The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 82: Shao Cheng Felt Bewildered On His Older Brother Reaction. What Happened?

Chapter 82: Shao Cheng Felt Bewildered On His Older Brother Reaction. What Happened?

Mouth opening and closing Shao Yan finally shut it tight after a few seconds while remaining dazed from the devastating expression that he just witness in that split second, in which he couldn't stop himself from doubting if everything that was happening so far was a dream all along since his third brother expression remain cold as usual.

However, the fast beating of his heart, the same reaction of his two friends from glimpsing that unbelievable smile has told him that all of it wasn't a lie at all and isn't a mere imagination of his.

Speaking of his two friends Shao Yan couldn't stop the protective emotion that emerges abruptly within him as he glare fierce to the currently dazed and dare he says it the flushing face of Qin and Gao as they shoot a wide eye wonder to his third brother that remains oblivious of the kind of look that he was getting at, especially being ignorant on the effect of the smile that he just showed.

Damn! Shao Yan didn't have any idea how devastatingly destructive that single smile from Shao Cheng was! Even as his older brother, he was still affected by it!

But then, how could they not react that way though? The usually cold expression suddenly proceeding to turn into a soft and gentle smile, it's like the millennium ice has finally melted causing everyone to finally gaze upon the mysterious paradise that it has been hiding from the entire world all along.

"Qin! Gao! Remove your gaze away and leave this instant!"

However, it didn't stop Shao Yan from snapping to his two friends with a cold command, the usually friendly voice he uses most of the time has swiftly turned into a sharp one along with a threatening intent behind it causing Yu Qin and Gao to instantly woke up from their stupor before replying in a stuttering mess, their face turning more crimson from embarrassment.

"... oh... Um.. y-yeah"


Soon, Yu Qin and Gao left the room, not before giving one lingering glance at the cold young man with an expression that still retained with amazement and astonishment of what they just witness a few moments ago.

".... did I do something wrong?"

Shao Cheng seeing the way his older brother has suddenly use both of his hands to rub his face while releasing a long sigh couldn't help but asked in confusion, although his voice remains the same as always, waveless and indifferent. 

At the moment, Shao Cheng was a bit bewildered at the sudden reactions of the three men while wondering if his gentle smile is that really devastating, after all, he has been well known for his gentle smile in the previous life that it has become his trademark to his ally and enemies around that knows him, which rather cause them to shudder more in fear.

And it was only a small split second smile Shao Cheng couldn't help but wonder how the other people, later on, will react when he goes full-blown smiling.

Hm...  that will definitely be an amusing sight to behold, somehow Shao Cheng couldn't wait for it while feeling a bit delighted.

While Shao Yan showed a smile which he stops from twitching since he was trying to maintain his brotherly smile so that he will not scare Shao Cheng, in which he can see that has remained completely clueless, and ignorant on what he just cause right now.

After all, no matter how they act and appeared, they are still people who work in the military, to be affected so easily just like that because of a mere smile was a bit embarrassing in their side.

"... just Third Brother you just surprised us that's all."

Seeing your smile was just so shocking that his heart, which his two friends too from the look of it, has almost lead it to almost burst out from his chest.

Suddenly Shao Yan has a premonition that he also need to start watching out for his Third Brother life in a certain important manner, not only was he along with his family needed to worry about the kind of life Shao Cheng was living with along with protecting his life but now they needed to start worrying about deeper subject.

Shao Cheng is already sixteen years old this year and turning seventeen years old a few months later, his third brother is already growing up, not a mere child anymore and will turn into adulthood in two years.

Besides, Shao Yan has always known that among his siblings, Shao Cheng has the most natural and flawlessly beautiful features in different level despite being born as a male in gender among them, heck, Shao Cheng has obtained the beautiful appearance of their past generations grandmother in their family line that is quite well known for her beautiful appearance that causes certain powerful men to fight over her hand in marriage.

Of course, their awe-inspiring great great great grandfathers have won in the end.

It just that Shao Yan has never worried about his third brother appearance in the past, not until not that is because the last time that he caught a glimpse of his third brother was a few months ago, the young man before him has never been so bright that his appearance couldn't help but shine over.

This wouldn't do, Shao Yan needs to discuss this new development and dangerous problem in another level with his family when he gets homes.

Speaking about going home Shao Yan couldn't help but speak to his brother with a bit more expectation and hope on his voice.

"Third Brother, are you going to come home this year? You see I have taken a weeks off duty and well W-Would you like to travel together with me back home?"

With his heart beating, Shao Yan watched as his third brother cold sapphire eyes met his, which always make him feel happy, and waiting with batted breath for the answer since he was finally determined that he will be receiving a reply back unlike in the past.

How did that happen? Damn, he will definitely praise whoever or whatever has caused his Third Brother to finally open up! 


"Really? Good! It's great! Our Father, Mothers, siblings and everyone else in the family will be delighted to know that you will be attending this New Year Celebration!"

