The Former Mercenary is a Chaebol Heir

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Inevitable Ceasefire

MH Hotel VIP Lounge in Itaewon.

Shin-woo was guided by the front desk staff into the interior.

There were several men who seemed to be bodyguards standing at the door and around the area.

One of them stared at Shin-woo and said,

“You may go inside.”

As the door opened, Shin-woo saw an elderly man seated at the center of the table and another man standing beside him.

It was Myung Joong-hwan, the chairman of MH Group, and Goo Sang-ho, his secretary and bodyguard.

At the same time, Shin-woo recalled what Jang Man-soo had told him about future events.

“Heart attack, right? He doesn’t seem to be in pain at the moment… He might have some undisclosed illness.”

Myung Joong-hwan looked directly at Shin-woo and said,

“So, you are Baek Shin-woo. Please, have a seat.”

Shin-woo walked calmly and sat across from him.

“What is the reason for calling me here?”

“You go straight to the point without any pleasantries? Oh, I suppose it’s alright to speak casually?”

“Do as you please. And is there a need to exchange pleasantries when we already know who we are?”

Despite Shin-woo’s curt demeanor, Myung Joong-hwan did not frown.

“It seems you’ve heard about me from your mother. Then, as my grandchild, isn’t a greeting more appropriate?”

Shin-woo’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

“Is there any need to formalize a relationship that we’ve been unaware of for a lifetime?”

“You’re more stubborn than I expected.”

“It’s a trait I use as needed.”

Amid the calm conversation, a sharp atmosphere crossed between them.

Then Myung Joong-hwan let out a slight chuckle.

“Heh. You’ve inherited your mother’s temperament.”

“That’s not exactly a pleasant comment. So, what is it that you really want to discuss? If there’s nothing of importance, I might as well leave.”

Shin-woo stared at Myung Joong-hwan intently.

Having established MH Group through numerous adversities, Myung Joong-hwan carried a heavy presence.

But Shin-woo did not falter in the face of it.

“You’re quite impatient.”

“That depends on the counterpart. Will you continue to beat around the bush like this? If there’s nothing to discuss, I will leave.”

“I apologize. It seems I’ve become a bit playful, as you are very different from my other grandchildren.”

“So, what’s the real matter?”

Under continued prodding, Myung Joong-hwan smiled broadly and said,

“I intend to formally adopt your mother.”

“…And what does that have to do with me?”

“If you’re agreeable, I’m also considering adopting you, Baek Shin-woo. As my grandchild, of course.”

“Will the other family members accept this? Not just one, but two… It would certainly cause many issues.”

Myung Joong-hwan looked puzzled at Shin-woo’s response, which was neither acceptance nor rejection.

“This is my decision. Of course, there might be various issues arising due to the truths revealed up to now. There will be many challenges for you and Hee-yeon, too.”

Shin-woo looked at him with cold eyes.

“And what if I end up taking over MH Group?”

It was a rather provocative reply.

Myung Joong-hwan paused for a moment, then gave a peculiar smile.

“I’ve unintentionally investigated you, Baek Shin-woo. You’re from an orphanage, graduated from elementary, middle, and high school in Jeonnam Jin-do with good grades, and recently discharged as a sergeant.”

“Are you implying that my abilities are lacking?”

“Honestly, I don’t think you’re extraordinary… Am I wrong?”

It was a discussion about the succession rights to MH Group, which was known as one of the leading companies in Korea.

The descendants of Myung Joong-hwan, who would inherit such a conglomerate, had been receiving business training since childhood. Moreover, Myung In-chul and Myung Seong-chul held important positions in the group.

No one could easily topple such figures.

“If that’s how the chairman views it, then it must be your perspective.”

“Are you saying I misjudged you?”

“I expected someone in your position would only make decisions and announcements, but it seems you have many questions.”

Myung Joong-hwan was momentarily struck as if hit by something.

“It seems I’ve become a nuisance to you.”

“And I’m not particularly interested in adoption.”

“Would you consider joining MH Group if you’re planning to stay in Korea?”

Shin-woo, who was about to get up, paused upon hearing those words.

“Joining MH Group?”

“I’ll offer you a suitable position. And, of course, after your mother’s formal adoption, she will take up an appropriate position as well.”

“She isn’t someone I’d call ‘mother’.”

Regardless of the reason, whether it was for 23 years or including the past life before regression, it had been several decades.

During that time, Myung Joong-hwan showed a slightly awkward expression.

“How do you feel about my offer?”

“What kind of position are you thinking of giving me?”

“I thought you would start from the bottom as a military man. But I suppose that’s not the case?”

“Whether it’s this or that, it’s still a parachute, isn’t it? If so, it’s better to have it higher.”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit greedy?”

“Not particularly. If you’ve said everything you wanted to, I’ll excuse myself now.”

Shin-woo said this and left the room.


A few days later.

At the Myung family’s residence in Pyeongchang-dong, most of the family members had gathered, including Myung Joong-hwan.

As various conversations went back and forth, Myung In-chul, the eldest son, looked at Myung Soo-yeon, who had just arrived, and said to Myung Joong-hwan.

“Father, everyone is here.”

“…Not yet.”

Myung In-chul, with a glimmer of hope, counted the family members again, but there were no errors.

“What? Everyone seems to be here.”

“One is missing.”

The family members murmured among themselves.

Soon after, the front door opened, and Im Hee-yeon came in, changing into indoor slippers.

“I’m here.”

At that moment, Myung Soo-yeon, the youngest daughter of Myung Joong-hwan, stood up angrily.

“Why are you here!!”

“I came because I was called by the Chairman.”


All the family members’ gazes turned to Myung Joong-hwan.

“Yes, it was my call, so sit down.”

Everyone had no choice but to fall silent.

