The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 304

304 Villainous Recording

Cole left to help out with the rescue after asking Katie to stay put. The girl nearly screamed at him, but the kiss he placed on her forehead didn’t allow her frustration to leak through.

A meeting was later held in the conference room containing all the high-ranking werewolves in the capital concerning the incident that had just occurred.

Katie sat in the luxuriously crafted throne next to Cole’s empty one, which dwarfed hers in comparison. The Luna sighed, not caring to show her attitude to the alphas and betas that had made it to the conference room and joined her in waiting for the king to join them. “What is a human doing in this room?” Bella groaned.

“What human?” Katie asked, faking amusement. She scanned through the tables dramatically, her eyes skipping over Sandra like she was a wolf as well.

The newly-licensed hunter narrowed her eyes at her friend, her mind trying to figure out what she was playing at.

“The one that follows you everywhere,” the woman replied, “Obviously...”

“Oh, you mean Sandra. Last I checked, she is a hunter. That’s the same qualification as my uncle and Aunt Evelyn,” Katie replied turning to the members of her adoptive family that were in the room.

“Katie, let’s not have another one of your childish squabbles this time,” Evelyn spoke up, eyeing the girl. The Luna looked between her aunt and Bella, then rolled her eyes and gave up the meaningless squabble.

‘Ashley, are you okay?’ she asked the wolf within her.


‘Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little exhausted,’ the wolf replied, ‘Permission to rest... completely.’

Katie sighed, noting the meaning behind her wolf asking for complete rest. It wasn’t the first time, ‘Granted.’ The glow in her eyes vanished while she had her eyes closed. ‘This is going to be interesting,’ she thought to herself.

The doors swung open, letting Cole in along with his beta alphas. Kyle was walking along with them. The king walked up to Katie’s seat and placed a kiss on her forehead before taking his place beside her. ‘That throne is painfully bigger than mine,’ the girl mentally groaned. Cole’s amusement came through the mind link.

Caden and Jason remained standing behind him and so did Kyle, however, he stood behind Katie, “There is no place for a...”

“Hold your tongue, Bella,” Katie snapped, finally looking up to reveal her cold dark blue orbs. The girl was tongue-tied, but now for completely different reasons.

Cole turned to Katie and hesitated when he noticed the change in her appearance. His shock then turned to worry, “How are you holding up?” he asked.

Katie was stunned by how fast he’d read through her, “I’m fine, Cole. Just a little tired is all.” The king interpreted her tone as a sign that he was to stop pampering her and skip to the point.

“I’m glad you could all make it. Thanks to Luna Katie, we were able to uncover the hideout where the missing people were all being kept and we were able to get all of them to the hospital without any deaths. A few of them were only left with a short amount of time to live had we arrived later than we did,” Cole began.

“How did the Luna lead you to the hideout when no one else could?” one of the older-looking alphas asked.

“She tracked them down. As we all know, tracking someone down is almost impossible when the trail has already been allowed to run cold. That’s not always the case for the Luna,” Cole explained.

“That’s impressive,” a hint of pride shone through the man’s wizened crimson, nodding in acknowledgement, “Please carry on.”

“We found a recording in the hideout. It seems the criminals expected us to find their victims. Watching it would have cost us valuable time, so I chose to play it in full during this meeting before we decide on what happens next,” Cole continued.

Kyle took a step towards the large screen pinned on the side of the wall on the other side of the conference hall. Finding the port on it, he set it up.

The video played following what Katie remembered up until the point that Kyle had unplugged it earlier, “Well, the likes of us criminals that have been locked up for so long have learnt a lot during the time we’re in that dungeon of yours.

We know how the Chase family can detect someone just because they walked into their radius of detection. We know that they detect anyone like that to be bad the moment they let their murderous intent get the better of them. Detecting their power through their aura is also another way which can be suppressed. I’m only letting you know that you are not going to stop what’s coming.

King Cole Lycaon is going to have a coronation in one week. We shall be there in the flesh. If you ever do find this video, then you have a heads-up. It would be fun to get through some tight security.”

‘What do they even want?’

