kana)

Social media was on fire, with an absurd number of people speculating who this mysterious Magical Girl was, while others were praising her for saving that family. Overall impressions about Mika seemed positive, with most commenting that she was a welcome change from the 'trouble making' returnees.

Besides the occasional eavesdropping on other diners, the girls' meal went largely without issue, and Kana and Naomi took this opportunity to both praise for saving those people as well as to poke fun at Mika for her very Magical Girl entrance and naming conventions. Once they were finished, they decided to head back to the estate for the night. However, before they could even get a block away from the café, they were stopped by an unknown orange-haired woman who carried a blade at her side.

{I know Onee-chan has a metaphorical bingo card that lists of all the crazy things she think might happen, and I really hope this doesn't tic one off...} (Kana)

"Excuse me." Halifax stopped them after they exited the café. She'd been drawn to the girls as a result of their magical signature, particularly Mika, and was waiting for them to finish eating before talking to them. "Do you have a moment to speak with me? I promise you that this is important."

Kana felt that something was off and told Himari to be ready in case a fight broke out. "Do we know you?" Kana asked, placing herself between Halifax and her two friends.

"No, and please forgive me for failing to introduce myself first." Halifax smiled as she realized that it was bad form for her not to explain who she was first. "My name is Halifax, but most call me Hally. I was sent to find people who could help me on an important mission, and based on the fact that you three have magic while others in this place don't, I figured that you might be my best bet." She decided to be upfront and honest with the girls, since she needed help.

{Halifax? This girl looks like a returnee, but that name was not on the list of them. I wonder who she is? Its clear she's not normal, and walking around with a blade like that in the middle of Kyoto isn't something people do normally.} (Kana)

"There's a small park up the road. Can we talk there?" Kana pointed up the sidewalk.

{Better to fight her out of the way, and not drag people in. I just hope it doesn't come to that.} (Kana)

"Sure. Can you lead the way?" Halifax nodded, and the four of them began walking up the street.

Kana silently told her two friends to get ready to run at a moment's notice as they entered the park, and they nodded nervously.

"So what do you want with us?" Kana asked as she turned to face Halifax. “You mentioned something about a mission and needing help.”

"Yes, well. First off." Halifax turned to Mika. "That was an excellent job, your control over magic could use some work, but you did well in saving those people's lives."

"W-What are you talking about?" Mika's eyes darted back and forth, as she tried to deny being the Magical Girl in question. "The Magical Girl saved those people, not me." She gave a nervous laugh.


"Oh, are you trying to hide your power?" Halifax kicked herself internally. "My bad. I could tell it was you since your magic power was the same. Sorry..."

{I hope that I didn't just cause a massive problem...} (Halifax)

"It's fine, just don't tell anyone else, please." Mika pleaded with her. "I really want to keep this a secret from as many people as I can."

Halifax nodded.

{I assume she needs to keep her power secret from her family or others who might harm her.} Halifax came to the wrong conclusion, but that wasn't really important.

"I assume magic isn't well-liked in this world then?" Halifax asked, figuring that the lack of magic may have given rise to fear of magic users.

{This world? I don't like the use of that phrasing here...} (Kana)

"It only recently appeared, so people are uneasy about it, but it's not taboo or anything." Kana flicked her finger and made a small flame. "Naomi and I can use it as well, though you probably knew that already."

{I wonder if the Spirits had anything to do with that? They are quite gifted in magic, so it would line up.} (Halifax)

"So again, what do you want with us?" Kana asked her again, this time with a bit more force in her words.

Halifax gulped. Something inside her told her that angering this girl was not a good idea, and the fact that Kana's magical energy was intermixed with Demonic/Dark power made Halifax hesitate momentarily. "I'm not sure if you'll believe me, but I'm actually from another world." She figured this would be very hard to explain, and likely not something anyone would believe

"I believe you." Kana nodded.

{I kinda figured that from some of the words she used, and it would explain why I've never heard of her before.} (Kana)

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't-" Halifax paused, only now realizing that Kana hadn't rebuked her claim. "Wait! You actually believe me?!?"

{SERIOUSLY?!? Who just believes it when someone says they're from another world?!?} (Halifax)

"Well yeah. You aren't the first otherworldly person I've met." Kana shrugged. "Plus, you said this world, so I kinda figured it out from the start." She was a bit too sharp to miss that.

"Well...Then that makes things so much easier..." Halifax let out a sigh of relief. "Getting straight to the point, could you please tell me where to find the most powerful people in this world? I need to speak with them immediately, it's an emergency."

