The Red Hand

Chapter 105 – The Angel and the Demon.

Chapter 105 – The Angel and the Demon.

Akagi clapped as she walked toward the center of the courtyard. "Not bad, Herlex. Not bad at all. I like it!" She grinned, she was glad to see Herlex's transformation was a bit more interesting that she predicted. "I think in that form, you might just be able to give our little dragon some trouble." She pointed to Hishya, who was hiding behind a building.

{Don't bring attention to me!} (Hishya)

"I'll take a bit of pride in that." He said floating closer to the ground. "I've always hated playing second fiddle to her, so hearing that I might be able to finally beat her is quite nice."

"I can imagine. I always strove to be number one and I can't stand the idea of someone better than me." Akagi didn't take losing well either. "So to put all that divine power to the test, how about this." She put up her pointer finger. "We could zoom around this place and battle it out, trading blow for blow. It would be a legendary fight where, while I still win, we could give our audience quite the show." Akagi was still confident of her victory against the powered up angel.

"Or?" Herlex asked. Figuring that she had something else in mind.

"Or we can just do this." Akagi put her hands at her sides, leaving herself wide open. "You can just hit me as hard as you can. I think that would be the most expedient way of handling this."

"What?" Herlex was confused by her request. "You want me to just.... hit you with my strongest attack?”

{What are you planning?} (Herlex)

{Is she serious? Wait, no this is Akagi. She's 100% serious.} (Hishya)

“Was Onee-chan always this bad?” Kana asked.

“Unfortunately...” Hishya sighed. She'd seen Akagi act like this before, it was pat of her tendency to humiliate her opponents.

"Yep! Hard as you can my boy!" Akagi nodded. "Not half. Not 75%. Not some arbitrary number. You, me, hard as you can. What do you say?" Akagi chuckled. "I think that's a much quicker and easier way to deal with this. But if you would rather us do the climatic battle between Angel and Demon, I'm good with that too. Just figured I'd give the choice and spice things up a bit."

"You really are insane, aren't you?" Herlex looked more dumbfounded than anything else. "But if that's what you want." His mouth curved into a smile. "Sure, why not? Just don't chicken out and move at the last second."

"Oh, don't worry about that." Akagi smiled. "I wouldn't dare." She wanted to see what would happen if she let him do this, so she had no intention of moving an inch.

"Then, if it's everything you want." He stuck his arms out beside him. "Then it's everything you'll get! But don't come crying to me when you get vaporized!"

Herlex leveled himself off in the air and put away his blade before channeling power into his body. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He began focusing energy into his arms and hands, as the ground began to shake, and the sky started darkening from the sudden gathering of power.

{Is she insane? If she takes his Angel's Lance head on, there's no way she'll come out unscathed!} Hishya decided to get further away so that she wouldn't get caught in the coming attack.

Energy began to swirl around Herlex, as it channeled into his body at an extraordinary rate. Electricity started to swirl and crackled around him as he prepared to unleash his attack. Slowly but surely, the amount of energy being gathered increased until he moved his hands in front of him. They were locked together at the base of his palms, and when he did so, the lightning around his body arched off and crashed into the ground creating massive gashes in the concrete as it flew outwards. One of these arcs went right by Akagi, whose hair blew in the wind.

"Ho, ho!" Akagi laughed in excitement. "That's much better! I can actually feel that!" She remarked with great joy that his attack seemed to be substantial.

{Lets put these powers to the test, and see just how much damage he can do to me.} (Akagi)

"In mere moments, all you'll be feeling is OBLIVION!" Herlex screamed as he gathered more power.

"That or disappointment. Go ahead, flip that coin." Akagi gave a smartass remark as she crossed her arms.

"EHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." Herlex grunted as he gathered even more power, causing the surrounding area to shake as if there was an earthquake. The sky darkened further and people as far away as Kyoto reported clouds swirling due to the changing air pressure. More and more energy was poured into his palms as a bright white light formed between them, flickering and flashing as the divine energy pulsated. Herlex's muscles bulged slightly as his body struggled to contain the awesome power he was about to unleash.

Once Herlex was finished powering up his attack, he screamed.

"ANGEL'S LANCE!" And a massive wave of energy erupted from the palms of his hands, streaking right for Akagi. The energy wave was well over a hundred feet tall and wide enough to encompass almost the entire base's width. As it approached, the Demon let out a quiet chuckle as it struck her.

Akagi was completely engulfed by the blast, and Hishya was sent flying backward from the sheer pressure of the energy. The Lance continued further, carving straight through a nearby mountain, and it was so big that the blast could be seen from space as it ran straight off the edge of the Earth and into the void. The blast kicked up a massive amount of dust and debris, and it took a moment for Hishya to right herself. As she looked at what was left of the base, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, at least he missed the planet." The chat comments were also similarly grateful.

"Ha.ha.ha." Herlex breathed heavily and sweat poured down his forehead. The blast had drained him considerably. "Hmpf." He scoffed. "Hard enough for you?" He asked sarcastically. His blast had erased everything in front of him. Even the mountains themselves were no match, as a massive crater ran for miles.

