The Red Hand

Chapter 121 –  The Sacred Weapons.

Chapter 121 –  The Sacred Weapons.


2 Chaps!

Once the festivities concluded, Akagi had her people sweep the property and begin a clean-up operation. She ordered everything valuable to be looted, all documents to be seized, and a thorough investigation of the property. The Demon didn't think a mortal group of such low power would have much of worth, but wanted to check just to be sure.

While her people tore the upper level apart, Akagi stayed in the arena, relaxing with Yumi while the buildings above were turned upside-down. She was currently using the priestess's lap as a pillow as the two chatted and at Yumi's recommendation, she returned to her usual appearance.

"That went well." Akagi lay with her eyes closed as Yumi stroked her hair. She had a happy smile on her face, and was quite content. Not only had she gotten vengeance against those who wronged her, but she was also happy to have gotten another meal.

"You seemed to enjoy yourself." Yumi smiled. She knew Akagi hated those people, hence why she went to such extremes. "Though I can't say whether that is a good or bad thing."

"Who cares." Akagi waved her hand dismissively. "They deserved everything they got. Not only did they treat me like hell, but they also tried to kill Naomi. I have no patience for that."

{I feel so much better now, like a good chunk of stress melted away.} (Akagi)

Yumi giggled. "You'd almost think she was your daughter with how far you've gone for her. Should I prepare for a second child to come live with us?"

"Not you too..." Akagi sighed. "I just don't want her to go through any more pain, is all." Naomi had lost her family, and Akagi empathized with her plight. "I admit she's grown on me, but I can't take the place of her real parents, Yumi. And I doubt that's something she'd ever want of me either."

{Unlike Alice, having Naomi call me mom would be very weird. Kana would probably be so angry.} (Akagi)

"Fair enough. I suppose just being supportive is good enough then." Yumi smiled. "It's funny. You can so quickly switch between modes. One minute your being the Demon Lord and acting as one would expect. The next your laying here with me relaxing like its just another quiet morning. It's amusing."

{She can flip modes so easily. Though I suppose that's because she's quite strange. It must be hard having such a divided mind.} (Yumi)

Akagi didn't respond.

{Ignoring me only tells me I'm onto something, my Lord.} Yumi poked her on the cheek.

"Well, it's fine." Yumi giggled. "It's part of what makes you, you. Going so far to protect those you care about is kind of... sweet in a way."

"You have to be the only person who would consider what just happened any form of sweet, Yumi." Akagi sighed.

{Ah yes, the Demon Lord boiling a man alive while his mother screams in horror is so sweet Yumi. If you really believe that, you're just as messed up as me. Not that I dislike that.} (Akagi)

"Not the exact events, per se. More just the idea around it, I suppose." Yumi said as she stroked her hair. "I know that deep down, you don't want to have to do things like that. I know that despite all your Demon instincts and emotions, you just want to spend time with those you care about. You want to be loved and spoiled and coddled. You kind of remind me of my sister in that respect."

"Well, sorry that I don't fit the stereotypical Demon Lord trope." Akagi laughed. "Like I told the girls, I might enjoy blowing things up and causing mayhem, but I'd much rather have peace." Akagi continued. "As for the other thing. No comment." She laughed.

{Being pet and squeezed and loved is something I might enjoy just a bit.} (Akagi)

"You really can act like a kid sometimes." Yumi laughed. “Just be honest with me, you enjoy the affection I give you, don't you?”

{If you didn't you wouldn't be here laying on my lap. And you'd never transform into silly shapes just to get coddled.} (Yumi)

"Blame my arrested development for my terrible social skills and strange behavior. Growing up with all the problems I did really screwed with my mind, Yumi. Enough that even being the Demon Lord can't fix that mess." Akagi stretched. "I already had enough issues before, then you slap the insanity from being the Demon Lord, and you're bound to have some interesting results."

{Considering my attitude from a few hours ago, yeah I'm fucked up in the head.{ (Akagi)

"Well, insane or not, I still love you regardless." Yumi stretched Akagi's cheeks.

"It's part of my charm." Akagi winked.

The two chatted a bit more before Chloe walked over to deliver a report on their findings.

"Myaster, we've cleared out the buildings. A large number of documents were found within the priests' library, and we found several hidden vaults containing items, rare metals, and other unknown items, nya!"

