The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Looking at the situation at hand, they still didn't know Atlas used his space symbol during the hunt, only looking at him as a serious threat that could kill them all if they don't kill him first. With his bloodline sensing numerous magic attacks coming through the lane symbol connected to him, he still didn't move.

The old man's smile became wider and wider, thinking the man in front of him would soon be neutralized. He tried freeing his hand from the human's tiny and weak palm to escape the coming barrage but it didn't seem to budge even a bit. He tried inserting more strength into his hand but it still didn't seem to nudge a single tad. Panic started looming in his mind, turning his previous smile to a look of anxiety.

"let go, you human!!" the old monster shouted, putting all his strength to release his hand.

" thought I was weak as the other adventurers in the village? No no no, that's where you are mistaken." Atlas said gripping his hand even tighter, slowly breaking the bones of his hands, the crackling sound echoing on the owner's ears as he saw his own hand gradually being squashed.

"aaaaa, let goooo!!!"

With pain and Anxiety looming in his mind, even more, he punched Atlas with his other hand which was still bleeding green goo like blood. He no longer had his wrist but he punched Atlas anyway, trying his best to escape from his incoming death.

Landing a hit on his mask with all of his strength, he didn't even shift even a bit, only giving his bleeding hand even more pain.

"let me go, let me goo, let me goooo!!!!" the monster shouted, punching him more and more with his injured and bleeding hand. The earlier smugness was all gone, the only thing remaining was fear, fear of his death from the unknown being in front of him, and the coming barrage of magic attacks.

"ok" Atlas said with a smile, letting him go at the final second when all the magic attacks reached him with only leaving an inch of difference, and blinked out the way, making the old monster take all the damage in one go.

Alina was shocked when out of nowhere, different magic attacks of different elements were at their throats, with her instinctual nature, she covered herself in mana and used all of her defensive charms in one go.


Earth bullets, sharp water arrows, Air slices, ice spikes. All of them collided at one point creating a sudden explosion through high-speed solid impact, spreading dust and smoke everywhere.

"Is it done?" one of the shapeshifters asked.

"It must be, with that much amount of collision. No one from the village could survive that." A woman next to him said, still in disguise.

After a minute or so, fourteen other disguised shapeshifters appeared out of their camouflage, standing on the trees surrounding the blazing fire.

"That masked one was really a dangerous one huh, I guess the leader was on the right to fully plan and kill him first but, alas he still underestimated him dying in the process. More food for us though, kya kya kya kya"

"Yeah, I can't wait to taste that stronger one, I'm getting hungry just thinking about It." said a woman in disguise showing her hideous teeth with green drool leaking from her mouth.

Another one appeared behind them.

"What are you both talking about? We still need to finish the girl if she survived?"

"yeah, yeah..let's just finish it alr.."

Before he could complete his words, a thin line appeared on his neck.

"Hey, what happened?" The woman near him asked shaking his quite standing body.

His head suddenly fell down, green goo spurting out from his sliced-off neck, freaking out both her and the one who just arrived as they saw the dead body falling down the tree.

"what just happ..!!!!" the woman tried shouting but felt a slight pain like a thin line from her head down to her privates, like something sliced through her, but lost her consciousness right after.

The third person saw her body slowly separating in half, blood and intestines falling down to the ground along with her now dead body. everything just happened out of nowhere, he tried to run away but before he tried escaping, his legs were already sliced off, his imbalanced body falling down to the ground.

With panic and horror, he saw all of his kin one by one falling down from the tree, sliced off in some way or form, instantly killing them, and immediately knew who the culprit was.

Slowly he turned his neck towards the dust and smoke-filled area where they all used their most powerful symbol to attack.

The cold breeze of the night slowly cleared all the smoke and dust, and saw the masked man in shock and dread. He was just standing there, covering him and the women with his pure mana shield, as nothing happened. They had given their all to just kill that single man but he was standing there, not even a single speck of dust on his clothes.