Im Hee-yeon slightly bowed her head and sat on a chair brought by Goo Sang-ho.

In the quiet atmosphere, Myung Joong-hwan slowly looked around at the family members.

“Although it’s late… I will accept Hee-yeon as a member of the Myung family.”

Everyone understood what that meant.

The family members were shocked and exclaimed.

“Father! What do you mean by that?!”

“Father, are you recognizing Director Im Hee-yeon?!”


Myung Joong-hwan continued speaking once the voices died down.

“Hee-yeon is of my blood, isn’t she? Just because she’s a half-sibling doesn’t mean she’s any different from you.”


“Until now, Hee-yeon has worked hard for the group as the Head of Strategic Planning. This decision is in recognition of her efforts, so you are not to say anything. Of course, the Strategic Planning Department will also be officially elevated under a different name.”

Myung In-chul, looking very worried, spoke up.

“If this becomes known outside, it will harm the group’s image. The stock price will fall drastically!”

Any company would have to deal with owner risks. Especially with extramarital children, which are often issues that can damage public image, it was something that needed to be kept under wraps as much as possible.

Indeed, concerns about Im Hee-yeon’s existence had been so great that she had been made to live in the shadow of MH Group until now.

“While there will be some impact, I’ve already prepared a buffer story, so don’t worry.”

“…A story?”

At that moment, Myung Joong-hwan’s secretary, Goo Sang-ho, came out with a document.

“Chairman, the timing of your meeting with Im Hee-yeon’s biological mother, Im Young-joo, was after the late Mrs. Myung passed away. Based on this, we will announce that you and Im Young-joo met briefly and parted ways, and that you only learned later that she was pregnant and took her in.”

“But the fact that she’s an extramarital child doesn’t change. There will be shareholder backlash!”

“At first, the focus will be on the fact that you attempted to officially adopt Director Im but she refused. Instead, if we announce it together with the successful projects she’s managed, we can minimize the problems.”

The plan was to create a massive public sympathy through media play.

If things went as explained, there might be no major issues. Of course, MH Group had enough power to make that happen.

Myung In-chul, who had been listening quietly, looked at Im Hee-yeon.

“Is it acceptable that Im Hee-yeon’s pitiful life is being packaged to suit the group’s taste?”

It was a statement that belittled her life on its own.

But Im Hee-yeon was undeterred and responded.

“I don’t care.”


Myung Joong-hwan then looked around at his family, who were watching him cautiously.

“For now, move the Strategic Planning Department to the ground floor of the group headquarters. Hee-yeon will remain in her position as department head.”


“And Hee-yeon should quietly resolve the issue with MH Electronics that came up during the audit. In-chul should also provide sufficient help before the situation escalates.”

“Ah, Father…!”

At that moment, Myung In-chul’s sharp gaze fixed on Im Hee-yeon.

Simultaneously, Myung Joong-hwan sternly addressed Myung In-chul.

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t know anything, did you?”


“This matter must be resolved with Hee-yeon at the center. Also, set up a position for your son at the Strategic Planning Department at the group headquarters. Not too high, not too low… A position at the assistant manager level with the title of manager should be appropriate.”

The atmosphere, which had been heavy for a while, suddenly became stormy with that statement.

It was a bigger issue than Im Hee-yeon’s adoption.

“What do you mean, ‘son’?!”

“Department Head Im has a son?”

“What are you talking about!”

At the same time, Im Hee-yeon’s face turned white for the first time.

“Chairman! about that child…!”

Even with her outcry, Myung Joong-hwan continued.

“I met him in person not long ago. He seems quite bold for his age, maybe because he takes after you… It’s unmistakable that he’s from the Myung family…”

There was no undoing the fact that he had already met him.

Im Hee-yeon, unsure of what to do, slowly spoke up.

“I told you I would take full responsibility for company matters.”

“I know that. But that child also carries the blood of the Myung family. It wouldn’t be right to exclude him from the process of bringing you in.”


“That child has also accepted the terms. Of course, the position I mentioned earlier is part of the compensation.”


Under the heavy atmosphere created by Myung Joong-hwan, everyone remained silent.

“Everyone, understand that and leave for now.”

Myung Joong-hwan went into his study with Goo Sang-ho.

Meanwhile, the family members stared at Im Hee-yeon with sharp eyes as she quietly stood up.

Soon, Myung In-chul approached Im Hee-yeon.

“Let’s talk for a moment.”


The two stepped out into the dark, moonlit yard.

“A son… Your son? Sigh…”

“…It happened.”

“And now adoption? Are you out of your mind?”

“If it weren’t something I wanted, would you believe me?”

“Then why is the Chairman doing this? What did you say to change his mind? Could it be related to MH Electronics…?”

Myung In-chul hastily stopped himself from saying more, realizing he might dig his own grave.

“You know that what you were about to say are the Chairman’s conditions, right? The undisclosed funds found so far amount to at least 200 billion. Quietly restore everything by next month. You can quietly deposit it into the MH Electronics reserve account if you prefer.”

“…I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“I’ve made it clear. If you don’t take action, you might not be able to prevent things from getting out of control later.”

In a calm tone, Im Hee-yeon said, causing Myung In-chul to clench his fists and tremble.

“Are you challenging me now?”

“You moved the funds to a paper company called Hong Kong Blue One International and a company named Sudan Trust Distribution, didn’t you?”

Since the route of the funds, which he thought was thoroughly hidden, had been precisely exposed, Myung In-chul’s face turned grim.


“The Chairman doesn’t offer many chances. So, think carefully.”

With that, Im Hee-yeon left.

Outside the door, Song Tae-hoon appeared with his face showing.

“Is it done?”

“Let’s go to Shin-woo’s house.”

The two quickly got into the car and departed.

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