The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 117: We Are A Bug Family. Shao Cheng And Ren Yuan Unconsciously Unknown Promise.

Chapter 117: We Are A Bug Family. Shao Cheng And Ren Yuan Unconsciously Unknown Promise.

It took a lot of Shao Cheng's will to stop himself from shaking the silly Purple that deemed to perform a dramatic act of dying in order to answer his question which Purple could have just spoken in their mental link.


Shao Cheng has slightly removed his gaze away from Ren Yuan's head when a hand is raised over before beginning to touch it in confusion, in which he just slightly shook his head in order to remove the doubt upon Ren Yuan's face.

He just watches as Ren Yuan patted his head one more time before shrugging it off when Purple that seemed to be high in a playful manner, has gracefully moved his tails before slapping the man cheeks.

Fortunately, it was only a slight breeze of touch and isn't strong enough to let Ren Yuan become suspicious of Purple existence with those actions.

Even Shao Cheng didn't know that Purple can touch other people besides him.. Or is it because Ren Yuan was its creator before or because Ren Yuan has the other split Son of Heaven aura on his body?

Hm Shao Cheng definitely needs to think more deeply about this certain matter of Purple since there are numerous applications that he can use for it if Purple can truly touch any living creatures besides him.

And when he considers about it now, Shao Cheng lip has twitch slightly and almost spreading it into a rather warm and gentle smile that will definitely cause his older brother to become shocked, although considering he has been smiling and more open to Ren Yuan lately while being in his older brother presence, then maybe he can start to react more than usual?

Nevertheless, Purple that has been entirely focused on dealing with his creator didn't catch the dubious thought that appeared on Shao Cheng's mind, which was unfortunate of him.

"Huh? A bug?"

Suddenly, Shao Cheng quietly watched as Ren Yuan scratch his cheek in confusion while probably glancing around to see the bug that dares to take a bite on his skin, only to fail to see anything even after using his sharp vision.

And then Shao Cheng has quickly turned his attention at the purple dragon that has suddenly raise his body high up while still remaining perch upon Ren Yuan head, which appeared to be showing a rather shocking scandalous expression upon it beast face, which Shao Cheng having no idea about why he can read a beast expression so easily just like that.

Maybe because of their connection? Shao Cheng is quite sure that he doesn't have that special skill, however, before he can think more about it, a sudden loud roar full of incredulously, hysteria, and downright embarrassment resound out so loudly that Shao Cheng who was the only person that is able to hear the loud roar has wanted to block his ears from how intense it sounds.



Soon, Shao Cheng witnesses as a berserk Purple that seemed to feel his pride has been trampled over with has suddenly plaster itself all over Ren Yuan face as it writhes and squirms in a manner that truly resembles like a bug to Shao Cheng eyes while also using his tail to numerous slap it all over Ren Yuan face.

Thankfully, this purple dragon isn't silly and stupid enough to let its existence be known while Shao Cheng has inwardly rolled his eyes upon Purple reactions while letting his slapping continue on since Ren Yuan isn't really being hit hard by it, or else the man would have become alert from the sudden strong shots on his face.

"Huh, why is my face has become itchy all of a sudden? Did that bug a poisonous one or something?"

Scratching his cheek, Ren Yuan eyes widen while glancing around to make sure that there is truly a bug that has managed to bite him, which he still seemed to fail to find.


"I'm not a bug! If I'm a bug, then you are the Daddy no a Mommy Bug! Considering you got the hand of creating my existence!"

Looking at these two ridiculous individuals, Shao Cheng truly wanted to shake his heads, while especially wishing that he possesses those cameras on earth in order to preserve this wonderful display of ridiculous situation.

At least, Shao Cheng will let the two who exist that have a certain similarity to deal with each other, even if one of them doesn't even know of the existence of the other.

Maybe, Shao Cheng should paint this scene once he went back home in the Capital in order to keep it as a memento of the ridiculousness of these two although Shao Cheng kept his expression from being easy to read when Ren Yuan has suddenly grabbed his shoulder while leaning his face closer that Shao Cheng is only a few inches away from Purple body that remains stubbornly plastered upon the man face.

"Cheng! Hurry and check my face! What if my appearance becomes hideous and ugly because of that poison?! Won't you be scared away if I'm no longer beautiful and charming?"

What the hell are you talking about? Shao Cheng wanted to speak those words out only to find his body being frantically shake-up by a worried and concern Ren Yuan, and as he gazes in great difficulty upon those grey pupil that Purple sometimes blocked, he couldn't help but reflect that this man also has a rather narcissistic side huh.

