The Red Hand

Chapter 175 – Akagi Tells the Truth.

Chapter 175 – Akagi Tells the Truth.


Small thing, I just wanted to shout out author who writes So if you get a moment, give it a read its really good!

Once dinner was finished, Mika decided to get washed up. The blue-haired girl was unsure what Akagi would do in that department, but she explained that bathing wasn't needed for her. After a bit of teasing by Mika about getting the kitty wet, she went to get cleaned up, leaving Akagi alone in her room.

"Hmmmm." Akagi started flopping around on the bed in tiny form while covered in the blanket.

{I... I really shouldn't be here.} She thought to herself as she looked up at the ceiling. {These people... they've been so nice to me, even though I took away someone so important to them.} She rolled onto her side. {Mika... she'd probably hate me if I told her... I need... I need to tell the truth... I can't lie to someone like her anymore... its not right...}

Akagi agonized back and forth over what to do for nearly twenty minutes until Mika came back from the bath.

"Fheww!" Mika said as she dried herself off with a towel. Her body was nice and red from the hot bath. "That was nice. You really should have joined me." She giggled, trying to make a joke.

*Whimper noises*

Akagi sat on the bed, swaddled in blankets and letting out a weak cry as Mika approached her.

"What's wrong? Did you get lonely from-" As she reached out to Akagi, she was cut off.

"Stay away from me, Mika!" Akagi exclaimed.

"Eh?" Mika stopped. "What's wrong?"

"You... I should leave..." Akagi's ears drooped. "We shouldn't be friends either..."

"What's going on?!?" Mika was shocked by her words.

{Why are you saying that?!? Did something happen? Did I do something bad?!?} (Mika)

"I... I've been lying to you..." Akagi said weakly.

"Lying to me?" Mika sat beside her, hugging her. "About what?" She already had an idea of what this was about, but kept quiet.

"I...I... do you remember how I told you that I didn't know anything about your brother?" Akagi looked up at her.

"Yeah, you kept everything about him secret because of what he did." Mika smiled. "I was mad at the time, but now I understand why you did what you did."

"But... I also said I didn't know who killed him..." Akagi continued.

"Yes, you did. Do you know who did?" Mika stroked her on the head slowly.

"Yeah... it... the one who killed your brother... the one who killed the entire Black Gauntlet... it... it... it was me..." Akagi cried a bit. "I did it! I killed him, and I've been hiding that from you all this time!"

Mika looked down at Akagi, saying nothing as she squeezed her.

"So I should leave. I'm not the kind of person you think I am. I took away someone you cared about, and I had the gall to try and be your friend. All the while, knowing that I killed him... I lied to you for nearly a year about the truth..." Akagi tried to get up.

"I see..." Mika grabbed onto Akagi, preventing her from leaving. "Well, I'm glad you finally told me the truth." Mika bit her lip. "But I already knew."

"You did?!?" Akagi was shocked.

{How?!?} (Akagi)

"Yeah, I kinda put two and two together a while ago. I asked around on the internet, and people kept telling me that you were the most likely candidate." Mika explained as she continued to pet Akagi's ears. "Eventually, I asked Kana, and she caved instantly." She laughed. "She didn't want to lie to me any longer, and while I was momentarily mad at her for keeping this secret, I understood why she did."

{She wanted to protect her sister, so I get it. I'm just glad that both of them eventually told me the truth.} (Mika)

"But why didn't you ever confront me?" Akagi asked meekly.

"I thought about it, but I guess I just wanted to wait until you came around to telling me yourself." Mika giggled. "I wasn't really sure if you would, but I decided to wait."

"But what if I never did?" Akagi asked.

"Well, then that would've been fine." Mika said.

{I just wanted you to open up with me. I'm not angry, but I wanted this big wall between us to come down.} (Mika)

"How would that be fine? Don't you hate me?" Akagi stared at her, surprised.

"Hate you? No, I can't hate you for this." Mika hugged her tighter. "My brother did such horrible, terrible things to people. I'm... I'm not happy that he's dead, but I know he needed to be stopped before... before more people were harmed." She was holding back tears.