Kana freaked out. "Onee-chan! Is she ok?!? That looked really bad!"

Hishya calmed her down. "I don't think she would have allowed him to do that if she couldn't handle it. Probably."

{Funnily enough, I'm not sure what's worse of an outcome. Akagi surviving that or dying.} Hishya sighed internally.

"He, he. Hahahahahahhahah." Herlex began to laugh. "You dumb bitch! How's that? You asked for everything, and you got it! And guess what, now you're dead!" His laughter continued for nearly a minute before a voice echoed throughout the area.

"I see, so an attack on that level can damage me." Akagi's demonic laughter resounded throughout the destroyed base. "Though not much."

"Wh-what!" Herlex's eyes widened as he watched Akagi's unharmed form appeared from behind the dust.

Akagi had no visible injuries, and the ground below her feet was completely intact, as if the blast simply went around her.

"Not bad, Herlex. Not bad at all." Akagi clapped in admiration. "That would have easily killed Hishya. Good on you for pulling out all the stops and finally surpassing her at the end. Well, kinda."

"How!" Herlex screamed. "There's no way! That's impossible!" Herlex's jaw dropped.

{T-this has to be a trick! There is no way anyone could take that kind of attack head on and live! Let alone be completely unharmed!} (Herlex)

"Well then, if that's everything you have." Akagi moved behind him. "Then I'll be wrapping things up." She grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, smashing her elbow into his face.

"Ack!" The weakened Herlex couldn't move after his blast and took the full force of her blow to the face, stumbling backwards as Akagi delivered a rapid barrage of punches and kicks all over his body before performing a spin kick and sending him flying into the middle of the courtyard.

Now then, I've got the perfect way to end you.” Akagi snapped her fingers and a massive shadow spike appeared next to her. “If you were a student of history, you'll know what's about to happen. In fact, I think Kana had a history quiz about this.” Akagi walked over to the barely conscious Herlex.

“Y-you monster!” Herlex coughed up some blood. “What the hell are you?!?”

Akagi stopped for a moment, picking him up and whispering something into his ear. Whatever she said caused Herlex's eyes to go wide, and his entire body started shaking.

Unfortunately, you won't have much time to process that.” Akagi threw him up into the air, before impaling him the shadow spike, much like a certain Wallachian King would do to his enemies.

What a lovely sight, an Angel impaled on a Demon's spike. If I wanted to get a bit more offensive, I should have nailed you to a cross. But that's probably a bit overkill.” Akagi laughed as Herlex struggled to get free, blood poured from his wounds.

“I-Is that really necessary Akagi.” Hishya asked quietly.

Very...” Akagi answered without even looking at her. Hishya jumped slightly as she hadn't expected the Demon to hear her.

“I suppose that this is what Onee-chan really is, huh?” Kana sighed.

“Yeah...” Hishya's body went numb as she realized, the world truly was without hope. Akagi was the most powerful being in existence, and these was nothing anyone could do to stop her.

{What did this world do to deserve such a fate? To become a plaything for a creature like her... I shudder to imagine what she might do with all that power now that she has access to it.} Hishya thought to herself. {I suppose this is what she meant by showing the world what happens if anyone messes with Yumi.}

After a bit of time, Herlex bled out and died. Seeing this, Akagi decided to finish things up and consumed his soul.

[Consumption]” Herlex's body was covered in black fire for a moment before disappearing.

Akagi let out a small laugh. “Definitely the best flavor of the bunch.”

"And with that, I'd say we're done here. Eh Armalthy?" Akagi looked over at injured man who was limping towards her. Her kick seemed to have done quite a lot more damage than she assumed, and his head was bleeding profusely above his right eye. "Glad to see Herlex's attack didn't kill you. Otherwise I wouldn't get to have my fun with you."

"Yeah..." He coughed. "That idiot only barely missed me. I had no idea he could do something like that. Fuck." He fell backward as his legs gave out. "Go ahead, kill me. I can't do shit if that crazy attack didn't work."

"Oh no." Akagi walked over to him. "Killing you would be too easy.” She had plans for him.

Hishya walked over to the two of them. "Is it over?"

"I'd say so" She looked down at Armalthy. "You understand that this is all your fault, right? You attacked Yumi and dared to wound my [Bonded Soul]! She is my warmth and my light! Harming her is an unforgivable offense and you will pay dearly for it!" She smashed her hand straight through Armalthy's chest, pulling out a white ball of light in her hand.

"Is-is that?" Hishya looked at it and backed off, she knew what it was.

"Yes, this is Armalthy's soul." Akagi looked at it, her hand shaking in anger as she held it.

"Well damn, it's pretty neat looking." Armalthy was still alive as his soul was merely removed, not destroyed.

“What are you going to do with it? Eat it like the rest?” Hishya asked nervously.

