The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 86

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 86

86. Mid-Open

The world does not wait.

Going out for a family dinner and coming back to find the meat platter empty, I realized a truth that applies even in a different world. Even though it was a different world, it was a place where humans lived, so common truths applied.

That’s why I never thought for a moment that the enemy would wait for me while I calmed down the recalcitrant lords, pressured them, and persuaded them. If they had the time to prepare countermeasures and get ready to march, they would have gone on a Rampage even more.

In the end, as the month-long, mind-boggling negotiations came to an end, rumors of the pagan raiders spread throughout the duchy.

And the fact that the pagan horde would never sit still.

There were countless testimonies to this fact.

“They are rampaging through the nearby villages along the Heje River!”

A messenger panting as he delivered urgent news.

“P-please save me. P-please save my family! My f-family is still being held captive…!”

A serf who had narrowly escaped and fled after being captured by the pagan horde.

“Your Majesty, this is a rebellion that is difficult to deal with with just knights. We must raise an army as soon as possible!”

Even the knights, realizing that the enemy would not be easy to deal with, came to plead.

At this point, even the lords who had blindly opposed my expedition or had been lukewarm in their support had no choice but to come to their senses. They had thought that once the Duchy of Poviss raised its army, they would be able to hold them off, but it was only natural that they would be devastated by the news they had heard.

I felt the same way.

Just imagining the people being trampled by the horde of pagan raiders and the gruesome scenes made my heart ache. That’s why I had to prepare more thoroughly and move.

And to clearly distinguish who was in a hurry. Of course, the way others, especially the lords who were about to have the ax fall on their necks, saw it was completely different.

As I returned to the cathedral, not even having the time to indulge in my hobbies, voices of discontent began to erupt. Some even went so far as to rudely interrupt my precious leisure time.

“Your Grace, when do you plan on setting out?”

“The pagan raiders are running wild over there, and you are taking it easy here!”

“Even if you prepare, it will be useless if you miss the timing.”

After listening to various complaints, I slowly put down my quill.

If anyone saw me, they would think I was begging them to please go out on an expedition. It was like those who had feared me after I had seized control of the military and had only now realized that the blade was at their necks.

However, if I said that out loud, I would only end up getting stabbed in the back.

I made up my mind to use statecraft for the sake of our lords.

“Oh, you have to grind the wheat before you can make bread. Do you think bread will just appear if you just bake it?”

That’s how short-sighted people are.

They probably didn’t realize that when they opposed me, they were the ones who would be ground into mincemeat instead of the enemy. It goes without saying that I am not delaying the expedition out of personal feelings.

To be precise, I had no choice but to delay the expedition.

“There is a limit to the resources we have right now. Moreover, we have just issued a conscription order, haven’t we? If we move with soldiers who haven’t even gathered yet, we will only boost their morale.”


“The fact that the weather has warmed up and we are using less firewood is a relief. We can reduce the number of wagons and carts we need, but we are having a hard time procuring horses. I am also worried about how we are going to pay for the arrows.”

Just like there are countless math haters in the 21st century, the lords here also have something they are wary of.

It is the act of wrestling with documents filled with numbers and letters.

Everyone reacts the same way when they see densely packed content. It’s like eating a whole piece of meat. I could fully understand the discomfort the lords must have felt when they saw the content that was so difficult to understand.

But what if they saw charts and graphs with beautiful shapes and organized numbers?

Art and entertainment have the power to resonate with people across time. If they were to encounter charts and graphs that were easy to understand at a glance, rather than just looking at documents filled with random scribbles, they would receive a culture shock.

That was exactly what I was aiming for.

I would create a fun leisure time for the bored lords who were just waiting for the day they could go hunting. By doing so, I would reduce the burden on the serfs and create a user base that would share interests with me.

“Would you like to take a look?”

I also had “friends” who would help me think about the logistics of supplying the army.

“Ahem. Hmm. Hmm! Pfft, wheeze!”

“Yes, Your Grace. We will simply await your departure. Of course. I… I will do my best since you have said that you need support.”

“Ahem. I shall follow the will of the starlight of the universe, Your Grace.”

Unfortunately, it seems our lords have come to either feign difficulty breathing or express their support.

As I turned my gaze away, I couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment as I watched their backs disappear out the door. Simultaneously, vexation and anger welled up within me.

I understand that they are desperately clamoring because their vested interests are at stake.

However… How dare they turn away my heartfelt plea in this manner?

At that moment, my mind filled with thoughts of Chief Han, who had given me a sorrowful look the other day, saying that these juniors don’t drink together with him anymore.

[I don’t understand why these kids drink alone these days. You see, when you drink alone, you end up getting over it alone.]


[When you drink alone when you’re sad, your insides rot, and when you drink alone when you’re happy, you end up feeling lonely. There’s a reason why people who like to drink naturally end up socializing.]

Chief Han said those words as he poured himself a glass of soju.

[It’s a pity that we can’t all enjoy the taste of this side dish together.]

Although he only invited female juniors to drink with him and was forced to quit after being plagued by s*xual harassment due to his nasty drinking habits, I could sympathize with his words.

