The Red Hand

Chapter 172 – The First of Many.

Chapter 172 – The First of Many.

After an extensive lecture and scolding, Hishya and Kana had come to understand why their attitudes were inappropriate, and they agreed to do better and apologize to the Demon later. It would probably take the two girls a bit of time to work all their bad habits out, but Naomi was happy to see them move in the right direction.

Once things cooled down, the girls headed down to Kyoto for a bit of fun. Not only were they going to do a bit of shopping, but they planned on also just hanging out and enjoying the nice weather.

Walking through downtown Kyoto, the girls were subject to many stares and whispers as they enjoyed themselves. The recent vampire attacks, combined with what happened at Kana's school had only served to put people more on edge, and the general opinion of returnees and survivors had plummeted further.

{Well at least things are remaining at this level. I don't exactly like it, but at least people aren't openly harassing us.} (Kana)

The girls chatted for a bit on the way to their destination, and something Mika said along the way caught everyone's attention.

"Wait, hold on! What was that about some kind of cult?!?" Hishya stopped Mika after she mentioned Misha's awakening and some crazy activities the she'd been party to.

"Yeah. Ima need you to rewind and explain that a bit more." Kana glared at her friend.

{That sounded BAD!} (Kana)

"Well, I mean. I told you that Misha had taken her resurrection by Akagi a bit religiously." Mika gave a nervous laugh. The girls were aware of the messed up situation regarding their classmate, but Akagi insisted that everything would be fine and that they should be grateful the girl was even alive. "She even called me Head Priestess and thanked me for pleading to Lady Akagi for her salvation."

{That was an awkward conversation. I don't know whether to be happy for her or feel bad about this outcome. At least she seems happy?} (Mika)

"I just... WHY?!?" Kana put her head in her hands. "Onee-chan really needs to fix her..."

"I don't really think you can fix this, since nothing was really broken per se.  Recall that Akagi said that this was the best she could do at the moment, and its a miracle that she was even able to save her anyway." Mika shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, she did kind of die and I guess it makes sense that it had an impact. That and apparently Akagi's power comforted her while she was dead."

{I nearly laughed myself silly hearing that! Akagi being some being of warmth and comfort! I'm sure she nearly died from embarrassment when Misha said that to her!} (Mika)

"How the hell does Akagi comfort anyone?" Hishya shook her head. "She is literal evil, and her power is enough to break people! What kind of warmth can she provide in the darkness?"

{All she's good for is killing and tormenting people. There's no warmth in that Demon's body.} (Hishya)

Naomi averted her eyes upon hearing Hishya's words.

{She was really warm when she comforted me after the Mitsuhides were destroyed. So I think she is capable of being caring to people...} (Naomi)

"Something you want to share with the class Naomi?" Kana caught on to her friend's attempt to make herself small. "You already hired her once, so perhaps you have a different view on this?"

{Don't tell me you worship her or something! I' don't need you falling under her spell and doing crazy things because of her!} (Kana)

"It's just that after the Mitshuhides were killed, she checked on me and made sure I was alright. When I had nightmares she used her powers to comfort me and ease my mind, that's all. So I guess I understand what Misha was talking about, though I don't exactly share her religious interpretation of things." (Naomi)

{I'm not sacrificing a goat on an alter for Akagi anytime soon. Though giving her snacks in cat form is a KIND of offering I suppose...} (Naomi)

"Hmmm." Hishya stared at her. "No wonder you're so protective. You've been thoroughly tainted by her." She smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?!?" Naomi exclaimed.

"Well, you've called her Mom a few times, claimed she was so nice and comforting to you, and you've even taken on a role as a kind of therapist for her." Hishya listed examples of how close she'd gotten to Akagi. "At this point, it really seems like you've taken to her quite nicely." She laughed.

"What's wrong with appreciating someone who was willing to reach out to me?!?" Naomi got defensive. "Sure, I'll admit it! I like her a lot! And yeah, I feel indebted to the person who helped me get revenge! Not to mention she's been such a good friend to me."

