The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 269: The Final Sacrifice

Chapter 269: The Final Sacrifice

Having listened to what the trial's spirit said, Jian Shen could only bitterly smile and ask, "Do I even have a choice anymore?"

Of course, he didn't receive any response from the spirit, but Jian Shen more or else understood the unspoken words.

He can either do as said and sacrifice his Lower and Upper Dantian, or quit the trial and die, or Sacrifice Meirong and leave.

Since the second and third options were something which Jian Shen would never choose, it was more or less understandable what he would do now.

"Stop it right now Jian Shen. You didn't ascend at such a young age to sacrifice your strength and future for me."

"Didn't I tell you to stay silent?"

Gritting his teeth because making this decision wasn't easy to him either but something he needed to do at all costs, Jian Shen didn't waste any time is saying, "Take my Lower and Upper Dantian."



Screaming loudly as he immediately felt two of his three Dantian disappearing just like his arm, Jian Shen quickly turned very weak due to having lost his Lower Dantian.

With only a strong body left behind, Jian Shen was now the same as an empty husk.

"Like before I'll give you a day to rest. I'll begin the third test after that."


Interrupting the trial's spirit, Jian Shen who understood something wanted to get finished with the trial as soon as possible.

Given the direction in which the trial was going right now, Jian Shen could easily guess that the things he should sacrifice would only turn more and more vital to him.

Due to this, if he stayed here too long it was very much possible that he'd start turning scared of the upcoming pain.

Therefore, it was very much likely that he'd start hesitating when the time came for him to sacrifice something in the later stages of the trial.

And this would become a huge problem if the sacrifice was something like giving his life in exchange for the two swords or any of the other women inside the World Crest.

By the time such a great sacrifice was asked of him, it was very much possible that he wouldn't even be in a physical state which could be considered as decent.

At such a time, the logical thing to do would be to forfeit his own life and save the others instead.

But if he started hesitating at such a time and choose to save himself, Jian Shen couldn't even think how stupid that would be of him.

And while it wasn't guaranteed that he'd do such a thing, Jian Shen didn't want to increase the chances by staying inside this dreary Trial of Sacrifice for too long.

"Let's start the next test now."

". Are you sure?"

As the trial's spirit seemed a little surprised and uncertain, Jian Shen nodded his head and said, "Yes. I don't need any break, keep the tests coming."

"As you wish."

"For the third test, I want you to give up three of your senses."

"Sight, smell, taste."

"For the fourth test, I want you to sacrifice four of your Heavenly Meridians."

"Take them."

"For the fifth test, I want a part of five vital organs. The organs must be those which are essential for surviving."

"You truly don't make anything easy. Fine. Brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung. Take a piece from each of them."

Hearing the question, making a decision, and screaming in pain.

The three of these repeated themselves like a cycle for three types until Jian Shen had lost so many things that he honestly didn't even know what he could be considered as anymore.

Unable to see, smell or taste was something very bad and unlucky. But a swordsman needed the sense of touch and hearing more.

The four Heavenly Meridians, all of them were those that were connected to his Middle Dantian that were taken away because there was no other Dantian inside him.

And finally, losing a part of each of his five vital organs was the same as further weakening his body from the inside out.

It was fine with the heart, kidney, liver, and lung because they seemed to still be working while only gifting him pain as they did so, the brain, however, was something that had Jian Shen very concerned.

While it didn't feel like he lost his capability to think, comprehend, or decide, he did lose a great portion of his memory.

In fact, he couldn't even remember the faces of a few women whom he considered very dear to him causing him to bitterly chuckle and question why he was even doing this anymore.

"You've impressed me wielder of the Myriad God Sword, but the Trial of Sacrifice must continue."

"Are you ready for the final test?"

Weakly nodding his head, Jian Shen had already guessed what the test would be.

"For the final test, choose who should live and who should die."

"If you choose to live, I'll kill everyone in here other than you. The unlucky girl, the two swords, and the women inside your World Crest."

"If you choose to die however, I'll let every single one of them leave."

"Make a decision."

I knew it.

Muttering those words on the inside, Jian Shen to whom everything looked just pitch black could feel the warmth of Meirong whose lap his head was on.

It also seemed like she was crying for some reason as her tears kept on dripping on his face.

Why is this girl crying? I'm not going to sacrifice you....

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