Fun is more fun when there are people to enjoy it with, and even more so when there are many such people.

However, our socially inept lords have flatly rejected my invitation. My meaningful invitation to forget the past and move forward together with a new heart.

It was then that I was able to make a firm resolution.

My lords, there is not a single reason for me to care about you-.

-That’s what I thought.


After the meeting with the lords.

Those who had been postponing support and those who had been seeing with anger at the sight of them changed their attitudes towards each other.

The change of heart came about as the departure was postponed.

Fear spread like wildfire with the repeated news of bad tidings, but Narba, who had just returned from the meeting, was impressively composed. Even when he heard that a village had been burned down, he would stare out the window with an indifferent look in his eyes and utter strange remarks.

“Surely the pagans couldn’t be that powerful.”


The attendant who had come to deliver the news was taken aback by the unexpected remark.

On the other hand, Narba leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers on the armrest, maintaining a relaxed demeanor.

“Well, well. Now I understand why my lords didn’t want to entrust their army to someone like me. They needed someone with more specialized knowledge and experience, someone who wouldn’t be afraid of a possible defeat.”


Narba was the one who had led the army with the strongest attitude and the most confidence.

I thought he must have been scared by the pagans’ advance, but Narba’s expression, which was making such cowardly remarks, was calm without a trace of agitation.

“I feel responsible. I will withhold support for the Principality of Penrad. Send a messenger immediately to summon Sir Terbear.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

Just when I thought he had given up and directed himself to everything.

“In the meantime, I will recruit a suicide squad that will risk their lives to thwart the advance of the pagan hordes.”

Narbalessly shame began to reveal his wicked intentions.

Naturally, when such remarks became known, countless criticisms poured in as the attendants spread the word. A meeting was convened in an instant, and the lords pointed at Narba, not with a haughty air but with a desperate attitude, and denounced him.

“You said you could stop them with confidence, so why are you suddenly changing your attitude?!”

“Your Grace, how can you shirk your responsibility?!”

They asked why he was now backing out of the expedition, and that it was the church’s mission to stop the pagans, and so on.

Furthermore, despite knowing that their own efforts would be futile, they even dared to pester their lord, King Athelstan, with sweet talk. Their clamor was so loud that King Athelstan, who usually maintained silence or remained a bystander, was forced to ask them directly.

“My lord bishop, I have already granted you the command. Why have you gone back on your word?”

King Athelstan himself was puzzled by this.

I could guess what Narva was thinking, but he knew that the clamor would naturally subside once he achieved a brilliant military victory.

Narva himself was not fazed. Instead, he took his time, pretending to straighten his shoulder mantle.

“My lord bishop.”

Finally, Narva opened his mouth after King Athelstan pressed him once more.

“I was confident that I could lead the army to victory if my principality of Powys gave it their all. But.”


“I realized that my arrogance was misplaced after seeing the lukewarm determination of our lords and the support that fell far short of our expectations. No matter how valiant a knight may be, we can never achieve victory with these supplies and troops. That is my humble opinion.”

Narva straightened his back, as if he were carrying a heavy load on his shoulders, and then glanced at the lords.

He did not care how the lords looked at him.

“That is why I believe that we need a truly great commander who has not only played with numbers but has also experienced the battlefield firsthand, so I will step down.”

“Nonsense!!! You are shirking your duty!!!”

One of the lords, the familiar face of Gartha, hurriedly denounced him, but the reply he received was extremely realistic.

“That is why I intend to ask the Papacy and the Peace Alliance for help. Such diplomatic matters are best handled by the church. However, we will need valiant knights and lords to buy us time.”

Everyone knew it.

The fact that this pagan invasion was on a different level from the previous plundering. The fact that the enemy would never be easily satisfied and would return.

They could only be defeated by fighting and winning.

However, the act of facing the powerful pagan hordes was madness itself. The probability of defeat was high, and the moment they were defeated, they would be offered as human sacrifices in unimaginably gruesome ways.

Narva was precisely targeting this vague fear, this clinging to life.

“The church will guide you to the starlight of the afterlife. We will also strive to have you canonized as saints. Which of you lords is willing to be martyred with honor? I will gladly absolve you of all your sins.”


“Is there no one who will repent? Are you all so innocent that you have never committed a sin in your life? Do you not have the noble heart to be martyred for the starlight of the afterlife?”

Despite the contemptuous questioning, not a single person dared to speak up.

Count Phaethon, who could be considered a close minister, only watched cautiously, while Count Oduard simply ignored his head. The man who was presumed to be Count Gaetan had his head bowed so low that I could not see his expression.

Silence flowed through the audience chamber.

It was King Athelstan who spoke in that place.

“Very well, my lord bishop.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Speak your request. If they have any shame, they will heed your demands.”

It was a virtual blank check.

Narva only revealed his true colors after he had obtained it.

“Your Majesty, for a wretch like me to win, I must have complete and absolute command of their soldiers.”

He changed his attitude in a flash and exuded a powerful aura.

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