The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2328: Firm Wall, Clear Field, and Destruction

Chapter 2328: Firm Wall, Clear Field, and Destruction

It had to be said that the design of the ancient Heavenly Court was extremely forward- looking when it came to cosmic tunnels. Xu Tui had also confirmed that the cosmic tunnel in the universe might have been man-made. Even if it was not purely artificial, there were traces of human intervention.

For example, the cosmic tunnels in the solar system were traces of human intervention.

Eight months ago, after Hei Yang died and Xu Tui received the Earth Origin Universe, his control over the two Great Emperor Seals had improved, and his control over the entire Heavenly Court Small Universe had also improved.

During this period of time, coupled with their previous years of exploration, the Blue Star humans had already explored all the cosmic tunnels and nodes in the solar system. The cosmic tunnel in the solar system was semi-circular. The intersection point in the middle was Ceres Star.

Or rather, with Ceres Star as the starting point, it extended indefinitely into the Milky Way in two directions. Moreover, there were not many cosmic tunnel nodes in the solar system. Furthermore, they were very unique.

Other than Ceres Star, which was the hub, any planet with an important role in the solar system did not have a cosmic tunnel node. For example, none of the Nine Luminaries had a cosmic tunnel node. The planets with passageway nodes were all unknown planets, and there were not many of them.

According to the records of the ancient Heavenly Court, there were a total of eight planets in the solar system that had cosmic tunnel nodes, including Ceres Star.

However, Xu Tui sent people to search a few times according to the location. He even went to look for it himself. In the end, other than the known Ceres Star and Planet Peach, he found another three planets, a total of five cosmic tunnel nodes.

The other three cosmic tunnel nodes that should exist could not be found no matter what. After multiple verifications, the locations outside the original cosmic tunnel nodes turned into meteor belts.

According to the deduction of the Blue Star Expert Team, the planet that should be at the corresponding cosmic tunnel node had shattered. It was shattered by an external force, causing the node of the cosmic tunnel to disappear.

There was a high chance that it was a planet that had been shattered in the battle back then. From this, one could see how tragic the battle was back then.

In the solar system, there were only five planets with cosmic tunnel nodes. They were Ceres Star, Planet Peach, Planet Uda, Jupiter, and Planet Kui. The name of the planet came from the ancient Heavenly Court's lost slip. Xu Tui called it that.

Among these five planets, Jupiter was located at the edge of the solar system. It was a nearly abandoned dead planet. He could vaguely sense the remnant aura inside. Planet Uda and Planet Kui were respectively in front of Ceres Star and Planet Peach. There were only four planets with strategic defense value.

However, because of the node of the cosmic tunnel, the Blue Star had never developed Planet Uda and Planet Kui on a large scale. There was only one military base built. At this moment, it had long been evacuated.

Of course, that was only on the surface. In reality, there were still some hidden arrangements, but they were extremely well hidden.

The first planets that the elite armies of the Spiritual Race and the Great Xi Clan found after rushing in were Planet Uda and Planet Kui.

After the Spiritual Race and the Great Xi Race rushed in, because Chuling and Yuan's main bodies had successfully arrived, the command rights had automatically been attributed to Chuling and Yuan.

The other generals were all hot-blooded and extremely excited. Being able to fight side by side with a Supreme was definitely a good opportunity to make a contribution on the surface.

Chuling and Yuan had an extremely deep impression of this cosmic tunnel.

The two of them led the army all the way into the depths of the solar system from the cosmic tunnel. They stopped twice each along the way, but they did not find the planet they wanted. In the end, Chuling and Yuan stopped at the entrance of the cosmic tunnel of Planet Kui and Planet Uda respectively and successfully found them.

"Leave 500 people to guard and build the transit base of the expedition logistics. The rest of you, follow me to continue killing."

Chuling and Yuan's commands were very simple. They left 500 people to guard the planets they had captured to prevent their retreat from being pounced. They continued to charge into the deepest part of the solar system.

They said that they were charging into the deepest part of the solar system, but because of the cosmic tunnel, their speed was actually extremely fast.

It had only been two hours when the Yuan led a large group to Planet Peach. There were already a lot of buildings on Planet Peach. Over the past few years, the cultivation base had expanded into small towns. There were now six to seven living and cultivation towns. It could be considered one of the better planets built by the Blue Star.

However, at this moment, there was no one. It was empty, other than some flickering electronic signals.

Yuan's mind power swept past Planet Peach, but he did not find any aura of spirits. He frowned slightly and could only leave another 500 people to guard and sweep. Then, he led an elite army and charged towards Ceres Star with all his might.

When Yuan led the elites of the Great Xi Clan into Ceres Star, Chuling had already led an army into Ceres Star for five minutes.

Chuling was hanging high above Ceres Star, looking up at the vortex tunnel that led to the Southern Heavenly Gate in the small universe of the Heavenly Court.

"Did you gain anything?" Chuling asked softly when Yuan arrived.

