The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1123: incite defection

Chapter 1123: incite defection

Chapter 1123: Instigating rebellion

Xiao Ruiyuan was very confident in Mo Yan's plan and knew that this was a good time to catch all the Utuos in one fell swoop. However, he was worried that Mo Yan was making plans in the enemy camp, for fear that he would be discovered by the Utuos and be killed.

This group of Uto people are not easy to mess with, especially since they may be carrying extremely lethal gunpowder. At this point, it is the best choice to do everything possible to cooperate with Mo Yan's plan.

Xiao Ruiyuan made a series of arrangements overnight based on Mo Yan's plan. To prevent any omissions, he wrote down these arrangements in detail and gave them to the golden beast, so that it could be sent to Mo Yan quietly.

The golden beast had already been reminded by Snow Tuanzi and handed the letter to a small cloud bird. The cloud bird is the most common bird in Yuhua Mountain. If it weren't for the cleverness in its small eyes that ordinary birds don't have, no one would take a second look at it.

Xue Tuanzi looked down on Yunniao and did not make a contract with Yunniao. Under the guidance of the six beasts, Yunniao slowly approached the cave where Mo Yan was.

Today, in addition to the two Wutuo people who guarded Mo Yan yesterday, there are several more Wutuo people watching the wind near the cave. Worried that their whereabouts would be discovered, the six beasts did not move forward and urged Yunniao to deliver the letter.

Yunniao is small and an ordinary bird. It passed over the heads of the Uto people lightly and no one took a second look.

In the cave, Mo Yan Zhuangruo was bored and writing on the ground with a branch. What she drew was none other than a map centered on the cave where she was, based on Xue Tuanzi's description.

The two burly men guarding Mo Yan came over and took a look, then looked away without interest and continued to chat and brag.

Xue Tuanzi, are you sure there are no omissions? Mo Yanmo asked Xue Tuanzi after finishing the last stroke.

"No, the road behind the cave is the most important. You have drawn it completely." Xue Tuanzi replied.

Hearing this, Mo Yan threw away the branches and kept this picture firmly in his mind. He secretly thought about how to use his familiarity with Yuhua Mountain to capture all the Wutuo people without spending a single group of soldiers.

The reason why the Uto people chose this cave as their temporary residence was that it had a dangerous terrain, was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and had a hidden escape route to the outside world behind it. In other words, even if Xiao Ruiyuan's people find this place from the front, the Wutuo people can take Mo Yan and escape along this mountain road.

Just as Mo Yan was perfecting her next plan step by step, Yunniao quietly landed at her feet and gently pecked her ankle.

Mo Yan lowered her head and easily recognized the cloud bird she had raised, and also saw the letterbox tied to its leg. When the burly man wasn't paying attention, he quickly took out the letter and threw it into the space. He also took out two grapes and placed them in a hard-to-find place behind him.

When Yunniao saw the grapes, his mung bean eyes brightened even more. He jumped over and pecked the two grapes cleanly in two or two strokes.

Mo Yan touched Yunniao's head and pointed to an inconspicuous place on the stone wall where he could stay. The cloud bird understood what she meant, spread its wings and flew up, then closed its eyes and began to rest.

At night, while the Utuos were asleep, Mo Yan entered the space and drew the map he drew during the day on a piece of white cloth with grass juice. He also wrote down the most complete plan and asked Yunniao to send it back.

The mailbox was too small to hold the piece of cloth, so the cloud bird just held it in its beak and flew out of the cave.

Soon, the piece of cloth was delivered to Xiao Ruiyuan by the golden beast. After Xiao Ruiyuan read it, he quickly dispatched his men and quietly went deep into Yuhua Mountain, blocking several roads where the Wutuo people were likely to escape.

In the next few days, the two exchanged several letters. As Mo Yan expected, the Wutuo people used her to threaten Xiao Ruiyuan and asked Xiao Ruiyuan to personally bring the Xizuo who was trapped in Wutuo country where Chu Jing could not get out safely. Send her back to Uto Country, or she, the fiance, will die.

Undoubtedly, Wu Tuosheng was suspicious. Xiao Ruiyuan pretended to refuse at first, saying that he did not value Mo Yan as his fiance. He only wanted to get her back because of the inviolable dignity of men, and threatened them as soon as possible. Mo Yan was unscathed. They must be sent back, otherwise they must report the matter and ask Emperor Hui'an to send heavy troops to prevent them from returning.

