The Immortal Genius Spearman

Chapter 57

Chapter 57


“Hit it harder!”


“Just a little more!”


With each swing, the battering ram, tightly bound with ropes to form a handle, moved.


The thick gates of the border defense base began to shake.

Cracks were starting to form, and it seemed that just a few more hits would break the gates open.

‘Just a little more…!’

Leading the charge was Falcon, a commander from the Spanian Kingdom. He had been the lieutenant of a general who led the vanguard in the war against the Empire.

However, many things had changed after the Spanian Kingdom declared surrender to the Empire.

— I’m sorry to burden you with this.

It was a task devoid of honor, but Falcon accepted it. He had no choice, as he could have been branded a knight of a fallen kingdom.

‘Now that I’ve been captured and my identity exposed… There’s no other way. We either die here… or kill them all.’

Falcon looked at the gate of the base that was starting to split.

Although many of his soldiers had died in the process, they still held a significant numerical advantage.

‘I won’t fall to a mere border defense force…’

This operation had been prepared for six months.

They gradually increased their numbers, sending five or ten men at a time to ambush this place.

The longest-serving soldier had camped in this treacherous forest for six months.

Despite a mistake due to an enemy’s sudden attack at the last moment,

“The outcome won’t change! Hit it harder!”


Finally, the battering ram struck the gate, creating a small hole. Falcon’s eyes gleamed sharply.

But then,



“Enemy! The enemy is at the rear!”

Screams and shouts erupted from the rear. Falcon’s face twisted at the sound.

“What did you say?”

Falcon quickly moved to look toward the rear, and just as someone had said,


An enemy unit was seen attacking from behind.

The special unit that had exited through the back gate of the base moved stealthily, looping around and descending to the side.

And then…


Carefully parting the bushes, they finally caught sight of the enemy’s rear. Damian’s eyes glinted.

The real battle was about to begin.


Damian turned his head to look at the special unit members behind him. They appeared tense and uneasy, their eyes reflecting a range of emotions.

Damian spoke softly, “When the battle starts, check only one thing: if your comrades are beside you. Fight while keeping that in mind.”

If one gets swept up in the chaos of battle and loses focus, they might break formation and end up isolated among the enemies.

Everyone nodded at Damian’s words. He then looked forward again.

“From now on, stopping means death. Run and kill without hesitation.”

Let’s go!


Damian was the first to dash forward. He bent his body low and pushed off the uphill slope.


His thigh muscles tightened, and his calves stretched with each stride.


With incredible momentum, Damian surged toward the enemies, targeting their backs.

Thrust! Thrust! Thrust! Thrust! Thrust!

In an instant, five soldiers fell. Damian’s spear precisely pierced the gaps in the enemy’s armor.

“What, what is this?!”

“Who the hell is this guy?!”


The soldiers of the Spanian Kingdom were thrown into confusion by the sudden appearance of Damian and the charging enemies.

“Kill them all!”

Jerka shouted.


Kyle’s roar overlapped, breaking the enemy’s morale.


Kyle knocked one of them away with his shield and struck the neck of another nearby with his hand axe.


The brutal axe strike twisted the soldier’s neck to the side.

“You bastards!”

However, the Spanian soldiers didn’t just stand by. As ten of their comrades fell in an instant, the remaining ones thrust their spears at Kyle.

But just before their spears could reach Kyle,


Someone suddenly deflected their attacks.

“Don’t forget what the deputy commander said: always defend with your shield after attacking.”

“Oh, right. My bad.”

Kyle grinned and sent another soldier flying.



The soldier struck by Kyle’s shield crashed into two others, knocking them down like dominos.

An unbelievable show of strength. Especially after recent battles, Kyle’s power seemed to have grown even stronger.


Slash! Stab! Thud!

Kyle turned his gaze to the sound ahead. Damian had already taken down over ten charging enemies.

‘…Is he really a monster?’

Kyle had thought Damian was extraordinary since their training days. Even when they operated together in the Neokalitz unit, he knew Damian was exceptional. But since arriving here, Damian had completely transformed.

‘Does he get stronger in real combat…?’

Especially in life-and-death battles, Damian grew rapidly, as if feeding on the experience itself. The Damian Kyle had seen in training a year ago was completely gone.

Kyle grinned as he watched Damian.

‘I won’t lose.’


Kyle roared and charged at the Spanian soldiers.


Damian, after taking down another soldier, quickly scanned the surroundings. The enemies were gradually moving to encircle them.

‘How much time has passed?’

It felt like about ten minutes, give or take. Seeing the enemy’s swift response, Damian furrowed his brow.


