The President is Being Shameless Again

Chapter 162 - She’s Shady, And You’ll Be Her Shady Godmother.

Chapter 162: She’s Shady, And You’ll Be Her Shady Godmother.

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was rare for Yan Beicheng to request politely, hence everyone obliged to it.

Yan Beicheng thanked everyone and left with Lin Chu.

In the car, he and Lin Chu each grabbed a marriage certificate. Yan Beicheng did a few poses with his hands, his delicate and defined fingers fiddling with hers, trying to do a good posture together.

Finally, Yan Beicheng adjusted his fingers a few more times and both of their hands were crossed to make a heart shape as they held the household register booklets.

Yan Beicheng’s arm was almost twisted akin to a fried dough twist, and the rare posture was obtained with great difficulties so that the two’s marriage certificate would be seen in the picture. Afterward, the picture was forwarded to Yan Hui’s operation department.

Lawyer Zhou had already prepared the statement on Sunday for Yan Beicheng’s approval. Thus, as soon as Yan Hui’s operation department received the photo, they immediately announced it on the internet according to their pre-arrangement.

Either Wei Zilin’s measure was good, or Yan Hui’s action was fast, or those reporters did take heed to Yan Beicheng’s request. In short, before the official statement was released, none of the media company disclosed Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu’s marriage news.

As such, when it was announced, it immediately caused an uproar amongst the public; particularly so when the media published Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu’s photo almost immediately too.

Other than applauding them to be an ideal couple, the most heated topic was also Yan Beicheng’s age and appearance.

For a while, the comments left by the netizens were a mixture of admiration and envy.


Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu went directly to the orphanage at noon. It was because Yan Ningbai and Mo Jinxi were in school, and when Yan Ningbai called him in the morning, he agreed to bring them along to the Family Mansion at night.

The old Principal was so pleased that she was not able to speak. Just by looking at Lin Chu, she was filled with happiness and smiled continuously.

“Please eat, don’t keep looking at me and smile.” Lin Chu was starting to feel embarrassed by her actions.

“You have a good home to return to, I’m very happy!” The old Principal smiled. Seeing Lin Chu’s face turning red, she then took some dish and said, “Alright, alright, I’ll eat now. Let’s eat!”

Leaving the orphanage after that, Yan Beicheng sent Lin Chu to Lin Yi before going to Yan Hui.

Lin Chu took the elevator to the floor where Lin Yi’s office was located. She unexpectedly met Zhou Xinman from the Human Resource Department when she came out from the elevator.

Zhou Xinman smiled and was particularly happy upon seeing her. She waved to Lin Chu and said, “Lin Chu, congratulations!”

Lin Chu did not expect that they would know about it so quickly and thanked her with a smile.

Along her way back to the office, she would pass by colleagues who congratulated her.

Upon entering the Public Relations Department, she found a bottle of red wine on her desk.

Lin Chu looked at Zheng Yuntong with suspicion, who explained with a smile, “President Wei just sent this over to wish you a happy wedding!”

Lin Chu, “...”

She did not dare to look at her WeChat at the moment; her circle must be teasing her.


Yan Beicheng returned to his office, and although there was a ton of accumulated work from the morning, he still could not suppress his excited heart to want to show off. He cheekily opened up his WeChat.

However, the ‘8×8 is 64′ group chat members seemed to have planned to not come online to allow him to flaunt. They acted as if they had no idea that he was married.

Yan Beicheng shared the photo that he took of the marriage certificates earlier in the group chat.

The youngblood Nan Jingheng finally could not contain himself and came online. “It’s just getting married! Why are you so cocky about it?”

Yan Beicheng, “I’ve gotten my marriage license.”

Nan Jingheng, “I know, I know! All media companies including Nan Yin reported it! I’m just saying, after showing off the ring now you show off your marriage certificate. Why is it still interesting? Who’s never gotten married!”

Yan Beicheng, “You.”