The Wutuo people naturally would not agree, but they also knew that Xiao Ruiyuan was not easy to mess with, and they did not force Xiao Ruiyuan to submit by hurting Mo Yan, even though they were not sure how much Mo Yan's love was in his mind.

The two sides began to bargain back and forth. At the most critical moment, Emperor Hui'an severely reprimanded Xiao Ruiyuan on the grounds that Xiao Ruiyuan was not doing things well and did not catch Wu Tuoxi. If Chu Heng hadn't interceded, Emperor Hui'an would have even deposed him as general.

Xiao Ruiyuan has been fighting for many years and has made great contributions to the stability of Dachu. This is also the first time that he has been reprimanded by Emperor Hui'an. Feeling depressed, he drank in the general's mansion to drown his sorrows. He did not go out for several days, so he naturally ignored him. Utopia's urging.

This incident was widely circulated in the capital, and many people familiar with the matter believed that this was a sign that Xiao Ruiyuan would fall out of favor. After the Wutuo people "accidentally" heard about it, they thought it was a great opportunity that fell from the sky, and even thought of instigating rebellion against Xiao Ruiyuan.

Therefore, the Wutuo people who had never met Xiao Ruiyuan unanimously sent Weiya to persuade Xiao Ruiyuan to secretly defect to the Wutuo Kingdom. As long as he assisted the Wutuo Kingdom to capture the Wanli River and Mountains of Dachu, Xiao Ruiyuan would be granted the throne.

In front of the disguised Weiya, Xiao Ruiyuan did not agree, but inadvertently revealed his dissatisfaction with Emperor Hui'an, which greatly excited the Wutuo people. They believed that as long as they lobbied a few more times, Xiao Ruiyuan would not switch sides. As before, he was willing to go through life and death for the emperor of Chu.

This is also good news for Uto.

Although Xiao Ruiyuan was not instigated to rebel, he finally agreed to the Wutuo people and was willing to send Xi Zuo, who was trapped in the capital, back to Wutuo in exchange for his fiance. However, he did not believe the Wutuo people and asked for a replacement in person.

Lei Tuo is very cautious and suspicious. Although he thinks that Xiao Ruiyuan will not play tricks on them at this time, he is still wary of him. Seeing him propose a substitution in person, he is even more suspicious and worried that he will regret it temporarily or set up a trap. Catch them all in one fell swoop.

That night, Weiya and Leitu had another argument about whether to change players in person.

"Leituo, that man is not easy to mess with. If you don't agree to change him in person, he will definitely give up his fiance and kill us all to claim credit from the emperor of Dachu." Weiya looked at Leituo with dissatisfaction and said, She has met Xiao Ruiyuan several times. In her opinion, he is a cold-blooded, ruthless and utilitarian man. Once he offends him, they will not be able to please him.

"Viya, you have to know that we are in a weak position, and the risk of replacing someone face to face is too great." Lei Tuo said impatiently: "There can't be any mistakes in saving people this time. If the man changes his mind temporarily, and we change Weir Tell him where they are hiding, and you should know the consequences."

Xiao Ruiyuan's change seemed reasonable and reasonable, as if he agreed to change because he was dissatisfied with Emperor Hui'an. However, in the past, his kindness to his fiance did not seem to be a lie. Lei Tuo always had some doubts. It was this doubt that made him not accept the change. Xiao Ruiyuan completely let down his guard.

When Weiya heard this, a cold light flashed in her eyes: "What are you afraid of? If he really dares to go back on his word, the guy we brought this time can come in handy, and it should also let the people of Dachu see our Utopia. Its awesome.

Leituo was startled: "Are you crazy? That thing is too dangerous. What if it accidentally hurts one of your own?"

"Leituo, why are you so cowardly?" Weiya used provocation. She couldn't wait to rescue her brother: "Besides changing people in person, what other good ideas can you come up with?"

Leituo choked and stared at Weiya speechless.

Weiya's expression softened. She didn't want to have any quarrel with Lei Tuo. After all, she still had to rely on him to rescue her brother. "Leituo, let's bury those guys nearby in advance. If that man dares to go back on his words, we don't have to fight with him." You're welcome, but when the time comes, threaten him with those guys, and when we receive them, we will leave from the path behind the cave, and let this place become the grave of their young couple."

