The Red Hand

Chapter 126 – Kana’s Rival and Contractors.

Chapter 126 – Kana’s Rival and Contractors.

"There's no reason to act like petulant children!" Mikyako said. "Hiding behind one another and whispering behind her back, you make me ashamed to call you my classmates!"

Everyone was surprised by Miyako's outburst. She and Kana never got along, so to see her defend her like this was quite out of character. Miyako's scolding caused the other students to stop, and things got quiet for a moment before everyone went back to what they were doing. A little while later, the bell rang to signal that class was over, and everyone disbursed.

"Um... Miyako..." Kana wanted to thank her, but the girl ignored her.

"That was unexpected." Naomi said as they walked to their next class. "Never imagined she'd speak up in your defense."

"Yeah." Mika nodded. "Good thing too. Since Akagi was probably about to do something bad."

{Just call it a feeling...} (Mika)

"No comment." Akagi said. "But that entire bit just reminded me why I hated school. Might have to move wiping out humanity up on my to-do list."

{They dared make Kana cry! I shall make them pay!} (Akagi)

"Please don't. I'll be fine." Kana chuckled. "But perhaps you shouldn't come with me to school again. I'm afraid you might actually get angry enough to do something."

{Yeah, probably a good call...} (Akagi)

"Yeah..." Akagi answered quietly. She was about to step out of the shadow and give them all something to cry about. But Miyako's intervention stopped her.

The rest of the day went by without further incident, and while the other students were still displeased with Kana's presence, they kept their thoughts to themselves. Once the day was over, the girls packed up their things and were ready to go to Akagi's estate. Kana noticed Miyako was talking to her friends in the main entryway and she decided to speak to her about earlier.

"Miyako?" Kana said as she approached. She felt like she should at least thank the girl.

The long-haired girl turned around and looked at her. "We can talk over here." She motioned for her to follow her into a side hall. Kana followed along, and they two spoke 'alone.'

"Just let me get this out of the way. I still don't like you, Kana." Miyako said. "I just didn't like how they were acting. It was immature and completely unacceptable for students to speak behind your back like that or harass you."

{That idiot Hito is causing so many problems after we literally just got back!} (Miyako)

"That's fine, I understand." Kana replied. "I just wanted to thank you. Even if you and I don't get along, you still went out of your way to get them to stop. So thank you." Kana bowed her head

"It's quite discomforting seeing you act like that, so let's just say we're good." Miyako sighed. "Listen, I know you're going through a lot. Lady Kukurihime told me a bit about the circumstances around you and your sister. So, just... I'll say that I acted inappropriately when I lashed out at you last fall. If she trusts you, then so will I."

{At the very least, I should conduct myself responsibly and with maturity if I'm going to demand others to do the same.} (Miyako)

"Good to hear it." Kana smiled.

"Now that I've said my peace, don't go thinking just because you can use magic that you can start slacking off on your studies!" Miyako pointed at her. "I'll defeat you one of these days. Just you wait, Kana!"

"Ho? I'd like to see you try!" Kana's face turned into a fierce grin as sparks flew between the two rivals. The two shook hands and agreed to compete for the highest scores on the upcoming term exams. Kana headed back to Mika and Naomi, while Miyako stood in the hallway.

"What a pain." Miyako sighed. "Can't have my rival getting run out of school by some idiots who let their fear get the best of them. Then again, I almost did the same thing." Her own fear made her get angry at Kana after the Camp Katsura incident.

"At least you're self-aware enough to notice." Akagi appeared right next to her and spoke, causing her to jump.

"W-when did-?" Miyako hadn't expected to see Akagi here.

"I've been with Kana since her eye changed." Akagi glanced at her. "I was worried about her since what happened to her is my fault."

"S-so you were in the room when..." Miyako was a bit uncomfortable around Akagi.

"Yes, and thank you." Akagi turned and smiled. "As that idiot's older sister, thank you for standing up for her."

"As I said, I didn't do it for her." Miyako replied.

"Regardless of your reason, you still acted, and that's all that matters." Akagi chuckled. "I can see what that stupid Oni was saying when she said you were awful at showing your true feelings."

Miyako's face went red. "She always embarrasses me."

"That Oni really cares for you, huh?" Akagi asked as she walked down the hall a bit.

Miyako thought for a moment before speaking. "After my mom died, she basically acted as my mother. She's been by my side since I was little."

“She did say something to that effect.” Akagi said

"She always told me that she doesn't have much time left, and I've been dreading that day for years. The thought that I'd lose my mom again... it's been eating at me." Miyako gripped her arm as she recalled what Kukurihime told her about her time left.

"Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore." Akagi laughed. "We ended up having just the thing to convert magical power into the energy she needed to keep around. So she'll be around for a long, long time."

"Wha?!?" Miyako looked over to where Akagi was but found that she had disappeared. "Wha-was she telling the truth?"


After speaking with Miyako, Akagi and the girls returned to the estate for a fun introduction to Himari and Momo. The two sacred weapons were summoned and introduced themselves to the girls, after which they gave a brief explanation of who and what they were.

"I'm Himari! Nice to meet ya!" The red-haired girl gave a toothy smile.

"My name is Momo. Please forgive my sister's foolishness." Momo sighed.

"What do you mean!" Himari cried. “I didn't do anything yet!”

{I like how she herself said yet.} (Akagi)

"Even after all this time, you still act like a kid." Momo shook her head. "Perhaps we should turn you into a Demon Sword? You'd probably mature a bit." She said playfully.

