The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 109: I am Maxima

Chapter 109: I am Maxima

Watching Ning Xi leave, Fan Shangshu's face was full of sullenness and hatred.

"My lord, do we just watch Ning Xiaowang so arrogantly? Those five war beasts have already been assigned." A close friend of Fan Shangshu whispered in his ear.

Fan Shangshu was silent for a moment, "Otherwise what can we do?"

The identity is not comparable, and the fight can't be beaten. The dude is protected by the emperor and the old prince. Even if he has a lot of strength, he really can't do anything about that dude in a short time.

"This officer will make it clear to the first prince about the war beasts. It's not that we don't want to stay, it's just that Ningxi is too deceiving!" Fan Shangshu snorted coldly, preparing to go to the first prince's mansion in the evening to go up to Ningxi. eyedrops.

As for dealing with Ning Xi, I'm afraid that the eldest prince will take action in the short term.

Ning Xi returned to the workshop with a pot of brewed tea in his hand.

"The old prince drinks tea!" Ning Xi smiled and poured a cup of tea for the old prince.

The old prince took a sip from the teacup, "It tastes good, did you make it?"

"I don't have that ability, it's just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha." Ning Xi has absolutely no problem in taking care of herself, but she is not good at it. It is even more cloudy to make tea by herself, and she is more willing to enjoy it.

"You're honest." The old man snorted.

"Old lord, I didn't expect you to trust me so much, it really touched me!" Ning Xi said with a smile.

The old prince raised his eyebrows: "Do I trust you so much?"

"That's right! Before you compete with the Yue family's dry girl, you will realize the agreement in advance. Isn't this a manifestation of trusting me?"

Ning Xi smiled confidently and said, "I'm just a maximalist, your old eyes are so good!"

"You are becoming more and more shameless and self-confident. This old man did this today because Fan Yanghong was not pleasing to the eye. Who said he trusted you?"

"It's annoying to look at you, get out of here!" The old prince waved his hand.

Ning Xi pouted, "Fuck off, then I won't come to the Ministry of Works for a few days."

"Stinky boy, you've only been here for a few days and you want to be lazy? Do you still want to win over that scumbag?" For the first time, the old prince found that Ning Xi wanted to fight.

Ning Xi didn't hide it, "I want to use those scraps in the palace to practice more!"

"The old man is too lazy to care about you. Anyway, if you lose, the old man will not only let you get out, but also promise to peel your skin." The old prince gave Ning Xi a fierce look, "Let's go quickly, don't get in the way of the old man."

"Then I'm leaving, you always drink slowly!" Ning Xi turned around and left in a good mood.

The old prince pondered for a moment while Ningxi walked behind the teacup, his originally bluffing face showing a slight smile.

After Ningxi returned to the palace, he went to the study to draw pictures, and Luo Yinhuang also entered the study together.

After night fell for a long time, Ning Xi raised his head and threw away the brush in his hand, picked up a few pieces of painted paper and blew it.

"What are you drawing?" Luo Yinhuang asked, staring at the paper in Ning Xi's hand.

Ning Xi didn't hide it, and handed the paper over, "Xiao Huanghuang, can you see what this king painted?"

Luo Yinhuang took over and scanned it, and raised his head in surprise: "You want to transform the palace?"

Ning Xi smiled and pinched his little face, "As expected of this king, he is knowledgeable and smart!"

"Now the palace belongs to this king. It is too wasteful to have so many places empty, so this king wants to build a workshop and a training ground for war beasts."

Immediately sighed, "Hey! But with this change, the money that this king received before will go down a lot."

Luo Yinhuang looked at the blueprint in his hand with a slightly complicated look at the bottom of his eyes. Is this really something a dude can design? This guy really hid deep enough.

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