The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 17: Pick up a Leak

Chapter 17

The two came to a small restaurant, now was lunch time, there were quite a few people in the restaurant eating.

Seeing there was still an empty spot by the window, Ling Yue walked over there.

Liu Yan followed along.

"What would you like to eat?" Ling Yue took the menu handed over by the server and asked Liu Yan.

"I'll just have whatever." Liu Yan didn't have the mind to think about eating, he only wanted to know how Ling Yue would get 30 million, 30 million was not a small sum.

"Then I'll order randomly." Ling Yue opened the menu, "Tomato stir fried eggs, garlic eggplants, sweet and sour pork ribs, also a vegetable pork shreds soup and two bowls of rice."

Returning the menu to the server, Ling Yue poured herself a cup of tea from the teapot on the table, "Let's fill our stomachs first, we can think about other things after eating." Seeing Liu Yan's absent-minded appearance, she knew what he was worrying about.

"Do you really have a way to gather that much money?" Liu Yan also wanted to believe Ling Yue, but this was not a small amount, when he was starting his website previously, he had exhausted all means, and had only gathered a bit over 4 million, and this included mortgaging his house to the bank.

Ling Yue slowly drank a mouthful of tea, looking at the people coming and going outside the window, "Since I promised, I won't go back on my word."

Seeing the dishes served, Ling Yue put down her cup, picked up her chopsticks, put a mouthful of food in her mouth, "The taste is not bad, hurry up and eat."

Seeing Ling Yue's enjoyable appearance, Liu Yan's mood improved somewhat, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

After the meal, Liu Yan followed Ling Yue to the antique street, "What are we doing here?"

"Picking up scraps." Ling Yue winked at Liu Yan.

"Picking up scraps?" Liu Yan's mouth twitched as he looked at the roadside stalls on both sides of the street. Although he didn't deal with antiques, he also knew that the so-called antiques sold at this antique street were mostly modern handicrafts. Unless one was an expert in this area, wanting to pick up scraps here was harder than reaching the heavens.

As Ling Yue walked, she looked all around, sensing a trace of spiritual energy up ahead, her eyes lit up as she walked towards the front.

Liu Yan followed Ling Yue. Actually he didn't have much hope in his heart, but he also didn't want to discourage Ling Yue, because he knew Ling Yue truly wanted to help him.

Ling Yue stopped in front of a roadside stall, her gaze falling on a yellow seal. That seal looked very ordinary, it also had many tiny spotted marks on it, looking very inconspicuous.

"Boss, can I take a look at that seal?" Ling Yue pointed at the seal.

The boss sized up Ling Yue and Liu Yan, then laughingly picked up the seal, "Little miss, you sure have good taste, this seal is actually an ancient seal from the Han dynasty, priceless!" This seal was dug up by his parents from the ground when they were working the fields. At first he thought it was some valuable antique, he had asked several experts, but they all said it was worthless. This little miss was clearly an outsider, he would naturally not scam or overcharge her.

"Is that so? Let me see." Ling Yue stretched out her hand.

"Well..." The boss pretended to hesitate, then after a while, as if having made a major decision, he carefully placed the seal in Ling Yue's hand, "Be careful, this is a valuable item."

Liu Yan rolled his eyes silently. One look was enough to tell this item was worthless, otherwise how could it be sitting at this little roadside stall.

Ling Yue took the seal and inspected it for a bit, disdainfully curling her lips, she handed it back to the boss, "This item is worth 100 yuan at best. If you're willing to sell it, I'll buy it. If not I'll just leave."

"Little miss, take another look, this is made of Han jade, it's value is not low." The boss deliberately hardened his face. Those experts he asked before said this seal was worthless.

Ling Yue stood up about to leave, "Let's go take a look elsewhere."

"Don't leave!" Realizing Ling Yue was leaving decisively without hesitation, the boss quickly called out to stop her. 100 yuan was still money, better than it sitting there unwanted. After all it was a worthless item.

A smug look flashed through Ling Yue's eyes, she stopped and turned back to the stall, taking out 100 yuan to hand to the boss.

The boss accepted the 100 yuan and passed the seal to Ling Yue, "Little miss, you got a great bargain today. If not for me being in a good mood today, I wouldn't have sold this to you."

Ling Yue took the seal and put it in her pocket, then continued walking forward with Liu Yan.

"You know this seal is fake right?" Liu Yan couldn't help speaking up. He felt spending 100 yuan to buy a fake item really wasn't worthwhile.

Ling Yue turned her head, giving Liu Yan an amused look, "Fake? Not necessarily." This seal contained rich spiritual energy, how could it be fake?

Liu Yan pursed his lips, not saying anything more.

"Did you guys hear? The other day someone picked up scraps of a cup at the antique street, in the end that cup was sold for 2 million!"

"Really? Which stall did they pick up scraps from? I should go take a look too, who knows, I might get lucky."

"I heard too, the one who bought the cup was a young girl, she only spent a few tens of yuan to buy that cup."

"That girl sure was lucky!"

Hearing the discussion of the few people not far away, Liu Yan also felt somewhat envious of that girl. What he lacked most now was money. Not to mention 2 million, even 200 thousand would temporarily improve his circumstances.

At this time Ling Yue stopped again in front of another stall. She was inspecting a painting, "Boss, how much is this painting?"

Liu Yan walked to Ling Yue's side, his gaze falling on the painting she had opened, "Why does this painting look so ugly? It looks like a child's random scribbles."

Ling Yue nodded in agreement, "It is quite ugly, but buying this painting back also has benefits. At least it can boost one's self confidence."

"What do you mean?" Liu Yan didn't understand.

The stall owner was also confused.

"A painting this ugly can be sold as an antique for money. When we go back let's look for a teacher to properly teach us painting. Who knows, maybe our paintings could become antiques one day too, don't you think?" Ling Yue's eyes held a trace of playful laughter.

Liu Yan couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Then it's decided." Ling Yue turned to the stall owner, "Boss, how much is this painting?"

The boss took an awkward look at the painting, scratching his nose, "How about 50 yuan." He also felt the painting was ugly, not sure if it was some random scribble by his grandson.

Ling Yue inspected the painting, hesitating for a bit before taking 50 yuan out of her pocket to give the boss.

"You're really buying it?" Liu Yan looked at Ling Yue in shock. Although 50 yuan was just petty cash, it was still money!

The boss quickly took the money from Ling Yue, "Sold items are not refundable or exchangeable." Next time he'll get his grandson to draw a few more paintings, who knows might run into other suckers like her.

Ling Yue shrugged, an 'as you can see' look on her face, "Money's paid already, let's go."

Liu Yan helplessly shook his head. He would just accompany her empty-handed today.

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