Absolutely not!” Akagi exclaimed, the idea of consuming Armalthy's soul disgusted her. “Destruction of one's soul is apparently the most painful thing in existence, however that lets him off too easy.” Akagi formed a few shadow tendrils from her real body and wrapped them around Armalthy's soul. “No, I'm not going to kill you Armalthy. In fact, congratulations you get to live!” Akagi's smile creeped Hishya out, and she backed away. The dragon girl had an idea about what was going to happen. “In fact, I'm going to ensure that you get the honor of living forever!” The tendrils wrapped around his soul further, and he began to squirm in discomfort.

“Wh-what do you mean?!? What are you going to do to me?!?” Armalthy started to freak out.

What I am I going to do? That's simple.” Akagi's neck jolted in an inhuman fashion as she affixed her gaze on him, her eyes showed a incomprehensible amount of hatred and her teeth became razor sharp, no longer fitting within her mouth. It was as if she'd dropped the act all together and showed the world what a true Demon looked like. “I'm going to have you spend the rest of eternity within my shadow. There will be no leaving, no respite and no hope as I inflict the worst pain on imaginable on you, from now until the end of time.” Akagi pulled his soul into her shadow body as she turned to look at Hishya, who panicked when she saw Akagi's horrifyingly twisted face. “Let this be a lesson to all of you.” She spoke to the stream. “If you dare to lay your hands on Yumi, you'll be given the same fate as him!” She practically hissed as she said that. Armalthy screamed as his soul was dragged into Akagi's shadow, going quiet once his soul was fully engulfed. His body went limp as his soul was taken away.

Once his soul disappeared, Akagi returned her face to normal. "All that remains is Elna." Akagi looked at the unconscious elf who was placed against the side of a building.

"S-shouldn't we take her in?" Hishya asked nervously, Akagi's sudden change in attitude had shaken her to the core. She knew what kind of monster she was, but seeing it in person was another level of terrifying. "S-he's not really a t-threat a-anymore."

"Are you even capable of containing her?" Akagi asked. "Because I don't exactly want to go on a manhunt for this stupid Elf if she breaks out."

Hishya thought for a second and calmed herself down before answering. "Imp said she was working on something to restrain them. I think she'll have it done soon, and if it's just her. we can keep an eye on her until then."

"Fine." Akagi shrugged. "Just FYI, whatever your planning to use on Elna, if that comes anywhere near me or my people...." Her subtle threat was not very subtle.

"Don't worry! That will not happen! Besides, I doubt it can restrain you!" Hishya denied that they were intending to do anything against Akagi or her family.

"It's not me I'm worried about. I don't need you taking my people hostage." Akagi growled.

"Who the hell would do that after they witnessed this!" Hishya exclaimed. "You realize that millions of people are watching us right now! They saw you utterly destroy Libra and take that planet-bursting attack like it was nothing. I would hope that no one is dumb enough to try anything against you now!"

Hishya turned to the stream. "You see what I was telling you during my interview! Please, for the love of all that is good, LEAVE AKAGI ALONE!"

"Point the feed at me, I need to say something," Akagi asked and Hishya obliged.

"To all remaining members of Libra, throw down your arms and surrender. Do that, and you will be spared the same fate these six were just given. If you don't, then expect to be my next meal." Her Akagi's mouth curved into a grin.

"Please surrender. I don't want to feed the Demon Lord more souls. Lest she starts getting a taste for them." Hishya pleaded for the members to give up.

"I already have a taste for mortal souls." Akagi chuckled. "Technically it's my preferred food, one that my kind desire above all else. But I am happy to restrain myself to volunteer snacks."

"Not helping, Akagi." Hishya looked at her and sighed. "I'm ending the stream now. Thanks for watching, and hopefully I don't have to do a part two called The Demon Lord Destroys the World." She swiped in the air, and the stream was finished.

Kana wanted to speak to her sister, but without AR implants, that wasn't possible, so she told Hishya to get her back home ASAP.

"I've already got Superbia on her way up here to collect Elna. Can you stick around till then, in case she wakes up?" Hishya asked.

"Sure, I've nothing better to do." Now that things were finished, Akagi reverted back to her usual appearance, though her eyes were still orange and black.

"Oh good, I was worried you were stuck like that and could only use that voice." Hishya breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still have full control over my body, so of course I can change back and forth." Akagi smiled. "Let's just say that was Demon Lord mode. I'll bust it out when appropriate. Otherwise, I'll just be back to normal."

"Can't you change your eyes back?" Hishya looked at them. "You've got slit eyes like me when I transform, and your sclera is black. That's going to be unsettling to most people."

"I like them." Akagi shrugged. "Plus it's a reminder of what lies within." She winked.

"Yeah, and now the Demon Lord will have its own country. Great." Hishya pinched the bridge of her nose. "That's gonna be fun."

"Hey, look on the bright side, you're gonna be dating a princess!" Akagi patted her on the back.

"Wait!" Hishya just realized what Akagi said. "Your right! Kana's gonna flip!"


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