The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 27: Gore drenched

After Killing the Ker'min I took a survey of my surrounding. My plan had succeeded, The hive was swarming up through the breach and around flanking the rest of the defenders. Most of the elites had ran off towards the enemies artillery emplacements.

Deciding the area was temporarily safe I commanded my suit into standby mode and it proceeded to collapse onto itself until it only in cased my arm. Once I was free from my suit, I dropped to my knees and hurled. with the adrenaline finally wearing off, the face of that Ker'min riddled with fear was conditioned into my mind.

I was actually glad I was feeling this way, my body reacting to death in such a way means I'm not a psychopath. Although I would wager I would begin to feel numb towards it as long as death was like this, during war, and not straight up murder.

Standing back up I walked over to the psionically gifted Ker'min who still had Zircon embedded in his power armours visor. As I was about to pull Zircon out of the poor bastards face when I noticed Her fuller had changed colour. Her usual Psionic blue had tinges of blood red flowing throughout. I was not an imbecile, maybe, I could guesstimate that Zircon was feeding off the body somehow.

For what purpose I would investigate later but I could tell in my Mindspace the sword was still very content even after I removed her from her face sheathe.

After removing the helmet I took stock of the Ker'min before me. Apart from the now large hole where his left eye used to be I could tell this Ker'min was a male the females were slimmer in face... and had breasts. "I hope I haven't damaged the brain too badly it would be good research material as this is the first being capable of using psionics I have encountered other than the hive.

Even if it was very weak even compared to baby me."

After musing to myself I stood up and shouted "ORCHID!" before resuming my desecration of the dead Ker'min. I shouted as with the sheer volume of warriors and other hive bio-forms around, I couldn't be bothered trying to find her Link through the noise. plus she was hyper aware of anything regarding me and would hear that shout from miles away.

While waiting for Orchid to gallivant over to me, I finally got to the weapon that caused so much damage to the suit. Picking up the severed arm I noticed most of the weight was from the gun itself. This power armour seemed to just me a light metal alloy not suited for head on engagements like mine.

Taking the gun off of its arm mount I tried to understand how it functioned. not being a gun nut I could only make out what looked like some sort of magnet coils which charged up the energy allowing it to fire the hot plasma that it produces. "The weapon itself must be specially made to withstand heat and what's this...

Holy maceral thats cold!" Partially answering my own question inside the specialised drum where the plasma material is stored was a cold liquid. Due to it now being exposed the liquid was boiling and becoming a gas. I decided to close the drum and look around. nearby were cases of that said liquid helium so I put 2 and 2 together.

Deciding to stop standing around and gawking at the gun I decided to give it a whirl. I re equipped my power armour and commanded it to make an adjustment so I could mount it on my left arm. The suits non sentient mind couldn't quite follow through with that but the severed arm out of the corner of my eye gave me an idea.

Picking it up once more I placed it in front of the Psionic orbs at my chest. Just like the biomass from earlier It had no problems in devouring the arm even the metal alloy seemed like no issue.

Using the flesh of the Ker'min to repair the damage it sustained and the alloy to create the mount took only moments. Now that it was done I placed the minigun on the mount and aimed. A wall not to far away seemed like an excellent opponent.

A small amount of charge up was required before the gun started spitting out thousands of rounds. there was barely any recoil if any at all and where i pointed my arm destruction would follow. I stopped my obliteration of the poor wall after a few seconds to see the results of the guns handywork.

As the dust settled from the fallen debris the area where I shot the wall just did not exist anymore debris from the surrounding was plenty but where I aimed was gone. suddenly out of nowhere a head popped up. It was a warrior caste it turned its head towards me and cocked it in confusion like a dog. "Oh I'm sorry sweety did I nearly get you?

Sorry I got excited come here." I said while stepping fully out of my armour. I should have been more careful I am surrounded by my mate after all.

The warrior needed no further invitation and scuttled its way over to me. As an apology I got down on the ground and gave it some strokes until Orchid arrived.

10 minutes of petting later and the warrior was in a state of euphoria sadly for it though Its time in heaven was coming to an end. Coming into my view from around the corner was the one I've been waiting for arrived in a feral state.

Every inch of her body looked like it had been waded through gore even her hair once a beautiful purple was dyed with so much blood it took on a magenta hue and her swords were still dripping wet and chunks of flesh were still trapped between the serrations.

After spotting me she let out a toothy smile showing that her teeth were also dyed with blood before cutely skipping her way towards me. At this moment I joked to the warrior "you make want to take you leave now cupcake, you all know what she is like."

We both got up after that and the warrior went on its way. As I turned back to Orchid she was now standing right in front of my face with longing eyes. Knowing what she wanted I grabbed her by the chin and gave her a heavy kiss, our tongues clashed for a moment before parting ways. After the kiss I had to spit out all the blood that was transferred to my mouth.

'Gross.' I thought, but my philosophy is if you cant handle a little grossness while being intimate with your partner then I I would feel bad for your partner.

Wrapping my hand around her waist I asked "So how was your hunt? I could tell from our kiss you ate your fill." dropping her sword ,which fell straight into concrete-esque material, she placed both of her hands onto my chest along with her head and in comfort she said "oh Apollo-mate you had no idea how much I needed this.

Do not be mistaken Orchid could spend her entire life wrapped around you never moving ever again but my instincts from before Orchid transferred into this body seemed to scream at her the moment we entered this planets atmosphere to fight and hunt. It was like one of those itches you can't scratch like you say and now that Orchid has done so she feels amazing."

Bringing my right hand up from her waist began to stroke here sticky wet hair while embracing her closer.

"I am glad you are feeling better I don't want to always be the one feeling beneficial from our relationship dear, If I am able to do anything in my power to make you Jewel and the hive at large happier I shall do so and if a few hunts is what turns you all docile like this I am more than happy to do so again."

As I said this the image of fear from the dead Ker'min flashed across my mind the sheer gut wrenching feeling I get when seeing the emotion I brought out in another being is indescribably horrid but, the warm feeling in my arms brought me back out. 'My love for this creature commonly known as Orchid, my love for Jewel and my love for the hive and everything they have done for me.

It helps me healthily suppress that feeling.'

Snapping back to reality, It felt like Orchid was vibrating with emotion, Reading her thoughts through the link it would seem I said all that accidentally. Taking a step back from her, her eyes were almost bulging out of her sockets staring at me with pure lust and mania.

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