Nan Jingheng, “...”

Chu Zhaoyang, “You need to treat us to a meal.”

Nan Jingheng, “That’s right, you’re married now. You need to treat us a meal! This meal is not counted as a wedding dinner, I’m not giving you a wedding gift!”

Han Zhuoli, “Nan Jingheng, look at your stingy self! But tomorrow’s not the wedding, so I’m not giving a wedding gift too!”

Yan Beicheng, “...”

Who said I am treating them to a meal!

Qi Chengzi, “Let’s set it for tomorrow night then. I just declined an appointment for tomorrow night.”

Wei Ziqi, “It’s been a while since we went to Red Roof, let’s go there. Even the sound of the name’s festive.”

Yan Beicheng, “...”

What happened that even the time and place were booked for him?

Wei Zilin, “Shall I give Lin Chu marriage leave since you guys just got married?”

Yan Beicheng, “Sounds good, I’ll tell Shao Huai to pick her up.”

Lin Chu could not help and secretly signed into her WeChat and read what they chatted about in the group. Yan Beicheng could not even hold them back, and she felt that she would not be able to do much and decided to pretend to not have read anything. Just as she was about to exit the application, she then read the messages between Yan Beicheng and Wei Zilin.

She had no clue if Yan Beicheng was serious; if he was, what nerve did she have to do so.

She immediately messaged Yan Beicheng, “Are you serious?”

“We got our marriage license today and it’s a joyous occasion. It’s good to take a rest,” Yan Beicheng replied.

“Please don’t,” Lin Chu replied quickly. She felt that her typing was slow, so she went to a corner to send him a voice message instead. “I still want to apply for marriage leave for our wedding dinner.”

Lin Chu recorded her message as her face flushed red. Even though they had gotten their marriage licenses, she still could not help to feel shy when talking about it. Particularly when she said it, she felt like she was unashamed and was very eager to hold the wedding ceremony as soon as possible.

“Even if you’re friends with Wei Zililn, but I’m an employee here and I want to work professionally. I’m already being taken care of for small matters, but I don’t want people to perceive me that I want a mile after getting an inch. I’m here to work, not be a forefather. I am very grateful to Wei Zilin for hiring me, that’s why I want to take my job seriously.”

Yan Beicheng chuckled, and said, “Alright then.”

He was actually thinking that since there was already a lot of work, should he just bite the bullet and take a vacation today and pushed all of his work to do tomorrow.

However, he immediately dropped the idea after listening to Lin Chu.

Just as Lin Chu was about to send another message, Yan Beicheng unexpectedly gave her a call.

It was one thing to text him, suddenly calling her like this was like talking to him face to face. The feeling was different.

They went to obtain the marriage license together, and after that they were together still. Hence, she was not able to feel shy or embarrassed.

But after they parted and went their own ways, her mind calmed down and she flushed red in the face. With his sudden phone call, Lin Chu’s current state of mind was just like when she started dating and establishing her relationship with Yan Beicheng.

She felt indescribable nervousness, her heart was beating fast and her face was burning hot.

Lin Chu took a deep breath before answering the call, “Why are you calling?”

The ear that was listening to the phone could hear Yan Beicheng’s light chuckle. His laughter was like pearls rolling down her ear canal one by one, slowly vibrating on her auricle.

It was a feeling similar to when he would put his mouth close her ears and spoke out.

The phone she was using was new as well, hence the sound quality was exceptionally clear. It was as if she could hear his every breath from the phone, her face and ears blushed red from hearing this.

The voice coming out of the phone was as if he had used a professional microphone to make his voice more attractive and magnetic.

“How are you doing over there?” Yan Beicheng chuckled as he asked.

Originally both wedding certificates were placed inside Lin Chu’s bag. When they went their separate ways, Yan Beicheng deliberately asked to take one of them.

Just as he was making the phone call, the marriage certificate was displayed on the table in front of him.

