The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 54: Go up the mountain

Chapter 54: Go up the mountain

Chapter 54 Going up the mountain

There are more than 110 households in Liuyang Village, and more than 80 households have received favors from the Mo family. When they learned that the Mo family was looking for someone to dig up wasteland, anyone with surplus labor in the family was willing to come and help, even if some families The adults were so busy that they also asked their half-grown children to come over and help with whatever they could, such as weeding and picking up rocks.

In this way, there are more than thirty adults and seven or eight half-year-old children who come to work.

Naturally, the wages of adults and children cannot be calculated in the same way. Mo Qingze calculated based on the common wages in the city, an adult would earn 20 cents a day and a half-year-old child would earn 8 cents a day. Of course, these wages would be offset by the previous cotton and grain. , this was agreed beforehand.

However, Mo Yan proposed to take care of a lunch. The people who worked had a big appetite. They might not be able to eat enough with the little food they had. If they didn't have enough, how could they have the strength to work? The cooks were two middle-aged women from the Lin family. They paid ten cents a day, which was also paid in cotton and grain.

Mo Yan didnt want to be too high-profile, so the lunch she prepared wasnt that good and she could only fill it up. The staple food is dry sweet potato rice, and the side dishes are potatoes, Chinese cabbage and boiled eggs. This is nothing for the Mo family who have fish and meat for every meal, but for people who are often not full and have to exchange eggs for oil and salt. For bankers, this is already excellent.

Seeing the two large baskets of rice and vegetables and more than 70 eggs that Mo Qingze brought, the two women in charge of cooking widened their eyes. They were all introduced by Lin Yong, and their character was not a problem. Although they were surprised, they did not talk nonsense, nor did they think of secretly stealing food and taking it home to eat themselves.

Not to mention the workers. They were already very grateful that the boss provided a lunch, but they didnt expect that the food prepared was so abundant, so they worked even harder after eating. They only gave them two boiled meals. But he was reluctant to eat the eggs, so he kept them secretly, planning to take them home at night to replenish them for the elderly and children.

Mo Qingze saw it and didn't say anything. Having delicious food and thinking about the elderly and children at home shows that their character is not bad. When the greenhouse is built and the vegetables are grown, someone must be hired to guard it every day. , this character must be good, so you should naturally observe it carefully on weekdays.

Within two days, the news of Mo's good food spread in the village. Many people wanted to come over to work. However, their houses have not been built yet, and their wasteland has not been cleared. They can only secretly envy those whose families have a lot of labor. people.

This news reached Mo Hongs ears. Thinking about the bran-flavored vegetables that his family ate every day, he immediately became jealous and lost his temper. He sat at the door and scolded Mo Yan and others all afternoon.

Someone who had good intentions told Mo Qingze about this. After hearing this, Mo Qingze just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Twenty acres of land is not much, and the workers worked very hard. In only five or six days, this piece of wasteland was cleaned up, and it was difficult to see even a trace of grass roots.

After the land has been plowed, the next step is to dig ditches and build sheds. Mo Qingze divided the thirty adults into two groups. One group went to the mountains to cut bamboo and wood for scaffolding, and the other group stayed to continue digging ditches for irrigation. The two groups took turns, so no one had more work and who had less work. Take advantage.

The Mo family's twenty acres of land are a bit far from the river. Therefore, digging ditches will inevitably pass through other people's fields. Fortunately, the owners of these lands all escaped this time and received the favor of the Mo family. After learning about this, he quickly told Mo Qingze that there was no problem. He also said that from now on, he would not have to dig ditches when farming, which would save him a lot of work.

Mo Yan did not interfere in the matter of land reclamation at all. After entering the winter month (the eleventh month of the lunar calendar), the weather became colder and colder. When he had nothing to do, he guarded the fire pot and made clothes for the family, throwing in a few potatoes and sweet potatoes from time to time. Go to the brazier and share the food with a few little ones. Although the life is monotonous, it is not boring.

That evening, Mo Qingze came back with a fat hare in his hand. When he asked, he found out that Lin Yong accidentally discovered a rabbit hole under the tree while cutting wood, so he had other holes blocked. Only two were left, and he served the whole nest of rabbits with smoke. He left the fattest one and asked Mo Qingze to bring it back to eat.

"Brother Lin is having a hard time, and this rabbit dad can't refuse. When tomorrow comes, dad will bring him some eggs!"

Mo Qingze was peeling off the rabbit skin neatly while asking Mo Yan for his opinion.

Mo Yan thought about it for a while and felt it was inappropriate: "Dad, this is too deliberate. Brother Lin thought we were cheating on him. We will repay this favor next time we have a chance."

Mo Qingze thought about it and felt that this was the truth. He couldn't help but feel annoyed: "It's dad who is confused. These people who deal with people, dad is not even as good as you!"

Mo Yan chuckled. Her father's IQ was absolutely fine, but he was not very good at dealing with people. However, he was upright and affectionate, so he would not be annoying when walking outside.

The rabbit was cleaned up in two or three strokes, and it was estimated to weigh five kilograms. Thinking of the delicious dishes such as spicy rabbit head, fried rabbit cakes, and fried rabbit strips, Mo Yan couldn't help but salivate.

In such a cold weather, the rabbit is still so fat. I imagine the natural environment on Yuhua Mountain is quite good. Otherwise, there would be no such beasts as tigers and wolves. I imagine there should be a lot of large herbivores. If we can catch some Rare herbivores are kept in space...

No, no, no, I didn't even wear fur in my last life, and I can't do evil in this life. However, it would be great if I could go up the mountain to find fruit trees, medicinal materials, etc. You must know that half of the more than one hundred acres of land in the space is unused. Up.

Thinking of this, Mo Yan couldn't bear it anymore and wished she could go to Yuhua Mountain now. She had space and was not afraid of danger. If she was lucky enough to find precious medicinal materials such as ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum that could save lives at critical moments, that would be great. alright.

Not to mention that Mo Yan had already made up her mind to follow Mo Qingze to Liuyang Village tomorrow. In the evening, she made two dishes using rabbits - fried rabbit strips and spicy rabbit pot. Crispy-fried rabbit strips were specially made for the three little guys, and they tasted delicious. The spicy rabbit hot pot became Mo Qingze and Li Zhongs go-to snack. The two drank a lot, and Mo Yan secretly After tasting a little bit, I can only say that I really dont like spicy white wine.

After breakfast the next day, Mo Yan only said that she wanted to visit Liuyang Village. Mo Qingze didn't think much about it, so he rented a donkey cart with a shed and went to Liuyang Village with her.

Compared to the few sparse houses last time, this time I saw all thatched houses. The whole village seemed to be more popular. There were people opening up wasteland in the nearby fields, and half-year-old children also shuttled among them, helping to rake the grass. By removing the roots, these weeds can fertilize the ground and can be used as firewood after drying.

The father and daughter got out of the car and went to the fields. They saw that the villagers were already digging trenches, so they did not go there.

Mo Yan saw that the land was very soft and plowed, most of the canals were dug, and there were almost enough bamboo and wood piled beside the fields. She knew that these people worked very hard and were not lazy, so her impression of them became much better.

Mo Yan came for Yuhua Mountain. She found an excuse to leave, sneaked to the side of the mountain, found a path that seemed easier to walk, and walked carefully towards the mountain...

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