The Red Hand

Chapter 170 – The Kitty and the Magical Girl.

Chapter 170 – The Kitty and the Magical Girl.


Akagi woke up the next day in Kana's bed, alone. Her sister went to school reluctantly that morning, as Akagi was apparently quite the comfy body pillow. The Demon cat sat up slowly, stretching herself out before looking around the room.

"What time is it?" Akagi asked aloud. "I can do many things while in that sleeping state, but apparently, accurate perception of time is not one of them." She hopped out of bed, instantly realizing that her vision was much lower than normal.

"Huh?" She turned to the full-length mirror in Kana's room. "Oh right, cat." Akagi laughed as she went up to the mirror and started playing with her ears and tail. "I should do this more often! Mew! Mew!" She smiled before grabbing a small blanket from Kana's closet and wrapping it around her.

{Warm...} (Akagi)

"The clock says it's after three, so Kana is probably back from school. Dang, I haven't slept this late in a while. I guess the emotional toll of yesterday must have left me wiped." Akagi shrugged as she walked out of Kana's room, and went downstairs into the living room, where she heard some conversation.

"So, does that collar come with a leash?" Mika asked, barely holding in her laughter.

"Very funny, Mika." Hishya rolled her eyes.

"I mean, it is pretty funny." Kana chuckled. "I can't believe Onee-chan actually went through with it!"

"So it was you who put this stupid idea in her head!" Hishya growled.

"Maybe." Kana gave an innocent look. "But while you're wearing it, I should get a leash! I can take you for walkies!"

"Try that, and I'm dropping you on top of Mt. Fuji." Hishya sighed.

“Bad pet!” Kana laughed.

"I think it suits you, Hishya." Yumi stifled a laugh.

"Grrrr. You're just luck that I can't do anything to you without invoking the wrath of god." Hishya lamented Yumi's invincibility.

"I won't prevent someone from paying Yumi back if she messes with them" Akagi popped up on the other end of the couch, one of her ears covered by the blanket. "Good morning." She smiled. "Also, I'm higher up in the chain of management than god, so it would be invoking the wrath of a Demon Lord." She chuckled.

"KITTY!" Mika said excitedly. "You have returned!"

"A-Akagi?" Hishya stumbled. "Why are you small? And why are you a catkin?"

{The fuck is this?!?} (Hishya)

"Because it's cute?" Akagi tilted her head, prompting Yumi to pick her up and place the Demon in her lap.

"Oh yeah, I never did mention that she did this before." Kana groaned. "Yeah, Onee-chan likes cat girls, and she has now taken to becoming one."

{I might have unleased a monster with my snuggle request last night. I really shouldn't of done that since it probably encouraged her bad behavior...} (Kana)

"MEW!" Akagi meowed happily. "Hey, this body is nice and comfy, and sleeping in that big bed was fun!"

{It was so nice to be held like that, and Kana's grip is scary strong. Good thing I don't have any bones, otherwise she might've broken em.} (Akagi)

"I heard you slept with Kana last night! How could you forsake me like that?!? Are my snuggles not good enough?" Yumi said while scratching Akagi's ears.

"You were busy, and I didn't want to bother you." Akagi gave a wry smile. "Plus, it was kind of a family issue, and something that was related to the two of us more than you. So it made sense to lean on her."

"I guess, but don't forget that I'm always here for you." Yumi put her head on top of Akagi's.

"Be honest with everyone, Yumi. You just want to squeeze me. I can see the greed in your eyes, so don't try and hide it." Akagi rolled her eyes, and everyone laughed.

"Isn't it strange for siblings to sleep in the same bed at this age, though?" Hishya commented. "I mean, you're twenty-one, and she's seventeen. Please don't tell me you take baths together and stuff too..."

{That would be a bit much...} (Hishya)

"If you don't count the hot spring, then no. We do not do that." Akagi stuck out her tongue. "I've got the sensibility not to do something that strange. As for sleeping together, fuck it. Who cares what people think."