"So when's the adoption going through?" Mika asked playfully. “Kana's going to have a new niece very soon at this rate.”

{I swear to god...} (Kana)

"Grrr..." Naomi growled. "I'm not making Akagi my mother! I have one, she might be..." She stopped. "My mom might be gone, but... I would never replace her!"

Seeing how poorly Naomi took the comments, the girls decided to back off the topic.

"Getting back to Misha." Kana pivoted away from the obvious landmine. "What should we do about that? If Onee-chan can't fix her, maybe we should do something."

"I have no clue. But we should probably try and talk her out of her crazy obsession." Hishya sighed. "I don't really want to see her start a crazy blood cult to the Demon Lord or something."

"It might be too late for that..." Mika gave a nervous laugh.

"What do you mean?!?" Hishya and Kana panicked.

{Did she already sacrifice someone?!?} (Hishya)

"She may or may not have gotten in touch with Chloe... and some of the other ninjas. And they may or may not have agreed to create a secret cult to Akagi." Mika averted her eyes. "And I may or may not have been made into a Priestess of the Demon Lord..."

This comment caused the other three girls to stop dead in the middle of the sidewalk and drag Mika into a nearby alleyway for interrogation.


"W-well... um... Misha asked me, and her puppy eyes wouldn't let me say no..." Mika tried to wiggle free to no avail. "Chloe told me to go along with it, and so I just kinda said yeah..."

{I mean, it sounds kinda fun...} (Mika)

"Is your head made of nothing but magical girls and food?!?" Kana shook her back and forth. "You are going back to the house and telling Chloe and Misha that you are leaving the cult!"

"Yeah, and then we're telling Akagi so she can shut it down! I know she doesn't want something like that!" Naomi agreed.

"I just... Mika. I understand not wanting to hurt that girl's feelings, but why did you get involved?!? Chloe and the NPCs are fanatically loyal to Akagi, creepily so." Hishya groaned. “Don't just let them talk you into things. Lord knows they do some crazy things out of devotion to their master.”

{I wouldn't be shocked if they DID offer blood sacrifices to their dark god.} (Hishya)

"I know, but I don't think it really matters too much." Mika's eyes spun from being shaken. "Chloe told me not to worry about it since my inclusion would just be in name, and I haven't actually done anything yet."

"That stupid cat is probably going to do something crazy!" Hishya exclaimed. "We need to get Akagi to shut it down right now!"

"It's not that bad!" Mika retorted. "Listen, they won't do anything bad! Chloe just said they wanted a place to respectfully worship her!"

"Yeah, it might start cute and peaceful, but those NPCs are nuts! They'll probably start sacrificing people to Akagi on an altar!" Hishya was not happy with this.

"They won't do something like that! Chloe and the others might be a bit overzealous, but they'd never do something that would upset Akagi!" Mika had a point, and Akagi's family would never go against her wishes. Though creating a secret cult did mean they could ignore her orders, which did not bode well for the future.

"When we get back, you will discuss this with Onee-chan with us present! We're going to shut this down before it gets out of hand!" Kana wasn't about to take no for an answer.

"Fine..." Mika pouted.

{It was gonna be fun. The upcoming meeting would have had a potluck and games...} (Mika)

{God dammit Mika...} (Kana)

After the interrogation, the girls continued on with their fun. They hit up a variety of different stores, did some window shopping, and even went to an interesting retro arcade. Naturally, Hishya wiped the floor with the girls, though Kana dumped water on her haughty attitude by reminding her that Akagi could kick her ass six ways from Sunday.

As they were leaving the arcade, a young woman around Akagi's age came up to them.

"Hishya? Is that you?" The dark haired woman asked.

"Yeah? Who are you?" Hishya put herself between the woman and the girls. She didn't immediately recognize this woman, and that put her on alert.