As he spoke to Lin Chu, he would play with the marriage certificate from time to time. He would open it and look at their marriage photo taken at a red background, and he could not help but smiled.

Lin Chu knew what he was asking about and answered, “My colleagues are all congratulating me. When I entered office, I saw a bottle of red wine on my table that was given by Wei Zilin.”

Yan Beicheng chuckled twice, “Let’s go out tomorrow night and buy them a meal.”

“Alright,” Lin Chu replied with a blushing face. As she thought of meeting Yan Beicheng’s friends tomorrow as his wife, her heart floated in joy.

After he ended the call, Yan Beicheng was not in the state of mind to work at all. He continuously played with the marriage certificate.

There was a knock at the door, and Zuo Qiu’s voice was heard after.

Yan Beicheng pondered as he looked at his table. He placed the marriage certificated at the corner of the table, then moved it next to the computer, and finally placed it beside the files that were next to his table.

He felt that the position was great, it seemed as if it were placed inadvertently but was still particularly conspicuous, so that it would be the first thing that people would see when they came in.

Yan Beicheng then said, “Come in.” Zuo Qiu entered with some documents and stopped at Yan Beicheng’s table. He saw the marriage certificate on the table.

Zuo Qiu, “...”

“Master Yan, congratulations to you and Lin Chu! I’ll be able to call her Mrs. President from now on,” Zuo Qiu said smiling.

Yan Beicheng looked up as if he were puzzled. He pondered for a while before responding, “Oh, the marriage certificate. I’ve forgotten to put it away.”

Zuo Qiu, “...”

Master Yan, your acting was horrendous!

Zuo Qiu chuckled twice and reported Yan Beiching’s afternoon schedule to him.

Yan Beicheng nodded, and tapped the table with his fingers and instructed, “Change the afternoon meeting to be one-on-one sessions with the respective department managers so they can summarize their reports to me individually.”

Zuo Qiu eyed the marriage certificate on the table, chuckled again in his heart and left.

That afternoon, all the department managers of Yan Hui who went into Yan Beicheng’s office saw his marriage certificate.


That evening, Yan Beicheng came to pick Lin Chu up from work.

He was sitting in the car and saw Lin Chu walking toward him from afar.

As they were required to take wedding photos for the marriage certificates, both of them wore white shirts. Lin Chu’s white shirt was slightly longer, and she paired it with a pair of light blue jeans and a pair of white sneakers. Her hair was tied up casually in a ponytail.

Her footsteps were light and brisk, her ponytail swung about behind her head with her steps, making her looked lively and pretty. Her makeup was very light as if she was not wearing any. She looked young and naïve, like a university freshman.

Her face was brighter as the evening rays shone on it.

Yan Beicheng lowered his car window. Lin Chu could see him looking at her from inside the car and immediately smiled at him. Her defined pair of eyes seemed to be smiling as well. Her smile was so bright and beautiful, so much so that Yan Beicheng was dazzled and dazed by it.

Lin Chu opened the car door herself and got in. She saw Yan Beicheng’s blank and dazed expression at her.

Lin Chu laughed and waved her hands in front of his eyes saying, “Come back.”

Yan Beicheng blinked a couple of times and regained his senses. He held her hand and placed it up to his lips to kiss it. “Mrs. Yan, you’ve finished work.”

Lin Chu felt a tingle on her hand, and a small current flowed from the back of her hand to her shoulder.

The corners of her mouth could not help but smiled, “Yes, thank you for picking me up Mr. Yan.”

Yan Beicheng laughed out loud and leaned over to kiss her on the lips. Initially, he just wanted to peck her on the lips lightly. But when he thought that the person in his embrace is now officially his wife, he could not stop the stirring in his heart and deepened his kiss.

Lin Chu felt like she was drowning in entanglement. Suddenly, she felt a gush of gentle cold breeze and suddenly woke up in realization. Yan Beicheng had kept the car window opened.