Even in that short time, they had managed to kill a significant number of enemies. Damian shouted loudly.

“Retreat! We’re retreating!”

“Retreat! Move quickly!”

“Fall back into formation! Move!”

As soon as Damian gave the command, the others shouted in unison, ensuring that everyone heard the order.

Kyle and Dianal echoed the command, and the other special unit members began to retreat in a hurry.

Thud, thud, thud!

Damian watched the special unit retreat and quickly pulled back himself. But then…


One of the retreating soldiers tripped over a rock and tumbled to the ground.

“Catch that one! Don’t let him get away!”

In that instant, the Spanian soldiers rushed toward the fallen soldier.


Damian immediately channeled magic from his Mana Core, focusing it on his legs. He dashed forward like a flash, intercepting the enemies.

Thud, thud, thud!


“What the—?!”

A swift movement, closing the distance of several meters in an instant. Damian grabbed the fallen soldier and pulled him up.

“What are you standing around for? Run!”

“Yes? Yes, sir!”

The soldier scrambled to his feet and fled, and Damian quickly followed. It all happened in a matter of moments.

In just under ten minutes, over twenty of the Spanian soldiers in the rear had been killed, and more than ten others were injured.

“This is insane…!”

Falcon grimaced, looking like a demon, as he watched the enemy retreat. Missing those soldiers meant that they could attack again at any time.

“Damn it. Deploy soldiers to guard the rear. Alert me immediately if they’re spotted!”

The battle was almost over… and now this interference.


Falcon glanced back toward the base. The Baroque Kingdom’s border guards were still desperately trying to keep the gates shut.

Unable to use incendiary attacks, the defenders could only pour hot water, throw stones, or fire arrows. But with shields up, most of their attacks could be blocked.

“Hurry! We need to take this place before their reinforcements arrive.”

If no evidence remained, they could simply deny involvement. After all, dead men tell no tales. Falcon turned his gaze forward once more.

“Huff… huff… huff…”


Everyone was trying to calm their ragged breathing. The ambush had been a success. A major success.

“Did you see that? My moves back there? Took them out in a flash,” Jerka said boastfully, waving his hand theatrically as he plopped down.

“You’d have died twice if it weren’t for me. At least watch your side while you’re fighting,” Terka, sitting nearby, replied.

“I knew you were there, that’s why I fought that way, you idiot. And why do you keep talking down to your older brother?”

“Don’t get cocky over being born thirty seconds earlier.”

The bickering between the twins made the others chuckle. Damian looked at his team and asked.

“Is anyone having trouble moving?”


“…No one, it seems,” Dianal answered when no one else spoke up.

Damian nodded and looked back up the hill. The enemy appeared to be setting up guards at the rear, perhaps feeling threatened by the earlier attack.


“Catch your breath and only take a sip of water. Drink too much, and you might throw up when running.”

“Are we attacking immediately?”

“We’ll assess the situation first. But be ready to move at any moment.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Damian checked his Mana Core.

‘There’s still enough mana.’

He had used a significant amount during the first ambush, but thanks to the recent restructuring of his body through Bard’s blessing, his mana efficiency had greatly improved.

Damian silently thanked Bard within him and looked forward once more.

‘Is the commander still at the front?’

While there were soldiers guarding the rear, the commander didn’t seem to be among them. If that was the case…

‘They have no idea that they’re getting soaked to the bone in this drizzle.’

Technically, it was more of a downpour than a drizzle. Without the enemy commander present, they could strike a significant blow again.

They had already taken down around twenty soldiers in the first clash.

‘If we can take down a similar number again…’

From then on, mere guards wouldn’t suffice to defend against them.

The enemy commander or another high-ranking officer would have to engage directly to handle the situation.

Visualizing the next steps, Damian turned to his special unit.

“We’re moving. This time, we’ll strike their flank.”


“Heh, got it.”

After their first battle, everyone seemed a little different—more relaxed, a bit more accustomed to the situation.

Damian knew well that these small changes could drastically alter the outcome of a battle.

Though they were still inexperienced, every encounter allowed them to grow significantly. Damian kept his eyes on the enemy soldiers, moving slowly and carefully.

Finally, he reached the enemy’s flank and gripped his spear tightly. If they could succeed in this next strike…

‘The momentum will shift in our favor.’

This was a critical moment.

Damian drew mana from his Mana Core, enveloping his entire body.

‘We’ll finish it in one push.’

With a flash in his eyes, Damian gave the command.



The special unit charged at the enemy’s flank like predators closing in on their prey.

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