The Red Hand

Chapter 180 – It’s Raining Ceiling Fans.

Chapter 180 – It’s Raining Ceiling Fans.

"WOOOO!" Eris let out a wail while chugging down another potion. "Oh man, that fucking hurt so bad that I actually passed out!" Her rage had worn off causing the massive amount of pain being suppressed to hit her all at once, hence her collapse. “What a rush!”

"You scared the heck out of me!" Ayame smacked her on the back of the head. "I thought you died!"

{Don't go living through FWO just to die in some stupid match with Hishya!} (Ayame)

"Don't worry about it." Akagi waved her off. "If she died I'da just did to her what I did to Misha."

"Please don't. You already corrupted one poor girl with your Demon power. We don't need more." Hishya sighed. She'd taken a bit of damage and was drinking a potion as well.

"We welcome all those who are willing into the one true faith!" Yumi started laughing hysterically.

"I'm good." Eris gave wry smile. "I don't need Akagi brainwashing me into being some religious zealot who worships her."

"I don't want that either, so we're good." Akagi laughed. "Also, it's not brainwashing, it... umm... I know it looks like it, but it's not I swear."

"Surrrrrreee it's not." Hishya rolled her eyes. "I bet one of these days I'm going to wake up happily sacrificing some poor goat to you on an altar."

"Goats are too little to satisfy me." Akagi chuckled. "But if you'd offer up some human souls, that might go a long way toward gaining my favor."

She and Hishya looked at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"I swear, those two are nothing but trouble together." Superbia sighed. “I don't know how it was in FWO, but I imagine this isn't new.” Hishya'd told most of her friends the truth about her personality and history with Akagi by this point, and while some were upset, most had forgiven her and moved on.

"I know, right? I can't even tell what their relationship is at this point. Are they friends? Enemies? Mutual pains in the asses?" Mixu laughed.

"I'd say, friends. Those two have always been like this, at least for as long as I've known them." Yumi smiled. "They honestly kind of remind me of siblings at times."

{Like Miji and I...} (Yumi)

"I can see it." Zephiria nodded. "They can fight like cats and dogs, or do silly things like this. It's kinda cute actually."

"I still can't believe that she was able to not only predict the exact number of moves until Eris was beaten, but was able to give a play-by-play of events before they happened." Ayame shook her head in disbelief.

{What kind of insane bullshit is that?} (Ayame)

"I honestly didn't believe her, but yeah..." Excel sighed as he walked up next to her.

{With that kind of power...} (Excelsior)

"I've been working for her for a while, and even I was surprised by her ability." Birdy gave an exaggerated shrug. "She's always been scarily good at predicting her opponents, but I always assumed it was just due to her good intel collecting. That she can literally calculate the future like this is just..." She smirked. "It just makes me even happier that I hitched my wagon to her train."

"From what I've been told, you didn't exactly have much of a choice in the matter." Excel was not aware of the specific details surrounding Birdy's service to Akagi, and, in fact, Birdy hadn't told anyone what made her swear fealty to Akagi, even Hishya was rebuffed when she asked her.

"Honestly, it's nothing that special." Birdy laughed. "She helped me out when I needed it the most, and that was that." She shrugged. "It's not really a story worth telling."

{I owe her not only for saving my life, but also for helping me give some payback. I suppose that I can understand why some would be interested, but in reality, it's not a very interesting tale. Besides, it was for nothing more than my own satisfaction, and I know Dad wouldn't have liked it...} (Birdy)

"So, are we all good now?" Akagi asked while looking between Eris and Hishya.

"Yeah." Eris smiled. "A deals a deal. I might not be thrilled with it, but Hishya can be in charge of handling Serval."

"Good." Hishya walked over to Eris and stuck out her hand. "I look forward to working with you again." She smiled. "It will be just like old times."

Eris laughed as the two shook hands. "If it's going to be like old times, does that mean I'll have to bail you out of certain death?" She'd saved Hishya's life quite a few times during the time they spent together.

"Sure. If a meathead like you's good for anything, it's taking hits." Hishya chuckled.

"Great!" Akagi smiled. "Make sure you deal with the Dragon in a manner that is entertaining for me." She turned to Hishya. "I expect a climatic battle between you two with a beam struggle, an epic heartfelt struggle within, and a dramatic death sequence."

