The Red Hand

Chapter 218 – Magical Girl Star Guardian!

Chapter 218 – Magical Girl Star Guardian!

"Owch!" Kana cried out in pain as she pinched herself on the cheek. "Oh darn, it's not actually a dream. I was hoping this was all just some horrible nightmare, I'd wake up in my bed, and Mika wouldn't be this."

"Yeah, I was about to pinch myself too. This is... I guess I should've expected this, and perhaps on a subconscious level I did, but seeing it in person..." Naomi was wide-eyed as she looked at Mika.

{Why is she so CUTE?!?} (Naomi)

"What's the matter, are you stunned by my Star Power and adorableness?" Mika smiled as she started giggling, but then quickly stopped in confusion. "Huh? What's up with my voice? Why do I sound funny?" She noticed that she had a bit of a higher-pitched voice, and that she didn't sound like normal

"It's not just your voice that changed, Mika." Kana sighed as she walked over to her friend.

{I have the urge to hit Onee-chan so hard for this...} (Kana)

"When did you get so tall?" Mika was about the same height as Kana normally, but now she barely went up to her chest. “Even Naomi seems taller than me now...”

"I didn't get tall. You got short, Mika." Kana wiped out a small hand mirror and gave it to Mika, who looked at her new form with surprise and awe.

"I'M SO CUTE!" Mika exclaimed as she stared at her reflection. "And I'm a loli?!? That's amazing! Look at me! I'm so small and cute!" She said while spinning around in place.

"Why did you make her look like a middleschooler?!?" Kana glared at her sister in disapproval.

{Do you have OTHER tastes that we need to discuss?!?} (Kana)

"Because Magical Girl's are always like this." Akagi smiled.

{That's not an answer!} (Kana)

"This is so cool! I look like some kinda cute kid version of me!" Mika smiled. It seemed she enjoyed her new appearance, and was giggling uncontrollably.

"She's so cute..." Yuzu gulped as she stared at her newly adorable girlfriend.

"Y-Yeah." Suzu agreed. The two sisters were practically drooling.

"No lewding the loli." Akagi looked over at them and gave them a stern warning.

{I don't need you idiots doing something stupid just because Mika is cute.} (Akagi)

"We wouldn't do that!" (Yuzu x Suzu)

"Suuuuuure you wouldn't." Akagi didn't believe them for a second, noting that their eyes SCREAMED lewd.

{You'd take her into the bedroom and do unspeakable things to her. Though knowing Mika, she'd probably be into it...} (Akagi)

"I can't believe that's really Mika." Naomi went over and poked her short friend in the cheek to confirm it was real. Mika's face was very squishy, and Naomi couldn't believe her hands when she touched Mika's face. "You're like the same size Hishya used to be, though maybe a bit shorter" She continued to poke Mika, who giggled.

{Ok... This is unfair... Mika is way to cute... and her skin is too perfect and soft...} (Naomi)

"Thank you, Akagi! This is amazing! I'm finally a Magical Girl like I always wanted!" Mika squeed in happiness.

{Ever since I was a little girl, I'd dreamed of being a Magical Girl and saving people, and now I can do it!} (Mika)

"Don't mention it." Akagi chuckled. "Just make sure to use your newfound power for good, and don't go around causing trouble!" She figured unleashing Mika on Kyoto would be hilarious, and she was eagerly awaiting whatever chaos would come from this event.

"Oh god that's right. She's gonna run around Kyoto like this, isn't she?" Kana groaned as she imagined Mika playing hero. "Please don't go causing chaos..."

"I don't cause chaos!" Mika protested. "I am a Magical Girl! I protect the innocent and defend peace and harmony! And besides, would a face this cute cause trouble?” She pulled out puppy eyes, which didn't work on Kana.

{And yes, it would. I know a certain equally cute cat that ALSO causes trouble.} (Kana)

"I'll believe it when I see it." Kana shook her head.

“Meanie!” Mika puffed her cheeks, which caused Yuzu and Suzu to start giggling.

"What can Mika actually do like that anyway?" Naomi asked about Mika's abilities. "I assume it's more than just a transformation. So can she like fly and use more powerful magic?"