Lin Chu’s face blushed red, did everyone outside saw everything!

Annoyed and embarrassed, Lin Chu hit him a few times on his shoulder and Yan Beicheng finally released her. Lin Chu’s lips were moist and plump from his kisses, and she was gasping for breath.

From the corner of her eyes, she noted that there was a crowd outside the car and they had seen everything. Their expressions varied, from disapproving to smiling and teasing to despicable, it all made Lin Chu felt particularly shameful.

She covered her face with one hand and lowered her head to quickly close the car window. She urged Yan Beicheng, “Hurry up and drive!”

Yan Beicheng did not mind as he was thick-skinned; in fact, he could not wait to let everyone watch them.

However, listening to Lin Chu’s annoyed tone, he did not dare to show a happy or indifferent expression. He quickly closed the car window, turned on the air conditioner and drove away.

If he was not driving, Lin Chu would have pinched him. “You’re really something, the window was open!”

Yan Beicheng held her hand and quickly coaxed her, “I forgot, it’ll never happen again.”

When they were halfway to their destination, Lin Chu’s burning hot face started to cool down. She had no choice but to hope that the few people who saw them were just passerby, or at least not working in the same office building as Lin Yi that she might meet frequently.

She also hoped that if they worked nearby, they would not remember her face.

After a short while, Lin Chu asked, “Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?”

Yan Beicheng quickly turned his head to glance at her, “What do you have in mind?”

Lin Chu nodded and said, “Today when you called me around noon and said we needed to buy Chu Zhaoyang and the gang a meal, it reminded me that although our marriage news was announced, we can’t just not include Moyan and Yuntong. They’re both my friends, should we treat them to a meal as well?”

Yan Beicheng had no further opinion on this matter and said, “I’m free tomorrow afternoon, let’s do a reservation at Sheng Yue.”

Lin Chu happily called Xu Moyan to fix the appointment.

The car stopped at the entrance of the Family Mansion. Xu Moyan and Mo Jinxi were out of school early and Shao Hui had fetched them home beforehand.

The two little guys are also starting their summer vacation today. After their examination, they went back to school today to collect their results and spring-cleaned the whole school. Their teacher reminded them repeatedly about the matters to take note of during vacation. School dismissal was only an hour earlier than usual.

The two entered the house and saw the two little guys playing with toy trains on the side.

Old Lady Yan saw Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu and immediately beamed. “When you got down the car, did you see the neighbors?”

“Coincidentally it was the time when everyone just got off from work, we’ve met quite a few.” Yan Beicheng smiled, “They already congratulated us.”

Since they showed off already, Old Lay Yan was happy and nodded. “That’s good, that’s good. You two sit down and rest, dinner will be ready soon.”

Old Lady Yan sat down with them as well. “Too bad Huaian and Yu Zi are not around, otherwise it would’ve been livelier.”

“I’ll give them a call at night,” Yan Beicheng assured.

Old Lady Yan nodded and said with difficulty. “I’ve asked Jiang Changdai and Zhiqing to join us for dinner as well. I am reluctant to have her come and dampen the joyous spirit, but I wanted her to know that you both are married now, and she should stop talking about Lu Weining and how good she is and stop doing shady things. The sooner that hope of hers dies off, the better.”

Yan Beicheng heard what she said and smiled slightly. “I do want to let her know as well but I didn’t want to see her and I was wondering how to go about it to let her know that this is the reality. Today will be a good opportunity but there will surely be a ruckus if she’s coming. I’m just afraid that she may spoil the nice day for us.”

“We’re just inviting her to realize the reality. If she hates it, she can leave. Let’s not let her ruin our state of mind,” Old Master Yan said bluntly. The mention of Jiang Changdai annoyed him, to the point that his grizzled beard seemed to fly from his heaves of angry breaths.

Just as they were chatting, the doorbell rang. Lin Chu guessed that Jiang Changdai and Yan Zhiqing had arrived.

