The Red Hand

Chapter 143 – The Plan, the Cookies and the Secret.

Chapter 143 – The Plan, the Cookies and the Secret.

"It would seem that all is going to plan." Onmiyame stood around a magical formation with Daruma and Sizix. Deep beneath the main Council building was a hidden floor known only to the four council members which contained a massive network of magic circles and other formations wove into an intricate and beautiful pattern. At its center, was a massive ball of flickering lights and swirling patterns.

"It won't be much longer until we can test things." Sizix commented. "We won't be able to tap into the archive more than a handful of times before it dissipates. So we'd better make sure what we pull out will be worth it." She was performing some kind of analysis on the ball of energy.

"I still don't know why we need to resort to using such creatures." Daruma scoffed. "She's only a Demon. We can handle her kind." He'd killed plenty of Demons in his time and was confident.

Onmiyame sighed. "Perhaps, but it would be best not to take chances. On top of that, those we retrieve will make conquering Earth much easier. These humans lack magic, and with our powers combined, we can make short work of them." This was the secret plan of the Spirit Council, only known to these three. While Shinlua was also a member, as an outsider, she was not fully trusted. Especially as she had a close relationship with Mizumi. Thus, she was kept at an arm's length and was not fully aware of what was being done down here.

"What about the Elf?" Sizix asked. "She's going to be trouble.” She didn't particularly like Shinlua.

"We'll handle her soon enough. When we remove Mizumi, she can be discarded alongside that foolish girl." Onmiyame grinned. He'd only placed Shinlua on the Council due to massive public support for the Elf. Once they'd consolidated power and removed the last obstacle in their path, she'd be removed, along with Mizumi.

“For now, Sizix, just concentrate on your mission. Convince those foolish humans to join forces with us in the destruction of the Demon.” Onmiyame said. They were planning on sending her to a few of the major nations to discuss an 'alliance' to defeat Akagi. Naturally, they would stab them in the back the moment things were over, but they figured the humans of this world would be easy pickings once Akagi was removed.

“Yes, I'll be heading to two of the major nations once were finished here. It should be interesting.” Sizix sighed, she was the only one of them who could do this, but was not looking forward to it. Diplomacy was always something she hated, and she had no love of humans.


A few days after the magical surgery, the girls stopped by the estate as promised for regular checkups. They'd reported that the soreness had faded, and they felt mostly normal, though a bit sluggish.

"It looks like things are going well." Mizumi said as she checked over both of them. "The circuits are nearly finished forming, and now all that remains will be to watch them stabilize, then fill." Her glowing eyes returned to normal.

"When you said we'd be even hungrier than normal, you weren't lying." Mika sighed. "I've eaten more food in the last few days than you can believe."

{I ate two entire large pizza's last night... And I was still hungry! I had to hold off from eating the entire box of bread sticks!} (Mika)

"Hey, on the bright side, we can easily keep weight off now." Naomi laughed.

"THAT'S TRUE!" Mika exclaimed. "Because of this, now I can eat all the cookies!" She seemed not to have realized a more beneficial part of her increased energy needs.

"Of course that's what you got out of this." Kana shook her head. She suffered from even higher caloric requirements with her increased magical power. Akagi already warned her that the more powerful she got, the more she'd need to eat. Something that both annoyed and excited the Demon Princess.

"More cookies is always good though?" Himari agreed with Mika causing everyone to laugh.

"How's your training going anyway?" Mika asked Kana. She'd been learning from Mizumi and Himari since her magic was unlocked.

"Fine, I'm adapting to magic much quicker than I expected, and Himari has already finished teaching me the basics. Onee-chan is going to start teaching me swordplay once she gets back from the U.S." It was a little over a month until the big meeting with the President, and Akagi was looking forward to it.

{Though I'm not going to lie, that training is probably going to be more like boot camp.} Kana shuddered at the thought of her sister's 'training'.