Well, that wouldn't do if it truly happens, Shao Cheng rather appreciates watching beautiful people and now Ren Yuan has also become pleasing to his eyes so.

But it's not like Shao Cheng will leave Ren Yuan when he becomes truly ugly...

And in the distance, Shao Yan eyes have quickly widened at the brazen move of the other man toward his younger brother, before sighing in extreme relief when he heard those words out, and here he thought that man courage has raised up high in the heaven that he dared to kiss Shao Cheng when he is standing before them.

At least Ren Yuan is smart not to do that when he is in their presence.


Wait... there is definitely something wrong with that thought just now why does it felt like it was alright for Ren Yuan to kiss his younger brother when he isn't there to witness it?

Having been hit a bit by such shocking revelation of what those thought might mean, Shao Yan remains shocked while Xixi has grabbed the person closest to her which is, unfortunately, Yu Qin that has suddenly found himself being shaken so crazily by the excited woman that has practically had her eyes glowing in a rather disturbing manner.

Wait is that a slight droll he can see from the corner of her lip or was his eyes playing a trick on him since he was being shaken from dizziness?

And lastly, the group of fifteen people that has just made the pledge and vow has already stood up while remaining quiet and still, although they have been secretly observing the lover of their newly pledge Master before inwardly nodding their head in approval, after all, they also witness how this person is also full of talent while feeling that hidden unusual air around him which is similar to their Master.

Besides, from the beautiful appearance between the two of them, all of them can definitely determine that there is no way that their Master Cheng will become the bottom one in their relationship, although those thoughts might be base because of their exceptional belief of their Master magnificent, a fighting God with a majestic atmosphere despite being young.

Besides, being older doesn't mean that a man get to top the younger ones all the time.

Yes, their Master Cheng is definitely the dominant one while his lover is the submissive one, look with how scared the older man at the mere thought of their Master running away and being thrown aside by him.

"Yuan, stop."

Gently taking the hands away from his shoulder, Shao Cheng has then raise his hand over Ren Yuan face before gently placing his palm upon the cheek that was being hit by Purple the entire time while secretly timing it at the exact time that the tails were about to make a move and easily flickering the cause of the problem away from Ren Yuan face.

"There is no poison, it just a bug in your face."

Roar! You are also a bug! A Daddy Bug! We are a family of bug then! Hmph!

Purple that has been flicker away while hearing those words out has let out a loud unwilling roar filled with vengeance one last time before ultimately deeming to go back inside the body Shao Cheng, which he felt so glad that one of the annoyances has finally disappeared.

Daddy Bug? Really, Shao Cheng wanted so badly to roll his eyes right now, at least, he isn't the Mommy one.

Before his attention has gotten back at Ren Yuan that began to slowly touch his face with great care causing Shao Cheng of wanting to roll his eyes once again, it seemed that he has been having that response today which has been Purple and Ren Yuan being the reason.

"Really, why worry about your appearance? If no one wants to be with you because of being ugly then I'll just stay by your side."

Being the only person you need is also a wonderful idea while we can use the people working to the two of us to keep both of us safe and away from danger.

Simply saying those words without any shyness in his expression, Shao Cheng met the widen grey pupil of Ren Yuan with a serious and solemn voice.

While Ren Yuan has once more felt his cheeks warming up along with the sudden fast beat of his heart in which he has neglected to notice when he peered down at the person before him with a rather complex expression along with a penetrating gaze that seemed to question the word he just heard.

"... so you will stay by my side?"

"Of course, ugly or pretty, I'll stay by your side. And even if you don't want me to, I'll still remain."

Why would I leave you? I'm going to follow you no matter what.

"I see"

Suddenly feeling happy inside, Ren Yuan smiles widely which has lit up his exquisite feature so dazzling and bright while his peach blossom grey eyes curving up in a crescent moon that appeared attractive and charming causing Shao Cheng to let out a soft cough when he felt his throat tightening up a bit, before raising his hand to touch the man face once more.

"Well, here, I'll check your face since you are so worried about it."

"Hmm you are really great Little Cheng~"

And the entire time, the two of them seemed to easily forget the people that have been able to watched and hear their interaction the whole time.

Fifteen People: Our Master is sure mighty and domineering! Our Master Lady sure is charming and lovely!

Shao Yan: My younger brother flirting my younger brother just promises to be with someone for the rest of his life my younger brother pampering and doting on his *cough blood* lover wait they are still not together so I'll see something worse if they get together? *faint*

Xixi: ^&(#$^%& unrecognizable words *nosebleeds and fainting from overload* 

Yu Qin: damn Ren Yuan look so happy and these two don't even know the hidden meaning of what they are basically agreeing with each other...

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