The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1130: Final Chapter Ending 6

Chapter 1130: Final Chapter Ending 6

Chapter 1130 Ending Chapter 6

As Mo Yan expected, Liu Tinglan woke up in the evening. When she learned that Mo Yan arrived in time to save her and the two children in her belly, she burst into tears with excitement.

If the pain from the incision in her abdomen hadn't made her unable to move, Liu Tinglan would have wanted to get up and kneel on the ground to thank her friend for saving her. Before she fainted, she really thought she was going to die.

"Okay, okay, you're a mother now. You're still crying like a little girl. You're not afraid of the two little guys laughing at you." Mo Yan lost her temper after her friend cried, holding a clean handkerchief. Zi wiped her face: "You are in confinement now, so you can't cry."

"I-I'll be fine as soon as I finish crying. Just let me, let me cry happily." Liu Tinglan said with sobs. She knew that crying during confinement would hurt her eyes, but today What happened had such a huge impact on her that only tears could let her vent all her negative emotions.

Mo Yan shook her head helplessly, took the two little guys who had just fed and had fallen asleep from the nanny's hands and put them on the bed, diverting her friend's attention: "Look, this is your little baby. Isnt it cute?

Liu Tinglan had just woken up and had not had time to see the child who had gone through all kinds of hardships. At this time, she couldn't wait to look sideways at the two children. Due to the angle, she could only see half of their faces, but this half of their faces frightened her, and she subconsciously shouted: "So ugly!"

After saying that, she felt bad. She looked at it carefully and still felt ugly. She couldn't accept it and asked: "Yanyan, are you sure they are my children? I'm pretty pretty, right? Brother Jin He must be handsome, but why does the child look like this after birth?"

Mo Yan looked at her friend with a look of disgust on his face with black lines on his head, and suddenly felt lucky that the two little kids were still babies and couldn't understand what their mother said, otherwise they would be so angry that they would want to run back to their mothers' wombs.

"What are you talking about? These two children were not born by you. Could it be that I conjured them up?" Mo Yan glared at her friend angrily: "They will be like this when they are less than a month old and have not grown up. In a few days If you look at them again, they must be beautiful sisters and brothers. If you dislike them, just give them to me."

"That's not okay!" Liu Tinglan didn't want to refuse. She stretched out a hand and carefully touched this and that. The soft touch made her like it very much: "This is the meat that fell from my body. No matter how ugly it is, it's still mine, so I can't give it away to anyone else."

In just a short period of time, Mo Yan heard the word "ugly" from her friend for the third time, and she could no longer complain: "You can just say that the siblings are ugly. When they grow up, I will definitely Tell them exactly what you said today."

Liu Tinglan didn't care at all when she heard this: "You can sue me, I won't admit it."

Mo Yan looked at her friend who was ready to act rogue and was about to continue complaining when Shen Ji walked in with a bowl of freshly cooked millet porridge and asked his wife with a smile: "What don't you admit?"

"Don't admit that I said they were ugly." Liu Tinglan pointed to the two children, answered honestly, and then said worriedly: "Yan Yan said that the children will become more beautiful when they grow older in a few days, but if they grow older What should I do if it becomes uglier?

" this possible?" Shen Ji, a first-time father, said uncertainly. He didn't know whether the child would become really beautiful when it grows.

In fact, when he saw the two children for the first time, he felt ugly, but no matter how ugly the children were, they were still his own flesh and blood, and they were born to his beloved wife, so he didn't feel ugly anymore. Instead, he felt that they were small and soft, like the children of a little old man. so cute.

Seeing the two couples staring worriedly at their infant twins, Mo Yan couldn't bear to look directly at them and decisively changed the subject: "Rather than worrying about the ugly children, it's better to give them good names first. Have you thought about it before? "

The couple's eyes lit up and they said in unison: "You get it for them!"

After saying that, the two of them looked at each other, and the affection flowing in each other's eyes almost blinded Mo Yan, the onlooker.

Like most expectant parents who choose a name for their child before birth, Shen Ji and Liu Tinglan also prepared several names to choose from. Later I found out that they were twins, so I chose several pairs of names with good meanings for future use.

