The Player Hides His Past

Chapter 585

Chapter 585 – PART1

Episode 585. Surprise (1)


“I thought I was going to wake up in the morning…”

Today’s Arcana.

The staff were far away and glanced at Hyun Yongseok. Today was definitely a day to be cautious of the wind. They turned their heads and checked the ratings of Today’s Arcana again.

“How many million concurrent viewers is this?”

“It can’t be helped.”

“Yeah, so is this our fault?”

The reason for losing half the audience, or more, was simple.

“How can we beat the Holy War Alliance Raid?”

This was because the long, epic The Great Yokai of the Valley of Blood, the Cruel God Killer Eight-headed Viper Raid was streamed via Netubers. Of course, they couldn’t broadcast it live, so they had to rely on recorded footage.

“But how could we keep up with the excitement!”

Isn’t it natural that Today’s Arcana, which could only invite experts to the studio, would be unable to keep up? Suddenly, the gaze of the staff turned to Yoon Jongjin.

“I really wish Yoon was a player.”

“Huh? All of a sudden? I? Do I look a bit out of place? Hehe.”

“That’s not it, you could have taken a video.”

“……What the hell, did you say that?!”

Yoon Jongjin shook his head.

“Yeah. It’s just that I didn’t jump into the Arcana Continent Biography when I was at my peak. Even if I had awakened as a player, the camera director would have been a joke. First, I’ll go to our current PD…….”

It was a moment when my imagination was about to unfold.


Hyun Yongseok called Yoon Jongjin meaningfully.

Has it started in earnest?

Hyun PD’s hysteria.


“Where are you all running away……! ”

Yoon Jongjin desperately tried to reach out, but the staff fled from the studio. In the end, Yoon Jongjin could only hesitantly approach Hyun Yongseok.

Of course, his mouth didn’t stop moving.

“No, senior. To put it bluntly, it was something that could not be helped, right? Hoyeol and the Lionheart Knights were probably beating that snake first, and they were joined by the Great Alliance and Shining, who are also on the same side? How can we, Today Arcana, respond to such a big deal?”

“Who said that?”


Weren’t you supposed to say something?

Yoon Jong-jin was stunned by the unexpected reaction.

Hyun Yongseok raised the corner of his mouth.

“It’s the best.”

“Yeah, yeah ?! ”

“It’s the best I’ve ever seen.”

How many years had they been together?

Yoon Jongjin knew Hyun Yongseok’s temper better than anyone.

Hyun was not the kind of person to admit things easily.

Especially when it comes to his field.

“……Senior, is there something wrong with my ears?”

Whatever the video was.

If it was the Hyun Yongseok that Yoon Jongjin knew, he’d have to poke fun at it somehow. Unless it was a picture he had designed, Hyun Yong-eok was not the kind of person who could smile like that, no matter how pleased he was with it.


“No matter what, I can’t fault something like this.”

Hyun Yongseok was sincere.

What appeared on the monitor was.

It was an extremely crude video of NetTube players.

-“Guys, can you see it? It’s so freaking big!!”

-“Crazy, I’m in a status of abnormality?! First of all, I’m going to jump out a little!!”


The shaky angles, the out-of-place voices, and the grainy picture quality. It was so full of problems that even Yoon Jongjin could catch a truckload of them.

“The important thing is not these trivial things.”

It was the viewer.

Not to the players.

In Hyun Yongseok’s eyes.

“You’ve never seen anything like this before, have you, Jongjin? The Holy War Alliance is actually acting like a proper alliance. They must have been risking their lives behind our backs in the Rift, on the Arcana continent, risking their lives behind our backs, everyone.”

A whopping 2,000 levels. In the face of a gap that would have been a sure sign of defeat in the past, the Lionheart Knights and the players are undeterred.

“We had everyone grow with experience, not experience points.”

And at the center of it all was Hoyeol.

His posture was the same as ever.

He stood tall and straight as ever.

Maybe that’s why.

Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice.

“I almost missed it, but I’m glad you held the baton.”

The tide of battle changes with each movement of the baton.

After all, I knew nothing about command.

I could feel it intuitively.

Yoon Jongjin opened his mouth in unison.

“I hate to say this, but you’re starting to sound like the Commander in Chief.”

Hyun Yongseok nodded.

“Of course it is.”

Commander-in-Chief of the Holy War Alliance.

In fact, it was not a position suitable for Hoyeol.

It was not Hoyeol who was the problem, but the members of the Holy War Alliance.

When the Holy War Alliance was out in force.

It was always Hoyeol alone who faced and defeated the enemy.

However, The Great Yokai of the Valley of Blood, the Cruel God Killer Eight-headed Viper Raid was different.

The Holy War Alliance was victorious even without Hoyeol at the front.

“Did you have coffee before that?”

“Coffee? No.”

“I’ll shoot. Follow me.”

“Yeah, yeah ?! ”

Yes, Hyun Yongseok liked the view.

Of course, Hyun Yongseok was a man with a persistent temper.

This meant that he was not a person who would give up on viewers like this.

He looks at everything in the world with a pointed gaze.

Even when I see it with my own eyes, it is so touching.

I wonder what it would be like to see it through viewers’ eyes.

“No, the sun must be rising in the west, and senior has finished his coffee…….”

What stopped Yoon Jongjin, who was leading the way with excitement.

It was Hyun Yongseok’s cool voice.

Hyun Yongseok didn’t seem to mind.

“Well, if you’re thinking about rolling, you should get some caffeine infusion first thing in the morning.”

With so much good sauce pouring out of him, Hyun Yongseok wasn’t one to let it go. Yoon Jongjin, who knew Hyun Yongseok almost as well as the years they had been together, sighed.

“It was quiet for some reason, really!”

“Don’t think about running away, get ready.”

“Prepare? Prepare for what, again?”

Hyun Yongseok asked as if he were asking the obvious.

“Shouldn’t we be interviewing for the Holy War Alliance? We’ll use it as a documentary.”


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