The Indomitable Martial King

Chapter 57

[ Chapter 57 ]
Leaning against the balcony, Repenhardt lifted his head. Beyond the capital’s walls, the plains and even beyond the horizon, he could see the densely packed human armies lined up. No matter where he turned his head, all sides were surrounded by the human military force. Suddenly, Repenhardt clicked his tongue.

“Really, they’ve mobilized foolishly. Are they all intent on ruining their countries after a single war? How on earth do they plan to handle the aftermath with such forces?”

The High Priest of Al Fort, Makelin, replied with a gloomy voice.

“That much, Your Majesty, indicates that they cannot tolerate our existence.”

Repenhardt clicked his tongue again.

“Tch, if the numerical difference was manageable, I’d consider making a move, but this…”

It was known to the world that Repenhardt leads a million-strong army of darkness (which was also why the kings of various nations didn’t think twice about gathering a force of two million), but in reality, the total number of all non-human races within the Antares Empire barely exceeds five hundred thousand, including men, women, and children. In fact, the population capable of fighting doesn’t even reach two hundred thousand. And half of them had already perished in the war.

Repenhardt turned around to lean his back against the balcony and waved his hand with a calm tone.

“Well, now that we’ve seen their faces, let’s say our farewells.”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty…”

Attila’s head bowed even deeper.

Though Attila’s loyalty to Repenhardt was unmatched by anyone, he had to leave the Emperor’s side now. Not as an individual, but as the leader responsible for the survival of the entire troll race.

The Four Heavenly Kings were not merely the Emperor’s bodyguards. They were representatives and protectors of their races and were responsible for the wellbeing of their people.

Therefore, Repenhardt gave them an order:

-Lead your kin to refuge. Never let the spirit of your races be extinguished.

They had barely escaped slavery.

They were barely reclaiming their ancestors’ culture and pride.

Surviving wasn’t enough. They couldn’t afford to lose the pride they had just found again. If they survived only to fall into the hands of humans and become slaves again, they wouldn’t have the face to meet those who had died.


Tassid grimaced and then struggled to speak.

“…Is it truly impossible for you to come with us, Your Majesty?”

“Haven’t I explained already, Tassid? That there is a chance for escape precisely because I am here in Gairak?”

The overall situation had already tilted against them. Repenhardt had to admit it.

What mattered was how much of the non-human races’ strength could be preserved while escaping from the capital.

To fulfill his purpose, Repenhardt deliberately exposed his existence. It was, after all, Repenhardt’s life that was of utmost importance to the human alliance forces. As long as he was confirmed to be in the imperial capital, the human alliance forces could not fully commit to stopping the escape attempts of the other races. Missing the opportunity to capture Repenhardt would essentially be no different from losing the war.

In other words, Repenhardt volunteered to be the bait to facilitate the escape of all the other races from the capital.

“I know that, but still, how can His Majesty be left alone…”

In an instant, Repenhardt cut him off with a shout.

“Tassid! Do not forsake your duty led by your emotions! You are, before anything, one of my Four Heavenly Kings and a great warrior of the orcs!”

Tassid clenched his teeth and swallowed his words. Then, he turned his back, returning to his kin to carry out the last command of his lord to whom he had sworn loyalty.

“I will go as well.”

Attila rose to his feet. He, like Tassid, had a duty to lead the trolls in escaping the capital. The old troll shaman, with a voice full of sorrow, offered his last farewell.

“Your Majesty, please take good care of yourself…”

“Be careful, Attila.”

The sight of the orc and troll leaving the balcony was truly desolate. Repenhardt turned his head with a bitter smile. To his left, facing an old dwarf with a gloomy expression, he shrugged his shoulders.

“I feel sorry for Al Fort. After all, the gods had vouched for us, only for it to end in defeat.”

The dwarf, Makelin, also responded with a bitter smile.

“It’s not a guarantee; it’s a divine mandate.”

“That’s the same thing, really.”

The dwarves entrusted their divine protection to Repenhardt a good ten years ago, even before the Antares Empire came into existence. Unlike other races, which scattered and were entrusted to him on a clan-by-clan basis, all dwarf tribes united and came under Repenhardt’s wing at once, due to the divine mandate received by the dwarves’ high priest, Makelin.

⌈He who, accompanied by an elf and following the guide of an orc, shall pass through the abyss of Daiman, and who shall emerge upon breaking the pillar of Hockril, follow him. For he shall twist fate and bring salvation.⌋

At that time, Repenhardt, along with Siris and Tassid, was in the midst of exploring the dungeon Daiman. During the exploration, they encountered a pillar with a peculiar spatial distortion magic and, in the course of research, accidentally destroyed it, which turned out to be connected to the dwarves’ sanctuary and Al Fort’s temple.

Repenhardt chuckled as he reminisced, “I was really taken aback at that time. Even after smashing half of the temple, instead of getting angry, the dwarves rushed over and praised me as a savior. I couldn’t grasp the situation.”

Makelin also smiled softly at the memory.

Since that day, the dwarves had come under Repenhardt, showing deep trust and loyalty that did not fade even as the imperial capital burned. The same went for other species as well…

Makelin bowed his head and made the sign of the cross.

“May Al Fort bless us, that we may meet again.”

“I hope so too. Farewell, Makelin.”

After sending Makelin on his way, Repenhardt’s gaze turned to the last remaining elf woman.


“Yes, Lord Repenhardt.”