But faced with two hard-won children, the couple tacitly agreed to give the naming rights to Mo Yan. Without Mo Yan, there would be no mother and son. Otherwise, the Shen family might already be having funeral arrangements.

Should I name the twins? Mo Yan was stunned and said with some embarrassment, Im not good at naming, so you should do it yourself!

Be it the six beasts or the horses and cows in the house, except for Xiao Hua, all of them are named after Mo Yan. Dabai and Maodan had no idea about names at first, so they didn't think it was a big deal when they were called these two names. Later, the red python, golden beast, and red python joined in. When Mo Yan named them again, they encountered strong opposition.

Hence, Xiaochi, Xiaojin, Heihei and so on, Mo Yan just had fun calling her, and others didn't want to pay attention to her at all.

On the contrary, a few cows and horses were not smart at first, so they chose names casually and were accepted by default. Later, a few guys drank the spirit spring water and often complained about how frustrating the names were. They strongly requested the owner to give them a more powerful name, but Mo Yan dismissed them with a smile.

With the maid I bought later, she finally didn't scream like Little Red and Little Green. She only had one full moon and one crescent moon, which is two moons. It can be seen that she also failed in naming her.

Now she was asked to name her two children. She knew that she would definitely choose two terrible names, so she refused without much thought.

Unfortunately, the couple decided that Mo Yan was a blessed person and asked her to name their two children. The children would surely grow up robustly, so they comforted them: "Just feel free to choose it. If the name really doesn't sound good, use it as a baby." Its not a bad name either.

As a nickname? Mo Yan's eyes lit up, this is possible!

She looked at the two little guys sleeping peacefully but very weakly in their swaddling clothes, and many names with good meanings flashed through her mind. She carefully selected and selected, and finally picked out two names that were barely satisfactory. She said to the expectant couple quite complacently: "Sister, when she grows up, she will be smart and beautiful. She will be called Shen Meili. Brother, just now The cry at birth was softer than that of my sister. From now on, I have to grow into a man who is upright and upright. Lets call it strong, Shen Zhuangzhuang!

Liu Tinglan:

Shen Ji:

Shen Meili? Shen Zhuangshi? What the **** is this? They really dont want to cheat their daughter or son. Can they take back their previous words of asking this blessed man to name their child?

"HahahahaBeautiful? Strong? Yanyan, you are really a bad namer!" Xue Tuanzi in the space rolled with laughter. He was inexplicably glad that although the name Xue Tuanzi was not fancy enough, it still sounded cute and smooth. If you give it a name like "Beautiful" or "Strong", it will definitely crash to death on the jade platform.

Looking at the couple looking at each other, and listening to Xue Tuanzi's unbridled ridicule, Mo Yan didn't know that the name he chose was disliked. She waved her hands and said frustratedly: "I said I couldn't choose a name, but you still let me choose one. It's hard to come up with two, but you are disgusted! Forget it, you should do it yourself!"

The couple felt embarrassed when they heard this. Liu Tinglan looked at her silent friend, and then at the two little old men in their swaddling clothes. She gritted her teeth and finally decided to trick the baby: "Then let's call it beauty and strength. The meaning is quite good. Maybe it can really work." Just like the names, one is beautiful and the other is strong!"

Since the baby is still young, he doesnt know how deceptive these two names are. When he grows up, he will get used to hearing them even if he dislikes them. A name is just a title. What we focus on is the inner beauty. What does it matter if it sounds good or not?

On the other hand, Shen Ji is still somewhat rational, and his heart is biased towards his poor son and daughter who cannot understand human speech. After thinking about it, he carefully worded his words: "The name Meili is too flamboyant. It is not suitable for a big name. Let's use it as a nickname. Zhuangshi is a good name, but our Shen family belongs to his generation with the surname Hong." "Strong and strong can only be called a nickname."

Liu Tinglan looked at her husband in confusion. Just as she was about to ask why she didn't mention the word "generation" before naming her, she was stopped by her husband's wink. She glanced at her friend, who looked much better, and immediately understood that she was looking for an excuse to politely reject these two names.