{I talked with people online, and they told me what he did in far more detail than you or Hishya would... I can't believe Kai did all those things. Why would he become such a terrible person... All I can think about now, is if that was always who he was. Maybe what should've been red flags IRL just never registered with me. I don't know...} (Mika)

"Thank you... for stopping him." Mika's words caused Akagi to twitch.

"Why? Why are you thanking me?!? I just did it because..." Akagi was still shocked.

"Because it was a job, I know, and I know who asked you too to do it too. It took a bit, but Hishya eventually relented under pressure as well." Mika squeezed Akagi more. "But still, if you didn't stop him, I'm sure that he would have hurt more people. Even if you did it just because someone asked you to, you still stopped him."

{Hishya told me her biggest regret was not doing it herself. She's always kicked herself for relying on Akagi to handle this issue, and it still haunts her to this day.} (Mika)

"I don't get any of this..." Akagi's ears drooped. "How can you not hate me?"

"Maybe it's because of my nature, or maybe it's because I know how you really are." Mika put her head on top of Akagi's. "I know you only did what was necessary, job or not. Trust me. I cried my heart out for my brother enough times already, but what's done is done. You're my friend, Akagi, and that means I've accepted what and who you are. As crazy and eccentric of a person as you are, on the inside you're a good person, despite what you might think."

"I'm not so sure about that one, Mika." Akagi giggled.

{I do things that no good person would ever do. Hell I play with people's lives and feelings just because I find it fun...} (Akagi)

"Just take it." Mika shook her head. "I don't think a bad person would feel torn up inside about this, nor would they want to be my friend. As I told Hishya the other day, you care about people more than most would think. You just show it a bit differently is all."

{I don't exactly agree, but sure.} (Akagi)

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, and I'm still your friend." Mika smiled. "I'm glad you eventually told me yourself. It makes me feel like you've really opened up to me, and that we've truly become friends."

"You are my friend, a good one, and I'd be lost without you..." Akagi grabbed onto her shirt with her small hand. "I never had any before. No one liked me, and I drove everyone away. But... I don't want that anymore... I don't want to be alone, and I don't want to lose those people around me who... who I've come to care for..." She started to tear up as she remembered her many years of solitude and the crushing loneliness she was forced to endure.

"And I don't want to lose you either, my little friend." Mika booped her on the nose. "You might be cooky, but you've made this last year so much more fun and full than anything before it. It's been a wild ride, and while I don't like the almost dying parts, I wouldn't change any of it."

{This girl has made my life so much more fun. Before she came along, things were honestly kind of boring, and I felt like I had no direction in life.} (Mika)

Akagi turned hugged her with her tiny body. "Thank you for being my friend, Mika."

"And thank you for being mine, Akagi." Mika hugged her back. "Now then! Enough serious talk!" She picked Akagi up and dangled her in front of her. "What movie is next? I wanna watch something with gore in it!"

"Oh! I got a good one!" Akagi laughed, and the two then spent the rest of the night watching a collection of horror movies from different eras until it was time to go to bed. The two snuggled in together, with Mika using the small Akagi as a body pillow and they both quickly drifted off. It was a pleasant night as the two deepened their relationship and their bond was made even stronger.


Two days later.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME?!?" Yumi yelled at Akagi, who was shrunken down on the couch. She'd been contacted by a certain little sister, who shall not be named, and informed that Akagi was not doing very well.

"Kana! You rat!" Akagi glared at her sister.

{You shall pay for this betrayal!} (Akagi)

"Who are you calling a rat? Alveron's not here." Kana laughed. "But yeah, I did call her."

"And I'm glad you did!" Yumi sighed. "My Lord, why didn't you say anything? Why did you lie to me?" She was annoyed.

{You know I'd've been back here in a flash if you just told me!} (Yumi)

"Because I thought you'd be mad at me or something for being needy..." Akagi's ears and tail drooped.

"Why would I be mad?!?" Yumi pulled on Akagi's cheeks as she shook her senselessly. "You are the most important thing in the world to me! If you're lonely or sad, don't pretend to be fine! I don't care if I'm in a meeting with gods YOU take priority, you idiot!"

"I told you so." Kana giggled.

"I'll remember this, Kana." Akagi's glare caused Kana to feel a chill down her spine. "Tickles are back on the menu!"

