The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 38: Lian Qingxue’s courage!

Chapter 38: Lian Qingxue’s courage!

Lian Qingxue stood on the podium.

The morning sun was behind her, and her hair was bathed in the golden light, shining brightly.

The whole playground of students let out a low gasp.

The one who just spoke was an old man with sparse hair and over fifty years old.

Now suddenly a beautiful female student came up.

This contrast was too eye-catching.

Those students who were just made sleepy by the vice principal felt a surge of energy.

Many boys looked at Lian Qingxue on the podium.

They suddenly had an illusion of falling in love.

The whole playground was silent at this moment.

They were all looking forward to what this beautiful student wanted to say.

Hello, everyone. I am Lian Qingxue from Class 1 of Senior Three. The topic of my speech today is courage. There were some sighs among the students.

Here we go again.

This kind of speech is boring.

These excellent students are like this, obedient and dull.

Teacher Xu was quite satisfied on the side.

He turned his head to Qi Yun and said: This topic is good! We senior three students need to have courage and work hard! You should learn from Lian Qingxue!

He looked at Lian Qingxue and felt nothing but satisfaction.

If you knew me before, you would have a hard time recognizing me now. Lian Qingxue continued as if she didnt hear the voices below.

What was I like then? I was a person who hid in the corner, afraid to talk to people, and even unwilling to look up at people.

I felt that no one cared about me, no one understood me, and maybe no one even saw me.

The world was gray, dull, and cruel to me then.

The students of Class 1 of Senior Three were a bit restless.

They all remembered the previous Lian Qingxue.

They looked at the current Lian Qingxue and felt a sense of being in a different world.

I was a little girl who had no courage at all. I even thought that outside the orphanage, there were not many people who liked me.

But there was one person who always wanted to get close to me, who always wanted to help me, who always told me that I was good.

Lian Qingxue looked up and saw Qi Yun next to the podium.

Qi Yun was also looking at her.

He might never know how surprised and happy he made that girl feel when he appeared.

She remembered the first bowl of beef noodles he bought for her. She still remembered the fragrance.

He also didnt know that for that girl, he was the first ray of light in that barren world.

He made me become the Lian Qingxue I am today.

The students below were talking now.

They didnt know who Lian Qingxue was talking about.

But the classmates of Class 1 all looked at Qi Yun.

Teacher Xu also looked at Qi Yun. He had a grim expression: Why do I feel that Lian Qingxues speech is a bit wrong?

He sneaked a peek at the vice principal next to him. He had a dark face now!

Lian Qingxue is so obedient. She wouldnt

Teacher Xu looked at Lian Qingxue on the podium and panicked.

Who would have thought that he would worry about Qi Yun causing trouble for half a day?

But it turned out that the troublemaker was his most trusted Lian Qingxue?

He saw the death ray in the vice principals eyes.

Teacher Xu felt like crying inside.

Were doomed!

Lian Qingxue put down her manuscript.

She looked at Qi Yun with all kinds of emotions in her eyes.

Now, I have courage. I can look up at people, I can make friends with my classmates, I can stand here and talk to you.

I have become liked by many people.

But I know that all my changes are not because I changed, but because there is someone who always stands behind me and makes me not afraid anymore.

And I, fell in love with him.

Last night, I lay in bed and asked myself, why do you like him? Is it because he is good to you? Is it because he buys you beef noodles, dinner, clothes? But none of these are true.

I like him, not because he spent money on me, but just because he is him.

Qi Yun clenched the envelope in his pocket.

He looked at Lian Qingxue and felt that she was so beautiful at this moment that he couldnt look directly at her.

She was so beautiful that he would never forget her in his life.

Today, I just want to stand here, in front of everyone, and tell him: Qi Yun, I like you.

Not for any external reason, nor with any conditions.

I just, simply like you.

I like you, from this moment on, until death do us part.

At this moment, on the school playground, in front of more than five hundred senior three students.

Lian Qingxue used all her courage in her life, stood in front of the microphone, and confessed to Qi Yun.

The playground was silent for a long time, and then it boiled like boiling water.

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