Okay, actually, these two names are quite misleading. It would be best if they could not be called... This time, Liu Tinglan firmly stood by her husband and two children!

Well, lets use it as a nickname, and you can choose the big name yourself. Mo Yan also thought that these two names were good as nicknames. Arent the names that are usually called more nicknames?

The couple secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling less guilty about their two children.

At this time, the couple who were secretly happy did not know that these two nicknames really fulfilled the meaning. The twins who originally looked very similar when they were young, gradually transformed into a beautiful and tall girl as they grew older, and later became a famous beauty in the capital. The matchmaker who came to propose marriage suddenly broke several of the Shen family's hair. threshold.

A girl who grows stronger and stronger but has a girlish heart that is seriously inconsistent with her appearance, for which she is often laughed at. In the end, the young girl confessed her love to the woman she admired, but was rejected. Under the shock, she gave up her civility and joined the military, secretly went to the border to join the army, and accumulated countless military exploits in just five years, becoming one of the most popular among unmarried girls in Beijing. A married young general.

In the next few days, Mo Yan stayed at the Shen family to take care of Liu Tinglan wholeheartedly, changing her dressing and scrubbing her body every day, which made Liu Tinglan so moved that she wanted to cry.

Xu Xu took good care of her, and the wound infection that worried Mo Yan did not occur. Coupled with the effects of spiritual spring water and elixirs, Liu Tinglan's incision recovered quickly. The surface skin healed in less than ten days. She could also walk a few steps. As long as the movement range was not large, she could basically take care of herself in daily life.

However, the knife edge heals quickly, and the damaged vitality can only be restored slowly. Fortunately, the Shen family is well off and has Father Shen and Mother Shen taking care of it. All Liu Tinglan needs to do is take care of her health peacefully and she doesn't need to worry about anything.

It was Lius father and Lius mother who accepted the invitation of the two elders of the Shen family and came to the Shen family the day after their daughter was born. After learning the reason for their daughter's premature birth from Shen's father and Shen's mother's guilt-ridden narration, the always good-tempered couple immediately wanted to take their daughter back to the Liu family.

In the end, it was Mo Yan who persuaded them to make peace, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the anger of the two elders. Finally, they gave birth to lovely twins. The Liu family reluctantly stayed in the Shen family and participated in the christening of a pair of grandsons.

The twins are weak and cannot stand the cold. On the day of the third bath, the Shen family only invited a few of their closest relatives and friends. During the third baptism, the midwife did not take off the clothes of the twins, but only slightly wetted the baby's cheeks with hot water, and sang a baptism song amidst everyone's blessings, which was regarded as a complete baptism ceremony.

Half a month later, after confirming that there would be no problem with Liu Tinglan's health, Mo Yan left the Shen family with peace of mind, taking Lu Zhu tied into a rice dumpling and a carriage of thank-you gifts, and returned to her home where she had been away for half a month.

As soon as he got home, Xiao Ruiyuan got the news. After he was released from office, he rode a fast horse and couldn't wait to arrive at Mo's house. The two hadn't seen each other for more than half a month, and they couldn't help but feel affectionate when they met.

The two of them had strong self-control, so they sat together and chatted about everyday things, and did not do anything inappropriate for children. However, in the eyes of others, they were so cruel to each other that they simply turned a blind eye.

Later, Mo Yan complained about naming the twins of the Shen family, but was laughed at mercilessly. Xiao Ruiyuan, who originally wanted to comfort her, couldn't stop himself. The corners of his mouth suddenly curled up. What a coincidence. Mo Yan saw it.

Mo Yan was so depressed that she refused to pay attention to anyone. In the end, it was Xiao Ruiyuan who compromised and coaxed the person over. But he was silently complaining in his heart that his fiance lived up to the words "waste" in the name. He made up his mind that when he has a child, the name must be chosen by him as the father.

If you havent deceived other peoples children, then your own children cant be deceived!

Farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year, winter has passed and spring has come. Mo Yan has grown one year older and has also ushered in the second important day in her life. The first important day is the day you come into the world, and the second important day is the day you get married.

