The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 136: Shao Cheng Twin Mothers Named Su Chunhua And Su Yanmei.

Chapter 136: Shao Cheng Twin Mothers Named Su Chunhua And Su Yanmei.

Shao Cheng remained silent and gazing at his mothers that were slightly hesitant to take a step closer while having that uncertainty on their eyes causing him to inwardly sigh inside.

So Shao Cheng slowly nodded his head in some sort of acceptance and recognition of their presence before turning around toward his own living quarters, which was in the quietest and farthest area of the entire residence while he couldn't just display a more intimate action to his mothers yet.

And it was not because Shao Chng dislikes his two mothers, but for the sake of not being out of character too much.

Although Shao Cheng has already acted more different with Shao Yan after meeting with each other, however, his two mothers are far more emotional and delicate than his older brother, so he needed to handle them more with great care.

Nonetheless, though, that simple nod of his head already causes a beautiful smile to bloom on their faces, especially on the pale face of Su Yanmei who smiled in an elegant way that appears like the shining moon in the night sky.

Which has also reminds Shao Cheng about Su Yanmei's problem with her body after the complication of birthing Shao Cai, who is the fourth son in the Shao Family, and the only person that has remained alive on his previous life.

While Su Chunhua the hyper and active one has smiled brilliantly like a dazzling sun, nonetheless, if someone were to ask who is Shao Cheng biological mother between the two twin sisters, it was Su Chunhua who is the total opposite of Shao Cheng who has an indifferent and cold personality.

It was completely ironic since Shao Yan's true biological mother is the sickly Su Yanmei who is the definition of gracefulness and elegant rather than Su Chunhua who remind Shao Cheng of Shao Yan bright personality, although, Su Yanmei has been hyper once upon a time when she was still able to move around without her weak body affecting her actions.

Despite Su Chunhua being Shao Cheng's biological mother, but he was far more closer to Su Yanmei and has been greatly taken care of by her.

It was because Su Yanmei was the one who stayed longer in the residence than most of the other family members that tend to go out all the time because of their active personality, which has gently manage Shao Cheng who tends to also stay inside if he was not wandering around outside.

Although, in the entire Shao Family, even the twin mothers are all more leaning into the martial arts aspect rather than scheming, plotting, and strategy of a political official, even if they have knowledge in the art of war but they are just painfully bad when it comes to fighting in political meaning.

But for now, though, Shao Cheng stop walking when he felt the depressing atmosphere that has suddenly emerge after turning around causing him to become silent for a bit before finally speaking in the familiar indifferent and cold manner in which he tried to slightly tone his voice down.

"... it's too cold, enter inside."

When Shao Cheng spoke those words out that carry a hint of worries has somehow caused him to feel like he was acting like a tsundere at the moment.


However, it has done a great job because the depressed atmosphere has become brighter as soon as he spoke in which he decided to proceed toward his living quarter.

While understanding how easy it was for Shao Cheng to make his mothers happy, after all, it has been years now when the original Shao Cheng even deemed to speak even a single word toward his family, he was truly a person who has already been far too deep into his indifferent way. 

However, he couldn't help but sigh when he remembers how his two Mothers are acting since he suddenly remembers his older and younger sisters, really, his father sure has worked hard and fortunate to have been able to have many children from his two mothers.

While Su Yanmei who was able to finally perceive that those words spoken by her son are because of him being worried and concern over her sickness was unable to stop the quivering of her lip while grabbing her older sister robe with a shaky hand, completely being overwhelmed with emotion.

While Su Chunhua gently pats her younger sister's hand with a delightful smile, never showing any jealousy and envy for her biological son to be far more focused on her younger sister's sake rather than herself. 

"AH! My beautiful cousin! Can you stop that bad habit already, ok? Come on! Since you are able to do it to Yan, and even to your precious Brother Yuan all the time, then you can do it to the Aunties too! Come here! Give them a warm and loving big hug!"

Suddenly, the touching atmosphere was instantly broken when a whirlwind of chaos, which is named Xixi has abruptly leaped out and appeared on Shao Cheng side who has quickly shot a warning look for her to behave, which was completely a bad choice he made.


