The Red Hand

Chapter 156 – The Investigation Continues.

Chapter 156 – The Investigation Continues.

"Well, that was interesting." Kana sighed. She and the girls had stayed up late to watch Akagi's speech, which went about as expected.

{I guess it could have gone worse, so I can't be mad.} (Kana)

"If by interesting you mean horrifying. Then yes, that was interesting." Hishya groaned. "She basically just said I own you, so count yourself lucky I don't exterminate you like insects!"

{I mean, she isn't wrong, but I don't like her saying it!} (Hishya)

"I think that was the point, Hishya." Naomi pointed out that Akagi had said nothing that was new or untrue. "She's been consistent in telling people to leave her alone ever since she woke up last summer. I think the idea here was to make that message loud and clear, even if it comes across as a dictate to the world."

{Which, in fairness, is what it was.} (Naomi)

"So basically par for the course?" Mika said. "Nothing in there was that shocking, though that line at the end about eternal darkness was... uh..."

"I suppose that was what Onee-chan was talking about when she meant her 'long-term' planning." Kana rolled her eyes. "What a hell of a way to put it."

{Last star burning out, what a crazy thing to end on, Onee-chan.} (Kana)

"Yeah, hurrah. The Demon Lord will exist for all eternity, have fun!" Hishya flopped backward on the floor. "We're all locked in the cage with the hungry monster, and all we can do is pray it won't eat us out of boredom or curiosity..."

"I suppose that's one way to put it." Naomi gave a dry laugh. "Though I imagine there are worse supreme overlords of the universe."

"Yeah, sure." Hishya said. "The literal incarnation of evil just told us all to play nice or die. That's not too bad now that I think about it." She was being sarcastic.

"Now, now." Kana flicked her on the nose. "Stop being so melodramatic, Hishya. In spite of all her problems, Onee-chan isn't that bad."

"For now." Hishya rubbed her nose. "Let's see how she is in a few centuries or millennia. She might just get bored or even stop giving a fuck. Unlike you three, I'll probably be around long enough to watch her slowly go from Nice to Evil."

{She's already shown her true colors enough times for me to be skeptical she'll remain as nice as she is now.} (Hishya)

"No point worrying about it, though." Mika shrugged. "We can't do anything to stop her, so at this point, just go on with your life and put it out of your mind. You don't worry about a meteor blowing up the planet every day even though it can happen."

{Besides, I don't think Akagi wants to do any of that anyway. Knowing her, she might just want to turn in to a catgirl and get pet!} (Mika)

"I agree with Mika, It's probably for the best that we just don't think about it." Naomi agreed. "Doing so will only give you unneeded stress, and my sessions with Akagi have me convinced that she's not as bad as you think."

{She's just got a lot of baggage. But overall, she really isn't that bad of a person inside. Heck, from what she's told me if she could just cling to Yumi in some dark corner of the universe for all eternity, she'd be happy.} (Naomi)

"Yeah, you're probably right." Hishya sighed. "Still, I can only imagine the hell that's about to erupt. Social media is already on fire, and that broadcast was viewed by like half the population. So you can bet that there's gonna be chaos."

"I mean, granted, she did just say leave me alone." Kana shrugged. "So maybe it won't be so bad?"

{Hopefully!} (Kana)

Hishya squinted her eyes in doubt. "Let's change the channel and see what's happening." She sat up and turned on the news, which was a panel of anchors discussing what just happened. Naturally, there was panic, fear, and confusion. The girls listened in and got the sense that people were confused, and not fully understand things. A spokesman for the government came on and tried to assure people that everything was alright. Though, he seemed as nervous as everyone else.

"Ok, not as bad as expected." Hishya rolled her eyes. "Still bad, but we have to wait and see what happens over the next few days. Probably riots, protests, and the usual."

"Maybe." Mika shrugged. "I think it will be fine. She didn't declare war on humanity, so I think things will settle down."

{Though, I am worried about Misha. She might have taken being revived by Akagi a bit to umm... religiously...} (Mika)

*RING**RING* Hishya's AR device alerted her of a call from Superbia.

"What's up?" Hishya answered.

"What do mean what's up?!?" Superbia exclaimed. "Did you not just watch that entire thing?"

{Oh boy, now I have to deal with this...} (Hishya)

"I'm sitting with Kana and the girls, and yes we did indeed watch the Demon Lord threaten humanity." Hishya sighed. "But why are you calling me? Please don't tell me someone decided to send you guys after her."

{That would be both pointless and stupid.} (Hishya)

"Hell no!" Superbia yelled. "We're not going near that mess with a ten-foot pole! I actually didn't call because of that anyway, I just wanted to see what your take was."

"My take?" Hishya said. "Be glad you get to die one day and have your soul reincarnated in some other reality. The rest of us are locked in here with the monster."

"Pffff." Mika laughed. "She actually said that?!?"

