The Red Hand

Chapter 109 – Fulfilling the Contract.

Chapter 109 – Fulfilling the Contract.

"Alright." Akagi stood near the front door with Hishya. "Let's go do the fun thing. I've been looking forward to today."

{I'm gonna have so much fun with this. Not to mention killing Hoshino tonight. I've been planning that out and rewatching some horror movies for inspiration. She's going to love it! Well, not really, but I will and that's all that matters.} (Akagi)

Hishya sighed. "I don't have the best feeling about this. Please don't go doing anything crazy, Akagi." She was going with to hopefully diffuse any conflict and prevent a massive escalation between the RRT and the Demon.

"Please don't go getting into a fight." Kana asked. She knew what Akagi was heading to Tokyo for and was worried. “There's no reason to turn their HQ into a blood bath...”

{Please don't go acting all crazy again.} (Kana)

“As long as they don't do anything stupid, there shouldn't be any issue.” Akagi shrugged. “Whether they agree to my terms is irrelevant anyway, as anyone who gets in my way will be crushed.” This trip was basically a formality, since Akagi could just do whatever she wanted anyway.

{Do these two think I'm some kind of loose cannon that goes off at the drop of a hat or something?} Akagi's prior actions had no exactly inspired confidence.

“I'll deal with the RRT business first, then I'll move to deal with more official business afterwards.” She would handle Hoshino later once she'd gone home alone. Akagi snapped her fingers and switched into Demon Lord mode. "We'll be back. I suspect that there will be much to discuss, so it may take a bit."

Kana ran up and hugged Hishya. "Please try and keep things from getting out of hand, ok?"

Hishya became slightly embarrassed at the hug. "I'll try, but no promises." Kana kissed her on the cheek.


“Go get em Mama!” Alice cheered her on, which caused everyone to laugh.

{Show them the true meaning of fear!} Alice's internal comments were markedly less cute.

"Are you ready to go, Yumi?" Akagi looked at the priestess, who nodded.

"Anytime." (Yumi)

"Then, let's go." Akagi, Yumi, and Hishya stood in front of the doorway, as Yumi summoned her staff and teleported them to the top of a building in Tokyo.

Upon arriving, Yumi turned to Akagi and asked "Shall I return to the estate?" She usually didn't accompany Akagi on such outings, and was unsure what to do.

"No, I want you by my side. If you don't mind sticking around." Akagi smiled. "As my [Bonded Soul] you have the right to stand next to me at such occasions and I just kind of want you around." Akagi have a wry smile.

"I would be more than happy to come." Yumi smiled, and the three girls headed towards the RRT headquarters. They reached it quite quickly, and were swiftly taken up the elevator and into the main conference room, where the six RRT members plus Aoi were gathered.

"It's good to see you all again." Akagi smiled. "I hope all is well with the mopping up of Libra." She'd seen some movement and wanted to check in on the status of the surrendering members.

Aoi spoke. "Yes, we've detained the rest of Libra's members. It would seem your request for them to surrender worked. Libra as an organization no longer exists and things have calmed down considerably. Though we're having a bit of trouble containing people, but luckily it seems they fear you killing them if they break out. So no one has tried anything." That fear was what allowed them to all gather for this meeting, plus the Libra members were being held in a special area below this building, so if anything happened they were close-by.

"Good, I'd rather not chase them across the country .Playing Japan wide manhunt sounds awful. Though Chloe would probably love the chance to hunt some live prey." Akagi smirked. "Though I'm sad none decided to go it alone, more snacks would have been nice.”

"So why did you want to speak to all of us?" Minazawa asked.

{I hope this isn't about to be a whole, under new management thing.} (Minazawa)

"A few reasons, actually." Akagi walked over and took a seat, pulling out her Kiseru, which Yumi lit. "First, as Libra is dealt with, my restrictions on your movement are finished. You are all free to traverse Kansai as you please without fear of getting detained. Second, I wanted to discuss giving you a new member. Finally, I'd like to come to an understanding on our relationship going forward.”

"Well, it's good that moving through Kansai won't get us killed. It's been annoying have to deal with that restriction on our movements." Minazawa sighed. "So what's this about a new member?"

"I'd like you to take in Birdy." Akagi grinned. "I'm sure your all aware that she's my agent, but I want her in the RRT as my eyes and ears."