Sure enough, a voice could be heard entering the entrance hall after Aunt Chen went to open the door.

They then saw Jiang Changdai and Yan Zhiqing walking in, both did not have a great expression, especially Jiang Changdai.

Jiang Changdai barely went online, Yan Hui’s notice was posted on Weibo and sent to various media outlets. Jiang Changdai was merely on WeChat Moment, but Moment responded slowly with these types of news. Moreover, Yan Beicheng was not a celebrity and hence was not popular in Moment.

Yan Zhiqing received admittance into film school, and she had been busy socializing. Yan Beicheng was not going to care about her, and she wanted to look for Han Zhuoli for help. Han Zhuoli had been avoiding her, citing that he was busy, so much so that she still could not get in contact with him. Therefore, she could only rely on herself and barely had the time to go online and follow the news closely. She also was not aware of Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu’s news of marriage.

As soon as the two came in, Yan Zhiqing immediately greeted in a lovable tone. “Grandpa, Granny.”

Aunt Chen was shocked with her attitude, she was surprised at how thick Yan Zhiqing’s skin was. She surely had the gist to become an actress. Last time around she was quarreling with the two elders, now in a blink of an eye, she played the part of a good granddaughter.

Jiang Changdai no longer dared to call them mom and dad. She greeted, “Old Master, Old Madam.”

She glimpsed and saw Lin Chu and her face fell immediately.

“Grandpa, Granny, what’s the occasion to call us back?” Yan Zhiqing asked as she sat on the sofa in front of Lin Chu. Jiang Changdai followed suit.

Even though Old Lady Yan felt disgusted looking at Jiang Changdai, she was not going to allow it to ruin today’s event. She smiled and explained, “It’s because of good news, today Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu had gotten their marriage licenses. The two are now officially husband and wife.”

Yan Zhiqing looked at Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu in shock. She did not manage to say anything when Jiang Changdai shrieked sharply.

“What! Getting married is a huge matter, why didn’t you tell me! You actually went and gotten your marriage license without telling me, do you still consider me as your mother in your eyes?” Jiang Changdai was furious as she glared at Yan Beicheng. Her eyes that were full of resentment looked nothing like how a mother would look at her child.

Other people’s mothers looked at their child with love and affection. The longer they looked at them, the more affectionate they get. In Jiang Changdai’s case, it was as if she was looking at her enemy. It was an ironic sight.

Lin Chu clutched her knees in anger, afraid she was unable to contain herself and scream at Jiang Changdai.

Yan Beicheng held her hand and squeezed it a couple of times so she would loosen up, indicating that he was fine.

He did not mind at all as he had gotten used to Jiang Changdai’s attitude after so many years. His heart had numbed, she could not hurt him even if she wanted to.

Lin Chu turned her head and saw Yan Beicheng smiling at her. She loosened her clench.

Yan Beicheng took a lychee fruit from the table and peeled off its skin for Lin Chu.

Lin Chu felt embarrassed having him to serve her this way, especially in front of the two elders. Even if the two elders were open-minded, she was still concerned that they would be unhappy. She could not care less what Jiang Changdai thought, but she truly cared about the two elders’ opinions.

No matter what, Yan Beicheng was still their grandson. Seeing that they brought him up since young, they would definitely have an opinion on how he considerate he served a woman.

The two elders had no reactions. As for Jiang Changdai, her face grew darker. Even if it was a petty matter, it showed how normally Yan Beicheng would treat Lin Chu. It was obvious from his actions.

He was even considerate about the smallest detail; on normal days he would probably not even be as attentive.

Normally one would not see Yan Beicheng being considerate toward others, neither to her nor Yan Zhiqing.

Lin Chu hurriedly pushed his hands away and said, “You eat it.”

Yan Beicheng raised his eyebrows and did not retrieve his hand back. On the contrary, he even placed the lychee near her mouth. “I thought you didn’t like to peel off lychee skins? You said it’s uncomfortable when the juice gets sticky on your hands.”

