The Non-Human Society

Chapter 165 - One Hundred and Sixty Four – Vim – A Bruised Feather, A Flushed Grin

Chapter 165: Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Four – Vim – A Bruised Feather, A Flushed Grin

The young bird had a huge smile on her face as she held the newly sewed robe up, to study it.

She wasn't alone. Renn, Merit, and Reatti were with her. Telling her about the clothes they had prepared for her. How they had picked clothes that she could easily put on and take off, ones that wouldn't hurt or break her large feathers.

The three women were being gentle with the young girl, whose smile was still inflamed and black and blue. It had only been a few days since her beating, but its healing seemed to be slow.

Fly although had many non-human characteristics... was as fragile as the human that hid beneath her feathers. She was not just young, but small and weak. Meek.

Her bruises made everyone, even I, more protective of her.

"Try it on!" Reatti happily went to help her undress from her thick jackets and cloaks... which made the young bird quickly oblige. I turned away, as to stare at the nearby door and wall.

I knew the girl had enough feathers covering her body, which meant she couldn't be truly naked even if she wanted to... but I still tried to respect her as she went to putting on her new clothes.

As she put the robe on, Lawrence walked in. He glanced at them in a way that told me it was safe to look too. Sure enough she was dressed again... although now instead of the layers of mismatched patterns and leather, she now wore something of a large sundress robe. It looked baggy on her and uncomfortable... but she had a huge smile on her face, and her feathers were puffed up a little in excitement.

She was enjoying this moment, greatly.

"That's a wonderful smile, considering it's only been a couple days," Lawrence said gently as he walked over to me. He sat down to my left as he studied Fly and the rest.

"It is going well, yes. She showed up before the sun fell below the horizon this time too, which means she can't wait to get here," I said softly. We were probably close enough that Fly and the others could hear us, but we were speaking lowly enough that as long as the girls continued to talk loudly and laugh while doing so, we'd be fine.

"Then she should be joining soon. Good. Very good," Lawrence nodded, pleased.

"Possibly... right now she's just happy because she's realized that we'll not eat her. We'll see if that calm friendship can become the relationship of family," I said.

"A daunting task, when one only knows danger in their life. To become such friends only because she doesn't fear being eaten... It's been a long time since I've met someone like that," he whispered. "Has she mentioned what her master is yet?" he then asked after a moment.

"No. All I've heard, or Renn or the rest have been able to deduce, is that the master is big. Massive. And always hungry. I'm actually more concerned right now with those she calls elders. The older ones," I said.

"Yes... Not only are they the types to brutally abuse such a lovely little girl, they're also willing to capture and feed their own kind to this master of theirs. Not ones we would welcome openly, for sure," Lawrence said.

"A hard decision, when some of our older members lived such lifestyles too," I said gently, as to remind him.

Lawrence shifted a shoulder, and I knew it was not because he had forgotten... but simply because it hurt to be reminded.

"They had the opportunity to prove themselves. Something tells me these ones will not get such a luxury, nor will accept it when given," Lawrence finally said.

"We shall see," I said.

"Well, you will. I doubt any of us will," Lawrence said with a sigh.

I nodded as we watched Fly fidget as Merit and Renn helped put pants on her. Thanks to her large talons for feet, putting pants on normally was not possible. At least not without great effort, and inconvenience... so instead they had made pants that could be pulled on and off thanks to utilizing buttons. It was a pain, since they had to fasten dozens of buttons running up and down the sides of her legs and waist, but it let her wear pants normally.

Before they got both legs buttoned up, Fly began to shed tears. She didn't make a noise, but her crying made the three women go silent too.

They all stood around Fly as she stared down at her pants, which were now firmly fastened and buttoned. Thanks to her feathers on her legs and thighs, her pants looked a little puffy... but odds were they were the first pair of pants she's ever worn.

Renn patted Fly on the back, and Merit and Reatti reached out to do the same. Though Reatti gently laid her hand on Fly's shoulder, and Merit stretched upward as far as she could as to rub Fly's head.

"What a sight," Lawrence whispered as we took it in.

It was. Especially Renn's expression. How come she looked more emotionally bothered than Fly and the rest?

"Renn thinks we'll have to go meet the others before they'll entertain coming here and talking to us. Renn doesn't think Fly is telling them she's coming here," I said softly.

"Out of fear or greed?" Lawrence asked.

I nodded, glad he had the same thoughts as me. Renn simply believed it was because she didn't want anyone to get angry at her, but I knew better. Lawrence knew better.

Those like her would not tell anyone else about the wonderful thing they found, as to keep it from themselves.

