The Red Hand

Chapter 202 – Politics and Tournaments.

Chapter 202 – Politics and Tournaments.

"Listen, Yanaga. I know that your constituents are kicking up a storm over this transfer, but it's already a done deal." Prime Minster Nodoka spoke to an older woman via video call. She represented the residents near the area marked for transfer to Akagi, and both she and they were displeased by the prospect of the land being given away to form Akagi's new nation. "This was agreed upon by my government as part of the deal to end the Libra Crisis, and I've already been politely informed that attempting to renege on said promise will result in all of Japan being subjugated by the Demon Lord."

{That Priestess's eyes were  terrifying when she told me what would happen...} (Nodoka)

Yumi had not so subtly threatened the annihilation and subjugation of Japan if they attempted to weasel their way out of turning over the land. Akagi didn't want to have to do something like that, but she wouldn't tolerate someone failing to pay her what she was owed.

"My constituents utilize that territory for a variety of purposes, not to mention the historical importance of several monasteries within those mountains." Yanaga replied. "There might not be many people who live in that area, but Mr. Prime Minster, I urge you to explore other options. Turning over such land should never be an acceptable option, and I assure you that our people won't stand for it." There was already some unrest and resentment within Japan at the transfer, though many were terrified of enough to keep quiet.

"I'm sorry, but we've already concluded negotiations with her team last week, and it's done." Nodoka shook his head.

"Then I hope you understand that you will be unable to count on my support within the Diet, either for your reelection to Prime Minster or some of your other proposals!" Yanaga disconnected angrily.

"That's the twenty-second person to say something like that to me this month." Nodoka sighed. "At least most aren't within the coalition, but this whole series of events has only served to cause serious fractures within government." He looked down at the documents on his desk. There was to be a small ceremony in Tokyo, where he and Akagi would speak about peace, friendship, and cooperation between their two peoples. However, the Prime Minster felt nothing but gut-wrenching sorrow over this turn of events. Having to tell the Emperor that part of core Japanese territory would be given away, something that had only ever happened once in their nation's history, was the worst day of his entire life.

"Why the hell did it have to be me?" Nodoka put his head into his hands as he leaned on his desk. "When they talk about me in the history books, I'll be nothing more than a weak Prime Minster who was in power during one of our lowest points since the 1990s." He sat in complete silence for what felt like hours until the next meeting time came.

*BZZT* A notification came over his internal system, followed by his Secretary's voice. "Mr. Prime Minster, your one o'clock has arrived. Should I have Mr. Mugunaka escort Ambassador Gladwell to your office?" He asked.

Nodoka took a deep breath, stood up, and adjusted his tie. "Yes, please let him in."

{I never thought a day would come when the Americans were less of a pain in my ass than someone else. But I guess life is just full of surprises.} (Nodoka)


<Mizumi POV>

After the formation of the Dominion of Omara, Mizumi and Shinlua had been working overtime to get everything in place and calm the population. Things had remained mostly peaceful, with a few sporadic instances of violence and disorder. Currently, the Water Spirit was reviewing a mountain of documents that Akagi had provided her a few days ago. It seemed that the Demon had been busy drafting policy changes, governmental and bureaucratic restructuring, and an extraordinary number of reforms that covered all aspects of government. Mizumi couldn't believe how detailed each proposal was, and she questioned how Akagi had the time to create so many memorandums and statistical analyses.

"I've barely even put a dent in this pile of paperwork..." Mizumi put her head on her desk in defeat. "Akagi... why did you unload all this work on me?!?" She ruffled her hair in frustration as she looked at the massive pile she had yet to even start. "And why the hell did you have to give me so much to do?!?" She picked up one of the packets titled Financial Reform: Book 1. "Just look at this thing! It's the size of a textbook, and each page has more words than a University tome!" She put it back down, causing it to slam on the desk slightly.

{I can't exactly be mad. Everything she's provided has been perfectly tailored to our needs, and certain things like education and monetary reforms were desperately needed. But damn is annoying having to be the one that does all this! I wasn't supposed to be a politician and do all this paperwork, but I guess this is my life now...} (Mizumi)

Naturally, Akagi wasn't just coming up with these things on her own. While the Demon was pouring a lot of effort into the documents she drafted, Akagi was mostly pulling from Earth's history to find what kind of changes were needed in Omara, and then tailoring them to its specific circumstances. On top of that, Kana had taken an interest in policy drafting and had been helping from time to time, and she was proving to be quite talented.

"I need a vacation..." Mizumi groaned.

"You've been busy for like five minutes, so what are you complaining about?" Akagi suddenly appeared in front of her desk, spooking the Spirit and making her jump.

"EEP!" Mizumi squeaked in surprise as the incarnation of evil and snuggles appeared in her office unexpectedly. "I thought I told you not to do that!"

"You did indeed." Akagi smiled. She wasn't going to stop anytime soon, and Mizumi knew that.


"Please don't tell me you're here to drop more work on me..." Mizumi groaned as she pointed to the massive stack of paper on her desk. "I've already got enough to deal with, and we lack the relevant personnel to handle even half of what you've already given me." Most of the Council's former staff had either been fired for their connection to the corruption, or resigned in protest. Some did stick around, but it wasn't enough to handle the current workload.

"I just came to check on things. The reports I'm getting can only tell me so much, so I decided to come in person and see how things were going for myself." Akagi smiled.

