The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 8.1, Irene’s Turning Point

Chapter 8.1, Irene’s Turning Point

| The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” | Next Chapter>>

Shortly after Billy assumed the role of leader of the Duodecad, a major incident occurred within the Duodecad Conference.

Upon hearing the news, Irene, in her office at the Magic University, raised her voice in frustration.

“Why is Barun leaving before me? I should be the one to leave first!”

Trace, standing in front of her, appeared to calmly deflect Irene’s anger.

“Even so, wasn’t it you, Miss Irene, who maneuvered to have Barun’s Black-and-White Chain Contract nullified? We have Sir Charlie to thank as well, of course…”

At the mention of Charlie, the Headmaster of Warrior University, Irene’s expression soured.

“What do you mean, thanks to Charlie? He just took advantage of being the Duodecad leader to avoid bringing the contracts to Regalia. Complete negligence! I had to clean up his mess!”

“Didn’t you delegate that task to me, Miss Irene?”

Trace’s words had a hint of sarcasm.

“Oh, um, did I? …I’m afraid I don’t quite recall.”

“It was entirely negligent on your part,” Trace said, adjusting her glasses.

“A-all right, fine! But because of that, Barun successfully left the Duodecad Conference…”

“Sir Barun is grateful for your help, of course.”

Irene froze at Trace’s comment.

“Wait a minute. Why am I hearing this from you, Trace?”

“Sir Barun informed me directly via a Telepathic Call.”

“Why would–“

“–You instructed him to do so, Miss Irene. Or have you forgotten that too?”

Trace’s pointed words struck again.

“Ugh… You’re quite scary these days.”

“Am I? I feel the same as always. Do I seem different?”

“I wouldn’t say different, but… is this about Sayla, after all?”

Trace paused, a shadow crossing her face. Irene, understanding everything from her expression, sighed softly and said nothing more.

Sayla, once one of the Six Archmages, also known as the Frostgazer, was the leader of the Resistance who had been slain by Billy.

[It can’t be helped. Sayla was Trace’s mentor figure… she was a student here at the Magic University when Sayla was teaching, I think… Finding out she was part of the Resistance and then hearing of her sudden execution… There’s no way she could remain calm.]

Clearing her throat, Irene shifted the conversation.

“By the way, how did your first batch of students do at graduation?”

“…Well, I mainly oversaw the freshmen, but watching Lina, Hornel, Idéa, and Midors grow was truly remarkable. Warren’s class was impressive too, but I didn’t play a major part in the development of their talents.”

“Yes, exactly! Because I–“

“–It was largely due to Mister Asley’s influence, I think.”

Irene’s face instantly contorted — a perfect harmony of her body and mind.

However, Trace, unusually, didn’t seem to notice Irene’s demeanor.

“I always believed it was human nature to shun such an extraordinary existence, but even I was surprised by the outcome that completely overturned that notion. Perhaps that unique character of his influenced everyone… No, saying that would undermine the efforts of those students. They were a generation full of ambition themselves…”

After saying this, Trace glanced out the window briefly.

Irene, who had been scowling, saw her reflection in the glass and let out a small sigh.

“By the way, Miss Irene.”

“What is it?”

“Who will the Duodecad Conference appoint to replace Sir Barun?”

“Well, since we’ve lost a warrior, we’ll probably bring in another warrior. But lately, capable warriors have been scarce. We might have to recruit someone from the Warrior University.”

“From among this year’s graduates? Must it be them…?”

“Bringing in young people provides a close target for others to strive toward. They can use the ambition and envy to improve themselves.”

Irene propped her chin on her hand, narrowing her eyes.

“Is that so?”

“Remember when there was talk of welcoming Blazer of Team Silver as one of the Six Braves?”


“That was the same idea. If the Six Braves included an adventurer, those who didn’t attend the Warrior University could still dream of achieving that status. It would invigorate the Adventurers’ Guild and improve the quality of warriors. Better warriors mean better wayward mages. But this time, it might be different…”

Irene said with a crooked smile, causing Trace to tilt her head slightly.

“What do you mean?”

“The Duodecad Conference, which used to operate on such principles, has changed. What happens now depends on the actions of Duodecad’s new leader… Billy the so-called Holy Healer.”

“Walls have ears and Doors screens have eyes, Miss Irene. You never know who might be listening.”

Trace advised, and Irene responded with a languid “Yeah, yeah.”

Watching her, Trace couldn’t help but smile. As he turned to leave the room, Irene stopped her.



“When Barun contacted you to thank me, did you ask him what he’ll do next?”

“…No, not specifically. He did mention going out to see the world, though…”

“Ahh, youth…”

“Oh, Miss Irene, I’m still quite young too.”

“That doesn’t apply to you, Trace. You’re dependable…”

“Oh, my…”

Irene glared at Trace, who covered her mouth, feigning modesty.

“Now, you’re not fooling anyone. You’re busy, right? Go on and get to work.”

“Hehehe… That’s exactly why I enjoy serving you, Miss Irene. I look forward to our continued partnership.”

Trace’s words made Irene blush more than her.

“Ugh… yeah, right, you’re still young.”

“Hehehe… Indeed.”

Though she tried to hide her embarrassment, Trace saw right through her.

With a deep sigh, Irene averted her gaze to the window.

Observing Irene, Trace smiled briefly and left the room. As the door closed, Irene continued to stare outside.

“Enjoy serving me, she says… And everyone keeps talking about Asley… Hurry back already, you fool…” She muttered softly.


The next day, Irene was once again raising her voice in her office.

“Why is this happening!?”

Even Trace, usually unfazed, looked troubled by Irene’s outburst.

“What is the matter now? Is there another problem?”

“It’s not just a problem — it’s a major crisis! Depending on how things play out, it could overturn the whole Empire!”