{Of course it is...} (Mika x Naomi x Kana)

"Do you mean power as in political power, or actual physical strength?" Kana wanted clarification, since there were many meanings to that term.

"Both actually, but mostly things like magical power." Halifax answered. "This world is in danger, and I need to speak with those who could defend it from the impending threat."

{Why am I not surprised...} (Kana)

"If that's the case, then you're looking for my sister." Kana sighed as she answered. "She's both the most powerful person in this world, and also the leader of her own nation."

{And also. Why does this kind of thing keep happening?!? Can't we go five minutes without a world ending threat?!? We just had TWO in the span of a year!} (Kana)

"R-Really?!?" Halifax was surprised by her words. "Y-You're serious?!?"

{That sounds way too good to be true! What are the odds I find the sister of the most powerful person on this world?!?} (Halifax)

"She's not lying. Akagi is the most powerful person in this world." Mika smiled, though she was still a bit nervous. "And she just got her own country last month. There was a whole party and everything." She enjoyed the pasta made by Marshal the most out of everything.

{Last month?!?} Halifax shook off her shock, and decided that questioning things would only cause further headaches. "Then could you please arrange a meeting for me? If this person is truly as powerful as you say, then they are likely who I need to speak to."

"Well, we were already on our way back to her now, so let me call Yumi and see what she thinks." Kana pulled up her AR and called Yumi to get her opinion.

{Why me, and why do I have a bad feeling about this...} (Kana)

"Hey, Yumi. Yeah its me." Kana spoke to her over the call. "We've got a umm... situation..." She proceeded to explain what happened, and while Yumi was apprehensive about bringing an unknown person to the estate, she ultimately agreed.

{Communication magic? But I don't detect anything...} (Halifax)

A few minutes later, Yumi appeared next to the girls in a flash of light. "I assume this is the one you told me about." She said as she glared at Halifax.

{Teleportation magic?!? They were able to summon someone like that so easily?!? What kind of person just has that type of magic on standby?} (Halifax)

"Yeah, this is Halifax." Kana introduced the orange haired girl. "She wants to talk to Onee-chan about something important, and I've got a bad feeling about it..." She sighed, knowing that there was likely more fun in the near future.

"If she really is from another world, then I've got an idea what this is about already." Yumi sighed, since Akagi had already explained her concerns about future threats from the world the Spirits fled from she figured that and this girl were connected. "I've already informed Akagi that someone has requested an audience, and she is waiting at the estate."

"I appreciate this." Halifax gave a wry smile. "I know this is probably a strange situation, so I'm grateful for your cooperation."

"Just know this." Yumi turned to Halifax, her eyes growing sharp. "If you dare to harm anyone in our home, you will not be granted the chance to regret your decision." Her warning sent a chill down Halifax's spine.

{This girl is scary even though her magic isn't that powerful. I'd best not anger her.} (Halifax)

"I have no quarrel with your leader, and I swear that my intentions are peaceful." Halifax smiled.

"If that's the case, then you've nothing to fear." Yumi summoned her staff and tapped it against the ground transporting all of them to the front of the estate in a flash.

After they arrived, Halifax took in the sights and sounds of the Dumetor Estate and was pleasantly surprised by how nice it looked.

{This place... I assume this is the... Palace? It's different than I would have expected, and it reminds me of the Spirit's architecture. Perhaps this Akagi woman is a Spirit? But I've never heard that name before, and the energy this place exudes... Why does it feel familiar?} (Halifax)

"Girls, please wait in the living room, and Ms. Halifax follow me if you would." Yumi began walking toward the house, and Halifax followed closely behind.

"How much you want to bet something bad is going to happen?" Mika side-eyed Kana.

"I'll give you a thousand yen if nothing of note comes of this." Kana sighed.

Once inside, Yumi escorted Halifax through the hallways until they reached a set of sliding wooden doors.

"Lady Akagi is within here. Please be respectful, and I'd advise against putting your hand on that blade at your side." Yumi slid open the doors, and Halifax walked inside where Akagi was sitting on a raised tatami mat while smoking her Kiseru. She'd transformed out of cat mode and was in her usual outfit when Halifax approached her.

"So you are the one who wished to speak with me?" Akagi stared at the woman, who was currently frozen in place, her face contorted in rage and disgust as she finally understood why she recognized the dark energy that surrounded the estate.

"Y-You! YOU'RE A DEMON LORD!" Halifax drew her blade and pointed it at Akagi.

{Well, that escalated quickly...} (Akagi)

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