Hearing the answer of his brother, Shao Yan practically lit up before standing up from his chair and basically bouncing on his two feet while walking around the room, mumbling words of what they should be doing, what they will be eating, and how it's going to be the best year ever with Shao Cheng with them this time.

"Oh! Third Brother! Do you have any gift you wanted this year? You can tell me anything and Big Brother will get it for you!"

Gift? Hm Shao Cheng couldn't help but slightly wrinkle his eyebrows causing the happy Shao Yan to suddenly stop and shoot a worried look to his Third Brother while slightly hesitant to move closer, knowing fully well Shao Cheng dislike with the touch of other people while preferring them to stay away from him.

Shao Yan knew that he couldn't push too hard, or else he might scare Shao Cheng and cause him to close off once again.

That wouldn't do, he will beat himself up if that were to happened and then his family will definitely line up to beat him up after without any mercy, which causes him to shudder in fear, really, Shao Yan loves his family the most but they are kind of rough, brute and basically terrifying.

So completely different from Shao Cheng in which despite his coldness and indifference, he was such a fragile being so delicate so small and weak that he needed their loving care.

And also the rare people in their family with a graceful atmosphere around him in which his siblings don't have the skill and talent for, really, his Third Brother is so much more adorable than any of them.

With that said, it is not the right time to get close more intimate to his Brother... Slowly, just slowly... Shao Yan has to treat his fragile and delicate third brother with extreme care and gentleness.

"Is there something you are worried about? Big Brother is here, you can ask me anything. Big Brother is here to answer your troubles! You can count on me!"

With a brightly sparkling smile and eyes that are shining radiantly, Shao Yan waited for Shao Cheng to asked for help.

He was ready to finally act as a big brother to his third brother, a chance that he has doubted over in the past if he will be able to perform this role in his entire life.

"... I want to invite my friend"

"Eh? F-Friend?"

Why does the first thing Shao Cheng felt was a bad feeling after hearing those words come out from his third brother's mouth, rather than feeling happy to learn that Shao Cheng has a friend?

Anyway, who is that friend? Even Xixi didn't mention about Shao Cheng having a friend! Besides that, when did that happen? How? And why?

"Yeah, he is very nice. Help me a lot. There was a festival around and we have fun playing around and hanging out with each other. He is a good person." Better make Ren Yuan's first impression to his family a good one, what with the man bad reputation in the Capital.

Shao Cheng prefers that his family will accept Ren Yuan being acquaintance with him, which a bit problematic since the older man's reputation was surely heard by his family even longer before him, heck they probably even have witnessed some of his rather unkind stunts in the Capital.

Really such a troublesome man although Shao Cheng couldn't stop the nostalgia and fondness he felt every time he thinks of him now, wonder how he is doing right now?

A guy? A man?  Shao Yan couldn't help but feel suspicious and doubtful, especially when his eyes almost bulged out when he saw the current expression of his third brother.

Unconsciously and without Shao Cheng knowing it, Shao Yan witness the way his sapphire cold eyes turned extremely soft and tender, glimmering with light and hiding something far deeper within it that Shao Yan couldn't read for the life of him

Especially when his third Brother lip spread wide, completely different from the first one he saw, the smile forming so naturally and smoothly that Shao Yan felt extreme jealousy and envy that his brother smile doesn't belong to him and into some unknown man out there.

.But No this is differentthat smile is far more important, something more personal to his third brother, which made Shao Yan's eye widen in complete disbelief.

He remembers it, that expression that Shao Cheng has shown was something that Shao Yan tend to see to the people that showed their affection toward him.

It was the reason why it felt weird, strange and abnormal to him, because..Ah Third Brother! Did you fall in love? It was why the reason you suddenly change and open up because your heart has suddenly experienced love?

They said, love make people change in unusual and different ways...

No! Shao Cheng is still young! He isn't an adult yet! And its a man too! His Third Brother is more suited to have a woman as his partner! Nope! Nope! Nope!

Damn shameless man taking advantage of his clueless, ignorable and innocent Third Brother! Shao Yan will definitely teach that brazen man that dares to seduce his ignorant pure Third Brother a lesson he deserves to experience!

Ahhh!!! Unforgivable!

Does Shao Cheng who was waiting for a reply to his question felt extremely bewildered inside when Shao Yan has suddenly let out a howl before madly rushing out from the room and leaving him all alone.

"What the hell happened?" He was just trying to make Ren Yuan seemed friendlier, at least nicer and reliable to his older brother's eyes since he was the only family that he can brainwash at the moment.

And somewhere out there, a few days before Ren Yuan left to deal with the emergency that has suddenly arrived let out a rather undignified sneeze.

"Huh? Who is thinking about me? Whitey?"

Yeah, it definitely Little Cheng he was probably shivering and trembling from guilt on running away once again, leaving a letter to him or not wouldn't make everything alright.

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