{I don't really think such mortal sensibilities apply to me anymore, and I'm not about to deny myself some happiness because of stupid optics.} (Akagi)

"It's not really a big deal anyway." Kana shrugged. "It's not exactly a common occurrence, and it really only happens when something bad goes on. Last night kinda warranted it, because of... yeah..." She'd already told the girls about it, and they both shared her anger with Shima.

"That's so cute." Mika smiled. "But it's not fair! Why did only you get to snuggle with the kitty?"

"Kana really liked it too." Akagi got a mischievous grin on her face as Yumi moved to scratch her chin.

"I didn't like it that much." Kana protested.

"Recall that I am still aware while sleeping." Akagi grinned. "I remember your little debate about leaving this morning. Apparently I'm quite warm and soft, and Kana couldn't decided whether to stay or get out of bed and go to school. You were arguing with yourself for a good ten minutes.”

Kana's face turned slightly red. "Dammit! I forgot about that!"

"It was a cute sight." Himari laughed. "Kana was practically squealing in joy when she got Akagi to transform."

"Quiet you!" Kana admonished her. "Do you just enjoy embarrassing me?!?"

"Yes." Himari answered.

"Good job, Himari! Give Kana a taste of her own medicine." Hishya chuckled. “Pay her back for all the torment she inflicts upon us!”

"Oh? So the doggie can bite back!" Mika laughed. “I always thought Kana had you on a short leash.”

"I swear to god, Mika! On top of a mountain, in the snow!" Hishya growled.

"Great. So first I go to a deserted island, then the mountains." Mika rolled her eyes. "Kana keep your pet under control."

"I try, but she's quite unruly. Perhaps she needs to go to obedience school?" Kana laughed. “The spray bottle isn't working anymore.”

"Pffff." Akagi held in a laugh. "Obedience school... That's not gonna work. Hishya's a pretty hard pet to tame."

"Stupid cat..." Hishya sighed. "Keep it up, and I'll throw you in the bath!"

*HISS* Akagi hissed as that thought displeased her.

"Don't pick on her!" Yumi exclaimed. "There's no need to be mean. There there. Don't worry, the mean lizard lady won't even get the chance to put you in water." She squeezed Akagi while giving Hishya a death glare.

"Wow, Yumi really is overprotective." Mika said.

"Yeah, she's almost as bad as Onee-chan." Kana laughed.

"I think she's probably just as obsessed with Akagi, as Akagi is with her." Hishya rolled her eyes.

"You're just envious." Akagi giggled.

"I'm not envious! I've got Kana, and we do plenty of stuff together!" Hishya denied her statement.

"Yeah, but you and Kana don't do this." Mika pointed to Akagi and Yumi, who were in their own little world as they snuggled on the couch. “Those two are always like this when I see them.”

"Well yeah, because that's just... way too much PDA for me." Kana sighed. "I don't mind acting as a couple, but I couldn't handle that kind of skinship. Especially not in public." She didn't mind touching, but wasn't overly enthusiastic about it.

"Yeah, I have to agree." Hishya gave a wry smile. "Akagi and Yumi are a bit much at times. I don't know how they can act like that and not be embarrassed."

"Because I don't care about what people think." Akagi said while being fluffed by Yumi. "Though while Yumi can still get a bit embarrassed, at this point she's gotten over most of it. As long as we're not out somewhere public anyway, hence why I limit this stuff to the house."

"So you do have some tact in that empty head of yours." Hishya said. "And here I thought you were just an idiot all the time."

{Keep talking pet, remember I've got the descaler ready to go at any time!} (Akagi)

"I wanna get a picture of you two together. Can I take it?" Mika asked Akagi and Yumi, who agreed.


"That's going on my timeline." Mika laughed.

"Yeah, show off the Demon Lord being treated like a fluffy kitten." Hishya rolled her eyes. "Actually, send me that too, I want to forward it to the RRT. I have a feeling that they'd get a kick out of it." Which Mika did, and a moment later, Hishya sent the picture to the RRT group chat, and the image immediately got attention.


  • Is that really Akagi?!?


  • That's a cute picture. : )


  • Yeah, the ultimate evil being scratched and pet on the couch...


  • No comment.


  • THAT'S SO CUTE!!!!!