As to keep it from being stolen from them.

Fly was young enough, and weak enough, it'd be very likely and understandable for her to worry that this place... here... Us... could be stolen from her. Either by her fellows coming in and killing us, or simply taking her place.

"Either way I'm unsure if I should allow it. There's definitely more than one predator down there, based off the things Fly says. I'm not sure if I'm willing to risk Renn in such a way," I said.

"Indeed... should Merit go with you instead? She seems to be getting along with her too," Lawrence suggested with a wave at Merit. She was laughing and holding Fly's hands as Renn and Reatti adjusted Fly's robe around her arms.

"I'd rather go alone... but I don't think that'd work. Fly is still weary around me. She's only that happy with Renn and the rest," I said.

"That's not a surprise, Vim. You're a man," Lawrence tried to reason it away.

"A man who killed her best friend. Her family."

Lawrence glanced at me, and I ignored his sad look as I studied the young bird. She was so happy to be wearing... somewhat normal clothes. She was now walking around, enjoying the feeling of the robes and pants.

"Most children prefer women, Vim. It's not just what you did," Lawrence then said.

"Most children do," I agreed, letting him try to console me.

It didn't work, but I didn't mind letting him think it did.

"Has she gotten any more injuries? Her face is still swollen," Lawrence asked as Fly went to the table where dozens of other clothes laid. Other sets, in case the one she was wearing hadn't worked or fit.

"Not that I'm aware. She got that one beating a few days ago and nothing new since. As you figured earlier, I don't think she's telling them about us. She's not telling them about her coming here. There's no reason for them to beat her yet," I said.

Lawrence was about to say something, but Merit suddenly walked over. Renn and Reatti were holding up more clothes for Fly, to pick the next set to try on.

"Oh mighty Merit, tell me your wisdom," Lawrence said as Merit got close enough.

"Shush you. Go read a ledger," Merit grumbled and scowled at him, not willing to play along with his teasing.

Lawrence smirked and nodded, unbothered.

Merit then turned to me and nodded. "She's willing to take Renn down to the sewers, where they live. But just her. She thinks if more than Renn goes, they'll think we're trying to invade or conquer them," Merit said.

I frowned and realized Merit had been listening into our conversation this whole time.

Hopefully Fly hadn't been.

"I'll not let her go alone. If at all," I said simply.

"I agree, and I've explained that to her. But she's young Vim. She's probably only fourteen or fifteen years old, based off what I can surmise. She arrived with her parents on a boat during a massive hail storm that almost sunk a boat, and was taken into the sewers then they disappeared shortly after," Merit said.

"Ah... the hail storm that took out most of the windows and ports. Yes. That was ten or so years ago," Lawrence nodded, seemingly making perfect sense of what Merit said.

Merit nodded. "Plus she fears those she calls the older ones. The ones who feed their master. To her they are the law. The rulers. The kings," Merit said.

"Very animalistic," Lawrence said.

"Too animalistic. She's... very..." Merit stopped talking and glanced behind her, at Fly. She was now trying on another robe. She had undressed. I glanced away as her body of feathers came into view.

Didn't it itch to have so many feathers all over?

"You can't fault her for it. She's not had the luxury of living with humans. Humans to her are the enemy. Those who only bring pain or suffering. She's simply living her life by the rules she understands, nothing more. Don't judge her too harshly. She deserves some pity," I said.

"You need not tell me that Vim, I just..." Merit said gently, and then went quiet as she stared at the young girl.

Young indeed. Fifteen or so? She looked it. Barely. Her feathers that covered most of her body made her seem a little bigger and older than she was. Plus her legs and feet were more bird-like than not. Talons and a thin ankle and leg. It made her seem a little taller than she would be, had her feet been more human in form.

Lawrence sighed. "She'll need to go elsewhere, regrettably. Although she could live here, inside the houses, for a time... she'll eventually need to go somewhere more suitable," Lawrence said.

Merit nodded. "The bell church would work for her, being a child and a girl, but her fellows won't be able to go there. Some were men, after all," Merit said.

"I'd send those to Tor's village," I said.

"Tor's?" Lawrence sounded as if he didn't agree.

I nodded as I watched Renn go to unbutton and undress her own shirt... as to put one of the other ones on, as to join Fly in trying on clothes.

Sighing as Lawrence looked away, I watched as Renn took off her over shirt. She wore an undershirt, which was a good thing... but...

"Oh...?" Merit grinned as she watched as Renn put another robe on. One meant for a traveling nun. It was thick and loose fit on her.