Jiang Changdai’s temper rose. Yan Beicheng had not answered the question she asked, yet he incessantly waited upon Lin Chu. He was pouring oil on Jiang Changdai’s fire.

“Does she have no hands!” Jiang Changdai said furiously, itching to swat off the lychee that was on Yan Beicheng’s hand.

Yan Beicheng pretended as if he had not heard her.

At this moment, Old Lady Yan laughed out loud. “Lin Chu, don’t be shy. You’re with family now. It makes us happy seeing Yan Beicheng treating you well. How you get along with each other at home should be how you two get along here too, if not so do you regard us as outsiders? If he’s not considerate toward his wife, then who should he be considerate to?”

Lin Chu was only concerned with the views of the two elders. She did not care about Jiang Changdai. Even if she were to die from rage, it would not bother Lin Chu too.

Since Old Lady Yan had said so and Old Master Yan approved with his kind face, she knew the two elders did not mind. She ate the lychee that was in Yan Beicheng’s hand.

Yan Beicheng immediately took a piece of tissue from the tissue box and wiped the fruit juice off Lin Chu’s lips. He then held his palm out to let Lin Chu spit out the seed.

Yan Beicheng’s movements were so smooth and natural as if his limbs moved before his brain was able to process. It was like a habit he was used to doing at home.

Jiang Changdai could not bear it any longer. “Lin Chu, stop being too excessive. Letting your husband serve you. Don’t you have shame! Do you have no hands?”

Lin Chu completely ignored her, watching Jiang Changdai got angry made her want to infuriate Jiang Changdai even more.

She looked at the two elders and their expressions were natural and normal, smiling as they watched Yan Beicheng being considerate toward her. Their eyes and faces did not carry an ounce of unhappiness. Lin Chu immediately released her burden.

It was as if she had read her thoughts, Old Lady Yan nodded as she smiled toward Lin Chu.

Lin Chu then said to Yan Beicheng, “I want more.”

Yan Beicheng had just wiped his hands with a piece of tissue. Hearing this he took another lychee and began to peel it. Then, he fed it into her mouth and reached out his palm so she could spit the seed out.

Jiang Changdai was raging mad. Yan Ningbai who was playing at the side with his toy trains suddenly turned around and said, “They usually act like this at home. Big nephew and big niece-in-law were always taking care of each other.”

“What do you mean taking care of each other, I’ve only seen Yan Beicheng taking care of her! Didn’t you two went and gotten your marriage licenses today? As a wife, you’re not even able to take care of your husband. You’re even letting your husband serve you in front of the elders in the house as well, do you have no shame?” Jiang Changdai said furiously as she pointed at Lin Chu’s nose. “Lin Chu, do you not know what’s appropriate behavior!”

Lin Chu calmly swallowed her lychee and coldly smiled towards Jiang Changdai. “Me and Yan Beicheng takes care of each other, I love him, and I take into consideration his well-being. I take care of him and do my duty as a wife, and he pampers me and takes care of me as well. The relationship between husband and wife should be mutual, and no marriage can last for a long time if only one party does their part. You said that I don’t even care for my husband, what position are you in to say so?”

Jiang Changdai was not bright, and her responses were slow. She subconsciously knew that Lin Chu paused to wait for her response, but because of her airhead, she was slow to react. It took her a while before she was able to respond.

She could only see Lin Chu’s sneer towards her. “Last time, how did you treat my father-in-law, who are you to accuse me now of what I’m doing is right or wrong? Beicheng and I are husband and wife, we live together and both of us know how we get along. You don’t know anything, yet you continue to point fingers. If you had done your duty as a wife, then you would be qualified to give me a lesson today. But you didn’t, you don’t even deserve to be someone’s wife. What rights do you have to say that I don’t treat Yan Beicheng well? Just because he peeled off a lychee skin for me?”

