The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 770. The Promise to Protect Him

Chapter 770. The Promise to Protect Him

Davey's expression was peaceful. Perserque left the Asgard cabin, leaving Davey sleeping soundly behind. She had a light robe on. Despite the airship Asgard being designed mostly to Davey's tastes, it still bore traces of her own preferences.

Facing the vast sky with the wind lightly blowing, she quietly closed her eyes. She still found it hard to believe all that had happened.

“It’s a miracle...” she murmured.

Though gods existed, miracles still seemed like a distant rarity. Davey had unexpectedly pulled out the authority of the Abyss, the root of Thanatos, from her. To be frank, she hadn’t expected him to push Thanatos away with only the means he had available. Yet, he succeeded in using the power of god to expel most of the authority of the Abyss within her.

Of course, it had come with a price—her soul had been dragged into the depths of the Abyss by Thanatos’s authority.

In a way, it was fortunate that things had turned out this way; she had always known she would get pulled in there, destined to happen regardless of whatever measures Davey took. As such, she had prepared extensively, coming up with ways to still support Davey in the case of her absence.

However, contrary to her expectations, Davey recklessly went into the Abyss and ultimately managed to save her.

To be frank, she had no idea how he had felt her presence. Despite having been engulfed in endless darkness, she had still managed to sense Davey trudging toward her. She instinctively cried out and played a song for him.

Her voice and notes shouldn't have been able to reach him, nor should he have been able to find her—the Abyss was a space that obscured even what was directly in front of one’s eyes. But then, for a brief moment, a light appeared and opened a small gap between them.


It was a familiar power, one she recognized from an old friend. And yet, it was a power that she knew she shouldn’t have felt in the Abyss. There was no way the divine sword Caldeiras could have accomplished something on its own—she figured it must’ve been an illusion, a miracle, or perhaps the effect of the Blood Contract ring she received from Josiah.

Despite her doubts, her song indeed managed to somehow reach him. Even so, she had no clue how Davey had in turn heard her song and harmonized with her.

She wondered if things had ultimately worked out okay, all things considered. Thanatos had been driven into the Abyss, but since she wasn’t completely banished, Perserque figured Thanatos would return eventually, though it might take some time.

With a sigh of mixed relief and worry, she quietly walked away from the terrace. Moments later, a girl with bright blonde hair who didn’t belong carefully stepped onto the terrace and began looking around.


The air was surprisingly thick for the blonde girl to breathe. She moved quickly through space.

Cough! Ouch... My whole body aches...”

- Descendant. If you continue to overwork your body like that, you’ll only hasten your death. You shouldn’t be using Dimensional Slashes so frequently in such a short period—don’t you know that every time you use them, it shortens your lifespan?

“I couldn’t care less. Once I reach master level, I’ll have more life than I could ever need.”

Asgard stopped over Korea. The blonde girl, standing firmly on a building rooftop, looked down and lightly flicked the huge sword in her hand. She gripped it comfortably and swung it deftly as if she were swinging a tree branch, belying the sword’s obscene length and width rivaling her own.

The divine sword Caldeiras belonged to the Sword Saint Ares. Originally, no one but Ares could properly wield it. Fortunately, after Davey strengthened and liberated it, even she could effectively draw out all its power. Holding Caldeiras, she recalled the past with a complicated expression.

[Take the chance when I give it to you.]

Reflecting on those words, she realized that Perserque had known something like this would happen. At that time, Perserque had told her so many seemingly random things...

[Davey really likes meat. His favorite is definitely pork. He prefers food he makes himself, so he’s always happy when people say his food is good.]

[Davey loves sleeping in late and feeling the warmth of something in his arms. He enjoys making things and working on projects together as a hobby.]

She had told her what he liked...

[Davey hates twenty questions—he prefers being direct rather than beating around the bush. He also doesn’t like playing hard to get. If you like something, let him know clearly. It might help to be clear about what you dislike as well.]

What he didn’t like...

[When Davey lies, the corners of his eyes twitch slightly.]

And how he reacted in different situations.