“As for what we want, that’s simple,” the man continued as though reading Katie’s mind, “We want revenge for the years we were locked up. It’s that simple. It’s quite clear to us that something is wrong with the rogue killer. She was the one that gave the rogue king a hard time. With her out of the way, the rest of you don’t stand a chance.”

“They are completely ignoring my presence,” Thorrin sighed.

“Oh, we haven’t forgotten about the Perfect Warrior. That’s a challenge we are willing to take. It will be fun. See you all there,” the man winked, only to laugh crazily and turn off the recorder.

Katie hadn’t missed the most important part of the man’s appearance. The red eyes that had stared right back at them through the whole video, “Who is that man?”

“He’s one of the rogue king’s former generals that I captured. His time in prison must have lowered his value to the rogue king as he didn’t regroup with him after being released. Either that or the rogue king’s new generals are simply more powerful,” Thorrin answered Katie’s question.

The girl stared blankly at the table before her, only cursing at her lack of ability to help, “What did he mean by there is something wrong with the rogue killer? I thought that was Luna Katie.” This time, it was Bella that asked.

“I’m not in fighting shape at the moment. They must have noticed,” Katie sighed.

“Umm, might you explain your eyes as well?” a younger alpha asked, impatience breaking his threshold for tolerance, “I mean, who else wasn’t curious?” The rest at the table didn’t look him in the eye. They’d all been holding it in.

“My wolf is... how should I put this? Asleep... As I said, I’m tired,” the girl replied with a sigh, “Cole, what are you going to do about the coronation?”

The question barely phased the royal. It seemed he’d been thinking of the same thing, “Might I suggest we continue with the coronation as scheduled? You invited the wolves of Sirius if I remember correctly. I can have Thomas and Micah return on that flight and add them to the security detail,” Thorrin spoke up before the king.

“I was thinking of letting the ceremony proceed as planned,” Cole replied thoughtfully, “If we let the ceremony continue. It could be the one chance we get to recapture these criminals.”

The discussion continued with what they were to do for the ceremony. As it so happened, the entire security detail had to be adjusted and the conditions for attending the coronation completely changed.

Since Cole wouldn’t let Katie participate in any one part of the program, she lost interest in the entire meeting.

And to keep the future Queen from acting on her own, Cole assigned Sandra to protect her. This job came along with the job of keeping her in one place in case any trouble broke out.

‘I wouldn’t be able to fight even if I wanted to,’ she mentally sighed. The silence in her mind was almost deafening. It was only her and her thoughts without even a hint of a reaction from Ashley.


Lina heard about the news of Crysta’s condition while still in the car. Honour told her everything that had happened over the phone while they drove back to the palace.

When the king noticed it was something important, he had the princess turn on the phone’s loudspeaker and listened to the entire narration of events from the girl, “I knew I had to stay behind,” the king cursed.

“No, honey, you made the right choice to visit the Golden Moon pack. This gave Drake a chance to grow as the crown prince. Not to mention the golden Moon pack had not received you in a long time,” the queen tried.

King Davin sat back in his seat. ‘What’s done is done?’ he told himself before speaking up, “Honour, how is Ginger doing? You mentioned she was in the most dangerous of all of them?”

The phone went quiet for a moment before the girl replied. Her voice was almost inaudible and she could have wished to be asked anything else at the time, “Ginger did not make it, your majesty... The doctors checked her stab wound and found that it had hit vital organs and severed important arteries. From the look of the knife wound, it was done intentionally to let the girl bleed out.”

“Who would do such a thing?” Martha asked, a hint of disgust in her voice.

“Well, I’m guessing it was the same person that captured them. Crysta has not yet woken up. When she does, I’m hoping she can tell me something. She is the reason we found them after all,” Honour said to them.

“How about you wait for the royal family first?” the king asked her.

“Hmm, I’m thinking the royal family would overwhelm the girl. If she’s not awake by the time you all arrive, I will talk to her with only one person. Lina,” Honour replied firmly.

The king was shocked by the tone the girl used with him, but even more surprised by the fact that his wolf was not offended by her tone. Instead, the wolf was inclined to follow the girl’s orders with no questions asked.

“Very well, Honour. Have it your way,” the king chuckled, “But you will relay everything useful that she tells you.”

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