The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1121: self-rescue, search

Chapter 1121: self-rescue, search

Chapter 1121: Self-rescue, search

When Mo Yan woke up again, she looked at the dark top of her head and was confused for a while. It was not until a long time later that she realized that she was lying on the wet and cold ground. The faint pain in her forehead reminded her of what terrible thing happened before. thing.

She sat up suddenly and fell down uncontrollably. Later, she realized that her arms were tightly tied behind her back, and her legs were also tightly tied by a thumb-thick body.

Her limbs were **** for too long, and her body remained in the same position for a long time. The movement made her hands and feet hurt like needles, and they were extremely stiff. In such a situation, let alone sitting up, even turning over became an extremely difficult thing.

"Yan Yan, you're awake, great!" The snow dumpling in the space shouted excitedly. God knows that it can't see the situation outside, and it doesn't know how Mo Yan is doing. How worried it is that Mo Yan will be there. It is being harmed by these bad guys right under its nose.

If it wasn't for the fact that the connection was still there, and Xue Tuanzi's extraordinary endurance, he didn't use secret techniques to break through the constraints of space like last time, otherwise it would have been sealed in the merit bead again.

Sensing Xue Tuanzi's thoughts, Mo Yan felt warm in her heart and comforted her: "I'm awake and my brain hasn't been knocked stupid. Don't worry."

As she spoke, she turned her unfettered neck and eyes and looked around her surroundings. After a while, she was sure that she was lying in a cave.

Mo Yan was in the deepest part of the cave, surrounded by darkness and couldn't see anything. Only the light refracted from the sun at the entrance let her know that it was daytime. This coma actually allowed her to sleep for a whole night.

It was very quiet in the cave. Mo Yan could only hear her own subtle breathing. However, someone was vaguely talking outside the cave. She raised her ears and listened carefully, but she didn't hear a single word clearly.

"Xue Tuanzi, do you know who kidnapped me? Where is this place?" Mo Yan's eyes darkened and she could only place her hope on Xue Tuanzi.

"Yanyan, I, I don't know." Xue Tuanzi's weak voice sounded in his consciousness: "If your eyes are closed, I can't see everything outside. You were unconscious and unconscious before, and I can't either." Feel whats going on outside.

Heaven has great constraints on the weapon spirit. Xue Tuanzi understands the outside world through Mo Yan's eyes and perception. In other words, Mo Yan is a medium. Once the medium is interrupted, it becomes blind and deaf, and cannot understand what is happening outside. Nothing is known.

Mo Yan thought of this and said angrily: "I was in a coma for so long because I failed to live up to expectations, so how can I blame you!"

Hearing this, Xue Tuanzi still felt very uncomfortable: "I'm still too weak. If I had known that this would happen, I should have learned more skills in the world of cultivation. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so passive. I couldn't do anything without you. If you dont wake upand dont wake up

Speaking of this, Xue Tuanzi choked up and couldn't continue!

Mo Yan's heart throbbed, and her originally not-so-good mood became even more uncomfortable: "Don't say such discouraging words again in the future. You are a weapon spirit, not a god. If you are so powerful, I am afraid that the heavens will not be able to tolerate you. Besides, it has been done before." Master Kong said that I would be in danger, but there was no danger! You also said that I have nine lifetimes of merit, and even if I encounter danger, I will turn it into a disaster. What is there to worry about? "

Xue Tuanzi was moved to tears by his master's heart-warming words. He wished he could hug his master and cry bitterly: "Oh, Yan Yan, how can you be so good!"

Is this good enough? Mo Yan felt a little guilty. She regarded Xue Tuanzi as a very important partner but spent very little energy on him. In Xue Tuanzi's long life, he could only care about her. This was unfair.

The more Mo Yan thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She thought that people outside would not come in for a while, and even if they came in, they would not be able to tell at a glance that she was gone in the darkness, so she concentrated her thoughts and appeared in the space.

"Yan Yan, don't move. I'll help you untie the rope first." Xue Tuanzi rushed forward happily. He was about to cut off the rope with his spiritual power, but Mo Yan dodged it.