"Oh, is that all?" Hishya asked sarcastically. "Are you sure you don't want me to defeat him with a hand tied behind my back? Perhaps I should swap Sun Strike for a spoon?"

"Hmmmmm." Akagi thought for a moment. "Nah." She waved off those ideas. "Maybe later, but for now, it's not needed."

"So you're going to handle Rivenshaft?" Minazawa asked. "I know you'll probably be fine, but is it really alright to fight him on your own? He was the Lord of all Demons and the second most powerful World Boss." She wasn't exactly worried for Akagi per se, but was wary of Rivenshaft.

"Without their damage nullification, the World Bosses are much easier to handle." Akagi had explained their missing strength prior. "However, even if I had to fight both Serval and Rivenshaft at the same time, they'd never stand a chance. What I can say is that I don't know if my Consumption would instantly work on them, since I cannot estimate their exact power. But I suspect it might." She shrugged.

"You sure you don't want to swap?" Hishya nudged her. "I mean, come on. A world-ending Dragon is much cooler than a Demon Lord." Hishya's little joke was not so funny to Akagi.

"He is not a Demon Lord, Hishya." Akagi's sudden vocal distortion and anger caught everyone off guard. "My apologies." She took a breath as she calmed down. "Just please never call something that is not one of my kind a Demon Lord again. No one may claim that title without having been born with it. Rivenshaft's title is the Lord of all Demons, NOT Demon Lord. There is a big difference between the two, and even the so-called Demon Lord from FWO's lore was not one of my kind. Not to mention that I would exterminate him if he were real for daring to take such a title." Her little rant was a bit more passionate than expected, and everyone froze for a moment.

"I see..." Hishya didn't know how to react.

{Why are you so stubborn about the stupidest things?} (Hishya)

"I guess that's a button one shouldn't push." Eris gave a nervous laugh.

"I simply take pride in what I am, and I won't tolerate any usurpers or pretenders. Being a Demon Lord is a privilege granted to only a select few, and I won't have anyone tarnishing our names or reputations." Akagi huffed.

"'Reputation' sure." Hishya sighed.

{I really don't think any of that matters, but you do you.} (Hishya)

"Getting back on topic, we should get started on planning. We've got everyone here already so let's get to work." Hishya swapped to leader mode. "I'll start picking out teams, setting up objectives, and going over roles and expectations." She turned to Akagi. "Can we use some of the rooms at the estate?"

"I figured you'd ask that so I had my staff handle all the prep work. We've got a planning room ready in House 5 and ya'll are more than welcome to stay in the guest rooms in House 7" Akagi's estate had been expanded a bit more recently with extra buildings. She did so to allow potential refugees and new citizens a place to stay until city planning and construction could be finished.

"Oh, you figured? Not predicted?" Zephiria giggled at her joke.

"No, but I do predict that a ceiling fan is about to crash onto your head." Akagi said with a glint of evil in her eyes.

"Ceiling fa-" Zephiria didn't even have time to question Akagi's words before she was smashed in the head with a ceiling fan that seemed to come out of nowhere, knocking her out cold.

"I've always wanted to do that joke, but never got the chance." Akagi burst out laughing.

"Is it bad that I know what show that's from?" Superbia was struggling not to laugh.

"No, since it's funny even without the context." Mixu was also holding it in.

"Will she be alright?" Aoi asked.

"Here, let me check." Birdy walked over and poked Zephiria in the side with a stick.

"Ughhhh..." Zephiria groaned in pain.

"She's alive, so it's fine." Birdy smiled.

"Where the hell did that even come from?" Ayame looked into the sky, but saw nothing which could have dropped it.

"This is Akagi we're talking about. She probably just formed it above her head or something stupid..." Hishya sighed. "Please don't start dropping objects on people for your own amusement."

"So the amusement of others is fine?" Akagi asked coyly.

Rather than retorting, Hishya just glared at her.

"Now I feel like I need to carry an umbrella when I'm around Akagi." Shimari laughed nervously.

"Can make-create anti-ceiling fan umbrella!" Imp laughed.

"We could even give it grenade-launching features!" Daikael chimed in.

"Yes-yes!" Imp and Daikael cackled before being smacked on the head by Minazawa and Shiru respectively.

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