The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 69: New understanding

Chapter 69: New understanding

When everyone heard the conversation between the two, they had a new understanding of Ning Xi's eloquence.

No one would have thought that this little prince Ning could make a censor speechless with sharp words, which sounded quite reasonable.

"How am I messing around."

Ning Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "Since that's the case, let's talk about the pawning of the royal gift just now." "Just now, Yushi Zhang kept saying that this king violated the ancestral ritual law, so please Yushi Zhang point it out. This king violated the ancestral ritual law? If you say it, this king will be convinced."

Ning Xi's words changed, and his eyes were sharp, "But if Yushi Zhang can't say it, then you have wrongly framed the important officials of the court, and this king will sue you."

Before pawning the royal gift, Ning Xi had read all the laws and ancestral rituals of the Yin Kingdom. This was not mentioned at all, so he used this to achieve the purpose of pitting the worms in the palace of Ning.

Now she is going to take advantage of the law, leaving Zhang Yushi speechless.

Zhang Yushi choked, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his head. When did this dude speak so sharply?

"It is true that there is no clear provision in the ancestral rites and laws that you can't **** the royal gift, but everyone knows that doing so is disrespectful." Zhang Yushi said confidently.

Ning Xi chuckled: "Since it is a gift from the royal family, it means that the emperor and the empress dowager have us courtiers in their hearts. Those who are dead are alive, and we naturally have to make the best use of them in order to be worthy of the emperor and empress dowager's intentions."

"The emperor didn't say that this king is disrespectful, but you first scold him for being disrespectful and want to ask him the guilt. You are not distinguishing between honor and inferiority, and you are overreaching and presumptuous!" Ning Xi sneered coldly.

"You!" Zhang Yushi's chest heaved in anger, and he said to the emperor: "Ning Xiaowang is messing around, and her pawning of the royal gift is disrespectful to the emperor. Please punish the emperor severely."

The emperor's expression was light, and he said, "What do you think?"

Prince Jingyi stood up and said, "Father, my son thinks that Yushi Zhang is making too much of a fuss."

"Ning Xi, as the heir of Prince Ning's mansion, has to be rejected by the housekeeper even if she wants to eat bird's nest. It is really helpless and unintentional for her to **** the royal gift, and the ancestral system and laws do not expressly stipulate that this is a big sin that triggers the ritual law. , it would be too much to severely punish or let her so-called subjugation."

"According to the meaning of the second brother, is it possible that anyone who suffers in the future can **** as a gift from the royal family?" The eldest prince sneered.

Jing Yi smiled lightly: "Ning Xi said it well just now, people are alive and things are dead, and making the best use of things is also a mighty favor from the emperor, so why not?"

"Humph!" The eldest prince snorted coldly and didn't say more.

When the others saw that the two princes were arguing, they naturally wouldn't open their mouths again. It would not be good to offend the other party at that time, not to mention that there was an arrogant, rambunctious, and sharp-talking Prince Ning waiting for an opportunity.

Jing Ruofeng had a smile on his face, but there was not much warmth in his eyes, "Yushi Zhang, it's really nice of you to disturb the palace banquet for this trivial matter."

As soon as he heard that the emperor wanted to make matters smaller, Zhang Yushi scolded Fourth Master Ning in his heart, and immediately begged for mercy: "The emperor forgives his sins, and this minister also wants to maintain the authority of the royal family."

"Then I want to thank you?" Jing Ruofeng snorted coldly.

Zhang Yushi immediately kowtowed to admit his mistake, "Wei Chen dare not!"

"Prince Prince and Ning Xi are right. What the royal gift is given belongs to that person, so I will naturally not care too much about how to deal with it."

Jing Ruofeng paused and said, "Ningxi's pawnbroker's gift is justifiable, and this matter will not be mentioned in the future! Zhang Yushi will go back to reflect, and he will return to the court when he has reflected on it."

Zhang Yushi felt a lot of cold in his heart, and the emperor was too partial, but he didn't dare to disobey and could only kneel unwillingly, "Yes, Wei Chen obeys!"

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