The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2338: Strategic Overt Plan

Chapter 2338: Strategic Overt Plan

The Holy Ancestor Chuling's boundless mind power swept across the entire Sacred Spiritual Planet, while it activated the mental mark that he had left in the ultimate battle fortress. In theory, Chuling could take over the Spiritual Race's ultimate battle fortress at any time, which there was no need to do at the moment.

The moment her mind power swept through the area, Chuling had already figured out many things.

First of all, the worst-case scenario that he was most worried about did not happen. Although the flames at the northern and eastern defense fortresses of the Sacred Spiritual Planet soared into the sky and the energy shockwave wreaked havoc to the extreme, it was only the flames caused by the explosion.

The Star Core of the Sacred Spiritual Star was still there and had not been destroyed. In other words, the Sacred Spiritual Planet had not become a dead planet.

However, Chuling did not find any traces of the Blue Star alliance army even after he scanned the Sacred Spiritual Planet with his mind power several times. Had the Blue Star alliance army retreated?

What was even stranger was that he could not find Xu Yi's aura. Chuling really wanted to kill Xu Yi's ten clans now. He was too useless. How could he be nowhere to be seen? However, it would not be bad if Xu Yi chased after the Blue Star Alliance Army.

Chuling had wanted to ask the commander of the Sanctuary about the situation and why he had sent him emergency warnings. But he immediately discovered a very valuable scene. A group of about 30 Muya Planetary realm experts was running around the Sacred Spiritual Planet.

Five seconds later, Chuling appeared, his mind power fluctuated slightly. The 30 members were frozen into ice sculptures in an instant. Then, 20 of them disintegrated into shattered ice. Their mental bodies disintegrated with them.

Among the 20 members, the one with the highest cultivation was the Seven Satellites, and the one with the lowest cultivation was the Five Satellites.

This was the power of Chuling. He controlled 30 Planetary realm experts with a wave of his hand and instantly killed 20 of them. There were three Nine Satellites and seven Eight Satellites Planetary realm members left.

The Eight Satellites only lasted a second longer than the others before their bodies also began to disintegrate inch by inch. However, their mental bodies broke out of the ice and were not killed.

All of them wanted to escape in fear. However, Chuling only waved his sleeve, and an ice storm swept past. The mental bodies of the Seven Satellites and Eight Satellites, including the bodies of the three still struggling Nine Satellites Planetary realm experts, were all shattered. The three mental bodies of the Nine Satellites Planetary realm were also detained by Chuling. He used the secret technique to search two of the souls, while the other would be kept for interrogation.

Soon, those who were left alive were also searched. However, the result made Chuling gasp. Fortunately, he arrived in time. If he had arrived a few minutes later, it was hard to say if the Sacred Spiritual Planet would have been destroyed.

According to what he had obtained from the soul search, the Blue Star Alliance had given the order to retreat two minutes ago. About 15 to 20 seconds before he arrived, a terrifying explosion soared into the sky.

Chuling understood that this was the Blue Star's way of self-destructing their equipment. Basically, he had already determined that the moment he broke through the screen of high- temperature fire in the solar system, the Blue Star received a warning and began to retreat.

The retreat was extremely fast, causing him to miss.

How hateful!

Xu Yi was too useless. He did not even stall them for a minute. If he could stall them, he might be able to destroy the Blue Star Alliance Army, capture Xu Tui, the commander of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force, alive, and obtain Xu Tui's super treasure vault.

This was also one of the reasons why he returned so decisively. As for killing Xu Tui, even if Xu Tui had already broken through to the Small Universe and even brought a few Small Universe- levels with him, Chuling still had the confidence.

This was because the Sacred Spiritual Planet was his home ground.


"Who knows where Xu Yi went?" Chuling's voice exploded in the Sanctuary with anger. He really wanted to skin Xu Yi alive.

"Holy... Holy Ancestor, the Great Elder... he..."

"What happened to Xu Yi?"

"...Holy Ancestor, the Great Elder... has died..."

"Hm?" Chuling was stunned. He did not expect Xu Yi to die in battle. That shouldn't be the case. With Xu Yi's strength, if he brought two to three thousand Planetary realm experts, he should be able to resist the 8,000 Blue Star alliance army for more than ten minutes, right? Not to mention that he's fighting locally. It had only been a few minutes, but he had already died? Was the Blue Star that strong? "Where did he die in battle? How did he die in battle?" Chuling asked.

A minute later, Chuling received some intermittent information from the Sanctuary. Soon, he appeared above the defense fortress of the cosmic tunnel of the Sacred Spiritual Planet. The defensive fortress that was originally more than a thousand meters tall had been flattened to only a few dozen meters tall. It was formed from the ruins.

This Defense Fortress was completely crippled. He slowly swept out his mind power. Chuling sensed the remnant battle aura here with extreme difficulty. A minute later, his expression became extremely ugly.

Coupled with the information given to him by the Sanctuary and his senses, he had basically deduced the truth behind Xu Yi's death.

To a certain extent, Xu Yi had been killed by his long-range command.

They defended the defense fortress at the node of the cosmic tunnel to the death. In the end, the Blue Star alliance army charged into the Sacred Spiritual Planet through the quantum teleportation tunnel.