{Also I wanted to scare you, but that was a secondary reason, probably.} (Akagi)

"Well, I don't really have anything interesting to tell you." Mizumi stood up and stretched. "Things are moving along, albeit quite slowly. Our system was never meant to handle such rapid changes, and there aren't enough qualified or trustworthy people to handle governance at the moment."

"I can't do much on that front." Akagi shook her head. "My people don't really have the skills or training to handle that kind of work, but..." She thought for a moment. "We did just get in a newcomer that might be able to help with this problem though. Tsuchimi used to be an administrative assistant before FWO, so she would probably be able to help, though that means taking a human onto your team." She wasn't sure if that would be doable at the moment with current tension.

"At this point, I'll take anyone I can get to help us." Mizumi said as she moved in front of the desk. "If anyone has a problem with her just because she's human, I'll politely tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine." She sighed.

{Not to mention doing anything to one of Akagi's own people will provoke her wrath, so lets not...} (Mizumi)

"Then I'll talk to her. I suspect she'll be glad to have something to do instead of sitting around all day. At least this way, she's making progress in her life again." Akagi nodded. She'd talked to her before, and got the sense that Tsuchimi was basically at the end of her rope, so she figured giving her something to do would be for the best.

"Are things really looking bad enough that former players are fleeing to you?" Mizumi asked. She knew there was some turmoil in Japan, but wasn't really sure how bad things were.

{If people fleeing to the Demon Lord's domain, that can't be a good sign of things...} (Mizumi)

"Birdy and my team have been keeping an eye on things over these last few months, and the closer we get to the formal handover, the worse the public's attitude is getting." Akagi laughed. "We're estimating that at least one hundred people will seek entry within the first few months, and that number will likely go up as the years drag on."

"Just don't go sending scores of people into Omara." Mizumi said. "We're not prepared to handle any significant human presence at the moment." She knew that while things were calmish, an influx like that would only bring trouble at the moment.

"Don't worry, I'll be keeping most of them at a small village at the estate." Akagi had already started preliminary city building plans and was busy drawing up more. "Once I create a stable gateway between Omara and Earth, my plan was to have them commute, since that would reduce the risk of conflict."

"I think that will work, but can I please request that any returnees you bring in be prioritized to the exploration teams?" Mizumi wanted to send people beyond the barrier to better understand the wider world, and players would be much stronger than the Spirits she had.

"That was the plan." Akagi winked. "I figure between exploration and dungeon delving, that should keep most of them satisfied. Not to mention I've got a fun plan to celebrate the creation of my Kingdom."

"Your plans almost always result in headaches..." Mizumi didn't like it when Akagi started getting ideas.

{Her plans are almost always at other's expense...} (Mizumi)

"Don't worry! This one will be fun!" Akagi smiled. "You see, I've decided to kick things off with a contest of strength! I think a tournament would go a long way towards creating some sense of familiarity between Omara and Earth, so I'd like to invite the Spirits to participate as well." She always enjoyed such occasions, and loved participating in tournaments, so there was nothing else she wanted to do more for her nations opening celebration.

"A tournament?" Mizumi tilted her head.

"A contest of strength and will! We'd pit fighters against each other to see who comes out on top." Akagi explained. “We'll get returnees and Spirits to duke it out for entertainment!”

"There are plenty of 'powerful' Spirits, but returnees are much more powerful than any of us." Mizumi didn't see the point since it would be a guaranteed loss.

{Shinlua is probably the most powerful of us and she was still unable to defeat that Hero girl, and I'd wager those Heroes don't hold up well against most returnees when it comes to raw power.} (Mizumi)

"If it were only a test of power and nothing else, you'd be right." Akagi grinned. "But the thing is, tournaments have rules, and a smart and skillful person can win via Technical Knock Out rather than just beating their opponent into submission." She planned on making ring-outs a part of the rule-set.

"I mean, I'll advertise it, but don't expect many people to show up." Mizumi shrugged.

"Even if the reward is worth it?" Akagi smirked. "I think people will be quite pleased with the reward for coming out on top!"

"Well... a good enough prize might get people interested, but won't Hishya kind of auto-win this thing?" Mizumi asked. "She's powerful enough to go toe to toe with Serval, and none of the other returnees come close to her power. Skill and tactics can only go so far against and opponent who's overwhelmingly powerful.” Akagi felt like that comment was being directed at her, but didn't care.

"Hishya's participation isn't guaranteed." Akagi shrugged. "But I'd ban Dragon mode if she does get in. It's too powerful, and she'd probably kill people using that level of strength." She was worried Hishya might squish people unintentionally as well.

{Though I do hope she does enter, that way I can see my little Warlock use her full power.} (Akagi)

"Yeah, Dragons tend to be bad at holding back. In our old world, they were a bunch of arrogant pricks who thought they were better than everyone else." Mizumi pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. She'd dealt with a few over her life and had always had a bad time with them.

"Well, I guess it makes sense why Hishya became one then!" Akagi laughed.

{Now it all makes sense! She was always a Dragon at heart!} (Akagi)

The two then discussed a few other important topics before the Demon turned to leave.

"Oh yeah, before I forget." Akagi reached into her sleeve and pulled out an item before tossing it to Mizumi.

"What is-" Mizumi looked at the square box in her hand, and her eyes went wide. "The Anchor!"

"That's the real one too." Akagi smiled. "You risked your life for your people and have proved yourself trustworthy over this last year. So take it. It's not like I need it anyway." She snapped her fingers and disappeared as she laughed.

"S-She really is just..." Mizumi was exasperated with the Demon's antics, but couldn't help but smile. "Thank you... and I'll do whatever I can to ensure you were right to put your trust in me."

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