With that said, Weiya glanced coldly at Mo Yan, who was sitting in a daze not far away, with deep malice in her eyes again.

Leituo frowned and didn't answer, obviously he couldn't make up his mind at the moment.

When Weiya saw this, she knew that Leituo had been shaken. Now if she adds more firepower, the matter might be over, "Leituo, this won't do any harm to us. If that man abides by the agreement, it will be good for us and for him. If possible, we can use this matter to blackmail him and ask him to provide convenience for us in the future. If he goes against his promise and sets a trap for us, using those guys, wouldn't it solve a serious problem for Uto? No matter which way, it will be very harmful to us. Its beneficial without any harm, even if it involves sacrificing a few people, its worth it.

Leituo's eyes moved slightly, and he had to admit that Weiya's words touched his heart. After thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth and finally made a decision: "Then I'll do as you say."

Via breathed a sigh of relief, and her gorgeous red lips outlined a cruel arc.

Mo Yan has been feeling anxious these past two days, especially after seeing Leituo and Weiya leaving with others carrying boxes of heavy things like they did two days ago. This anxiety turned into uneasiness.

"Xue Tuanzi, what do you think they are doing? My heart is beating so hard, I always feel like something has happened that I don't know about." Mo Yan looked at the few wooden boxes left on the other side of the cave and asked anxiously Snow dumplings.

When she woke up from the cave, there was nothing there. Just two days ago, the Uto people brought in these big boxes, and her guards did not allow her to get even half a step closer to the pile of boxes. She originally suspected that it contained explosives, but Xue Tuanzi later confirmed her suspicion.

Mo Yan's first reaction was that these explosives were used to deal with Xiao Ruiyuan, and he secretly filled them with spiritual spring water while these people were asleep at night. It's a pity that these people were very cautious, probably worried that the explosives would be wetted by rain during transportation, so they wrapped them with oil paper more than a dozen times.

The spiritual spring water poured in had no effect, but was discovered by the attentive Weiya. There was no trace of Qinshui on the roof of the cave. The Wutuo people didn't know where the water came from, and they didn't think Mo Yan had the ability and freedom to cause damage, so they had to move the gunpowder box to another location.

Mo Yan didn't dare to take risks. She could only let these boxes of explosives pile up there. It was impossible to light a fire to make all the gunpowder explode. It would not matter if the Uto people were killed. The cave would definitely collapse. Even if she hid there There is no life-threatening danger in the space. According to the letter that the space cannot move on its own, she has no chance of seeing the light of day again.

Yan Yan, write down these anomalies and ask Yunniao to bring them to your man. He will guard against these people. Xue Tuanzi was not too worried. No matter what, it could always guarantee Mo Yans safety.

Mo Yan slapped his forehead fiercely and said in annoyance: "I have been thinking about it these past two days and I forgot to mention this matter."

She and Xiao Ruiyuan kept writing letters as frequently as they did each day. She and Yunniao were very careful, but they didn't let Wu Tuo notice it. It was once that someone discovered a cloud bird perched on a stone wall and almost caught it and used it as a tooth-beating sacrifice.

Mo Yan has been closely watched these days. It is no longer convenient for her to enter the space during the day. Only at night, after everyone is asleep, can she enter the space to write letters under the cover of darkness.

At this interval, Weiya came back and said something to the two big men guarding Mo Yan. The two big men saluted her and went out.

Mo Yan looked at Weiya with a calm expression, with a hint of defensiveness deep in his eyes.

"Tsk, I've never seen you scared after being arrested for so many days. It seems that you are very confident in your fianc!" Weiya looked at Mo Yan with a smile, but her simple words made Mo Yan glare. Big eyes.

Because Weiya spoke in Chinese, even if her accent was a little strange, Mo Yan could still hear her clearly.

Mo Yan's reaction pleased Via, and the smile on her face deepened a bit: "It's surprising, isn't it? In our country of Utopia, I am not the only one who understands Chinese. Do you know why?"