He didn't know why he was the only one who survived from the group of ambushers but all his conscious was telling him to run away, run away as fast as possible. Still feeling the pain on his legs, he dragged his body towards the jungle, away from all the massacre but most importantly, away from him.

He used his remaining mana to use 'camouflage' again but suddenly felt a pull from behind, he wanted to resist it but alas he was too weak to do anything and just flew back, further increasing his distance from his only escape.


Atlas used his pull symbol on the left side of the footless shapeshifter, towing him and turning his body along the way. The pull was too intense and too powerful that Atlas pulled him in mere seconds grabbing him by the throat.

"Well, that went smoothly than I thought." He said.

"Yeah, they came out as you said," Alina said as she looked around, sliced off human form monsters everywhere on the ground all around them, lying like dead rats. She was really surprised, to see the level of accuracy and the sharpness of his wind to cut them to such a clean level.

'So he's also expert on using Air symbol huh. I guess I won't be his senior for too long.'

She looked at the state of the Kamilazo who took the form of the old man before in disgust.

"They really learned how to play dirty. I still can't believe a monster arranged all of this. Were they planning and waiting for me the whole time when I was not here?"

"Yeah it seems so, isn't she right?" he asked the only remaining kamilazo struggling in his hands.

"Please let me go, y..yes, she is right, she is right. We planned to uuse the little girl to l..lure her and eventually kill her but, came along and ru..ruined it all, killing most of our species within hours. I told you e..everything, please llet me go."

"Well, don't say that. It is making me hard to kill you with you talking like us humans." Atlas said.

The monster thought this was the chance and begged even more trying to sympathize as much as possible.

"Please, please, I beg you huma.."

Before he completed his sentence, he felt a tinge of pain on his neck and lost consciousness altogether. His head slowly slid through his neck and fell down, green blood spurting everywhere from its sliced-off neck.

Atlas quickly let go of his now dead body, some of the blood droppings on his hands and leather armor.

"Hey! What was that for, you would have cut my hand." He complained looking at Alina who sheathed her sword on her back.

"You stole all the action, so I had to finish one-off and I saw you were a bit hesitating. I guess a rookie is still a rookie huh," she said with a smug smile.

"Come on, didn't I killed all of them without mercy?"

"Yes, if you really didn't hesitate, the old man would have died a bit earlier, no?"

".....what did you except, they looked so human."

"That's why you are a rookie, my dear prince."


Atlas said nothing and dumped all the bodies on the fire, making the fire blaze even higher.

"They will turn to a crisp when the morning comes," Atlas said.

"Fitting death, I suppose," Alina replied.

Atlas said nothing and pulled the only remaining kamiloze from the distance with his usual pull symbol. This monster in human form was not pierced or sliced, only her neck was cracked giving a painless and silent death.

Atlas sighed looking at the little monster on his hands in the form of lushly. He didn't need to do much to kill the ones who came first, they were seemingly weak and were brought here only for distraction and of course one of them was also the one he was holding.

"What should we do with this?" Atlas asked.

"...We have to bring her to the innkeeper. I have known her for too long to just leave it behind." Alina said, gazing at the little girl with a bit of guilt.

'haa..look who is nave now, can't blame her though, she must have good memories with them to make her feel like this.' He thought as he gave the body to her.

Alina gazed at her face for the final time and placed it inside her storage ring.

"haaa..let's go"

"Yeah, let's go." He said walking side by side with her.

He gave a last look at the blazing flame.

'My first mission huh, I really was a bit nave, wasn't I? I guess Bela was also worried about that part of me. I really do feel a bit guilty killing them all. They also had feelings, thoughts, but they needed to die at the end. It was us or them.

This isn't earth anymore, this is a world where the strong survive and the weak perish. Remember when you were near death's door and you could do nothing but escape. so, strengthen your own heart and resolve.

Otherwise, you won't last' he said to himself.


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