Shao Cheng was far too naive to believe that he could control or at least make his cousin Xixi listen to his warning this time when he felt the quick tug on his snow-white robe before being pulled back in a forceful manner.

Although Shao Cheng might have complained and could have dodge but in the end he secretly just let her pull him backward, after all, he finally has a reason to become closer to his two mothers.


Um, he won't complain about that tsundere like reason, especially when he was thrown to his mothers, in which a surprise but delighted Su Chunhua has bravely opened her arms up to catch his small figure that was roughly flung like an object.

"My son, I got you!"

And before Shao Cheng could react to his Mother's joyful sound, the warm embrace has suddenly tightened in a shaky manner, completely showing what Su Chunhua truly felt inside than what she has just expressed a moment ago.

While Shao Cheng was able to see the gossiping servants that are poking their heads to a corner while watching their interactions with different expressions on their faces.


For a split second while numerous thought flashes on his mind, Shao Cheng took out a deep breath before raising one of his hands to slowly returned the embrace of Su Chunhua before using his other hands in an invitation toward the wide eye Su Yanmei that has frozen to what just happened.

"Come on Aunty Yanmei! Cousin is asking you for a hug right now! Don't be fooled by his cold and indifferent expression anymore! He already became a big softy inside!"


Since Su Yanmei and Su Chunhua wanted to quickly become closer toward him despite inwardly feeling insecurities and nervousness then Shao Cheng will also bravely meet them halfway and accepting their offer hands of familial affections. 

"... Come Mother"

Shao Cheng's sapphire eyes might have remained cold, however, the hand that he has toward Su Yanmei is the most indication and confirmation that he has finally stopped becoming indifferent toward them, in which cause Su Yanmei to finally unable to hold her tears back before practically throwing herself forward in a desperate manner.

"Little Cheng!"

And when Shao Cheng felt the two pairs of arms wrapped tightly around his body in a trembling manner along with a choking sound caused his expression to become a bit softer while remaining obedient and stilled in his two mothers loving embrace.

Although, Shao Cheng isn't the Shao Cheng that they probably remember in their memories, however, he will wholeheartedly take care of them in this new life rather than allowing them to once more have those miserable ending in the previous life.

Ah.. he was truly such a fool in the previous life to have thrown and disregard these people's warmth and unimaginable affection.


Shao Cheng can only smile wryly when Su Chunhua and Su Yanmei has let out a louder pitiful cry before carefully patting their back in a rather tender and gentle manner, causing their delicates bodies to tremble and shake with overwhelming emotion.

Although Shao Cheng felt touch but he still feels fortunate enough that some of the other family members of his is probably extremely busy or was far too late to come home early that he only saw his mother's after entering the residence.

"... it's cold let's go inside."

Su Chunhua and Su Yanmei who was finally able to hug their son after so many years have slowly unwrapped their arms around him, although they felt completely reluctant to let go at the rare and miraculous chance of being so intimately close to Shao Cheng but they also wanted to fulfill what he asked for.

"Um yes, yes, we can't let our Little Cheng stay outside for too long."

"Yes, what if our Little Cheng gets sick?"

Despite the fact that Shao Cheng saw the tearful faces of his two mothers, a rather dazzling wide smile remain in their faces causes them to become far more beautiful than ever notwithstanding the red rim eyes and noses though.

"Come, Mother has prepared food for you, it was in case you are hungry when you arrive home."

"Yes, Mother also prepared a warmth room for you in order to make you feel comfortable after coming back home, after all, you have been traveling around for days, especially when its winter season."

Feeling the warmth, care, and thoughtfulness of Su Chunhua and Su Yanmei, Shao Cheng allowed himself to be guided over by his two mothers while letting them gently hold one of his hands that has easily light up their eyes in happiness.

Well, Shao Cheng will allow himself to be Babied by them despite being older mentally since it wasn't a really bad thing to experience while he felt and think that there isn't embarrassing in accepting their love.

"... Thank you Mothers."

Su Chunhua and Su Yanmei smiled at each other, their eyes brimming with so much affection and love before replying at the same time while softly and gently squeezing the hand that they held.

"No need to thank us. You are our son and we are your mother. Little Cheng, remember we have always loved you." 

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