After asking, she answered without waiting for Mo Yan to speak: "Our Utuo has a longer history than Chu, but for hundreds of years we can only settle in a corner and let other countries bully us! Later, Our king ascended the throne and became emperor. He required everyone who was loyal to him to learn a foreign language and placed these people in various countries. Over the years, the countries that had bullied us were almost all annihilated and annexed by Uto. .

Mo Yan looked at Weiya in shock, and at the same time wondered why she would say this to herself. She didn't feel that this person was showing off to her.

"Don't you, Da Chu, claim to be the Kingdom of Heaven? You thought you were so powerful, but the battle last year really made us Wutuo see how powerful the Kingdom of Heaven is." Weiya looked at Mo Yan mockingly. Obviously, in her eyes, Da Chu It's just a paper tiger that looks bluffing.

Feeling Weiya's contempt for Dachu, Mo Yan couldn't help but be speechless. He still didn't understand the purpose of Weiya saying this to her.

Looking at the indifferent Mo Yan, Wei Ya suddenly became angry and asked in disbelief: "Aren't you ashamed of Da Chu's weakness?"

Hearing this, Mo Yan looked at Weiya like a fool and said the first sentence: "Why should I feel ashamed? Isn't it normal for a country to be strong or weak? Even if the battle last year was just a small victory, then Its also a victory, and besides, is the strength of a country determined by a battle? Its too superficial for you to think like this.

Via was choked and couldn't speak. She always felt that something was wrong.

Mo Yan looked at Weiya, recalling what she just said, and suddenly realized: This is probably the extreme arrogance derived from extreme low self-esteem.

It is not difficult to understand this idea. The territories of Wutuo Kingdom and Dachu are not bordering each other. They are separated by more than a dozen countries, large and small. However, the current king of Wutuoguo is not a person who is content with the status quo. He himself is very talented. He controlled the people loyal to him and lurked in neighboring countries.

Many of these people had great talents. With the secret support of the king of Uto State, they successfully entered the center of the enemy country. In addition, Uto State had developed extremely lethal gunpowder. With the help of internal cooperation and external cooperation, these countries fell one by one. Became part of Utopia.

With this method, the Utuo Kingdom successively annexed more than a dozen small country tribes in just a dozen years, becoming a dominant force in the northwest. However, Dachu and Utuo had no contact and were far apart. In addition, there was no information. Wutuo's dominance in the northwest did not arouse Dachu's vigilance.

The Utopia is getting stronger and stronger, and its people's worship of the monarch has reached a blind level. They are like fanatical believers and do not allow anyone to criticize the monarch. The people will never say which country the monarch wants to attack. Saying no, this also caused the warlike temperament of everyone in Utopia.

Vi Ya is one of the fanatical believers. She is full of blind confidence and admiration for Utuo and the loyal monarch. Naturally, she cannot understand Mo Yan's contemptuous attitude towards Da Chu.

Although the Utuo Kingdom occupies a large area of territory, it regards the land of Dachu as the paradise of its dreams. Gradually, its king is not satisfied with making small troubles, so he sets his sights on Dachu. Therefore, he launched a campaign last year. An advance team of 20,000 people started the first battle of Wuchu with invincible gunpowder.

Utuo's gunpowder seemed to be heading towards Qiuca, but in fact it was a demonstration to Dachu, which could also be said to be a test. Although Da Chu won that battle, the casualties were several times that of Utuo. Even if he won the final victory, he could not erase this fact.

It was also this battle that gave Dachu a sense of crisis, and then gave birth to the musket that Wutuo is so afraid of today.

Compared with muskets, gunpowder is still more powerful. However, muskets can be used flexibly in combat and are less dangerous. Almost everyone can use them as weapons. It can be said that half a pound of gunpowder is equal to eight ounces of Uto's gunpowder. In a real fight, Uto will be the most powerful. There is no chance of winning, which is the main reason why King Wutuo tried every means to obtain the manufacturing of muskets.

Weiya's words were almost worn out. Seeing that Mo Yan still looked indifferent, she thought she didn't understand. Finally, she couldn't help but clarify her purpose: "Humph, what if you Dachu have muskets? Let's go together." A gunpowder bullet is more powerful than a hundred muskets. Your fianc has lost the favor of the Emperor of Chu. If you can persuade him to cooperate with us, he will be a great hero of our Utopia, and the king will definitely reward you heavily. "

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