"You want us to willingly take in a spy?" Minazawa was confused. "Why would we agree to that?" It was crazy to expect them to take in someone they knew had loyalty elsewhere, so Minazawa couldn't understand why Akagi would even make that offer.

{She can't be serious. Her skill aside, Birdy is literally your slave. Why would we agree to take on someone who could turn on us at the drop of a hat?} (Minazawa)

"Because spy or not, Birdy is quite strong, and she'd make a good addition." Akagi explained. "Ever since I took her under my wing in FWO, I've specially trained her, and her build is quite powerful. She's easily in the upper tier of players, and definitely on par with the rest of you." Akagi continued. "You're free to decline of course, but know that I will make this same offer to the Americans if you do."

"You would actually give over Birdy to the Americans?!?" Mixu was surprised. "What reason could you possibly have for doing that?" A returnee working for a foreign nation was not desirable.

"Leverage and influence." Akagi grinned. "Won't they be more inclined to work with me if my agent is helping them? Also, having Birdy working for the States would allow me even more access to intelligence. So it's a win-win. Besides, even if she works for the Americans, her loyalty is to me, not them." Birdy would never betray Akagi, as that would be both suicidal and a violation of the girls sense of honor.

Aoi thought for a moment. "Further expansion of the team must be approved by the higher-ups. I can't make that call on my own, but I suspect having one of your agents embedded in our system is gonna be a hard sell." Aoi gave a wry smile. Expecting them to willingly take in a known spy who would be actively giving intel to Akagi, was going to be a lot to ask.

"As I said, you're free to decline." Akagi chuckled. "Not like I need Birdy to get intel on what goes on in the Japanese government or military." She could get that information regardless.

"So your third point?" Minazawa moved the conversation forward not wanting to get bogged down on the Birdy issue. "What do you want with us?"

"Simple," Akagi took a puff of her pipe. "I don't want to kill you and I have no desire for conflict with Japan or the RRT. So stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours. This isn't negotiable and I will not tolerate interference in my work or affairs." Akagi glared at them. "I have no interest in causing chaos, and right now, I wish to enjoy myself with Yumi and all the people I care about by my side. As long as you don't threaten them, then we won't have a problem."

"So you'd just expect us to turn a blind eye to your activities? We can't just let your people do whatever they want!" Minazawa exclaimed. That would put Akagi's followers above the law and allow them free reign. Though in fairness, they were effectively already above the law by this point anyway.

"As I said, non-negotiable. Though I think you're misunderstanding what I'm talking about." Akagi sat her pipe down on the table. "I have no intention of sending my people out to cause chaos and havoc throughout the country. Rather, I want you to leave them in peace. My family does engage in illegal activity, but nothing so major that it would cause instability." Her people did a great number of criminal activities as part of their usual activity, though mostly extortion, theft, and contract killings; along with other assorted things. If anything, the Dumetor clan was basically a Yakuza family and operated like a criminal organization. "My family has already taken work from domestic clients and foreign governments, so its already too late to stop me."

"So basically, you're saying if we come across one of your operations, we should just ignore it." Aoi sighed.

Akagi nodded.

"Not like we have a choice." Aoi shook her head. "Fighting you isn't an option."

"And I know that." Akagi laughed. "I hold all the cards, and you can bet I'll take advantage of that."

{It's nice when I can just walk into a room, dictate terms and no one can do anything since they know full well I can erase them if they talk back.} (Akagi)

"You truly are evil, aren't you?" Excelsior was disgusted with Akagi's actions and words. He'd watched the recording of her destruction of Libra and felt a deep revulsion to the Demon.

"I am a being born to destroy the world, Excel. I am by my very nature an evil being." Akagi glared at at him. "Though, I'd say I get a bit of credit for casting aside my worst impulses and giving this world a chance. That's got to count for something, right? Or would you prefer if I just start killing all of you right now?"

{Excel, please don't poke the Demonic bear.} Hishya began to sweat nervously, fearing that the man of justice would start a larger conflict.

"Having all that power doesn't justify using it to commit crimes and do evil acts! I can understand protecting what you care about, but why go so far? You don't need to act evil just because you were born as a Demon, do you?" Excelsior said. “Why don't you help people with all that power? Or at least use it more responsibility than you do now?!?”