Yuan shook his head. He did not even have an Origin Crystal, let alone gain anything. Of course, they were not doing it for the Origin Crystals, but to kill the enemy. However, after capturing so many planets, there was not a single person.

Tens of thousands of robots were destroyed.

"Clear the wilderness!" Chuling said. Yuan nodded gently. "What's the next step?" Chuling asked.

Yuan soared into the sky and Chuling followed closely behind. Soon, the two of them arrived in outer space and looked down in the direction of the entire solar system like gods. With their terrifying and powerful abilities, they quickly found the direction of the Blue Star in the solar


"Where can they hide? If they have the ability, they can give up their base camp and hide in the small universe of the Heavenly Court!" Yuan sneered.

"The Heavenly Court's Small Universe is the same as the Samsara Small Universe. It can't accommodate ordinary people. However, according to the intelligence, their command center might be in the small universe of the Heavenly Court. There should be a portion of the elites of the Blue Star in the small universe of the Heavenly Court," Chuling said.

"You want to attack the small universe of the Heavenly Court?" Yuan asked.

"Of course not! Only a fool would attack the small universe of the Heavenly Court at this moment. The million-strong army in the small universe of the Heavenly Court was also quite troublesome. Moreover, we did not dare to charge in for the time being.

"However, the Heavenly Court's small universe is only a small universe. The solar system is the foundation of the Blue Star humans. We will sweep through the solar system and destroy their foundation. Then, we will slowly work hard to break through the Heavenly Court's small universe," Chuling said.

"Then should we cross the solar system and kill our way into the Blue Star? Should we bring the army or go alone?" Yuan asked.

Chuling understood what Yuan meant. It was safer to bring an army. If the ancient Heavenly Court still had any trump cards, the army was the best resource to consume their strength. It was very safe for them to command in the middle. They could 100% flatten the Blue Star

without any damage.

However, the disadvantage was that it consumed more time. Even if he only brought the elites of the Nine Satellites and the Small Universe-level, with the help of their abilities, it would take at least half a year to reach the Blue Star.

If it was just the two of them, with their strength, they would be able to reach the Blue Star in half a month at most. However, the Blue Star was the birthplace of the Huaxia Divine Race. Who knew if there were any terrifying tricks up their sleeves?

Therefore, the answer was clear.

Ten minutes later, Chuling and Yuan each stationed a portion of their elites outside Ceres

Star. Then, the elites under them were split into two. A portion of the Planetary realm experts below the Nine Satellites split into three teams and began to sweep through the planets in all


Chuling and Yuan led the Small Universe-level powerhouses and most of the Nine Satellites elites under them to attack the Blue Star. Their gathering point was the moon. The current

new moon of the Blue Star.

According to their agreement, they would gather on the new moon and charge into the Blue Star together. The reason for this was because they were cautious. Even if the Blue Star had any methods, the two of them would be able to deal with them together. At the very least,

they would have no problems saving their lives.

However, the route they chose was different.

The transit planet chosen by the Great Xi Clan was Mars, and the transit planet chosen by the

Spiritual Race was Planet Kono.

Planet Kono and Mars were both important planets for the Blue Star humans. Each family took one. It was a good opportunity to clean them up. The preliminary estimate was that it would

take two months to arrive at the new moon.

This was only a preliminary agreement. With Chuling and Yuan's resourceful abilities, they could easily contact each other even in the solar system.

Streams of light flew out of Ceres Star and split into two groups. Like two groups of meteor

showers, they flew in two directions in the solar system. In the small universe of the Heavenly Court, Wei Bin, who had observed this scene, heaved a sigh of relief. He immediately sent a

message to Xu Tui.

"Commander, they've already taken a roundabout route to the Blue Star. The time it takes to reach the Blue Star is at least a month or three months. The survival of the Blue Star is imminent!" Wei Bin's fingers trembled when he sent this message.

"Don't worry! Everything is under control."

When Xu Tui sent Wei Bin this piece of reassuring information, he was looking down at a

Spiritual Race's planet from the sky. This was an inhabited planet in the Eastern Star Sector of

the Spiritual Race. He had led an army to kill his way here.

As for the outcome? The moment Xu Tui appeared, the outcome was decided. There were not even 8,000 Transmutation Realm experts on this planet, let alone more than 8,000 elite Planetary realm


In just half an hour, this planet was wiped out. Xu Tui was not interested in massacring the city. He did not even destroy their external communication and allowed them to send out the warning. He only split the Muya army and the Blue Star army into six teams and destroyed the six most important cities. He also killed hundreds of thousands of Spiritual Race members.

That was not the most important thing. Most importantly, Xu Tui used the two emperor's seals to extract the planet's core and devour it.

Xu Tui violently detonated the earth vein from the ground. The energy on the entire planet

was indescribably dense.

"The main battle group will set off after an hour of cultivation. The reserve team will set off after 12 hours of cultivation." Xu Tui gave the order.

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