It is said that men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. Marrying a man is a woman's second reincarnation. Although this is a bit exaggerated for Mo Yan, who doesn't want to marry a good husband?

Mo Yan is glad that she met the person she likes early. What she likes is not his power or appearance, but his increasingly mellow affection. In the next few decades, staying with the person you like until old age is a great happiness and a kind of luck!

Wearing a bright red wedding dress and a phoenix crown, Mo Yan sat motionless in front of the dressing table, waiting for the makeup lady to apply makeup on her. Listening to the burst of firecrackers outside, she clenched her hands in a daze, unable to believe that she was getting married today.

The makeup girl was very good at observing people's expressions. When she saw that Mo Yan was a little nervous, she smiled and diverted her attention: "Junjun's skin is so good. The fine rouge and gouache on it are too tacky. This face is so smooth and tender, I don't even want it." I can't bear to do it because I'm afraid of hurting the prince's face."

These words may sound like flattery, but they come from Zhuang Niangs sincerity. Mo Yan's skin was indeed as she said, smooth and tender, like a freshly peeled egg, yet white and rosy. This natural good complexion outshone all the rouge in the makeup box, leaving the makeup girl unable to do anything. She only felt that the rouge stained Mo Yan's face.

"You flatter me!"

Mo Yan smiled slightly, and the person in the bronze mirror also laughed. His face was so beautiful and charming that Zhuang Niang stared straight at her.

The makeup lady was really reluctant to apply the powder in the makeup box to Mo Yan's face. She immediately washed her hands, took out the black pen and lightly sketched Mo Yan's eyebrows, adding a bit of softness, and then used a bright red Apply lipstick lightly on her pink lips, and the bridal makeup is completed.

Even though only the eyebrows and lips have been slightly modified, the makeup artist feels that this is the best and most perfect bridal makeup she has done in ten years.

At this time, Liu Tinglan opened the door and walked in. Looking at Mo Yan, who had only modified her face and lips, but was stunningly beautiful, she murmured, "Isn't this called natural beauty?"

Mo Yan didn't hear clearly. When he saw her coming in empty-handed, he couldn't help but ask: "Where is the child? Have you asked someone to look after it? There are too many guests today. Please be careful and don't let their siblings be scared."

Liu Tinglan came back to her senses, and a maternal smile appeared on her face: "I just finished feeding and fell asleep. My parents and the nanny and maids are watching, so everything will be fine."

The twins were born two months prematurely, and Liu Tinglan was depleted and had no milk, so the Shen family hired two wet nurses to nurse the baby. This time Mo Yan got married, Liu Tinglan was not worried about leaving the child at home, so she simply brought the child and the nanny.

Mo Yan felt a little envious when she looked like she had a baby and everything was ready: "That'll be great for you. You will have a son and a daughter all at once. You will have no regrets even if you don't want to have children in the future."

Liu Tinglan rolled her eyes at her friend: "If I had known that giving birth to two children at a time would suffer such a heavy punishment, I would rather give birth to them one by one."

As she spoke, she touched her lower abdomen and gestured with her hand: "There is such a big scar here. Every time I touch it, I can't believe that I am still alive. You are bold enough to use this risky method to kill me." Save the baby! Later, the midwife who delivered my baby came to my door and wanted to hook you up with me to learn this delivery method, but I refused. "

Mo Yan didn't expect that the midwife would still refuse to give up, so she nodded and said, "You're right, this method is too risky. If she comes to you again in the future, you just refuse! As for the scar on your belly, you can use it with me." Apply your ointment every night and it should disappear in half a year."

She does not intend to spread the method of caesarean section until anti-infective drugs are developed. Even if the research comes out, she doesn't want anyone to randomly operate on the mother's belly. Unless she encounters a critical situation like Liu Tinglan, there is a high possibility of serious consequences.

In modern times, with such advanced equipment and technology as support, there are still mothers who die on the operating table. In this backward time and space, we are afraid that some people will rely on this surgery and abandon traditional delivery methods, which is very likely to increase the maternal mortality rate.

The finale is over with the last chapter, la la la, its so jelly! The wedding is tomorrow, I hope I wont be caught by the editor and post a red note

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