"Good work," Akagi sat up. "Did you find something that could be described as sacred implements? They said they were sealed behind some kind of barrier."

"Yes." Chloe nodded. "There is another floor below this one, and there is what seems like a large vault sealed by a barrier. I instructed no one to touch or interact with it for fear of the barrier harming someone." She had inherited Akagi's paranoia to an extent.

"Good call." Akagi stood up and pat Chloe on the head.

"Nya..." Chloe purred. “Oh yeah, myaster. I have a question!”

“What's up?” Akagi asked.

“I found those talismans for the snakey that I battled the other day, if I can summon him can I keep him as a pet?” Chloe really liked the tsuchinoko and was sad she had to destroy it.

“Sure why not. As long as it doesn't go doing any damage and you promise to take good care if it.” Akagi smiled.

“Hurrah!” Chloe cheered.

"Alright, now that our little pet collection has gotten bigger, let's head down to the vault." Akagi turned and helped Yumi up. "Let's see just what kind of weapons they wanted to use against me. Maybe it will be something interesting?"

The three of them headed down to the lower floor below the arena. Several ninjas were scanning the area and standing guard throughout the many hallways, and it seemed they were on alert for traps or potential threats. After descending down a set of stairs, the girls arrived at the lowest level of the complex. At the end of a long and well decorated hallway, adorned with paintings of what Akagi assumed were past members of the clan, was the aforementioned door. The vault door was massive, easily two to three times taller than Akagi, and wide enough to encompass the entire hallway's width.

"Big door." Yumi commented as they walked up to it.

"Well, whatever is in there must be important!" Akagi laughed. “Large vaults in games always meant big important loot. So why wouldn't that be the case here?”

"The barrier on the door looks to be different than what they used against you, my Lord." Yumi inspected it. "I can easily break this if you'd like."

"Go ahead." Akagi waved her on, and with a tap of Yumi's staff, the barrier broke into glass-like pieces before fading away.

"Damn, that one was weak." (Akagi)

"I believe it was because the barrier wasn't maintained very well." Yumi thought for a moment. "I suspect the Tomogawa family lacked the magical knowledge to properly repair it. Most likely, that knowledge was lost over the generations."

{Though why they would allow such crucial information to disappear is beyond my comprehension.} (Yumi)

"Figures, they were a bunch of idiots after all." Akagi shrugged and slowly pushed the massive door open. After a moment, it swung inwards revealing an unexpected sight. Within the vault was what seemed like a sanctuary. There was a small flowing river fed by a waterfall that drained into a small lake that was so clear that you could see the bottom. In the middle of that lake was a rocky island with two items jammed into pedestals sitting side by side. A Staff and a Sword, each made of gold and adorned with charms and other talismans along with chains that bound them to the ground. Around the cave were outcroppings of flowers, and Akagi felt a breeze indicating that this place was somehow connected to the surface.

{This place reminds me of those areas that we'd get to after clearing an entire dungeon. They were always so eerily peaceful and felt out of place. Seeing something like this in real life Japan is definitely strange. Funny how I used to think this world was so plain and boring, and low and behold something like this was so close by.} (Akagi)

"Be careful and stay right next to me." Akagi looked at the two of them. "This place probably has security to keep intruders out, and I don't want any surprises."

"Right!" (Yumi x Chloe)

The three slowly and carefully approached the island. Akagi could tell this place was covered in spiritual energy, and the two weapons seemed to be radiating an immense amount of power. She was genuinely impressed with the power she felt from them. After such a poor display, she'd assumed the sacred implements spoke of were little more than dusty antiques. Though, the power they gave off still seemed like far less than needed to even scratch her.

Standing before the two sealed items, Akagi could tell that Kenji wasn't lying. They were sealed with the same spiritual binding that he tried to use on her. Though, just like earlier, she could easily break it.

{Why do I have a very bad feeling about these two weapons?} (Akagi)

Akagi sighed. "Alright, who wants to bet these are sentient weapons that can talk and have their own personalities?" She asked the two of them.

"100%" Yumi nodded.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious. nya." Chloe laughed.

They'd been around long enough to see the tropes and figured it was a good bet that these two weapons were more than simple tools.

"Yeah..." Akagi groaned. "I hated them in FWO. In every game you get one, they're always such a fucking pain in the ass." Akagi really hated gear that could talk. "If they get on my nerves, I'm melting them into slag."