"Let's untie it. I'll need it when I go out later. I can't make those who kidnapped me suspicious." Facing Shang Xue Tuanzi's puzzled look, Mo Yan explained patiently.

Xuetuan understood immediately. While using his spiritual power to untie the rope, he said in a dull voice: "The skills of that immortal weapon refiner are too poor. If you can let me move freely, you don't have to risk your life to find a solution on your own." escaped."

Mo Yan couldn't help but laugh. He regained his freedom and waved his hands slightly to relieve the discomfort caused by poor blood flow: "You are so naughty. The immortal who refined you must have been worried that you would run away without a trace, so he didn't let you Move freely.

"Naughty? How could I be naughty!" Xue Tuanzi shouted dissatisfied: "If you were in the world of cultivation, you would never find an obedient weapon spirit like me. Even if I was really playful and ran away, I still have a soul contract. What do you think? Find me and I will come back even if I run to the end of the world."

Mo Yan looked at its arrogant little appearance and couldn't help but hold it in her arms and ravage it severely: "Xue Tuanzi is the best and most well-behaved. I want to escape without you this time." Its almost impossible to go.

Xue Tuanzi, who had been praised, barely endured the "abuse" of his master, and said with a groan: "That's right, you don't even know who I am."

But when it comes to escaping, it is really not an easy thing. Mo Yan sighed: "If I had known that this would happen, I should have taken the hairballs with me yesterday, otherwise I would have troubled myself."

Xue Tuanzi's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "I am there. I am here. Now that you wake up, I can contact them. I just don't know if we are far away from them. If it is too far away, they will want to use the smell. Its not easy to find you, its best to determine the general direction so they can find you through other animals.

Xue Tuanzi has made a contract with the six beasts. Even if the six beasts are not in the space, they can communicate without any obstacles. However, if the distance is far, although they can communicate, they cannot locate each other's positions.

Mo Yan lost consciousness last night, and Xue Tuanzi lost his senses, so he couldn't contact the six beasts. Now he can sense them, but positioning is another problem.

This is not a problem. I want to eat, drink, and defecate, so I cant just do it in the cave, right? When I find a chance to go outside, you can determine our specific location.

With space, it would not be difficult for Mo Yan to get out of the cave, or even escape. However, she was kidnapped by someone without incident, but she didn't even know the other person's intention. How could she be willing to just escape like that?

If you dont find out the intentions of this group of people and catch them all, even if you escape successfully this time, who knows whether this group of people will come back again? This time it was her, next time it would be her family? When something like this happens, can her helpless family escape?

Mo Yan is not sure whether the person who kidnapped her is seeking wealth or something else. No matter what it is, she must avoid future troubles.

"Okay, then go out quickly. You haven't been seen all night. Your parents don't know how anxious they are!" Xue Tuanzi urged hurriedly. It was really worried that those bad guys would harm Mo Yan, so it summoned the six beasts as soon as possible, and then took these Its best to catch people.

As soon as Mo Yan heard this, his desire to escape became even stronger. She drank some spiritual spring water and ate some fruit food in the space. Until her stomach was full and she returned to normal physical strength, she let Xue Tuanzi tie her up again with ropes.

"Yanyan, why don't you clean up the wound on your forehead? Will it leave a scar?" Xue Tuanzi looked at the unsightly piece of cloth on Mo Yan's forehead and wanted to tear it off immediately.

"No need, the wound is not big. Even if it leaves a scar, it can be removed." Mo Yan is not worried about the scar problem. If the wound heals too much all of a sudden, those who kidnapped her will become suspicious. She wants to get it from these people. It would be difficult to figure out the reason for kidnapping her.

Confirming that it was exactly the same as before, Mo Yan concentrated her thoughts on the space and lay on the ground again, thinking about what to do next. After a while, she heard clear voices coming from the entrance of the cave, but the unfamiliar language and weird emphasis made it impossible for her to understand even a single word.

Mo Yan vaguely felt that he had heard this language somewhere before, but he didn't remember it for a while, so he asked Xue Tuanzi: "Do you think the language they used seems familiar to you?"