Though the two had only been together for about a year, she knew him very well—frankly, she felt jealous. But she didn’t have an inferiority complex toward Pereserque. When she said to grasp the opportunity, it wasn't just a suggestion; it was a desperate plea from her end.

Looking at the current situation, it was clear why Perserque was so desperate—if she hadn’t intervened, both Davey and Perserque would have gone berserk and been trapped in the terrible darkness of the Abyss forever. Of course, she had only barely managed to exert her influence, thanks to the help from the faintly white figure next to her.

Perserque had told her that with time, she would inevitably have to leave Davey’s side. Not just because of her lifespan, but because of who and what she was. She wanted someone around after she was gone, someone who could unconditionally support him when he stumbled.

Considering the culture on the Tionis continent where arranged marriages and polygamy were common, it was almost a miracle for two royal families to marry for love instead of political gain. This made their love and longing passion even stronger.

In fact, Perserque had a very powerful desire for monogamy and exclusivity. Even so, she had given up all her pride and rights in order to protect her beloved husband—she asked for help. She wanted someone to always be by his side to support and love him.

The girl could instinctively tell how desperate Perserque was, which made it impossible for her to refuse Perserque. She knew that part of her heart had already developed positive feelings toward Davey after meeting and becoming involved with him. She liked him—maybe even something beyond that.

Eventually, the girl had fallen in love with Davey. Even though she knew the truth behind why Perserque had created a spot for her, she couldn’t contain her feelings for him.

Davey wasn’t aware, but Perserque had been preparing for this for a long time. It was truly unfair to Davey, her just planning it behind his back without seeking his opinion at all.

“Personally, I have no interest in things that aren’t mine to have to myself.”

Aeria approached him in her own way. She would always continue to stay true to her heart with her actions.

- Now that she has returned, have you lost your spot by his side?

Just as the figure said, the things Perserque was nervous about went away after Davey's bold actions and the girl's surprise intervention. There was no longer a reason for Perserque to sacrifice her own feelings to let there be more people around him.

It was a pity, but she had no regrets—she had delivered on her promise.

“I made a promise a long time ago in Goddess Freyja’s Dream World: if that psycho can’t keep himself safe protecting the world, I’ll be the one to protect him.”

The girl made a bittersweet expression.

"But still... It's a bit of a shame. I guess my heart really started to lean toward him” she said while pressing her eyes with her fingers. “Geez... Losing my dignity as a royal like thisl...”

- Acting robotic can make it hard for others to warm up to you.

The figure patted her back gently.

- Anyway, you’re quite impressive. When it comes to swordsmanship, I don’t think even Davey can match your talent. And you’re still getting better.

“Well, thank you. But truthfully, I’ve accomplished very little.”

- Think of it as a good thing. If you hadn't stepped forward, neither Perserque nor Davey would’ve escaped that darkness.

“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, ancestor.”

- Hmph! If I, your ancestor, said you did it, that means you did it. Do you think it’s easy to cut through space in just a few months?

He then appeared and patted her on the back, smiling.

- Your persistence. Your willpower. Everything came together to save my son-in-law. That's something to take pride in. You, my descendant, are the only person in this world who has achieved the highest enlightenment regarding swordsmanship.

Ha. I spent so much effort and bent so many rules, yet I still couldn't manage to reach the proper enlightenment.”

She had amplified time in order to focus on perfecting just one single sword technique. Even so, she still couldn’t master it, ultimately failing.

“By the way, how long will you stay with me?”

- Fufu... Is my descendant already tired of me? I feel hurt.

“Didn’t you say before that you couldn’t stay for long?”

- Yes, since I used possession instead of fully manifested. There are a lot of other factors too.

The figure shrugged and gently stroked her head.

- Oh, I almost forgot. Could my descendant do me a favor?

“A favor?”

- I heard my youngest student boast about there being this very good alcohol on Earth.

“Do... Do you enjoy drinking?”

- I’m different from that fellow who's crazy about alcohol, but yes—I enjoy it.

The faintly white figure spoke with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

- Unlike this foolish and terrible father who could not manage to save his daughter, my son-in-law succeeded.

“Let’s go... I’ll buy. If you possess me, you can drink it, right?”

- And you have the money for it?