"I can sense a large amount of magical power flowing within her body." Momo commented about Mika's power. "It seems that item is amplifying her power a great deal, and at present, she likely has more magical power than Kana." Momo's revelation stunned the other girls.

"What?!?" Kana exclaimed. "Why would you give Mika that much power?!?"

{WHY?!?} (Kana)

"Because what good is a Magical Girl who can't save people and fight the forces of evil?" Akagi replied as if she hadn't just given Mika the power to level city blocks.

{Besides, Mika won't to anything too bad with that power... I hope...} (Akagi)

"Oh man, my vision is kinda weird." Mika commented as Kana argued that Mika had too much power. "It's like everything is in ULTRA HD, and everything is so sharp." She looked around the garden and started down at the grass. "I can literally count every single blade of grass. That's so crazy, I can even see the bugs."

{It kinda makes me woozy...} (Mika)

"With that much magical power, your senses have likely been upgraded a great deal." Momo explained. "I'd imagine you can do much more than just see better, though it may take some time for your body to get used to it. So be careful in the mean time."

"So now that you've successfully transformed, do you want to test that power out a bit, Mika?" Akagi asked with a massive smirk on her face.

"YES!" Mika replied with no hesitation.

"Good. I've got just the thing to help us out then." Akagi's shadow appeared behind her and dropped a massive boulder in the garden. "Give this thing a punch with all the power you can muster. That will set a nice baseline and show us just what you've got!" She figured this would be comical.

"Is that a good idea?" Kana asked her sister, skeptical of this whole thing.

{Its gonna explode, isn't it?} (Kana)

"Don't worry. This is me we're talking about. Since we do I have my friends do unsafe things?" Akagi waved off her concern.

{Shall I get out the list?} (Kana)

"Alright, let's do it!" Mika walked over to the boulder and pulled back her fist before shouting. "Fist of the North Star!"

{She already made a name for the attack?!?} (Kana x Naomi)

Her fist crashed into the boulder letting out a minor shock wave. At first, it seemed that nothing happened as the bolder only moved slightly, but a moment later, cracks appeared across the giant rock, and it crumbled into a pile of broken rocks and dust.

"I SMASHED IT!" Mika cried out in victory. “IT TURNED TO DUST!”

"What kind of crazy did Onee-chan unleash..." Kana groaned.

{…} (Kana)

"Did you guys see that?!?!" Mika started hopping around with a massive smile on her face. She was so proud of herself and absolutely giddy "I smashed that big boulder into nothing! With just one punch too!"

{So does that mean we should we call her One Punch Mika?} (Kana)

"Yes, we saw." Naomi shook her head in exasperation. "That was very impressive, Mika."

{I'm honestly not sure how to react to all this.} (Naomi)

"Now to smite the evil Demon Princess!" Mika pointed her wand at Kana at started cackling in a manner a bit too evil for a Magical Girl. "You evil rein of terror ends today, Demon Princess Kana!"

"I've done nothing evil!" Kana protested being labeled as evil.

{That smirk on your face makes YOU seem like the evil one Mika!} (Kana)

"Scary Kana must be exorcised for the good of all mankind!" Mika exclaimed. “I shall defeat you once and for all, and protect the world from your tyranny!”

{I guess since Scary Kana is kinda 'Demonic' Mika isn't exactly wrong per se. Though I'll keep that to myself, since Kana might hit me again...} (Naomi)

"I hate this..." Kana hung her head in defeat. "I'm having an actual Magical Girl threaten to destroy me and save the world from my darkness..." She'd basically given up at this point.

{I should have never let Onee-chan go through with this.} (Kana)

"It's so cute seeing her like that." Chloe smiled. "It reminds me of myaster when she does funny things. Maybe Mika can start being cute too!" She was tempted to pet Mika on the head, but knew Yuzu and Suzu would freeze her in ice if she tried.

"Wait!" Mika cried out, after apparently thinking of a good idea. "This means that Akagi and I can be cute together now!" She rushed over and hugged the Catkagi. "It's even better when I'm this small! You're so fluffy and soft!" She squeezed her tightly.