Before, in Peach Blossom Town, you met a man and woman who were arguing. They seemed to speak this language. Xue Tuanzi said with some uncertainty.

Generally, it is difficult to distinguish a strange language and an unfamiliar accent after hearing it once. This is the case for Mo Yan and Xue Tuanzi now.

Hearing this, Mo Yan carefully recalled what the man and woman said that day. The accents were indeed somewhat similar: "So, I don't know them anymore, so why did they kidnap me?"

To make money, there are many rich people in Beijing. Compared with those rich giants, the family business of her family is nothing. Moreover, these kidnappers were not from Dachu, and they had only been in the capital for a few days, but they knew that she would go to the Prince's Mansion yesterday to congratulate her, and ambush her on her way home, successfully ambush her.

No matter how confused Mo Yan was, he still knew that these foreign kidnappers had come prepared. What was their purpose? Even if he couldn't understand their language, he vaguely guessed that they were related to the group of foreigners who escaped from the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

The group of agents have not been found so far, and the capital is under martial law and there is no way for them to escape. Since I can't get through by force, I have to find another way. If these kidnappers were really cooperating with the group of craftsmen, and they took a fancy to her, did they think that by kidnapping her, they could threaten Emperor Hui'an and get him to release her?

Or... Thinking of another possibility, Mo Yan's expression changed, and she became more determined to escape. That person may not necessarily compromise with the kidnappers for her and help them release the gangsters, but he will definitely risk his life to save her.

No matter which one he chooses, she doesn't want to see it.

Yan Yan, that kid is smarter and more powerful than you. Neither of the two outcomes you are thinking of will happen. Dont worry! Xue Tuanzi comforted his master, obviously full of confidence in Xiao Ruiyuan.

Mo Yan, who was originally nervous, didn't know whether to cry or laugh when she heard this. In the eyes of this guy, is she that inferior?

The footsteps of the two kidnappers were getting closer and closer, and Mo Yan suddenly smelled a faint smell of meat. She guessed that the two kidnappers were bringing her food.

"Why hasn't this girl woke up yet? Could she be dead?" The burly man who came in carrying roasted rabbit meat was very worried. He stuffed the rabbit meat into his companion's hands, took out the fire fold from his arms, and there was suddenly something in the dark cave. The light.

"I just bumped my head, how can I be so fragile?" Another person said as he squatted down to check Mo Yan's breath. Seeing that he was still breathing, he slapped Mo Yan's face with his hand: "Hey, Wake up, wake up, wake up quickly.

The man's hand was so strong that it hurt Mo Yan's cheek. Just when he was about to slap her for the second time, Mo Yan woke up with a cry. Seeing two strange men, she kept hiding behind with a face full of fear, and asked pitifully in a crying voice: "Who are you? Why are you arresting me? Can you please let me go? I I will give you a lot of money."

"Tsk, tsk, the women of Dachu are really timid, they should be ruled by our powerful Uto Kingdom!" The two burly men laughed strangely, even if they couldn't understand what Mo Yan said, looking at her pitiful look You can also guess that she is begging for mercy.

Although this hard plea did not arouse any pity from the two people, it made them relax their vigilance towards Mo Yan and only regarded her as a timid and cowardly woman.

Feeling the pride of these two people, Mo Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the rabbit leg with salivation and said, "I'm hungry, can you give it to me?"

The big man holding the rabbit leg noticed Mo Yan's gaze, but did not embarrass her. He wanted to throw the rabbit leg over, but found that her hands were tied and could not hold it to eat, so he took the rabbit leg and stuffed it into Mo Yan's mouth. : "It's really troublesome, you still have to wait for me, huh!"

Another big man said: "I'm so scared that I haven't forgotten to eat, but it's good if I can eat. If we starve to death, both of us will die too."

The big man who was eating the rabbit leg snorted and said nothing, but his expression was a little depressed.

A small rabbit leg can't fill their stomachs at all. These people simply regard Mo Yan as a meat ticket, as long as they don't starve to death. Mo Yan wasn't hungry at all, but she pretended to be hungry and ate the rabbit legs with big mouthfuls.