  • Kitty Akagi cute-adorable.


  • She is kinda fluffy...

"She actually types like that too?" Kana laughed, referring to Imp. "What the hell?"

"My post is getting flooded with messages. It seems the verdict is in, and cute has won in a landslide!" Mika chuckled.

"Cute is justice!" Akagi squealed.

"Ah yes, the cute genocidal monster." Hishya rolled her eyes. "I can just see it now, the Demon Lord declares war on mankind, and as the news cameras show the burning cities, it's just that." She pointed at Catkagi. "Walking down the street killing people, surrounded by fire."

"Don't tempt me." Akagi stuck out her tongue. “Should I start speaking in cat like Ara?”

{Please god don't. Its hard enough having one cat girl speak like that, let alone two...} (Hishya)

"It would be very moe. A little cute catgirl kills everyone and takes over the world, meanwhile I pet her happily and spoil her! Isn't that called gap moe?" Yumi said recalling the term Akagi had used.

{The fuck Yumi...} (Kana)

"Why did you teach her those words?" Hishya deadpanned. "Don't corrupt her with your otaku stuff."

"Don't be throwing those stones, she who lives in a glass house!" Akagi retorted. "We both know you're no better than me!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hishya feigned innocence.

"Shall I begin to tell the tale of how excited you were over the magical gir-" Akagi's mouth got covered by Hishya.

"Don't you DARE!" She exclaimed.

"I don't need my mouth to speak, Hishya." Akagi's voice came out, but her mouth was still covered. "But fine, just remember I know your dark past, little miss chuuni." Akagi winked.

"Oh? Was Hishya into magical girls?" Mika asked. "That's not strange though, is it?"

"Normal interest, no. Even I was for a bit as a kid." Akagi turned to Mika. "But our little dragon was extra into them."

"Like me?" Mika tilted her head. "I always wanted to be one, that's why I had Imp start making a transformation item." Mika's declaration caused everyone, except Akagi, to freeze.

"Wait, what?!?" (Kana, Yumi, and Hishya)

"Wait, Imp's making you a transformation thing?!?" Hishya exclaimed.

{What?!? Where's mine?!?} (Hishya)

"Yeah, and it will be done soon. It uses my magic to power it." Mika smiled.

"Why wasn't I told of this?!?" Kana glared at her sister.

"Because it was supposed to be a surprise." Mika smiled. "I thought it'd be funny."

{I'm so jealous!} (Hishya)

"Mika..." Kana sighed. "You know what, forget it. Just do whatever you want. I don't care anymore."

"Mika's gonna be a superhero Magical Girl who saves people from danger." Akagi laughed.

"Please don't start running around Kyoto dressed as one..." Kana said. "I'll die from proximity embarrassment."

Mika grinned and stood up, taking a pose from one of the magical girl shows she'd watched. "Have no fear! Magical Girl Miracle Sparkle is here!" She stood in that pose for a solid minute, and you could feel Kana and Hishya cringe.

"Please, for the love of god.... don't do that..." Kana groaned. "You're going to kill me."

"Y-yeah..." Hishya's face was bright red.

{Thank god FWO didn't have a magical girl class, or I might have actually picked it...} (Hishya)

"I can't wait to see this." Akagi burst out laughing. "Kyoto's own magical girl! The superhero it needs but doesn't want."

"Yeah, we really don't need it either, Onee-chan..." Kana was dying on the inside as she imagined a frilly Mika beating up robbers.

"I got the best idea ever Mika." Akagi's lips turned into an evil smile. "Magical Girl Mika defeats the evil Demon Princess!"

Mika's eyes lit up. "YES! I shall save Kyoto from her evil plans!"

"Don't drag me into this!" Kana exclaimed. "I don't want to be part of whatever stupid nonsense you've cooked up!"

"Too late!" (Akagi x Mika)

"Mika and Akagi are on the same wavelength.... the world is doomed." Hishya's eyes glazed over.

The two schemers then discussed ways to make things interesting and even brainstormed some costumes for Hishya and Kana, who were getting the feeling that they'd be given no choice in the matter.


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