Trace, taken aback by Irene’s unprecedented fury, stared at her with a serious expression.

“What exactly… is going on?”

“I just received word from Tangalán. They’ve announced the new member of the Six Braves.”

“So soon after yesterday? It seems the situation is being taken very seriously… So who’s the new arrival?”


Irene’s response was a voice caught between words.

“Hmm? What was that?”

“It’s Egd! EGD!”

Irene’s face showed deep distress, and Trace was left speechless by the shock.

“Egd, as in that boy…?”

“Yes, that Egd! The same one who was always chasing Lina around! I never thought such a dumbass would be chosen as one of the Six Braves! And his master, Dragan… Gah, Dragan! Not only is he not vetoing this, he’s ENDORSING the kid! I heard Charlie even recommended him just because he thought it would be funny! Can you believe they’re placing such a fool among the Six Braves, who are supposed to be symbols of the Empire!?”

Seeing Irene’s intense outrage, Trace began to calm her.

“Now, now, Miss Irene. Even Egd is a top graduate of Warrior University. He’s not just a dumbass; he’s well-rounded…”

Trace’s reassurance weakened as she spoke. She realized the irony in her words, given the unusual situation at Warrior University that year.

[Come to think of it, I heard that this year’s top students in the written exams were not particularly outstanding in combat skills. Given that graduation results combine both written and practical assessments… I see now. Egd, as Dragan’s apprentice, excels in practical skills, but his written results were mediocre… The Duodecad Conference typically favored those who excelled in both academics and combat, and I missed that detail.]

Realizing that Trace had picked up on Egg’s shortcomings, Irene’s frustration grew.

“What in the world was the rest of the Duodecad Conference thinking…?”

“It’s all about appearance,” Irene explained. “Egd is still the top graduate, and that’s what the public sees. They’ll think, ‘Such an exceptional individual is becoming one of the Six Braves!’ Although this year’s graduates from Warrior University might be dissatisfied.”

“I see…” Trace spoke reluctantly, still grappling with the situation.

“But that’s just the facade. This is where Charlie and Dragan’s motivations come into play.”

Irene’s sudden shift in topic left Trace puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

“Charlie’s intentions are unclear, but Dragan’s reason for recommending Egd is probably to improve his own standing in the Duodecad Conference. Dragan is currently under severe scrutiny from above and burdened with tough assignments. Of course, we face similar challenges, but if Egd joins, Dragan’s influence and allies will grow. It’s likely his way of playing the political game.”

“That does seem to be the case.”

“But the real issue is that Billy approved this recommendation. He wouldn’t have overlooked who Egd was before appointing him to such a crucial position. Yet, Egd was accepted. Billy must have judged Egd as manageable.’ This means Billy, too, is playing into Ishtar’s plans, and we’re all part of that scheme.”

Trace swallowed hard at Irene’s deduction.

“This is problematic…” Irene groaned. “I totally forgot to consider Egd’s contract…”

“The power of the Black-and-White Chain may come into play when needed, too…”

Irene nodded in silence.


Despite the conversation, Irene remained as busy as ever. She had not spoken with Trace again and continued to tackle the mountain of work pouring in from the Duodecad Conference. As she grasped her pen, she noticed the darkness around her had deepened, surpassing even her own shadow.

“…Is it already this late?” she murmured, turning to light the candlestick in her room.

Suddenly, a strange noise came from beneath the door — a sound like paper rustling against paper.

“Who does there?”

Irene’s tone carried a sharp edge.

The reasons for her heightened suspicion were twofold. First, she had failed to notice anyone approaching the door.


“A letter…?”

The paper slid beneath the door had been delivered in a manner that suggested a deliberate attempt to avoid direct contact.

Bending down, Irene picked up the letter and immediately opened the door. She glanced down the corridors, but no one was in sight.

Her face grew grim. As one of the leading figures of the Duodecad Conference, Irene was known for her unparalleled experience and skill. For someone like her to detect no sign of presence at such close range was unsettling. It was only natural for her to be on high alert.

The letter was unmarked by any sender’s name and was not sealed with wax. It was merely a single sheet of parchment folded twice.

Irene swallowed hard and carefully opened the seal of the letter.

She unfolded it once, then again.

“…Nothing written? No, this seems too elaborate for just a prank. Is there some kind of mechanism…?”

She scrutinized the letter from all angles, both front and back. Then she found it.

“There’s a faint trace of arcane energy. Let’s try this…”

In an instant, Irene gathered her arcane energy and enveloped the letter with it. As she did, a faint text began to appear.

“Activation code using the target’s arcane energy… Classic, but complex. Yet, its purpose is simple: to reveal the contents only to me. This means the sender is likely someone I know. Could it be…!?”

For a brief moment, Irene’s mind flickered to Asley. She thought Asley might be capable of such intricate magical manipulations. Of course, there might be other explanations, but…

Irene quickly shook off the thought.

“No, that fool wouldn’t go through this much trouble. If it were him, he’d just barge in with a silly grin… But then, who could it be?”

As Irene pondered, the text fully emerged from the letter. Upon reading it, she ceased her contemplation.

“…How audacious.”

The letter read: ‘Tonight at midnight, at the western gate of Beilanea.’ Irene glared at the letter as if she could see the sender through it. Her anger, which had been palpable, quickly shifted to astonishment.


The letter she held emitted a dull, dry crackle and burned to ashes.

Although she had not been burned, Irene bit her index finger and stared at the remnants of the letter. Her gaze, once filled with shock, returned to its fierce intensity. As her anger deepened, her lips moved slightly.

“Damn it, you little…! I hope it’s nothing more than a burn…”

With a contained fury and the room filled with arcane energy, Irene imagined the unknown sender with a grim, confident smile.

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