But the rabbit legs smelled delicious and tasted really unpalatable. She couldn't swallow it halfway through the meal, so she continued to use her previous acting skills, spit out the rabbit meat in her mouth, and lay on her back with a painful expression on her face. Groaning.

"What's going on?" Mo Yan's unusual reaction startled the two burly men. If they hadn't roasted the rabbit meat themselves, they would have suspected that the rabbit legs were poisonous.

"It hurts... my stomach hurts... I have to go to the latrine..." Mo Yan said with difficulty, her face looking even more painful.

The two burly men couldn't understand Mo Yan's words, and they didn't understand medical skills. Seeing that she seemed to be in bad condition, they fumbled and untied the ropes that bound her hands and asked her to sign.

Mo Yan's hands were free again, and she endured the "pain" and gestured for a long time. The two big men finally understood what she meant.

The cave is where these people stay. They will live here for a long time, so naturally they will not let Mo Yan solve it on the spot in the cave. After some discussion, the two finally loosened the rope around Mo Yan's legs and led her out of the cave to a hidden bush.

Staying in the dark cave for too long and suddenly being exposed to bright eyes gave Mo Yan an unreal feeling. At the urging of the burly man, Mo Yan squatted down in the grass. The lush grass could completely cover her body.

Seeing the two people staring at this side through the gaps in the grass, Mo Yan turned around and asked nervously: "Xue Tuanzi, can you determine the direction?"

Wait a minute, its almost over. Xue Tuanzi said calmly. It was not difficult for him to determine his position in the vast environment.

Mo Yan breathed a sigh of relief and squatted silently behind the grass, waiting for the news.

Sure enough, it didnt take long for Xue Tuanzis excited shout to be heard in his consciousness: Yan Yan, its confirmed, we have contacted the six beasts, and they will be here soon.

Hearing this, Mo Yan was completely relieved: "Just got in touch, thank you for your hard work, Xue Tuanzi."

"As long as we can escape, this hard work is nothing." Xue Tuanzi said with a somewhat unsteady breath, obviously consuming a lot of spiritual energy. What it didn't say was that the Mo family was in chaos and everyone who cared about her was going crazy.

However, even if Xue Tuanzi didnt say it, Mo Yan could still imagine it. She thought for a while and said to Xue Tuanzi: "If possible, let the six beasts find a way to appease my parents. I'm worried that they will come up with something in a hurry."

"Well, then I'll let the six beasts lead the way for your man, so that I can be more confident about catching all these bad guys." Xue Tuanzi agreed.

Mo Yan thought of another important thing and said quickly: "Do the Six Beasts know who kidnapped me? Are they the helpers of those foreign tribes?"

Xue Tuanzi had already asked about these things, so he said to Mo Yan: "What you guessed before was right, it was those people. They knew from somewhere that your man valued you, so they kidnapped you and wanted to threaten your man. Let your men rescue their accomplices.

Mo Yan had a change of heart and made a decision that made Xue Tuanzi unexpected...

At this time, the Mo family's mansion was plunged into a cloud of sadness. Mo Qingze sat in the main hall with a haggard look, having not slept a wink all night.

Ever since he learned about the disappearance of his eldest daughter last night, he rushed home overnight, but only saw the broken carriage in the yard and Xiao Hei who was seriously injured and unable to get up. At that moment, he was so distraught that he almost fainted.

This whole day and night, he had not eaten a grain of rice. If it were not for the idea of finding his daughter to support him, I am afraid that he would have been unable to bear such a blow and collapsed.

How is it, have you found Yaner?

Seeing Xiao Ruiyuan walk in, Mo Qingze stood up suddenly and asked, but his body swayed a few times unsatisfactorily, and he slumped on the chair again.

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head sadly. His eyes, which used to be like deep pools, were filled with bloodshot eyes, and an unknown storm was sweeping inside them, as if they were about to explode in the next moment.

Oral ulcers, colds, rhinitis attacks and low-grade fever, these two days are simply unbearable! Today's release is a bit late, I forgot to send a notice, sorry!

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