"No! I'll be like some dark edgy version of me!" Himari pouted.

Kana and the girls were sitting on the couch with Alice as this back and forth went on.

“Now don't grow up to be like her.” Kana pointed to Himari as she spoke to Alice. “You're a good girl, so stay that way.”

“Yup! She's no good! Mama warned me about people like her and Mika.” Alice smiled causing Naomi to laugh.

“Even the child thinks less of me!” Himari fell to her knees. “Why?!?”

“Wait! Why am I included?!?” Mika cried out in protest.

{You know darn well what its about, Mika.} Akagi laughed internally.

"If they're too annoying, just let me know. I can contact Imp, I know she'd love some additional living test subjects." Akagi grinned, causing the two weapons to feel chills.

{Do I want to even know who the others are?} (Kana)

"I don't know who that is, but I have a bad feeling about them." Momo said.

"I felt a sense of dread just hearing their name." Himari cried.

"Damn, Impy is bad enough to send weapons cowing in fear even if they never met her. Good for her." Akagi laughed.

{Imp probably would enjoy their reactions too.} (Akagi)

"So you told us that these two were the sacred weapons sealed by our families to destroy you. I understand that, but what are they going to do with us?" Naomi asked.

"We would like to form a pact with each of you." Momo answered. "As the heads of your respective clans, it would be in line with our mission to teach you about magic and aid you in your future growth and development."

"A pact?" Naomi and Kana tilted their heads.

{Wait why am I the head of the Tomogawa family? Shouldn't that go to Mom or Aunt Nana?} (Kana)

"Essentially, you two will become our chosen wielders and our contractors. Once complete, we will be bound to you." Momo explained.

"And what do we have to do or give you?" Kana asked. She was wary of getting something for free.

"We only seek to aid the family of our master and fulfill our duty. We will ask for nothing except that you do not use our power to harm the innocent." Momo continued.

"And that's it? No secret provision or monkey's paw thing?" Kana pursed her lips.

{I don't think Onee-chan would let them do something like this if there were risks, but I need to be sure.} (Kana)

"Nope!" Himari smiled. "We're not like some nasty Demon who lies and manipulates humans to mess with them."

"Ah-hem." Akagi coughed loudly. "I don't lie, Himari, and it's not my fault if they don't read the fine print in my deals. That's their own issue."

"I can just imagine Akagi giving someone one of those EULA things that are like a million pages." Mika laughed. "You just click accept, and whoops you sold your soul."

"Don't put ideas in my head, Mika." Akagi laughed. "But don't worry, these two will not be doing anything sneaky. If they tried anything funny with either of you, I'd make them regret ever being forged." Akagi's eyes got fierce for a second. "Also, Himari. It's not a problem that Kana has gotten a bit of my power is it? I know you don't like Demon stuff."

"No." Himari shook her head. "She's still human. The power is a bit ummm Demonic, but it's no problem for me."

{Well at least this girl said I'm human. So that makes me feel a bit better.} (Kana)

“You guys are free to decline if this is something you aren't comfortable with.” Akagi explained that they could choose to not become linked to the weapons. “Don't feel pressured, either of you.”

“I don't really mind, if they'll help me understand my family better and even aid with ideas I've about merging magic and medicine. I'm all for it.” Naomi smiled.

“At this point, getting a spirit weapon isn't that crazy. Besides you said it yourself, I need to get my magic under control. If doing this will help, then fine. On top of that, with Himari around I won't be so helpless anymore!” Kana agreed with Naomi and she wanted to stop being a burden to her sister. Gaining a spirit partner might be a strange turn of events, but it was par for the course by this point.

"So what do we have to do?" Kana asked.

"Please stand over here." Momo pointed to an open space in the room, which Naomi and Kana walked to.

"It's not a problem that I don't have magic, right?" Naomi asked.

"No, we've spoken to Mizumi, and she will open your pathways after things are complete. Technically you don't need magic to wield us since spiritual power is separate from magic anyway. Though, it will be quite a boon I suspect." Momo explained.

The two spirits stood in front of their respective contractor. Himari would go with Kana and Momo with Naomi, they figured that their weapons and personalities would work better this way. The two began chanting some long-winded sutra before they eventually flashed in a bright light, turning into small balls of energy that floated into each of the girl's chests.

"Is that it?" Kana asked.

"I don't feel anything." Naomi shrugged.

{Everything is complete. The contract was successful!} Himari spoke in Kana's mind, which made her jump.

"You can talk in my head!" Kana exclaimed.

"Makes sense. They are bound to your soul." Akagi said as she sipped some coffee that Yumi brought her. “That kind of connection goes quite deep.”

"They can't read our minds, right?" Naomi asked.

{Not unless you permit us.} Momo answered.

"Please don't." Naomi sighed.

{Then we shall not.} (Momo)

"Can you guys stop talking to them out loud?" Mika said. "It's strange hearing only one half of the conversation."

"Lucky for me, I can hear them." Akagi laughed.

"Wait! You can read thoughts?!?" Kana asked.

“Mama can do anything!” Alice smiled as she sat in Akagi's lap

"Not anything but I can read minds. Though I don't normally do it out of respect for privacy." Akagi shook her head. "I just did it, in this case, to make sure everything was good."

"So what now?" Naomi asked.

"Now?" Akagi stood up. "Now, we conduct a test of the weapons."

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