{FLOOF!} (Mika)

"MEW!" Akagi meowed in happiness as she was hugged. "I'm glad you like it, and I can confirm what Naomi said, as you are indeed very soft too." She'd made sure Mika was a perfect a Magical Girl as possible, and part of that was making her skin soft and supple.

"Oh great. So does this mean Mika is gonna stay like this from now on?" Kana sighed as she imagined the craziness of Magical Mika and Catkagi being permanent fixtures in the house.

{At this point, Mika is going to become just as bad as Onee-chan...} (Kana)

"Well, it will only last for a few hours with the amount of magic she's got." Akagi laughed as her ears were pet by Mika.

"And I wouldn't do that anyway." Mika objected to Kana's comment. "Staying in Magical Girl Mode all the time would cheapen it, so I'll use it sparingly." She figured doing it too much would ruin the fun.

{I've got my doubts...} (Kana)

"I wouldn't mind spending some time with her while she's like this." Yuzu pulled Mika away from Akagi and hugged Mika from one side.

"Indeed, she's too precious. I could see us enjoying some alone time together like this" Suzu hugged the Magical Mika from the other, pinning the girl between the two of them in a very procovative and suspect manner.

{Ohhh boy... Mika is really living the harem life here...} (Akagi)

"Eh-heh~" Mika's face contorted into a perverted smile as she began to giggle. She might not have gone that far in her relationship with the two Yuuki Onna, but this was always going to be enjoyed.

"That's not a face that a Magical Girl should be making, Mika." Naomi rolled her eyes. “At least not ones from regular Magical Girl stories...”

{At this point, its just a matter of time before Mika is the second one of us to become 'impure.'} (Naomi)

"Yeah. Perhaps she should be called a Magical pervert instead of a Magical girl?" Kana grinned.

"Just let her have her fun you two, and stop being killjoys." Akagi rolled her eyes at them. "Anyway, Magical Mika, let's go test out some of your powers." The Demon's words snapped Mika out of her stupor, much to the disappointment of Yuzu and Suzu.

{You two can have your fun with your Magical Girlfriend later.} (Mika)

"Sounds good!" Mika smiled, and before departing she gave her girlfriends a kiss on their cheeks, which caused both women to go bright red, before bouncing to a nearby clearing. "Alright, what are we doing?"

{I swear I can see smoke coming out of their ears...} (Akagi)

"We need to test your ability to control all that power." Akagi walked over and stood across from her a few dozen feet away. "We made it so the magical power channeled via the compact works with imagination and thought, so if you can envision your magic taking form or effect it should work." She explained how the Magical Girl magic worked. "So try imagining an attack, then throw it at me. I need to see just how good you can control it."

"Alright, here I go!" Mika concentrated for a moment before a bright light appeared above her wand. It formed into the shape of a five-pointed star, and once it was ready she hurled it toward Akagi. "Star Breaker!" Mika let out another attack name as it crashed into Akagi, creating a minor explosion.

{I like how she didn't even hesitate to blast Onee-chan. I know that nothing can really harm her, but still... Damn Mika, that's some absolute ruthlessness. Even I can hesitate during training.} (Kana)

"Not bad." Akagi smiled as she pushed away the dust kicked up by the attack with some pressurized air. "Now try and do that in rapid succession. I want to see just how fast you can channel your power, and for how long."

It took a few tries, but in no time at all Mika was able to rapidly channel magic and form her 'Star Breaker' attack. She seemed to be quite good at manipulating magic, and Akagi figured this had everything to do with the girl's excellent imagination and creative mind.

{She's probably a born genius when it comes to using her mind for imaginative purposes, which isn't surprising knowing Mika.} (Akagi)

"If you told me even just a few months ago that I'd be watching Mika transform into a Magical Girl and hurl magical star attacks at your sister, I'd have recommended you get mental help." Naomi facepalmed as she watched this whole series of events. “Is this our life now?”

“It was the moment you two came with me to the hospital last year.” Kana shrugged, having gave up on sanity for now.

"Hey, I think it's cool!" Himari commented. "Mika looks amazing in that outfit, and her attacks are stylish! Not to mention she's so cute I just want to pinch her cheeks!" It seemed that the very immature Himari was a fan of Magical Girls.