Lin Chu scoffed at her ridiculousness, “You’ve never taken care of Beicheng, yet today you’re presenting yourself as his mother.”

“Do you still have any respect for the elders?” Jiang Changdai stood up as she pointed at Lin Chu. “How can you talk to me like that in front of the elders. Is it because you’ve been pampered too much that you’ve forgotten about your identity?”

The two elders raised their eyebrows, why did they feel as if Jiang Changdai was pointing at the mulberry tree but cursing the locust tree! (TN: Directly translated from the Chinese idiom 指桑骂槐, meaning scolding something indirectly or making oblique accusations.)

She was obviously scolding Lin Chu, yet she dragged them both in and scolded them as well. Was she saying that they spoilt Lin Chu from the beginning, up until the point that she was not respecting the elders?

“Yan Beicheng, this is the wife that you married. Don’t you care that she’s saying all these in front of you?” Jiang Changdai glared at Yan Beicheng. “You said nothing and married her. Did you ask your family beforehand? Did you tell the elders? You’re disrespecting us by getting married without telling the elders!”

Yan Beicheng calmly got a tissue to wipe his hands. His hands were still sticky from the lychee juice which had sugar content. Lin Chu went and got a damp towel for him to wipe his hands.

Yan Beicheng used the towel to wipe his every finger, his movement was particularly elegant.

He then said, “I’ve told the elders, they’ve all agreed.”

“I didn’t, when did you tell me!” Jiang Changdai asked with her face ashen.

Old Lady Yan sneered at her, “That means in Beicheng’s heart you’re not an elder and not even his family member. Why’d he asked for your consent? Do you still want Beicheng to say it out loud? Jiang Changdai, I’m telling you now, Beicheng’s family members are surnamed Yan, not Jiang. Lin Chu was right, don’t present yourself as a mother now. Since you’ve never fulfilled your duty as a mother, then you shouldn’t expect Beicheng and Lin Chu to treat you as a mother and respect you as an elder.”

“The marriage between Beicheng and Lin Chu was consented by us and we’ve been expecting it. Moreover, there was no intention to ask for your consent from the beginning. Do you understand? You’re nothing here, and Beicheng’s matters would never need to ask for your opinion,” Old Lady Yan said lightly.

The Old Taishan (TN: The author used this word to symbolize Old Master Yan. “Taishan” is a pun, which refers to both meditation and father-in-law because China had always called father-in-laws “Taishan”. It also symbolizes a huge mountain and longevity.) sat there and calmly continued, “I asked you to come over to let you know that they’ve gotten married. Since they’re married now, stop bringing that shady woman over to bother them. Those that had further notions need to halt their intention as soon as possible. When Beicheng was not married, he was not even attracted to her shadiness, and now that he’s married, it’s even more impossible!”

“Lu Weining’s not a shady person!” Jiang Changdai said without thinking further.

Old Lady Yan laughed out loud from anger as she patted on the sofa strongly. “Alright! Since you like her so much, why don’t you adopt her to be your daughter! It’s perfect, she’s shady, and you’ll be her shady godmother!”

“Old madam, how... how could you say that to me?” Jiang Changdai had tears in her eyes due to grievance. “I’ve always respected you, yet you used those words on me!”

“Granny, why... why do you hate mom so much? Have you ever thought that you treating her this way and saying these words about her, makes me feel bad? Big brother is your grandson, and I love big brother as well, but I’m also your granddaughter! I understand that I wasn’t raised by you so you’re closer to big brother. But, I’m your biological granddaughter, yet I can’t even compete with Lin Chu?”