"Don't be mad at Kana for doing the right thing!" Yumi chopped Akagi on the head. "Why would you assume that you being needy or lonely is something that would upset me?"

"Because isn't that annoying to you? That I want you around all the time?" Akagi said.

Yumi took a deep breath before yelling at the top of her lungs. "YOU IDIOT! I WANT YOU AROUND ALL THE TIME TOO!" She shook small Akagi back and forth. "I go and do my work, but I'm happiest when we're together, you dummy! I'd never think you're too clingy because I'm no better!"

{For all that power, you really are dense as hell aren't you?!?} (Yumi)

"Really?" Akagi tilted her head. It seemed this was a surprise to the Demon.

"Yes! I thought you understood that, but I guess you're too dumb." Yumi ruffled her own hair in frustration. "Why do you think I'm always so happy to snuggle up with you or perform skinship?!? I'm not doing it just because I know it makes you happy, since I want it too!"

{Trust me, if you were more interested in nightly activities, we'd do those all the time too!} (Yumi)

"But isn't it pathetic if I can't go like a week without you?" Akagi asked meekly.

Yumi sighed. "No, because I know why you're like that. You need me, my Lord! If being away from me for even that amount of time is negatively affecting you, then so what?!? You shouldn't have to suffer just because you think it's pathetic that you aren't able to do something others can!" She felt that it was her duty to make sure Akagi was happy, so Yumi had no issue with being near her if that helped her feel better.

Yumi sat down next to Akagi and hugged her. "Just like you need me, I need you. You are the most important thing in my life, and the one who saved me and gave me purpose. I know you don't want to hear this, but you are basically my god! It's only natural that I want you around me all the time, and honestly, I'd like to be around you more if it wouldn't disrupt operations. Your touch makes me feel so happy and warm, and I know it must be the same for you. So please, don't lie about things like this anymore, alright?" Yumi kissed her on the forehead.

"Ok..." Akagi rubbed her face against Yumi's chest. "Sorry for upsetting you."

"It's fine. I'm not mad at you." Yumi giggled. "I'm more mad at myself for not noticing that you were suffering."

{How could I not see it. I guess I'm just as stupid as she is...} (Yumi)

"Well, I'm glad that got all sorted." Kana smiled. "Now you can stop being all mopey."

"Yes, please. Kana told me all about how you were acting." Yumi sighed. “I'll have to thank Mika for taking care of you, and you will need to pay me back for the fluffing you gave to her!" Yumi's jealousy kicked in. "I heard she fed you apples and got do all sorts of playing with you! I will not allow others to get ahead of me in the cat department!"

"I'll let you do whatever kinds of fun you want as compensation." Akagi winked, causing Yumi to shudder.

"I'll be abusing that tonight. So I hope you're prepared for no sleep!" Yumi cackled.

"Well, I don't need to sleep, so we're good." Akagi giggled.

"And now we're back to copious amounts of sugar." Kana put her finger in her mouth to make a gagging motion. "Oh yeah, before I forget, Onee-chan, we've got a minor problem."

{Now's the time to handle this issue, since a certain instigator is also here.} (Kana)

"What's that?" Akagi asked while being fluffed.

"Well, you see. Mika might have become involved with a cult dedicated to you." Kana's words caused Yumi to freeze.

"W-What are you talking about?" Yumi started to sweat.

{Oh fuck... Dammit Mika! I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!} (Yumi)

"Yumi..." Akagi glared at her. "What did you do?"

"N-Nothing, nothing at all. I know nothing of a cult dedicated to worshiping you and your greatness. Ah-aha." She was clearly lying.

"I see. Well, I guess you won't have any problems with me investigating the allegations of a cult?" Akagi smirked.

"Please go easy on us..." Yumi hung her head, defeated.

{She really shouldn't have gotten Mika involved. That was guaranteed to be the weakest point in their whole operation. That girl loves to gossip and can't keep secrets. Then again, I'm not much better...} (Kana)

"Oh, don't worry. Tonight's fun is going to leave you happy as happy can be." Akagi began laughing maniacally.


{I am very glad their room is soundproof...} (Kana)

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