The Harvester

Chapter 301: “Efficiency. Teach me.”

Chapter 301: “Efficiency. Teach me.”

[| Result Found. Second Floor. 3rd Dimensional Bookshelf. First Row. Thirty Second Book. Digital Version Available. Loading. |]

Rakna's left eye rotated its lenses as it scoured through the database of Nebula.

There were many interesting reads in this library; some were works passed down from powerful Hosts of the past. Obviously, none of them were a Skill Book, the superior version of Skill Cards, and the skills or spells explained in it couldn't be learned instantly. But given the right talent and practice, it was possible to learn.

'Well, I currently don't have a skill I'd want,' he thought. There was no point in scattering his focus with his current status. Additionally, most skills recorded in Nebula were rather basic and ranged from many different styles. You would need a specific idea and plan when trying to learn anything here.

"{But you also just hacked into the database as if it was nothing…}" Fray deadpanned. "{You could just filter everything you don't want. This Eye of Symphony of yours is truly a nightmare for any sort of network.}"

The therian snorted and watched as his Eye projected several documents on his retina. The others were studying to further their knowledge about their ability. Such as Evelyn researching alchemy, Marie exploring music transcriptions, and Allan learning more about his new race.

'Now that I think about it, don't you also have most of these books in your library?' Rakna asked back to the fabulist.

"{Well, I have indeed read most of the works in this library during my time. But ever since my death, I am sure there were countless more entries. But, I also have more. Do not underestimate my life collection. I have books with lost and forbidden knowledge; products of my magic amidst. Though, it is admittedly just grand-sounding. Essentially no one would be able to make use of it without a circumstantial context.}"

Rakna hummed and finished reading all he wanted. He wasn't studying for anything in contrast to the others. He was merely scanning the public archives of New Athens, trying to find matches for the potential entrances to Plateau Zero.

'I have isolated a few possible places. My wolves will let me know soon enough,' he thought and his eye returned to normal after a blink. He glanced somewhere and squinted. 'I suppose it's time to go see what Pronos has been doing…'

"{Uh? Has that little Hydra done something?}"

'He's calling me,' Rakna replied. 'I don't know what it is exactly but it seems he finds it important.'

"{Is he in danger?}"

'No, he's as relaxed as he ever could be. I can tell that through our link for sure,' he retorted with a small smile. 'If I had to guess, however, this probably concerns you more than me.'

"{Hm?}" Fray was initially confused but he quickly understood. "{Oh… what a coincidence if that's truly the case. Nonetheless, it would be nothing too unexpected for your luck.}"

'I'll go there a bit later with everyone if you don't mind,' the therian said as he stood up. 'I'll go check my Guild Quest before that. Oh, and Eye, download any information you find relevant in this library into your internal storage.'

[| Acknowledged. Calculating Time Required… 9 Minutes 37 Seconds. |]

"{Speaking of, you complain to me about not telling you anything about the Plateaus, but it's not like you are unable to look it up this way.}"

Rakna shrugged. 'What can I say? I also like surprises. What's the point of purposefully taking away the fun out of life? Though, I'd still prefer if you were more pertinent in your advice from now on,' he said whilst leaving a message for his group and heading to the exit.

"{More pertinent, is it? Hm… after careful deliberation… I don't think I will,}" the fabulist replied merrily.


* * *

Rakna swiftly made his way to the Pavilion of Athens, using both his Stealth and nanites to change his face so that no one would recognize him. When he arrived at the private section, he looked for the Guild Quests' room and entered.

Restoring his appearance to normal, he inspected the interior. "I guess it's fitting," he muttered as he noted his surroundings. Pale colors, a few couches, a board on the wall, and an oval table in the middle for meetings, which also served as a digital screen.

He quietly approached it and tapped on it. It behaved like a standard Quest Board and promptly displayed a list of Quests. There weren't many of them; less than ten. But, Rakna snorted when he saw that each of them was rated between A- and S+ by the Pavilion. Essentially, it was for people ranging from level 500 to 1000. The gaps between the higher ranks were awfully steep.

"Well, that doesn't concern me. This one here is probably the one I'm here for…" Rakna muttered as he selected a Quest that was pinned at the top.

❮ ◈ ❯

Designation: Guild Quest – Throne of Glory

Issuer: Credo

Title: Wild Boss Subjugation

Description: A Rogue Dragon has been sighted in the waters of New Athens, born from an Ordeal and bearing the designation of Wild Boss; potentially Raid. The creature's abilities are unknown but it is suspected to be an amphibian breed.

The Boss' Level is estimated to be approximately 520.

Objective: Kill the Rogue Dragon.

Difficulty: A-

Guild Rewards: Decided by the Leader upon completion.

Guild Leader Note: All members are to be present for this mission. The 13th Member, Rakna Xiorra, will be the only one engaging the target to have his qualifications ascertained.

❮ ◈ ❯

"…should I be happy that it's this straightforward of a task, or shocked at how absurd it is?" Rakna muttered. "How do they expect me to fight a Lv.500 Wild Boss? And a dragon on top of that."

"{If you ask me, I am more surprised by the fact they managed to 'reserve' a Wild Boss. Everyone usually fights over who gets to subjugate them for the instant-level rewards. However, your Guild Leader seems to have put in the resources to persuade other big Guilds to let him have it. All just for you.}"

"Thrilling, Fray. Truly," the therian sarcastically said.

