The Indomitable Martial King

Chapter 24

[ Chapter 24 ]

With the disappearance of the Grelbeast, the magical energy pooled within the chamber also vanished. Sillan cast healing spells on all the injured in unison. Both the unconscious Relsia and Stefan, whose bones were shattered, recovered to a point where they could somewhat move.

It was a power beyond the reach of any ordinary priest. Sillan’s divine power, honed solely through his dedication to muscle, was indeed formidable. Of course, the outcome was somewhat tragic for him.

Meanwhile, Repenhardt had been impatiently stomping his feet, wondering when the annoying pink sacred light would disappear. Just as the divine power finally dissipated and he began to relax, Stefan limped over to him.

“Did you say your name was Repen?”

Repenhardt turned around, thinking Stefan might be about to express his gratitude. Instead, Stefan scowled and continued.

“…… You hid your identity well. Did you think we were that foolish?”

What is he talking about? Repenhardt, bewildered, found himself at a loss for words as Stefan spoke again.

“I’ll admit you are strong. But I cannot forgive you for trampling on the honor of a knight!”

What honor has been trampled? Repenhardt was even more confused and couldn’t find the words to reply. Seeing Repenhardt’s silence, Stefan raised his voice in anger.

“Did you find it amusing to watch us flounder and laugh at us?”

Laugh at them?

Repenhardt looked at Stefan with a blank face. He swore sincerely that he never mocked them. Mockery is an emotion that only comes with interest, and how could he mock something he had no interest in to begin with?

‘Well, when you think about it, it’s even worse than mockery.’

Scratching his head, he simply turned his back.

“You bastard!”

Stefan lunged with his sword. Repenhardt casually turned his body. He had even avoided the ruthlessly merciless punches of Gerard. It was a well-posed strike, but avoiding it was no trouble at all.


Stefan, having swung his sword into thin air, lost his balance and staggered before falling. The sudden swing tangled his feet. It was a disgrace that would normally be unthinkable, but Stefan, out of his mind, lost his balance and fell, rolling on the ground.

‘Look at that?’

Seeing him self-slice and roll on the ground on his own brought no anger. Repenhardt smirked and walked over, picking up the sword that had fallen a distance away.

The magic sword Altion. It was left behind when the Grelbeast disappeared.

‘This bastard dared to dodge!’

With his face turning red, Stefan rose again. Just as he was about to rush in, Repenhardt suddenly blocked his path. The movement was so fast that it was impossible to see how it had been done. The hand holding the sword stiffened as if it had gone numb. Feeling the gap in their skills, Stefan couldn’t muster the courage to attack again.


Repenhardt placed his hand on Stefan’s shoulder and spoke in a soft voice.

“I wasn’t laughing at you, you know?”

To be honest, I couldn’t care less. So why do you keep picking a fight, huh?

Then, he pressed down hard on the shoulder. A tremendous force was transmitted through the shoulder, causing Stefan to groan and stagger.


“So, take this with you. Wasn’t this what all the fuss was about?”

“Ah, Altion…”

Stefan’s expression twisted in utter humiliation. He wanted nothing more than to throw away the sword and claim he didn’t need it. That would have been his last shred of dignity.

But he couldn’t. Stefan took Altion with trembling hands.

“Damn it!”

Having obtained what he so desired, all that was left was a sense of despair.

On the other hand, Sir Edward’s perception of Repenhardt had completely changed. The arrogant attitude he had shown all this time suddenly made sense. As an aura user, he could become a high noble anywhere, so it was natural for him to behave in such a way. He felt a bit resentful at how Repenhardt treated Stefan, but honestly, he had no intention of confronting such a strong person.

“You know chivalry even without holding a sword.”

How could he not covet such a fine sword at all! Truly an amazing young man.

“To stand in front of a treasure and yet keep free from desire, you are indeed a true strong man!”

Sir Edward kept marveling, causing Repenhardt to scratch his cheek awkwardly.

‘No, it’s not really like that.’

Repenhardt, who had just knocked Stefan unconscious and scraped every penny off him, what free of desire?

The reason he had no interest in Altion was simple. He just didn’t covet it.

The enchanted sword, Altion, was indeed an outstanding magic sword. So much so that…

‘It’s about as good as the 2nd-grade magic weapons I used to make back in my heyday.’

Yes, in his previous life, he was the greatest archmage, reaching the pinnacle of all magic. Naturally, his enchantment skills were also at a high level.

Upon establishing the Antares Empire, there was a time when great effort was put into crafting magical weapons, desiring to provide valuable subordinates with superior arms. The Four Heavenly Kings each had their unique weapons and were not particularly attached to magical ones, but it was different for the ordinary non-human subordinates. A significant number were produced and distributed to those who had contributed to their efforts. Though mass-produced, and thus slightly inferior in performance, these were still of notable quality.

By the standards of Repenhardt, the performance was considered lesser, yet to others, these magical artifacts appeared incredibly formidable. Non-human warriors wielding swords created by a 10th Circle Archmage were powerful enough to instill fear across the continent.

This particular artifact, Altion, was merely on the level of one of those mass-produced items. There was no need for greed; magical items of this sort could be easily produced once magic was regained.

Selling it could indeed amass a fortune…

‘It’s just a hassle to covet such things, it’s better to just give it away than to have a lifelong feud with the Marquis family.’