"Ah, that's right," Naomi recalled the upcoming meeting with the President. "I can't believe Akagi is going to meet the U.S. President and speak at the UN."

"Yeah, it's kinda crazy." Mika giggled.

{Crazy is an understatement.} (Kana)

"It's for the best." Mizumi commented while writing something down. "The people of this world need to understand just what Akagi is and how dangerous she can be. I've already made sure the other Spirits are aware of her status as Demon Lord... to varying success..."

{If only the Council would listen, Shinlua sent me a message asking for a meeting when I return. Perhaps she finally understands...} Mizumi sighed.

"Are you going with, Kana?" Naomi asked.

"No." She shook her head. "I don't want to miss a week of school, and there's not really any good reason for me to go with. Onee-chan said I could come if I wanted, but I declined." She did want to go to the United States at one point, but not right now.

"So who in all is going?" Mika asked.

"I believe it will be myself, Yumi, and Akagi." Mizumi answered without looking up from her notes.

"You're going?" Mika was surprised.

"I need to represent my people, and we need to have a good relationship with this world if we're to thrive." Mizumi finished writing. "The Council might pitch a fit, but too bad."

{Besides, Akagi wants to present me to the world as the one who caused the entire FWO incident. That's going to be a pain, but hiding it much longer won't be good.} Mizumi thought to herself.

Mika and Naomi had both been told exactly who and what Mizumi was. After the events with Kukurihime, holding that information back was nearly impossible. Naturally, Mika was not exactly thrilled with Mizumi, but decided to just drop the subject. She might have set up the entire chain of events that led to her brother's death, but she did not kill him herself. She had an idea of who that individual was, but was staying silent for now.

Mizumi finished her remaining checks before giving the girls a clean bill of health, and they chatted a bit more until Akagi returned, accompanied by Imp.

"I have brought the mad scientist herself!" Akagi declared loudly.

"Heh-heh!" Imp laughed too.

"Hey, Imp." Kana greeted her. "I didn't know she was coming over today."

{I don't have a good feeling about this.} (Kana)

"Well, originally she wasn't, but Mika had a small request, and I figured Imp would be the best person to handle it." Akagi smirked.

"Request?" (Naomi x Kana)

"It's a secret!" Mika exclaimed.

"Secret!" Imp smiled. "Fun-entertaining secret!" She walked over to Mika, and the two began whispering, with a few giggles mixed in.

"Should I be worried?" Kana glared at her sister. She knew Imp was no good, and Mika was just as bad.

"Yes!" Akagi nodded. "When Imp's involved, things get fun."

"At least deny it!" Kana sighed. "What are they doing anyway?"

"A secret!" Akagi repeated the same line, which only caused her sister's glare to intensify. "It's nothing to really be worried about though, just something Mika asked for. Once she told me, I knew Imp would be down for it."

{I'll admit, I never expected Mika to want something like this, but its in character for her.} (Akagi)

"Heh-heh." Imp let out a hardy laugh. "This is going to be awesome-amazing!"

"Can you do it?" Mika asked.

"Yes-Yes!" Imp nodded. "Will take time-effort, but will be done-completed!"

"Send me the bill." Akagi said. "I want to see this as much as she does."

"Payment in dragon scales?" Imp grinned as she looked at Kana.

"I don't think Hishya will go for that." Kana groaned.

{Please don't turn my girlfriend into your little piggy bank...} (Kana)

"It's fine. We'll just hold her down and scrape them off." Akagi laughed. "They'll grow back."

"Royal scale farm!" Imp smiled. "Many uses-applications!"

"At least give her a chance to flee." Kana figured they were just joking and let out a small laugh. "And make sure give get one for me. I want a necklace."

"Scary Kana wants to skin her girlfriend alive and wear her as accessories!" Naomi covered her mouth in fake shock.

"How evil!" Mika commented.

Unamused by her two friends comments, Kana sifted her jaw back and forth in thought before a nasty smile appeared on her lips. "Himari, is it ok if I use you to teach these two a lesson?" Kana wanted to make sure the Spirit would be ok with being used as Kana's instrument of pain delivery.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't." Himari chuckled.