"{Don't be like that. You probably have your chances at winning that fight… Actually, merely using your Ascension of the Titan would grant you a complete victory. If you transform into a werewolf and use that skill… your attributes reach the seven-hundreds.}"

"That's fine and all. But I can only use that skill for a bit less than 10 minutes. Not to mention that my strength will plummet afterward for three days."

"{Well, isn't ten minutes more than enough for you? And with your body, the crippled state is no more than a temporary inconvenience.}"

"Perhaps. But I don't feel like that's the kind of demonstration Credo is looking for," Rakna retorted and mused internally about how he could potentially fight something that strong.

He obviously had fought higher-leveled foes before, but a gap of 400 levels? It was too much, even for him. The only ways he could think of besides using Titan Ascent or his Demonization would be his Manifestation Spell. But even then, it would be a close call.

"Would a black hole like the one I used against Fang be enough…?" He wondered. "Maybe if I use my Mystic Magic to cast it? But then again… it would require funneling my entire mana pool in one go."

Fray sighed at the therian's unbelievable thoughts for a Host of his level. "{If you genuinely wish to hold off on those two abilities of yours… I suggest you focus on the enemy's nature instead.}"

"The enemy's nature?" Rakna repeated out loud then exclaimed in realization. "Oh, I see. That does sound like a plausible method," he nodded and failed to notice a tall silhouette peeking over his shoulder.

"What does?" A rather soft voice abruptly sounded from behind him and he almost jumped up in fright. He stepped away in shock and stared at the figure standing next to him. It was a tall woman with beautiful features and light mauve hair that reached no further than her shoulders.

Her expression appeared rather listless, but it didn't come across as cold or lazy. It was quite soft and gentle in some way, but not revealing any sort of emotion.

"…how long have you been there?" Rakna asked tentatively, and her purple eyes, slightly darker in shade compared to his, blinked as she tilted her head.

"Five?" She answered succinctly.

"Huh? Five minutes? I wasn't even here at that--"

"Seconds," she added with a faint nod.

"…" The therian fell silent. 'Couldn't you have said 'just now' or something in that case?' He retorted internally. 'Also… she's terribly discreet. I can't pick up her presence with my senses at all,' he thought and glanced at her outfit. It was rather lightweight, almost no different than what a normal person would wear. A fur jacket, jeans, and a rather tight-fit turtleneck sweater.

'She's probably wearing casual clothes like the way I make Allegro change modes. I can't tell anything about her abilities from that,' he concluded and looked at her in the eyes; he made the sensible choice not to use Crystal Sight on her.

"So… let me guess, Lilia Llawen? Petal?" He inquired and her eyes widened a bit, conveying some amount of curiosity, but she didn't voice it out. Rakna snickered internally at that. It seemed that he had been more accurate than he thought when he initially described her as a quiet girl.

"I met your father earlier," he explained without wasting time and her gaze changed to something else. She looked at him with eyes full of apology. His mouth twitched in amusement. "I'm not sure what that look's for… but don't worry, he wasn't too annoying or anything," he said and her face relaxed, nodding in understanding.

'So, you were seriously worried about that, huh?' He couldn't help but retort in his mind.

Lilia then silently reached for the Quest Board and took a look at the mission prepared by Credo before tilting her head in confusion. She glanced at Rakna, then back at the display.

"First time…" She mumbled.

"Hm? First time, what?"

She pointed at the Quest. "Difficult."

"You mean… it's the first time you see that difficulty for a new member?"

She nodded.

"Well, I'm not surprised," Rakna said sarcastically. "No chance this is a very elaborate prank?

"No," she instantly denied it. "Not Leader."

"He's not like that, is it? Makes sense. He certainly felt like a no-nonsense kind of person over the chat," he muttered in response and if there was anyone else spectating, they would have wondered how he was able to communicate so easily with someone who did not utter more than two words at once.

"Efficiency," Lilia's eyes flashed in excitement as she remembered her new guildmate interacting with Credo. "Conversation. Teach me."

"…" Rakna looked at her owlishly, processing her question. "Um… you can try to… infer someone's intentions based on what they know about you? This is the kind of thing you have to consider with both strangers and close friends. You can't just 'read' or hear; you have to sometimes assume stuff based on the situation… something like that?" He concluded hesitantly.

She hummed and put her hand on her chin. "How?" She followed up without waiting.

'…oh, this is going to be a long one.'


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I'm sorry. I came back to France Sunday evening, and then went right to working with my dad all Monday. Yesterday and today as well, and certainly more from now on. We have to get something done by the beginning of next month, and it's gonna be tight. I'll try not to fall back on updates too much, but let me say that the best I can do is try. I'll probably prioritize my Patreo.n too, cuz otherwise I'll feel like shit.


PS: You might not remember the specifics of Ascension of the Titan since it’s been a while, but I have decided to nerf it a little bit. Cuz, I realized… 400% increase to all attributes is way too OP (I know, I’m dumb). So, now it will be a hard increment of 500 points instead; not a multiplicator. I’ll have to go back and rewrite a few things later on to match it. It shouldn’t be too much trouble thankfully.

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