“I don’t remember. Who did you and I meet when we first came to Earth penniless?”

- Oh... Hm... The immature guys?

“Just like then, we can still find a way to enjoy ourselves and buy it. We should drink since it’s a good day!”

- Fufu... You’re not going back anytime soon?

“Now that I’m already here, I want to enjoy this place Earth a bit.”

Illyna took out a yellow bill from her leather wallet and looked at it curiously.

“I’m surprised that the currency is made of paper like this,” she muttered, starting to jump around happily.

It was a happy day since she was able to save Davey and Perserque thanks to her ancestor’s help. She had no intention of letting the two know about this—it was already enough for Illyna that she was able to keep her promise.

- Hmm... This one looks good.

Woah... Look at this. There’s no ice or magic, but cold air is still coming out from it!”

Entering the store with a large number seven on it, Illyna’s eyes sparkled when she looked at the refrigerator blowing out cool air.

- Hmph! First, let’s buy that one on top and that one down below.

“Okay. I’ve been wanting to try drinking too. This world has a lot of high-rise buildings, so the views are pretty good,” Illyna giggled as she stretched out her hand.

Without even noticing the convenience store part-timer staring at her in fascination from afar, Illyna smiled and swept drinks, snacks, and other items into a basket. She then headed to the checkout counter, basket full of selections ranging from snacks to medicine to alcohol.

"Uh... Are you planning to buy all of this?"

"Ah... Yes," Illyna replied with a bright smile, looking up at him.

The part-timer, momentarily lost in her gaze, suddenly spoke up as if they remembered something.

"Your ID please.”

"My ID?"

“We can’t sell alcohol to minors,” he explained. Her mind went blank for a moment.

- Do-Don't panic!! I heard about this kind of thing once from my youngest!

'Uh... what do I do?!'

- In times like this, push forward with confidence! If that doesn’t work, charm him! We grabbed too much good alcohol to just give up like this!

"I... I left my ID at home...," Illyna said, twisting her body and speaking in a cute way. The part-timer blushed. Right now, she was a princess acting coquettishly in front of a man.

'I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment...'

However, just like her ancestor, she was very interested in Earth's drinks. Of course, there was no way the part-timer could know her strange thoughts.

"I-If you bring y-your ID... t-then..." the part-timer stammered. Her and her ancestor’s con had failed, but her troubles were soon resolved by some unexpected guests.

"Here you go. You can use my ID instead.”


“You’re Illyna, right?”

“Why is Illyna here?”

It was none other than the siblings, Oxygen Bear Soup and Hydrogen Citrus Star, who were basically Davey’s Awakened slaves number one and two. She gazed at the two for a bit before finally catching on.

Ahaha... I forgot that I left my ID.”

Ah... I can buy these for you. Oh! Did you bring any money?” Oxygen asked.

“I have some, yeah...”

“Oh my gosh. The royal family carrying cash?” Oxygen teased with a playful smile as she paid. Illyna side-eyed the part timer and followed the siblings out of the convenience store.

"Uh... Illyna?" Oxygen said, looking puzzled at the items Illyna had bought.


"I have a question... Why did you buy this?"

Oxygen took out a small box from the bag, showing it to Illyna. It was something she had grabbed without thinking much.

"These are... uh... ConXXXs.”

“Con... what? What are those?”

Uh... Umm... I... How should I explain?”

Seeing Oxygen struggle, her brother Hydro sighed. “Why are you stammering? It’s a contraceptive tool—protection.”

"Con... Contraceptives?!” Illyna cried out in surprise, making Hydro glance around nervously.

“It’s not something to yell about. Well... in Tionis, you are old enough to get married, so I guess it's not weird... Wait, who is your husband?”

‘How could I have one when all of my engagement proposals keep getting rejected by the person holding absolute power over the Empire...?’

Ah... uh...” Illyna's mind raced.

‘Contraceptives! This is something used between a man and a woman... Like with Davey...’

Face red-hot, she stared at the small cardboard box, holding it as if she was about to tear it open. Only then did she realize why the part-timer had blushed while using that strange device to make beeping sounds with each item she had put in her basket.

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