The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 96: The fate of the inferior country?

Chapter 96: The fate of the inferior country?

Ye Jun, as a Huangpin Intermediate War Beast Master, couldn't finish refining the source of spiritual power alone.

Ning Xi only watched the old prince make it once, and he was not even a Huangpin Intermediate War Beast Master. How could he be able to make it?

"If the refining is broken, naturally she will compensate."

The old prince pointed at Ning Xi confidently and said, "How can you say that she is the heir of Prince Ning's mansion, can it be that she can't even pay for the materials?"

"..." Ning Xi twitched the corners of her mouth, she really had no material to pay for.

The things related to the war beasts in the palace have long been given away by the worms in exchange for benefits, and all the materials left by the cheap father in the private library have long been given to Jing Feng.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi had the urge to beat Jing Feng again.

"My lord, I don't have the materials. If the refining is broken, can I lose money?"

"It's okay to lose money, 500,000 taels of silver." The old prince nodded.

Ning Xi's eyes widened, "So expensive?"

"Nonsense, the materials for the source of spiritual power are very rare and expensive in a low-level country like ours. The red spiritual jade alone costs two hundred thousand taels." The old prince rolled her eyes at her.

Ning Xi pouted, "The total material won't cost 500,000 taels."

"500,000 taels is the price of the red spirit power source outside. If you broke the old man's materials, of course you have to compensate according to the market price." The old man said.

Ning Xi blinked, "It turns out that the price of spiritual power sources is so expensive!"

"Nonsense, this is still low. If the source of spiritual power is lacking, it has even sold for more than 800,000 taels."

The old prince paused and said: "The success rate of our inferior country's method of mastering the source of spiritual power is not very high, and the success rate of a mysterious war beast master like this old man is only 70 to 80%, let alone Huang It's a high-level War Beast Master, so it's normal for the price to be high."

"What does the old lord mean, in fact, the source of spiritual power used by many yellow-grade war beast masters is not refined by himself?" Ning Xi asked in surprise.

The old prince nodded: "Yes, most of the sources of spiritual power used by war beast masters are either to be refined or purchased from shops under the Great Chamber of Commerce."

"That is, the source of spiritual power that Yue Lingzhu, who is going to compete with you, needs to be provided by the Yue family first. A family of war beasts like them also purchases a batch of spiritual power sources from the major chambers of commerce every year."

"Isn't the big chamber of commerce the industry of other big countries? Doesn't that mean that the lifeblood of our country's war beasts is in the hands of others?" Ning Xi frowned.

The old prince sighed: "Yes! But this is the fate of the inferior country. Who let our own war beast masters have such a high failure rate in refining the source of spiritual power, and the materials basically have to be purchased from major chambers of commerce, very Expensive not to mention having to queue up to book.

"Otherwise, the number of war beasts allocated to the army would not be so rare. The number of war beast resources allocated from the Ministry of Industry every year is limited. Every year the generals of the army will come to fight for it, and the Ministry of Engineering will be the most lively at the end of the year."

"Actually, it's not that the Ministry of Industry can't produce more yellow-grade low-level war beasts, but that there is a lack of spiritual power sources! And the price is so expensive that low-level countries can't afford to spend so much money and large quantities of configuration." , the old man has a feeling of heartache.

Ning Xi didn't feel good about it, was it the fate of the inferior country? But she doesn't believe in fate!

This is also a way for China and the superior countries to control the inferior countries, and therefore to prevent the small and the inferior countries from growing.

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