"You're reading too into it," I said firmly.

"A bold statement, when you have no idea what I'm reading," Merit said as she glanced at me.

Sadly I knew full well.

"What are we reading?" Lawrence looked back, and frowned. Nothing seemed out of place now.

"Oh... just Renn's choice of undergarments," Merit said with a smirk.

Lawrence frowned. "What? I looked away. Was she not wearing anything?" he asked, confused.

"In fact the opposite! And it's much better. She was wearing something very... interesting..." Merit giggled as Reatti looked over towards us, and without saying anything pointed at Renn with a thumb and nodded to us with a weird smile. Telling Merit, and us men, that she had seen it and noticed it too.

I groaned as I lowered my head and rubbed my eyes. Suddenly I was tired.

"What? What happened? Why'd I miss it while trying to be a gentleman?" Lawrence complained.

"Sorry Vim. If only I had noticed it, I'd might be willing to keep it a secret but Reatti saw it too," Merit said.

"You'd sound convincing if you weren't smirking so brazenly," I complained.

She nodded as her smirk grew stronger. Then she turned to Lawrence and gestured at Renn and the rest. "Renn was wearing one of Vim's shirts. Underneath her own. Using it as an undergarment," Merit explained.

I kept rubbing my eyes, unwilling to see Lawrence's shocked expression as he hurriedly glanced at me.

"You're kidding!" Lawrence said, a little loudly.

"No... she's not..." I whined.

"Really..." Lawrence whispered in awe, and I knew he was now studying Renn more intently. More seriously.

She was now worth remembering. In his own perspective, at least.

Merit giggled, very happy all of a sudden. More than she had been, at least.

"She's so odd. Why wear your shirt? It doesn't smell like you, so..." Merit crossed her arms as she tried to make sense of it.

"Just let it be..." I begged for mercy.

"Did... did I not notice you two claiming one another? I had thought she'd been acting weird around him, but I thought that was just typical Vim stuff. Is she actually his Merit? Really?" Lawrence asked, sounding doubtful.

"She's trying to be, I think. I don't think he's accepted it yet," Merit answered honestly.

"Ah... interesting. Poor girl," Lawrence sighed and nodded.


I glanced at my friend between my fingers, and noticed the way he closed his eyes and shifted. He looked genuinely upset. Bothered. Saddened.

"Don't discount her yet, Lawrence. He won't admit it but she's making good headway into his heart," Merit teased me.

"I'd believe you, Merit, if I didn't know that Vim's heart hasn't beat in over a thousand years," Lawrence said.

"It pulses," I argued.

"Does it?" Merit asked.




"Hm... she's waving you over, Merit," Lawrence gestured to let Merit know that Renn was calling her over.

"So she is. I'm going to go tease her about it. I bet she'll blush and go deep red in the face! Look forward to it Vim, consider it a present from me to you," Merit said as she stepped away.

"Yea... sure..." I did my best to not smile and nod, since I didn't want her to know I actually was looking forward to it.

I liked the way Renn got so vivid in her emotions. I liked how readily they appeared, and how deeply they showed themselves.

Before she stepped away too far, Merit then paused and looked at me. Merit's smile died, and suddenly Lawrence sat up a little straighter... obviously worried.

It wasn't often the Merit of old showed herself so blatantly.

I raised an eyebrow as Merit scowled at me, in a way that she hadn't done in years.

"Kill their master, Vim. I'm in no mood to eat someone who eats others. Don't make me do it," she said with a cold tone.

I nodded; glad to be off the previous subject... but also in complete agreement.

Fly's master needed to die.

For not just Fly and her people...

But to protect my own.

After all, one day... it'll run out of food... and will then emerge from the sewers in search of more.

And I'd not allow that.


Merit went back to the girls, and said something as she approached. I hadn't heard her, thanks to my thoughts... but I was able to see the results.

Reatti burst out into a laugh, startling Fly... and Renn went deep red in the face.

Renn hurriedly glanced at me, and her eyes went wide, and her ears fluttered as if she had a horrible itch.

"You're kidding me..." Lawrence whispered, watching what was happening.

"Sadly, no. She isn't," I groaned as Renn swiftly looked away, and lifted another set of robes. To try and change the topic, and distract everyone.

Merit and the rest seemingly were kind enough to let her change the topic... but before Renn could get her flushing face under control, Fly asked a question that made everyone laugh.

"You wear his underwear...?" Fly asked, worriedly. She obviously found it horribly strange.

Renn hid her face with the robes, as even Lawrence chuckled at Fly's statement.


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