"Ahh yeah. You wouldn't recognize me like this." She smiled. "In FWO I was called Tsuchimi. That's actually my real family name too." She was a friend of Hishya's in the game and someone she worked with regularly on the Assault Team.

"Ahhhh!" Hishya went up and hugged her. "I've been wondering how you were doing. I haven't seen you since the final battle! How've you been?"

{Its been hard to keep track of everyone. A few have disappeared, and plenty are out on the streets after everything that happened.} (Hishya)

"Not great I'm afraid." Tsuchimi pointed to the small tote bag she was wheeling behind her.

"Let's move over here to talk." Hishya turned to the girls. "Do you mind if we stop for a moment?" They were fine with taking a bit of a break and moved to a small park where they sat on some benches.

"So what happened? Why are you walking around Kyoto with a travel bag?" Hishya had an idea of what happened but wanted to double-check.

"As much as I hate to admit it, my parents kicked me out." She sighed. Her face showed just how depressed she was.

"Why would they do something like that?" Kana asked quietly.

"Because people think I'm some kind of threat..." Tsuchimi seemed to be on the verge of tears. "I don't even have powers, but people think I'm no different than those who kept them. I tried to go back to normal life, but once things with Libra happened I got fired from my part-time job and my parents started getting harassed at work." She continued, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe her eyes. "At first they were fine, but as time went on, they got angrier and angrier with me until they told me to leave. They said I was causing them and the family too much trouble and that I was on my own..."

"That's stupid!" Mika cried out. "How can they blame you for something that's got nothing to do with you?!?"

{Why are so many people stupid?!?} (Mika)

"This story is becoming quite common, Mika." Hishya sighed. "Our forum is filled with people bitching about being kicked out or losing jobs because of the fear. Some are even going ballistic on the returnees, which causes fights between us." She shook her head. "So this kind of explanation is not surprising. But why are you in Kyoto? I know you don't live here."

{If memory serves, isn't she from Hiroshima?} (Hishya)

"So, funny story about that. I heard through some rumors that Akagi was taking survivors in, and so I used what money I had to gather my things and take a train from Hiroshima. I was hoping to make my way to her home and see if she'd take me in." Tsuchimi gave a wry smile. "I don't really have any other options. Homeless shelters won't even take me, and even diners or convince stores toss me out the moment they find out my status as a survivor..." The dark circles under her eyes told Hishya that she'd been through a lot.

{I swear to god, its things like this that actually make me understand Akagi's dislike of most people...} (Hishya)

"Well, Onee-chan is planning on doing that once her new country is established. So she might take you in now, even though it's a bit early." Kana shrugged.

{However, she's in cat mode right now. So we'd have to deal with that whole mess. Wait, no! Bad brain! We talked this over earlier!} Kana went back in forth in her mind as she scolded herself.

"Let me message her." Hishya sighed. "We'll see what she wants to do, but I think she'll say yes. She's clued me in a bit on her plans, and I imagine she'd want you to join. Though right now we've got a minor crisis to deal with, so you'll probably be put off to the side for now until things are dealt with." They hadn't informed many people outside a select group about the impending battle with Serval and Rivenshaft, as it would cause mass panic.

{We need to handle those two Bosses before anything else can be dealt with.} (Hishya)

"That's fine. As I said, I'm kind of out of options." (Tsuchimi)


A few moments later, Hishya got a response from Akagi.

"Well, at least she answered." Hishya read over the message from Akagi before answering. "She said that she'll take you in and that someone will come to get you in a bit. I assume she'll speak to you directly once you've arrived at the estate."

"Thank god." Tsuchimi let out a breath that seemed to contain all her stress. "I was terrified that I'd come to Kyoto for nothing."

"Fair warning, Akagi will probably want something from you." Hishya said. "I've got no clue what it will be, but be aware that she usually doesn't do charity."

"That's fine. I'll give her what she wants. I imagine she's got a use for me if she's willing to take me in." Tsuchimi smiled.


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