The Invincible Big Shot Is About To Be Born

Chapter 12: This Is Testing Me

Chapter 12: This Is Testing Me

Creak The door opened.

Sun Hao took Chen Daoming to the woodcarving room.


A reverberating sound went straight into Chen Daomings mind. Roaring like a dragon, howling like a beast, like the sound of a Buddha and the sound of the Daoist.

Chen Daomings voice was almost devastated, and his soul flew away.

This this

Chen Daoming looked at the statues all over the room and was so shocked that he could not speak clearly. Every statue was realistic. The powerful spirit was concealed in it. Everything seemed to repel Chen Daoming, this outsider.

They contain spirits, at least the high spirit devices!

Are these spiritual devices all made by the Young Masters Master? This is too frightening!

Chen Daomings heart trembled, and it took a long time for him to settle down.

Brother Chen, since you gave me a lotus flower, I naturally want to repay you with a little gift. You can choose one of these things!

Sun Hao looked at Chen Daoming and said with a smile.

There were so many kinds of statues that there would always be one you like even if you were a cultivator. Chen Daoming stood still, motionless.


Choose one?

Give me a top grade spirit weapon just like this?

The Young Master is not afraid of his masters punishment?

No, no!

Its not that simple!

The Young Master is testing me!

There must be something in it, you must never accept it!

At this thought, Chen Daoming had an epiphany.

Young Master, I have already received a hatchet from you, and I cant take more than that, Chen Daoming said humbly.

Why? Do you despise the things here?

Sun Hao put his hands on his back. His voice was solemn. Chen Daoming trembled as soon as he heard that.

Where did I despise things here? It was evident that these things despise me.


Little guy, you and I are predestined, quickly take the old man away, and the old man will take you across the world!

Little guy, dont listen to him. That old guy is too evil. He will take you to the wrong side! I am the most upright person, well, the most upright beast! Choose me!

A series of voices came from the statue. These voices are full of flattery. At this moment, Chen Daoming could no longer distinguish between East and West. His heart seemed to crack open. He looked around foolishly and was shocked beyond description.

What kind of place was this?

You could tell how horrifying it was by listening to the tone.

These spirits were willing to follow me because of a word from the Young Master.

The Young Master let me choose one that could only be so.

You couldnt be too greedy. Otherwise, you couldnt pass the Young Master test.

Chen Daoming took a deep breath, glanced around, and began to search. He turned a deaf ear to those temptations. Soon, he saw the only statue without the sound of temptation.

This statue was a Buddha statue. It had a broken arm, and there was no spirit in it. It seemed that it was several grades lower than other wood carvings.

The Young Master intentionally hid such a defective artefact inside, evidently letting me choose it.

If I hadnt been careful, I wouldnt have passed the test!

Chen Daoming breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed at the thought of this.

I must choose this one!

Chen Daoming picked up the Buddha statue and walked to Sun Hao. Young Master, can I choose this one?

Sun Hao looked at the Buddha statue in Chen Daomings hand and was speechless.

This Buddha statue was carved when I first learned woodcarving, and its appearance was rough. Moreover, the Buddha statue had a broken arm.

This thing, because it was my first work, I am not willing to throw it away.

Unexpectedly, this guy chose this one.

Oh, it was not guaranteed the first time.

Since Brother Chen wants it, naturally, there is no problem! Sun Hao said.

Thank you, Young Master!

After collecting the Buddha statue, Chen Daoming bowed deeply to Sun Hao.

Brother Chen, dont be so polite from now on!

Sun Hao helped Chen Daoming up, showing a spring breeze smile. Seeing the joy on Sun Haos face, Chen Daoming heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that I have passed the Young masters test.

Young Master, its getting late. Ill leave now. Chen Daoming said.

Brother Chen, why dont you go until you have dinner? Sun Hao said.

Thank you, Young Master! There are some matters in the sect, and I have to to go back first! Chen Daoming said.

Brother Chen walks slowly(1), come here often! Sun Hao said.

Definitely, definitely!

Walking down the mountain, Chen Daoming did not dare to stop, turned into a long rainbow, and left rapidly.

He didnt stop until he came several miles away.

Close call, close call!

What kind of place is the Young Master residence? Those statues alone are terrifying!

Also, the big monster in the pond, I can only sense a wisp of an evil spirit. Its terrifying! Fortunately, I passed the Young Masters test!

In the future, when I visit the Young Master, I should be more careful! The more he thought about it, the more fearful Chen Daoming became.

After calming down, he picked up the broken hatchet, put it in his hand, and thoroughly looked at it.

I cant see the rank, but, with it, I am 90% sure to enter the top three in the Sect Competition a month later!

However, I need to practice more, Dark Swamp. I am coming!

After speaking, Chen Daoming turned into a shadow and left in a flash.

300 blessing points!

Sun Hao opened the panel, and his eyes glistened. Today, from Chen Daoming, he gained 30 blessing points. He remembered a few days ago, and he only got a few points.

Is it because his strength has become stronger and he has gained more blessings?

Su Yilings aura is indeed much stronger than Chen Daoming!

It must be like this! Oh, no, I forgot to tell Chen Daoming!

Sun Hao slapped his thigh, regretfully saying that it was not good. He forgot the most critical thing. Open a medical clinic and employ Chen Daoming as a bodyguard. It seemed that Chen Daoming was easy to talk to.

How can I forget such an important thing!

Hmm, I can only wait until he comes next time! Sun Hao sighed, revealing a face of helplessness.

In the center of the Great Monster Mountains, in a cave.

A man in red was sitting in the main seat, looking at the two rows of men below. His eyes were resembling eagles. He was the current monster master of the Great Monster Mountain-Lieyang Golden Crow.

Old Demon Black Mountain died tragically? Where did he die? Lieyang Golden Crow asked.

Monster Lord, he died on a mountain on the southern edge of Great Monster Mountain. An old man said.

The southern edge? Was it the Supreme Court? Lieyang Golden Crow asked.

Monster Lord, I dont know! said the old man.

Can you see who killed him? Lieyang Golden Crow said.

Monster Lord, I was unable to see it, the old man said.

Hmph, no matter who it is, those who dare to kill us in the Great Monster Mountain should not be let go! Lieyang Golden Crow said.

Monster Lord, please let me kill the murderer!

Monster Lord, I will cut off the murderers dogs head and hang it on the door!

All the great monsters stood out one after another, opposing for one after another.

Lieyang Golden Crow saw this scene. His mind changed sharply.

The killer was undoubtedly not weak to be able to slay the old Demon Black Mountain. But it was not worth doing it himself. Just in case, he had to send powerful generals. Lieyang Golden Crow nodded slightly.

In this case, Due Jiao, Huang Li, Jin Lin, you go to investigate this matter together, if you see the murderer, kill without mercy! Lieyang Golden Crow said.

Yes, monster lord! The three old monsters gestured one after another.

What? Sending out three Monsters in the Void Transformation Realms?

The Monster Lord is also too cautious. They are capable of fighting against the Mahayana Realm cultivators if the three of them work together.

He is indeed a little too cautious.

  1. Hes telling to be careful

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