"Excellent!" Kana summoned Himari and walked over to her two friends. "Don't worry. I'll use the blunt end!"


Kana smacked the two girls on the head, not super hard, but enough to hurt.

"Owchi!" (Mika)

"Yow!" (Naomi)

"Onee-chan was right. Violence is the answer!" She laughed as Himari disappeared.

"What happened to using our power responsibly?!?" Mika cried out.

"Yeah! That was clearly an abuse of power! And Momo, why didn't you say anything?" Naomi queried her spirit partner.

"Because you had that coming." Momo said while laughing.

"Sold out by my own partner?!?" Naomi exclaimed. "What's that about?!?"

"Kana has learned to embrace violence!" Mika exclaimed. "The world is doomed!"

"You have learned well, my sister." Akagi bust out laughing. "The dark side comes to you naturally. Let it flow through you and give you power!"

"Don't encourage her!" Naomi complained. "At this rate, Kana might actually become the Demon Princess for real!"

"Too late for that." Kana smirked. "Twas my destiny from birth." She gave a coy look.

"Honestly, I can't say if Akagi corrupted her sister, or if Kana was just born bad." Mizumi sighed. She'd seen Kana when she embraced Scary Kana and couldn't be sure either way.

"A mix of both!" (Akagi x Kana)

"Oh great, now they're in stereo..." (Mika x Naomi)

"Are you sure that you're not Kana's mom, instead of her sister?" Mika commented. "Because she takes after you far more than is normal."

{Just imagining Kana calling Akagi mom is making me laugh so hard inside.} (Mika)

"We'll I did imprint on her with my power, so it wouldn't be strange if parts of my personality bled over a bit." Akagi looked at Mizumi for an answer.

"It can occur." She nodded. "And I'd say that's likely what happened. What you've been calling Scary Kana is probably just that small bit of bleed being temporarily amplified. Think of it like a personality trait that gets activated under certain conditions."

"So basically, Kana has three parents. Shima, Taichi, and Akagi." Naomi let out a massive laugh, but everyone else stayed quiet.

"That... that's an interesting way to put it..." Akagi didn't know how to respond to that comment, but Kana got an evil look in her eye.

{God, now all I can think about is Kana being my daughter... god dammit Naomi.} (Akagi)

"I always knew you were more than just my Onee-chan! From now on, I'll call you Mom!" Kana ran over and hugged Akagi. “Mama! I'm so happy to be your child!”

"Don't you fucking dare pull that!" Akagi tried pushing her off. "It's going to be fucked if you start actually calling me mom!"

"Why is Mama rejecting me?" Kana looked at her sister with puppy eyes. "Does Mama not love me?"

{HA! I can mess with you too! Serves you right for everything you've done to me!} Kana was happy to get some payback on her sister for all the tormenting.

Akagi wasn't one to take this lying down. "Ok then. If I'm your mom, that means I get to go to all the parent events and embarrass the hell out of you for the rest of your life." Akagi turned to Naomi and Mika. "Do you want to see Kana's baby pictures? I've got tons of cute images for us to look at." Two could play at this game.

"Wait! No, don't do that!" Sensing danger, Kana instantly changed her tune. "Your not my Mom! You're Onee-chan!"

{Please for the love of god, don't show them the dog costume from Halloween when I was ten!} (Kana)

"I wanna see them!" Mika said excitedly.

"Don't you dare! I know what pictures you're talking about, and some are embarrassing as hell!" Kana began to hit Akagi in the chest. "I'll stop messing around, so please spare me that embarrassment..."

Akagi laughed. "Fine, but just remember, Kana. You might be the Demon Princess, but I'm the Demon Lord. I'll always win a contest of evil between us."

{I'll never be able to win against her in tormenting. GRRRR.} Kana grumbled internally as everyone laughed.

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