Siris stood up with a calm voice, her determined appearance drawing a bitter smile from him. Although she was showing the dignified attitude of the elves’ leader now, the night before had been a complete disaster.

“Lord Repenhardt! Is there really no other way? It’s too dangerous for even you to take on the continent’s strongest alone!”

“Siris, my love. The man you chose is not so frail.”

“You become frail sometimes!”

“…Now, why are we talking about bedroom issues at a time like this…”

“I don’t know! Let’s go together!”

“Haven’t I explained? If I move, I can’t save the others.”

“Then I won’t go either!”

“…Then who will lead the elves?”

“I don’t know! Anyway, I will stay by Lord Repenhardt’s side!”

“No, but…”

Illogical, irrational, emotional – a perfect storm of hysteria.

‘I thought I was going to die calming her down.’

But it seemed she had calmed down significantly overnight. To his composed lover, Repenhardt spoke in a tender voice.

“…Now, you should go as well.”


Siris looked straight at Repenhardt and whispered with strong resolve,

“I will wait.”

That lovely expression made Repenhardt smile even more bitterly. Did he really want to part with Siris? But the situation was too cruel. Repenhardt was not cruel enough to ask her to wait indefinitely for him, whose future was so uncertain.

So he replied,

“Fate is unpredictable. Siris, if something happens to me, you should meet someone good too…”

“I will definitely wait.”

“Ah, of course, wouldn’t I too wish to meet you again? But the situation is not good. They seem to have come prepared, so it won’t be easy…”

“No! Matter! What! I will wait!”

Looking at those stubborn eyes, Repenhardt couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. Siris hugged Repenhardt’s neck, and Repenhardt wrapped his arms around Siris’s waist.

With the burning capital behind them, the two lovers shared a kiss in silence.

* * *


Groaning, Repenhardt opened his eyes.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve dreamt of a past life.’

It was a fragment of gloomy memories, sorrowful recollections. Despite their role as bait, all the Four Kings were ultimately killed by humans. It couldn’t necessarily be considered a failed strategy. Without it, escape would have been entirely impossible, given the severe disparity in military force. At that time, there was no other option.


Thinking of the dead Four Kings made one side of his chest ache. However, Repenhardt tried hard to shake off the thoughts.

‘It’s okay. It hasn’t happened yet. It’s something that can be stopped.’

Trying to lighten his mood, Repenhardt got up. But then, he grimaced. Moving his body brought an excruciating pain throughout.

‘Ugh, I’m seriously damaged.’

Repenhardt clicked his tongue. Using aura to check his body’s condition, he was astonished. Several ribs were broken, internal organs were damaged, and muscles were torn, staining the bandages red.

‘Surely, the mightiest magical artifact, Eldrad.’

Despite his intensely trained body, it had been reduced to this state with a single blow. Eldrad’s reputation was not unfounded.

‘Such foolishness.’

Repenhardt shook his head. The skill of Eusus, who wielded the magical armor Eldrad, was indeed comparable to that of aura users. Indeed, he possessed a strength that was clearly superior to the renowned Golden Knight, far from the indulgences of Lantas.

Yet, it wasn’t beyond Repenhardt’s ability to handle. Had he fought with his full strength from the start, without limiting his aura, he could have surely won.

In the end, the problem lay in his mindset. Even amidst a life-and-death struggle, thinking ‘I am in the midst of theft.’, ‘I must not reveal my identity.’, he fought with self-imposed limitations. And not being able to break free from those mental shackles even when the crisis was upon him, what foolishness was this?

‘Really disgraceful.’

Repenhardt let out a dry laugh, feeling the weight of the problem through this event.

“You’re being too timid, the current me…”

Of course, those who died at the hands of Repenhardt, who had recklessly rampaged through the Principality of Chatan, would burst out in grievance if they heard him being called timid. However, his words didn’t carry that meaning.

He had already failed once in his past life. Despite being the strongest magician of ancient and modern times, he ended up hated by the entire continent and met his death.

As a result, after being reborn, he was too cautious about his surroundings, always on the lookout. Filled with the thought that he shouldn’t come forward as the Demon King, he was only thinking of hiding his existence somehow.

But upon reflection, there was no need for such thoughts at this point.

Stealing because you have to hide your aura? What would happen if his identity was revealed? At worst, it would just become known that a powerful martial artist, oddly enough, was caught stealing. Well, his actions might reach Gerard’s ears (indeed, a part of him was unconsciously scared, which was why he tried to hide his identity), but thinking about it, Gerard’s personality was such that he would likely praise him for being so spirited, rather than scold him.

It’s good that he doesn’t want to repeat the failure of his past life. However, being afraid of failure and holding back won’t accomplish anything. It’s time to move forward without looking back. Being afraid of failure is for after you’ve achieved something worth failing over.

“I really did something stupid…”

Repenhardt chuckled lightly, feeling relieved in his heart after recognizing the problem clearly.

“Well, anyhow, the outcome isn’t bad. I’ve gained a good lesson and managed to secure the Voice of Elucion properly.”

With a much relaxed face, Repenhardt rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a square black box. It looked like an ordinary box at a glance, not at all like a magical artifact. However, it was a premium artifact, top of its class even in the Silver Age.

“With this, I’ve also moved a step forward in regaining my magic.”

Repenhardt smiled contentedly. Though he paid a steep price, he was satisfied with the result since he got what he wanted.

“Ouch! It hurts to laugh again.”

Of course, the fact that the price was quite painful remained unchanged.

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