Hearing Akagi's irritation caused the two of them to giggle.

"You two stand back and stay sharp. I'm going to break this seal and see what happens." Akagi reached out and waved her hand, causing the magical seal around the weapons to crack and break.

{Please don't talk. Please don't talk. Please don't talk. Please don't talk. Please don't talk. } Akagi crossed her fingers in her mind.

A few seconds passed and nothing happened, prompting Akagi to cry out in glee that they weren't able to speak. However, that joy was short lived as a pair of voices came from the weapons.

"As per the sacred covenant. When the seal is broken, it is our duty to aid in the fight against the darkness." (Weapon's voices)

*Whimper noises* (Akagi)

Magical energy swirled around the two weapons as they began to glow in bright light. After a few moments, the two weapons began to morph as they were replaced with two young girls around the same age as Kana, perhaps a bit older. One bore short pink hair, and the other had long red hair. Both wore shrine maiden outfits.

"Why is it always young girls? WHY!!!!!" Akagi yelled. "This isn't even a game this time!" Akagi lamented this trope. "At this point, I'm convinced the world is just fucking with me..."

{Seriously?!? Why? What the hell is the point of this?!? At least in anime and games its basically a trope or used as fan service, but why are both of them young girls in real life?!?} Akagi cried internally. {At least they seem to be old enough not to qualify as children. So that's a relief at least. I don't need a loli army that follows me around...}

"You who have released our seal, state your name and-" The two stopped mid-sentence as they looked at Akagi, their eyes going wide.

"How has a being of darkness entered into the inner sanctuary!" (Red)

"This isn't possible! What are the clan members doing?!?" (Pink)

"To answer both questions." Akagi snapped her fingers and activated Demon Lord mode. "They are dead." She answered, placing pressure on the two girls.

"Impossible! They can't be dead. The Tomogawa clan was created to destroy Yokai! They've never been defeated before!" The Red haired one exclaimed.

"A mere Demon could never defeat the clan! They were the most powerful spiritual hunters in all of Japan!" The pink-haired one agreed.

"Them? The strongest?" Akagi was actually shocked. "They were a joke! They literally couldn't even harm me or any of my people." She tried to hold in a laugh.

"Lies! I don't know how you got in here Demon, but that doesn't matter! We shall defeat you!" The pink-haired one summoned her staff to begin battle.

"We don't need a human partner to fight, so prepare yourself to be banished Demon!" The red-haired one summoned her sword and swung at Akagi.

"Hiyaaaaaaah" She brought the blade down, but Akagi just lazily caught it.

"Impossible! Demons should be purged just by coming into contact with me!" (Red)

"As I told Kenji before he died, I am no mere Demon." Akagi grabbed onto the sword. "I am the Demon Lord, and I am far above whatever trash you fought in the past!" Akagi yelled as she dumped her Demonic power into the sword.

"Wait!" The red hair girl started to panic. "What's going on? What are you doing to me?" The blade started to darken with black energy, its bright white light dimming as Akagi overtook the spirit's power. "Stop! If you do that, I'll-"

"What? Don't want to become a Demon Sword?" Akagi laughed. "It will be fun. The dark side's got all kinds of perks."

"Free cookies.... yum..." Chloe commented.

{Chloe....} Yumi sighed at the cats gluttony.

The red-haired girl started to panic, and she turned to the pink girl. "Onee-chan help!" She cried out for help, and as soon as she said this, Akagi stopped. That word caused her to freeze as she imagined Kana in her mind.

{Damn you traumatic childhood!} (Akagi)

Akagi temporarily halted the corruption of the sword girl. "I'll give you one chance. Stand down, or I'll corrupt both of you and use you as door stops!" Akagi growled as she let loose her power, causing both girls to stare at her in fear. The pink girl fell backward, her staff dissipating, and the red girl stumbled backward. Akagi let go of the sword, which also vanished. "Good choice."

{I really am a softy.} Akagi sighed. {All it took was the girl calling out to her sister to get me to stop.} She reverted back to her usual appearance.

"Now, how about we try this again? My name is Akagi Dumetor, and I am the Demon Lord. Your masters tried to kill me and someone I care about, so I eliminated them." She glared at the two of them as the girls shook in pure terror.


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