After all, better magical swords awaited him in other ruins. It was unwise to miss out on greater gains for immediate, lesser benefits.

“Anyway, let’s head back. We’ve got no more business here,” Repenhardt awkwardly changed the subject.

“Let’s. Haha.”

Sir Edward laughed heartily, still looking at him with admiration.

Once they returned to the first floor, the situation became easier. Stefan and his group collected the relics of the fallen knights, and Repenhardt once again donned his cherished coat. They carefully made their way through the passage, finally leaving Falton behind.

Upon returning to Cattle Village, everyone prepared for their departure. During their time there, Sillan generously distributed some gold coins he had acquired from the ruins to the villagers. For the people of Cattle, who were facing a harsh winter, this act was akin to a divine messenger’s arrival. Both Philanence and Sillan’s names were praised by all.

Repenhardt smiled warmly at Sillan, who was busily casting healing spells on some of the village’s sick.

‘The guy’s good at business.’

Distributing gold coins in such a small mountain village might seem like a waste of money at first glance. However, considering the positive image it brought to the Philanence Order, the expenditure was trivial.

Rumors spread far and wide. News of their kindness in a small village could serve as excellent advertising. After all, in the big cities, they collected significant donations for their healing services, so the financial loss was negligible.

However, observing Sillan’s actions, it didn’t seem like he thought too deeply about things; it appeared he was genuinely helping the villagers out of sympathy.

‘His gaze might be peculiar, but he’s a decent fellow, indeed.’

Upon arriving in the village, Repenhardt immediately severed ties with the Altion Knights. Sir Edward invited him to the capital, expressing a desire to show his gratitude, but Repenhardt politely declined. He needed to meet Siris as soon as possible. And even if that weren’t the reason…

‘Honestly, that young brat keeps grinding his teeth. Do you think he’d go to reward me? It would be a miracle if I don’t end up getting stabbed in the night.’

Well, not that a stabbing would penetrate him, anyway.

Nonetheless, the exploration of the Falton ruins ended on an overwhelmingly positive note.

The House of Altion was happy to have retrieved their magic sword; Todd was thrilled not only to have acquired an ancient relic but also to have met the beautiful young man, Sillan, and Sillan was overjoyed to have met the big, handsome (in a manner of speaking) muscular man of his dreams.

Repenhardt, having achieved his goal of making a hefty sum of money, was naturally happy as well.

Everyone was happy. Everyone, that is, except for Stefan.

“Sir Edward.”

“What is it, my lord?”

Sir Edward approached Stefan, reins in hand, as they rode along a narrow mountain path in the Hattan Range. Everyone’s spirits were high. Although they had lost three precious companions, they had successfully recovered the magic sword Altion, as decreed by their family. This achievement would surely make their names echo through the capital!

Caught up in the excitement, Sir Edward didn’t notice that his lord maintained a stern expression.

“Look into that young man named Repen, would you?”

“Ah, taking an interest in a strong peer is good. I will do what I can once we return to the family.”

It seems seeing a strong warrior has stimulated him, as befits a warrior! Sir Edward thought simplistically, missing the cold expression that Stefan wore as he turned his head away.

He couldn’t accept it. The fact that a young man, who appeared to be around his age, had already awakened his aura.

“There’s no way I’m inferior to someone like him.”

‘I do not know what methods were employed. However, if that lowly bloodline could achieve it, then surely I can as well. And if it proves impossible…’

“No, it can’t be impossible.”

Stefan vehemently shook his head. The world he knew was one where such events simply could not occur. It was a world where the existence of another young aura wielder besides himself was inconceivable.

Such a world must not be acknowledged…

Stefan’s expression grew increasingly ominous as he spoke.

Walking along a mountain path, Repenhardt was all smiles. He seemed thrilled to bits, constantly fiddling with the backpack at his waist.

‘Great! Now all that’s left is to meet Siris!’

Having secured a hefty sum of money, all that remained was to hurry to the Principality of Chatan and reunite with his beloved. He was understandably excited.

Thus, with a light step, Repenhardt was on his way. Soon, he sensed someone hurrying towards him from behind.


Without even looking back, he guessed who it was.

‘Isn’t that Sillan? Why is he coming this way instead of following the others?’

Repenhardt turned around, puzzled. After all, to claim the promised reward, one would need to follow the others. That’s why Todd was currently struggling to ride a horse that refused to be ridden, following them to the Altion Marquisate household, wasn’t he?

Curiosity made him wait, and sure enough, before long, he saw a youth with red hair and golden eyes running towards him from the other end of the road. Sillan, having run hard, stopped in front of Repenhardt and gasped for breath.

It became clear. It wasn’t just a coincidental shared path; Sillan had definitely followed him.

“What is it?”

Sillan, having caught his breath, smiled brightly and answered.

“Do you know? Among the clergy, there are those who travel the world to spread the goddess’s grace and care for the faithful?”

“I know, they’re pilgrims, right?”

Repenhardt was well aware. It was a common endeavor among the youthful and energetic clergy.

‘And in the process, quite a few of them end up dying.’

“I had decided that after completing this task, I wouldn’t return to the order but would instead embark on the path of a pilgrim.”

Sillan declared proudly, puffing out his chest.

“So, I wanted to accompany you, the strongest person I’ve seen, if possible.”

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