Under such circumstances, Xu Yi and the 2,000-odd Planetary realm army would still be able to survive if they continued to defend or retreat to the cosmic tunnel. However, his death order was to delay the Blue Star alliance army until he returned.

Then, Xu Yi had no choice but to lead his subordinates to charge from the Defense Fortress. This became a classic fuel strategy. The Blue Star Alliance only needed to focus fire on him. Then, Xu Yi, the leader of the Spiritual Race, would silently die.

It was really...

Chuling was a little speechless. However, as the Holy Ancestor, he would not admit his mistake. The only thing he could do was dissipate the anger of killing Xu Yi's family.

"Eh, where's the Blue Star Alliance?"

A blue light suddenly exploded, and Yuan's voice came from inside. The moment the voice came out, Yuan's figure appeared beside Chuling.

"They retreated! Five seconds after I blasted open the high-temperature fire screen in the solar system, the Blue Star alliance gave the order to retreat. About 15 seconds before I arrived, they successfully retreated," Chuling said helplessly.

Yuan was stunned. Then, he said angrily, "Where's the local army of the Sacred Spiritual Planet? Were they all trash? Could they not even stop the Blue Star Alliance for 20 seconds? Don't they know how much of a price the two of us paid to return this time and how much

time we delayed-"

"A total of 2,742 Planetary realm soldiers guarding the Sacred Spiritual Planet, including Xu

Yi, had died!"

Yuan had not finished scolding when Chuling's voice made him shut his mouth. Yuan knew Xu Yi's status very well. He also knew what Xu Yi's death meant. This meant that the Spiritual Race was without a leader. It was only because the Holy Ancestor had returned, otherwise the Spiritual Race would definitely have internal strife.

After a few seconds of silence, Yuan suddenly asked, "Do you know where the Blue Star

alliance army retreated to?"

"I'm not sure. I only knew that they could retreat through the quantum teleportation channel. However, the quantum teleportation channel they used to retreat, including the

surroundings, has been destroyed by their self-destruction equipment. There's no way to analyze and determine where they went," Chuling said.

Yuan frowned. He really did not know anything. If not for the fact that he was facing Chuling, he would have flown into a rage.

"Where do you think the Blue Star alliance army will retreat to? Will they continue to harm the Spiritual Race? Or would they retreat to the Star Field of the Great Xi Clan? Or would they retreat to the solar system? Or would they retreat to the Muya Star Field to rest?" Yuan asked


Chuling also frowned. The whereabouts of the Blue Star alliance army was indeed extremely important. He had not thought about it carefully before, but now that Yuan asked, he gave

him a basic direction.

There were only four directions for the movements of the Blue Star alliance army. It was not difficult to determine. He eliminated the possibility of the Blue Star Army retreating to other planets of Spiritual Race. That was impossible!

With the caution of the Blue Star alliance, it was impossible for them to retreat to any planet

on the Spiritual Race's soil.

That was because he was playing with fire.

Regardless of whether Yuan had come or not, just based on the fact that Chuling had already returned to the Sacred Spiritual Planet, as long as Chuling discovered the traces of the Blue Star alliance, he would be able to appear on most of the planets in the Spiritual Race's territory in a few minutes.

He could severely injure the Blue Star and even kill Xu Tui. Therefore, it was unlikely that they

would retreat to the territory of Spiritual Race and continue to cause trouble. Similarly, it was impossible to retreat to the Star Field of the Great Xi Race and harm the planets.

The commotion caused by Yuan passing through the high-temperature fire screen of the solar system was not small. The Blue Star alliance army must have noticed it. As long as the commander-in-chief of the Blue Star alliance was not crazy, he would not retreat to the Star Field of the Great Xi Clan.

Therefore, only the Muya Star Field and the solar system were left.

Currently, in the information that the Spiritual Race and the Great Xi Race had, Pope Qian An said that the death of Hei Yang was related to the Spiritual Race, therefore she had formed an alliance with the Blue Star to attack the Spiritual Race.

The Muyas and the Blue Star were currently partners. In that case, as long as there was nothing wrong with Xu Tui, the commander of the Blue Star, he would not fall out with the

Muyas at this moment.

There was no point in retreating to the Muya Star Field. With this analysis, it became very

clear where the Blue Star alliance army was retreating to.

The solar system!

The Blue Star alliance army had retreated to the solar system. After coming to this conclusion,

Chuling and Yuan's expressions instantly changed. They immediately realized another


"Not good! The expeditionary army is in danger!"

Chuling and Yuan reacted at the same time. It was only at this moment that they completely understood the strategy of the Blue Star alliance army.

This series of actions was to transfer the two of them back to the Milky Way. Then, the main

force of the Blue Star alliance would attack the main force of the expeditionary army that they had left in the solar system.

With them around, the Blue Star alliance army would not be able to deal with the main force of the solar system expeditionary army. But when they weren't around, the advantage of the Blue Star alliance army's numbers was revealed.

This was the strategy of the Blue Star alliance.

They had completely seen through it. However, it was useless even if they saw through this

strategy half an hour ago. If the Blue Star alliance army charged into the Sacred Spiritual

Planet, would Chuling not return? Did he dare not to return?

He did not dare to. He had to return.

It was an open scheme! It was a strategic overt plan!

"We have to return to the solar system immediately. Yes, immediately!" Yuan immediately

said firmly.

However, Chuling was a little hesitant.

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