{I mean, she isn't wrong Mika...} (Kana)

"Well, that's about what I expected." Superbia sighed. "Anyway, getting to the actual reason I called.” Her voice got sharp. “We found another body." This instantly got Hishya's attention, and she stood up.

"Where and when?" Hishya instantly got serious. She'd been briefed that Silfana might be behind things, and she was itching to take the vampire down again. She'd lost good friends to her once before, and was hell-bent on stopping her before she killed more people.

"Not long before Akagi's thing. A body was found in a back alley in the residential district." Superbia explained what they'd found.

"Was it a thrall?" Hishya asked.

"Nope, just a poor bastard drained of blood. Though the bite pattern on his neck is different from the others we have on record." Superbia said. "I'm heading over with Mixu and Shimari now."

"You want me to come over?" Hishya asked.

"I want to say no, but since this is a World Boss. Please do." Superbia groaned. "And, I hate to ask this, but please contact our resident Demon Lord. If she's around then Silfana isn't a threat, and I'd rather not fight the vampire myself."

"I'll shoot her a text." Hishya said. "Let me finish up here, and I'll head out."

"Alright, I've sent you the address, and I'll let them know you're coming." Superbia disconnected.

"You heading out?" Kana asked.

"Yeah, they found another body." Hishya clicked her tongue. "That bitch..."

{I'll take you down again if I have to Silfana. You've killed too many good people already, and I won't let you have your way in this world!} (Hishya)

"Just be careful, ok." Kana stood up and hugged her. "I know you've got a bone to pick with that lady, but don't get in over your head."

{I don't want to see you get hurt.} (Kana)

"I know. I'm going to let Akagi know what's going on. Like it or not, with her around, things will be safer..." Hishya stopped for a moment. "I can't believe I just said that." She put her head in her hands as she groaned. "What is this world coming to when the Demon Lord is a beacon of safety?!?"

{At this point, its not exactly surprising.} (Kana x Mika x Naomi)

Hishya said goodbye to the girls, who were going to head to sleep, and headed out after messaging Akagi, who just sent back "K". Kana would be heading home in the morning, so she'd check on her then.

Not taking any chances, Hishya suited up for battle and started jumping between rooftops to the address provided. After a few minutes, she arrived in the alleyway where the RRT members were standing. There was already a police presence, and she could see a body covered under a blanket.

"Well, I see you came dressed to dance." Mixu laughed.

"We're, most likely, dealing with Silfana, taking chances with a World Boss is a bad idea. You weren't part of the Assault Team, but you must know she killed so many of us." Hishya glared at her.

"I'm just joking, so calm your scales." Mixu waved her off. "And yeah, trust me, I know what these World Bosses can do." Serval alone killed quite a few members of the team before they beat him, and while weaker, Silfana was crafty.

"Any sign of her?" Hishya asked as they moved into the alley and looked at the body.

"No." Superbia said. "The woman who found the body said she saw nothing."

"Of course." Hishya sighed. "And you said that it's a different bite mark?"

"Yea, most likely she turned someone, and this came from their feeding." Mixu said.

{Which means we've got other vampires running around. If we don't handle this ASAP, we're going to get an entire nest of them in Kyoto.} (Mixu)

"How can't we find her? Shouldn't she glow like a Christmas tree to magic detection?" Hishya asked. They'd used similar things against Libra and in game, so it was annoying that it wasn't getting results here.

"Probably because she can conceal herself. In game, she had no reason to, but in the real world, she probably figures going unseen is for the best." Mixu said. “Vampires tend to hide in the shadows, so keeping a low profile makes sense, and its not like we can start kicking in every door in Kyoto. Even Akagi's people haven't gone down that route yet.”

"We might not be doing FBI style no knock raids at 3am, but my people have been looking everywhere, and the sly bastard hasn't shown up. She's quite good to avoid that many ninjas for this long." Akagi commented on Mixu's statement.

Her sudden appearance startled the four of them, who turned around quickly.

"Did you really have to go scaring us like that?" Hishya groaned.

{I swear she's going to scare me to death one day...} (Hishya)

"Yes!" Akagi smiled.

Hishya glared at her in disapproval.

"Hey, you messaged me. Now you must deal with the consequences of your actions." Akagi shrugged.

{Which includes me picking on you.} (Akagi)

"If they're hiding from your network, she must be good." Mixu said. "I've never known you to struggle to find someone or something if you wanted it."

"I've pulled more resources in, so it's just a matter of time. She can't hide from Chloe forever." Akagi said.

"Just be careful with those people of yours." Superbia said. "They can't handle a World Boss."

"Hmmm." Akagi thought for a moment before waving off their concerns. "I think they'll be fine."

"How?" Shimari spoke up. "NPCs can't fight players, let alone a World Boss."

"Special ability my little doggie." Akagi grinned. "Who do you think took down Merkyul and his team?"