"Need? No," Akagi shook her head. "But want? Yes," Akagi continued. "I act solely because it's what I want to do. And if I want to have my people commit criminal acts and take lives, then that's what I'll do. Excelsior, understand that I've already given both you and this world a kindness by allowing it to exist despite my placement here. I think that's a big enough concession." From her perspective, allowing this world to continue despite its designation as a world to be destroyed was a massive concession, ones other worlds would have gladly taken.

As to your second point about using my power to help people or restrain myself.” Akagi picked up her pipe, placing it in her mouth. “Why should I? Human morals do not hold any weight with me, so asking me to act responsibly or to use my power for the grater good isn't really appealing to me. I don't care what happens to the rest of this world as I have only a minimal amount of empathy for humanity as a whole. As for limiting my actions, I'd say not declaring war on humanity and enslaving you all is quite the limitation on my actions, yet you ask for more? How greedy.” Akagi was starting to get annoyed.

"So you don't care about the repercussions your acts have on the world? The lives lost? The people harmed?" Excelsior asked. “You just think that because you let us live that you get to do whatever you want without any care in the world? And we just have to live with that?”

"Yes.” Akagi nodded. “That is exactly right.” She took a puff of the Kiseru. “From my perspective, I can't understand why you are struggling to accept my generosity. I've told you that you get to live, enjoy your life and not worry about a sudden obliteration of your world.” Akagi continued. “You should be happy, and overjoyed. What I've given you, as such a deal is unprecedented when it comes to my kind. My offer is much more than what other worlds that have hosted my kind have received, since they were all obliterated without so much as a discussion.” Akagi was getting increasingly irritated with Excelsior.”I'm not even asking you for much really, just leave me and my people alone. All you have to do is overlook a few things every now and then, not really that much of a demand if you think about it carefully.”

“But-” Excelsior was cut off by Akagi

Now, I'm going to give you one final warning. Do not take my kindness for granted, Excel. There is very little if anything left in my mind from my time as a human, so don't try and play to a better nature which no longer exists. Akagi explained what happened when she went into her soul the day Yumi was hurt. "In body and mind, I am no longer human. So expecting me to act like one or embrace human ethics and morals is asinine."

"You cast all that aside, your humanity, everything you ever were before FWO... For... power?" Mixu was uncomfortable at how easily Akagi embraced becoming a Demon, even she still struggled to maintain her humanity now that she was a vampire. “That's...”

"Power was part of it but not the deciding factor vampy. My primary reason for casting my humanity aside was because I wanted to be whole. And that false humanity that had attached and suppressed me had to go, it acted as a seal on my true self." Akagi's face scrunched as she recalled how she felt for all those years. "You have no idea how awful it felt to be missing an important part of yourself, so don't act flippant with me. You try existing as an incomplete person for over two decades and then you can sit and lecture me about how I shouldn't have done everything to remove that feeling of emptiness!"

Sparks began to fly as Akagi argued with the RRT and it seemed that it wouldn't take much to ignite the powder-keg.

“That's enough! Mixu, Excelsior Knock it off! We are not here to lecture or berate her, she came to speak with us in good faith, and I will not allow you to continue arguing like this!” Aoi broke up the conversation, fearing that it might erupt into conflict as she could tell things would likely only escalate from here. "I will pass along your message to the higher-ups. I don't know what they'll say, but I'll let them know."

Good, then we're done here.” Akagi stood up, “I'll see you all later, feel free to drop by for a chat if you're in the area.” Akagi looked at Hoshino, smiling ominously, before the three of them returned back to the estate.

{What was that all about? It was creepy...} (Hoshino)


<Hoshino POV>

After the meeting with Akagi, the RRT continued with its normal daily routine. They still needed to deal with guarding the Libra members they'd captured as well as other things which required their assistance.

Hoshino went home just after sundown, her shift being over for the day. She lived in a small apartment in the middle of downtown Tokyo, alone. After joining the RRT she'd cut ties with her family, who were less than enthusiastic about her changes. It was already after dark, and the street she lived on was poorly lit with only a few streetlights that flickered on and off. For whatever reason, she'd started to feel as if someone, or something was watching her.