"Of course, you would find her cool..." Kana sighed. "You're basically a Magical Girl already, aren't you?"

"..." Himari went quiet for a moment. "I GUESS I AM!" She exclaimed. "And I'm even better because I'm literally made of magic, and so is Momo! We're Magical Girl Sister!" She declared proudly.

"I am not a Magical Girl, and neither are you!" Momo protested.

"You are a girl made of magic, thus Magical Girl." Himari's smirk was audible.

"Pfff." Kana tried to hold in a laugh. "That's actually kinda funny."

“Yeah, she has you there, Momo.” Naomi was similarly laughing.

“You both are just terrible...” Momo sighed.

As the two discussed whether Momo and Himari were Magical Girls, they were interrupted by Mika's shout. "LOOK!" Mika cried out. "I'm flying!" While the girls were talking amongst themselves, Akagi had instructed Mika on flying with her magic. "WEEEEEE!" She began flying in circles above the garden. "THIS IS AMAZING!" She did all kinds of flips and tricks as she soared in the air. “I'M ZOOMING!”

{She flies now...} (Kana)

"Just be careful not to run out of magic while flying, unless you want to find out what skydiving without a parachute is like." Akagi laughed.

"That sounds not fun." Mika said nervously while hovering in the air. "How do I know how much magic I have left anyway?" She asked. “Is there like a gauge on the compact or something?” She looked at her wand, but that showed nothing of the sort.

"No there's no mechanism to tell you directly. Rather you'll get a feel for it, but I can tell you you're fine for now." Akagi said. "Let's continue working out all the kinks and get you used to that power, and then we can have our fun." She cackled.

{Why do I have a bad feeling about this?} (Kana)

"Mika, are you actually going to act like a Magical Girl and be a hero?" Kana looked up at her friend who was flying.

{Thankfully that outfit doesn't allow people to get up skirt views. Otherwise she really would be the Magical Pervert of Kyoto.} (Kana)

"Of course I am!" Mika nodded. "What else would I do with this power and cute face? I plan on flying around Kyoto and saving people like any other Magical Girl! I shall defeat the forces of evil, and bring peace to Kyoto!"

"And your parents are ok with this?" Naomi asked a very important question.

"They said it was fine as long as I don't break curfew." Mika laughed, as she had already cleared that hurdle in advance.

"Of course they did..." (Naomi x Kana)

"I can't wait to make my debut!" Mika squealed. "Social media is gonna go nuts over the appearance of a mysterious Magical Girl! I can't wait to see how they react to me! I bet everyone will call me cute!" She was very excited about that last part.

"Are you actually gonna do the whole secret identity thing?" Kana asked.

"Yeah! That's a big part of the fun!" Mika smiled. "I can hide my secret from the masses while my trusted friends and allies know the truth! Why wouldn't I take that opportunity?!?" She figured it was a once and a lifetime chance to live secret double life, and that she'd be a fool for not taking it.

"So you're just being chunni..." Kana shook her head in disapproval.

"It's not chunni since it's real." Akagi pointed out the difference.

“Exactly!” Mika nodded. “I am a Magical Girl, Kana! So its not some delusion that you have because your immature and used the internet too much!” She seemed to be speaking from experience, but nobody had the desire to ask about her black history.

"That doesn't make it much better..." Kana groaned. "Just don't go causing me trouble.”

{This is Mika. So she's going to cause us trouble, and laugh while she does it, Kana.} (Naomi)

"I can't wait to save Kana from some kind of danger, and she has to pretend not to know me." Mika laughed as she zipped around in the air.

"I think Kana can save herself." Naomi pointed out that she was already quite powerful on her own, and Kana wasn't hiding her magical powers.

"True, but it would still be funny." Mika continued to laugh as she zipped around.

"Well I can't wait for the phone calls from the RRT to come in." Akagi chuckled. "They're gonna be like: Where the fuck did a real Magical Girl come from?!?" She mimicked Aoi's voice as she imagined her giving an angry phone call.

"I'll have you know that I was born from love and the power of friendship!" Mika giggled.

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