“If you’re more sensible, I’d been closer to you.” Old Lady Yan was lazy to explain further, she then pointed at Jiang Changdai. “Why I’m saying this to you now, you know in your heart why! The things you’ve done in the past, calling you shady is nothing! If you dare, you should tell Zhiqing what happened, don’t let her think that we’re always bullying you. If you don’t have the guts to do it, then stop trying to be shady and keep bothering Beicheng and Lin Chu! You’ve never looked at Beicheng as a son, so stop presenting yourself as his mother! It’s simply reaping what you have sowed, why do you still believe that you’re entitled to meddle in Beicheng’s matter?”

Old Master Yan then opened his mouth and continued, “Nobody told you about Beicheng and Lin Chu getting married, it’s not because we’re afraid of your disapproval. In this house, do you think your words make a difference? We just dislike telling you, we’re lazy to entertain you and you don’t mean anything in our eyes. Do you get it? So, now you’re telling us that you hadn’t agreed to it, there’s no use as nobody cares about what you think. Got it? Don’t even say that even if they’re married, they could still get a divorce. We’re not agreeing to it, and they’ll never listen to you. Today we asked you to come over not to ask for your opinion. We just wanted to let you know, so you can stop bothering them. They’re married, if Lu Weining’s still willing to become a mistress and keep coming over to bother them, then we’ll just let everyone know! We’ll just reveal all her doings, the Lu Family’s never been worried about losing face anyway, we’ll let Lu Weining make an exhibition of herself!”

“Grandpa, Granny, Big Sister Lu is kind!” Yan Zhiqing was particularly uncomfortable. She felt that her big sister, who had always been so kind, was criticized by others and it was unfair for Lu Weining.

She looked at Yan Beicheng again. “Big Brother, I know that you dislike Big Sister Lu. Yes, you don’t like her, and no one can force you. I also know that I can’t force you to be with someone you don’t like. But she’s done nothing wrong, she likes you. Is that such a big deal? Why are you saying that she’s shameless? Liking a person is not a shameful thing.”

She probably had thought of her situation, hence Yan Zhiqing felt she could relate to the situation.

Although she wanted to go to college, Yan Beicheng couldn’t lock her at home to prevent her from going out. He kept sending somebody over to keep a watch on her. As soon as she was heading towards Lin Yi, somebody would come and stop her.

With great difficulty, she even found someone to get Wei Zilin’s phone number for her. However, no one picked up every phone call she made. One day, she called with a different phone number, and Wei Zilin answered it. It was then she realized that she had been blacklisted and her calls have been blocked all the while.

Yan Zhiqing was devastated about it, and she began to put herself in another’s shoes.

“On her birthday, it’s fine if you weren’t willing to accompany her. But she was alone on that day, and she had no family members in B City. She called you when she encountered gangsters on the street. Unexpectedly, you don’t even care about her. Big Brother, how can you be so heartless? Even if it’s not her, but an ordinary person, you shouldn’t ignore when people call for help! She’s still a girl, what if she was taken advantage of? Fortunately, she met a kind person, otherwise, she’d faced serious consequences! Isn’t she just purely showing interest in you? Just because of this, she was almost ruined, but you couldn’t care less.”

Lin Chu was surprised. She did not expect that this had happened on that day.

However, she did not think that Yan Beicheng did something wrong. It was Lu Weining anyway, it was not related to them no matter how badly she was ruined. It was not that she was heartless, she just simply disliked Lu Weining that much.

If Lu Weining had not gone to find Yan Beicheng, she would not have encountered these things.

Moreover, she knew of Yan Hui’s location, the nearby places were not even dangerous. Lu Weining said that she was encountered by gangsters, but what actually happened was unclear.

Yan Beicheng casually looked at Yan Zhiqing and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he did a few clicks on the screen and let her listen to a recording. It was the conversation between Lu Weining and one of the three gangsters. Yan Beicheng had also sent the recording to Lu Weining, making her stopped doing silly things for some time.

Yan Zhiqing could not believe her ears after listening to the recording, her expression changed.

“Is it... Is there a misunderstanding?” Yan Zhiqing said.

This was different from what Lu Weining had told her.

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