{What the fuck is this creepy feeling?!? None of my detection abilities are sensing anything, is it just some paranoia? Or there a ghost around here?} (Hoshino)

Upon reaching the outside of her apartment building, she quickly walked up the stairs, which were dimly lit by a handful of weak lights. It was as if the darkness was licking at the weakening light sources, waiting for the chance to swallow them whole and plunge the entire complex into darkness

“Alright I'm back!” Hoshino entered her apartment with the usual greeting. “Not like there's anyone here anyway.” She kicked off her shoes and went into the kitchen to grab a beer. She wanted to unwind after work, and had been craving a drink all day. As she rooted through the fridge, she saw something out of the corner of her eye, a shadow seemed to dart into the spare bedroom. She swung around quickly, drawing her blade, as she looked at the dark room across the hall.

“Is someone there?!?” Hoshino slowly moved over to the room and flicked on the lights, showing an empty bedroom. She looked around a bit more, opening the closet and moving the drapes before concluding that she was just seeing things. “I'm just jumpy from a long day at work, and also seeing that monster eating people.” She sighed in relief. “Who the hell would break into my apartment anyway? Like seriously that's basically suicide!” She laughed at the absurdity of the notion, grabbed a beer and plopped on the couch to watch some mindless T.V.


“Hahaha!” She laughed at the TV. “That guy got hit on the head with a coconut!” Hoshino was enraptured in the comedy she was watching and spent most of the night relaxing on the couch.


“What was that?” Hoshino looked over and saw that same bedroom door had opened slightly. “I thought I closed that door?” She walked over to the door, but as she did the T.V. screen flickered and for a brief moment, a dark shadowy figure could be seen in the image projected. It seemed humanoid and had two orange eyes with slits like a snake, it only stayed for a brief moment before disappearing. Approaching the door, Hoshino closed it once more, making sure the lock clicked. “Fucking ghosts.” She laughed at her joke, not noticing the dark mass just within the door frame as she shut it.

As she turned around, she looked at the wall clock. “Ahh its already midnight...” She sighed. “Alrighty time for a shower, then bed!” She yawned and stretched as she went into the bathroom and started the water. “Tomorrow's gonna be a bitch with all those idiots locked up in the cells. I just hope none of them get ideas and try to bust out during the night.”

She started whistling an anime song as she washed up.


Another door made a creaking noise, she pulled back the curtain and saw that the bathroom door had opened slightly.

“Seriously...” She got annoyed. “Its going to get cold in here! That damn landlord didn't fix the bathroom door like I told him! Ugh!” She decided to quickly wrap up her shower rather than get out and close the door. After about ten minutes, she was done with her shower and wrapped the towel around her before getting out and standing in front of the fogged up mirror.

“At least this body doesn't have the horrible blackhead problem I had before.” She chuckled as she cleaned off the fog with a towel. “Now to do a bit of prep then go to sleep.” Hoshino cleaned up her face, applied some product, and then turned on the sink to wash things off.


She bent down and started washing off the product and cleaning off her face.

“Hmm.Hmm.Hmmm.” She hummed as she washed her face. “Alright, that's done, so where is that towel?” Hoshino reached out to her right where the face towel she kept on a hanger was, but couldn't find it.

“Dammit! Didn't I put that stupid towel back?” She growled. She couldn't see at the moment because of the wash on her face and kept feeling around looking for it.” Come on! Where are you?!?” After a few seconds, she felt someone put a towel in her hand.

“Ah thanks!” Hoshino said as she took the towel.

You're welcome.” (Akagi)

The moment she heard Akagi's voice, Hoshino's eyes snapped open and she turned towards where the voice came from, seeing nothing.

“What the fuck?!?” Hoshino exclaimed.

{Am I hearing shit?!?} She started to panic.

“Akagi!” Hoshino called out. “Are you fucking with me! Is this another one of your pranks?!? Because its not fucking funny!”

Really? Because I'm having a blast.” Akagi laughed.

Hoshino spun around, trying to find where she was, but couldn't.

{I gotta get the fuck out of here!} Hoshino tried to open the bathroom door, but found that it was locked. Annoyed, she punched it full power, intending to break it, but it didn't budge.

“What the fuck?!?” She pushed on the door, trying to open it, but to no avail. “I'm trapped!” She pounded on the door. “Someone! Can anyone hear me? I'm stuck in here!”

I can hear you.” Akagu chuckled. “But I suspect that I'm not the one you wish to have help you. Not like I would anyway.”