"You?" Shimari said, tilting her head.

{I actually never asked how she handled them.} (Hishya)

"Chloe took out the two idiot siblings and Kira and Marshal dueled Hitamaguchi and Roxlex, easily beating them." Akagi laughed. "My special ability lets my people get more powerful the stronger I am."

"That's..." Hishya didn't know this information. "So wait?!? Your people are stronger than us?!?"

"Some are." Akagi corrected her. "Most of the regular ninjas, no. But I'm confident that in a 1v1, Chloe would beat most of you. Though I'm not sure about you, Hishya. She's strong, but you're vastly more powerful than you were before." She thought for a moment. Maybe we should have you two fight later?"

{That might be fun.} (Akagi)

"Putting aside that issue, does that power up include Birdy too?" Hishya asked, wondering if that girl was now even stronger.

"She's strong, but the rainbow bird is not boosted by my power, as it does not effect anyone who was not registered as a follower in-game." Akagi shook her head. "Though, she's probably one of the top players if she goes all out. She cleaned out the inside of Libra's base on her own after all."

{Not to mention her transformation and use of negative energy blasts makes her quite the formidable long range opponent. Even Hishya here wouldn't want to take those blasts head on.} (Akagi)

"Great, not only do we have to deal with Akagi, but the assassin troupe is overpowered now..." Superbia sighed. "Anyway, getting back on topic, we've got no leads as of yet. Have your people found anything at all?" She was hoping for any knew information she could get.

"Sadly, no." Akagi replied. "I've been told that, so far, they've come up empty."

"Maybe she's not in Kyoto? She probably knows that a large city like this is well monitored, and Akagi lives quite close. If I was her, I'd try and hide out in a smaller settlement rather than stay in Kyoto." Shimari posed the idea that they were looking in the wrong place.

"Possibly." Akagi said. "But I think this body disproves that. She wouldn't send a new vampire too far from her."

"This feed was pretty fresh. Whoever did it can't be that-" Mixu stopped as a green flare went up in the air a few blocks away.

"Bingo." Akagi zipped away. She'd grabbed Chloe before coming here and told the cat to search the immediate area and fire a flare if she found anything interesting.

In a flash, Akagi moved up the street and found Chloe sitting on a tied-up man who was flailing about.

"Get off me, you stupid cat!" The man yelled.

"Myaster told me to capture you, so no, nya." Chloe kicked him.

{Its taking every single bit of will power that I have not to say: Well, Well, Well. Look what the cat dragged in.} (Akagi)

"Good work Chloe, so what's up?" Akagi walked over and instantly knew this man was a vampire. She bent down and looked him in the eyes, causing him to freeze. "Now, are you the vampire that attacked that man up the street?" She asked.

"M-maybe." The man was afraid. "Why do you care?"

"I don't really care about the death per se." Akagi smiled. "But, I do want to speak with your master. Can you tell me where she is? I'd love to meet her, and we have much to discuss."

"I-If I do that. Will you let me live?" The man asked nervously. He could tell that saying no would get him killed.

"Sure." Akagi smiled. "Just tell me what I want to know, and I won't lay a finger on you."

{Though that doesn't mean Hishya and the others won't.} (Akagi)

"You'd better keep your word!" The man started sweating. "Lady Silfa-" The man stopped speaking. "She's... she's." Suddenly a great deal of magic built up in his head.

{Oh well...} (Akagi)

"Chloe, get back!" Akagi yelled, and the cat jumped away just in time to avoid him exploding.

"What the hell was that?!?" Mixu exclaimed as she and the others arrived.

"Well, good news and bad news." Akagi turned to look at them. "Good news, it is Silfana. Bad news, she implanted him with magic that made him go boom if he turned on her." She pointed to the mess of blood and guts behind her. "Effective, but annoying."

{10 Points for Operational Security, Silfana. But know that this only DELAYS the inevitable.} (Akagi)

"How is it being Silfana the good news?!?" Hishya said.

"Well, it's good news for me at least." Akagi laughed.

{Just you wait, Lord of Vampires. We're going to have a nice long chat when I find you, and I've already got the perfect punishment in store for you.} (Akagi)


<Silfana POV>

"Oh?" Silfana was filing her nails on the couch while drinking some blood out of a glass. "I see that fool tried to turn traitor on me." She laughed. The vampire's magic would inform her when the spell she'd placed on her servants activated. "Oh well, but that does raise an interesting question as to who defeated him." She took the nail file and threw it across the room, impaling it into a picture of Hishya pinned to the wall. "Those incessant spies of that stupid assassin are making things difficult, and finding good help is so hard these days. I suppose I should deal with her first. I hear tell she lives not far from here, so perhaps a visit is in order." She laughed

{And once you're dealt with Akagi, I'm going to find that little dragon girl and make her pay for killing me!} (Silfana)

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