“Listen, you had your fun of freaking me out and scaring me with the whole horror movie shtick! So please let me go now...” Hoshino sighed, still thinking this was a prank.

“I'm afraid that I've got some bad news for you Hoshino, this little room will be your final resting place.” Kaori appeared within the bathroom, seeming to form out of the walls themselves.

“What! K-Kaori! Why are you here?!? How did you just do that?” Hoshino was thoroughly confused.

“Kaori isn't here you fool. Its still Akagi, your friendly neighborhood Demon, did you forget that I can transform into other people?” Akagi chuckled.

“What the hell is going on?!?” Hoshino screamed.

“You really are stupid, aren't you?” Akagi sighed. “I'm here to kill you, Hoshino.”

Akagi's words caused Hoshino to freeze. “K-kill? Don't screw with me! Why would you kill me! I've never done anything to you!”

“True, but you've done plenty to your sister.” Akagi smiled. “And she wanted to ensure you got paid back in full for everything you did to her over the years.”

“K-Kaori sent you?!? That stupid toy dared to send you after me?!?” Hoshino backed up towards the door. “Y-you have to be lying! She wouldn't dare, and how could she anyway! There's no way she could-” Hoshino's eyes went wide as she realized how her sister could have gotten Akagi's help.

“Now then.” Akagi stepped forward. “I think its time to get started. Kaori gave me a very long list detailing exactly what she wanted me to do, and its going to take a while.” She snapped her fingers and Hoshino fell to the floor, paralyzed. “Lucky for you, she didn't request your soul to be consumed or even tormented for all eternity like Armalthy, so you'll get to die. Well, eventually.” Akagi shrugged. “I can make the flow of time go as I please in here, so we've got all the time in the world, Hoshino.” Akagi's face reflected in the mirror as she spoke. But rather than show the innocent face of the young Kaori, it was contorted into a Demonic smile and showed her true eyes.


Akagi spent an extraordinary amount of time torturing Hoshino that night. How long? Only she knows, but it wasn't quick. That was for certain.


<Minazawa POV>

The next morning Minazawa went over to Hoshino's apartment. She hadn't show up at HQ that morning and wasn't answering her phone, so Minazawa decided to check in on her.

“I swear if she got drunk again, I'm going to kick her ass.” She swore as she walked up the steps to Hoshino's apartment.


She knocked on the door. “Hoshino get the hell out here now!” Minazawa waited for a moment.


“Hoshino!” Minazawa got annoyed. “Fine I'm coming in anyway!” She had a key from a prior incident so she could get in.

She slowly opened the door and walked inside. “Hoshino!” Minazawa called out for her. “Where the hell are you?!?” She closed the door behind her and walked into the living room where she could hear the sound of the shower.

{Is that idiot in the shower?} Minazawa growled as she walked over to the bathroom door.

“Hoshino! Are you in there you idiot!” Minazawa banged on the door. “Why didn't you show up this morning?!? Aoi's going to kick your ass!”

There was no answer.

“Hoshino!” Minazawa banged on the door, the shower was still running.

{Did she get hurt in the bathroom?} Minazawa decided to open up the bathroom door, which wasn't locked. “I'm coming in!” She said.

“Are you alr-” Minazawa froze as she opened the bathroom door. Inside the shower was a mutilated Hoshino, whose body was almost unrecognizable. The shower was still going, and seemed to have washed a way a majority of the blood. However, above her body, on the shower wall, painted in blood was a single sentence which said: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Minazawa turned her head slightly and saw that the bathroom mirror was similarly painted with blood, though this time in the shape of a hand-print. Something she recognized instantly.

In a state of shock, Minazawa stumbled backwards out of the bathroom as the smell overwhelmed her, nearly causing her to puke. In a panic she called Aoi.

“Aoi, send someone over to Hoshino's apartment.” She held back the urge to scream and was struggling to speak without vomiting.

“What's going on?!? Is Hoshino ok?” Aoi asked, concerned.

“Our friendly neighborhood assassin completed another job...” Minazawa put her head in her hands as she waited for emergency services to arrive. “Who the fuck wanted Hoshino dead so bad they'd get Akagi to do it?!?” She had no idea who or why, but she honestly didn't care since she was just glad it wasn't her.

{What the absolute fuck?!? Was Akagi always this twisted?} (Minazawa)

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