The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 89

Student Council President Election (2)

To my father whom I cannot help but respect.

Hello father.

Since my father spends a lot of time in the palace informing me of my current situation through letters has become a daily routine.

However it is worth noting that the source of the message is not the Ross Taylor Mansion as usual but Sylvania Academy. The days of living in the cradle-like mansion are over and I feel like I have finally taken a step toward becoming a proper wizard.

As it is my first time living in a foreign country there are many unfamiliar aspects but as my father always said I am always trying not to forget my honor as a member of the Ross Taylor family.

It’s already been over a month since I left the mansion in an immature body.

I think I am finally beginning to understand what the vassals say that leaving home broadens your knowledge of how much you have experienced in just over a month at most.

I’d like to write down all the colorful and interesting stories I’ve experienced on this page but if I do that I think the content will be multiplied. I cannot unnecessarily take away the time of my father who is always working hard for the empire.

However for the sake of my father who may be worried about me traveling to another country to study I am adjusting quite well.

There were times when it was somewhat difficult to adjust to Sylvania’s unique horizontal atmosphere and fairly tight academic schedule… Still it feels quite student-like now.

In addition I got to meet many noble people and I feel like my perspective on the world has broadened.

It’s just a few ceremonial words but I also talked to Saint Clarice of the Telos Church and became a friend… Should I say that I have quite a few similar classmates. I heard that Penny Anim the Empire’s 3rd princess who is loved by the people is also attending the school but I haven’t had a chance to meet her yet. It’s a shame.

My goal which I confidently told you about the day I left home is progressing step by step with my plan to become the youngest student council president and raise my family’s honor. However there are some parts that are actually difficult.

Recently there has been talk about Princess Fenia running for election but at this point it would be close to impossible for me to beat Princess Fenia. Even if it is impossible I will grit my teeth and try.

I also met senior Lortel who my father introduced me to. Even though we’re only a few years older I feel like he’s already fully developed as a merchant… I also thought a lot that I still have a long way to go. Negotiations will soon be held to purchase the wise man’s seal and I am already worried about whether I will be able to represent the family.

In addition I met many seniors at school who were considered top performers and they were all people who showed great ability in their fields.

As expected from Sylvania the land of learning there are many seniors who have skills comparable to those in active service despite being students. I will always have to work hard to become like that. I feel like my passion for learning is burning.

and… This is something that is difficult to say too soon… It’s a story about an older brother who was excommunicated.

There is no need to explain that idiot is a disgrace to our family and a stain that must be eliminated.

But when I came to Sylvania and met him… I felt a sense of discomfort that was hard to explain.

I’m not sure how what I’m saying will sound. Still I can’t lie about my current status to my father whom I respect so much.

To put it bluntly… I feel like my brother has definitely become healthier and more diligent. They say you can’t rewrite a person but… I would say it feels like I’ve become a completely different person.

You may feel very embarrassed that I am speaking in this way. I guess so… Certainly before I left the mansion I was full of enthusiasm to punish my brother.

I don’t completely trust my brother yet. As I said human nature does not change that easily.

Even if a year has passed since the person was excommunicated his or her state of mind cannot change so dramatically. Even if everyone in the world says that my brother is a healthy person I don’t easily lose my mind because I have lived and seen his true colors for many years.

Still after a busy day sitting in a private room at the Ofilis Building and looking up at the sunset… There is a scene that comes to mind.

It’s a distant memory now but back in the day… Memories of us three siblings when Arwen was alive.

I was very young at the time so my remaining memories are minimal but fragments of it still remain in a distant place beyond my consciousness.

Brother Ed was such an arrogant and malicious bastard from the beginning… I have a feeling that may not have been the case. Your father probably knows these things much better than I do.

I once had a strange dream.

The background is a small hill behind our mansion. A place where lilacs and daffodils bloom in abundance in spring.

I remember walking up the mountain path filled with the scent of flowers. It seemed like he was being pulled up by two people one by one and one hand was clearly Arwen’s. In that case the thick and reliable opposite hand is probably…

After writing this I feel like the story is leaking a bit. I think it was because I was excited when I thought about telling my father about my current situation for the first time in a while. I wonder if I got homesick after leaving home and living in a foreign country… I enjoy just writing letters.

Anyway I think we’ll have to wait and see about my brother.

If you say that you really became a new person after being excommunicated I wonder what the reason is and perhaps the excommunication itself was the trigger.

If you just look at it it’s not like the idiot has changed his mind… For some reason it seems as if they have ‘returned to their original form’. This may be my extended interpretation.

Still what if… If you were to say there was an opportunity that brought you to your senses what would it be? There is no way that an opportunity to reform a person like that could appear so easily.

Or if he really just returned to his original form why did he do such a stupid thing in the first place? There’s no reason for that. Even if there was a purpose there is no way to know at this point.

It’s a night that gives me complicated thoughts in many ways. Looking out the window at night with cherry blossoms fluttering around makes me feel warm but on the other hand I feel sad because of unresolved problems or an uncertain future.

Still if I gather my thoughts for a moment I feel more confident than worried. I am confident that I can do well. Confidence is important.

The letter became long because I mixed in various bits of information. I hope you don’t have any trouble doing your great work. I will also work hard in my studies and always strive to become someone worthy of the Ross Taylor family.

Sent to Tanya Rosstaylor a daughter who never stops loving her father.


The letter folded into thirds goes back into the envelope.

The imperial prime minister’s office is full of luxurious decorations. Crepin Rosstaylor who was chatting with the famous Prime Minister Bandella fell into contemplation for a moment.

“Why are you doing that? Duke Crepin. “Is this important news?”

“I’m sorry. “I wanted to gather my thoughts for a moment.”

Crepin was lost in thought as he pondered the contents of Tanya’s letter.

It was a meaningful expression.


“Hmm. “Hmmmm!”

Personally I named him ‘Master Mode Yenika’.

He placed his wrists on both waists and pushed out his chest as if showing off.

There isn’t even a hint of dryness in his voice but when you see him clearing his throat for no reason you can’t help but feel cute rather than majestic. I’m not sure what she thinks though.

“Being able to handle a mid-level spirit means that Ed will now be treated as a proper spirit master wherever he goes. “Usually even if you only know how to use a couple of mid-level elemental arts before graduation you will be treated as an extremely honor student.”

“It has a lot of meaning.”

“Usually it is a state that children who are naturally born with a certain degree of magic sensitivity and spirit sensitivity reach this level through consistent effort.”

Yenika who is now in her third year is already able to handle high-ranking spirits freely. It’s an explanation that clearly shows what level it is.

“Up until last year Ed wasn’t even able to handle a single low-ranking spirit. “If I were to say this much growth in just one year most people wouldn’t believe it.”

“I sacrificed a lot of my health.”

“Then no Ed. “Achievement is important but you should also think about your physical health!”

The scenery of the northern forest is definitely worthy of being called a spring day.

It is the time when fresh plants that have been dormant all winter come into their own. Weeds were already growing around the extinguished campfire.

The freezing cold has already become a thing of the past. Even the snow that had remained in the shady area had now completely melted away and bees were flocking to the flowers blooming in the middle of the grass.

The scenery around the cabin is the same.

A fluttering butterfly flies around in the air and lands on the bridge of Lucy’s nose who was sleeping on the roof of the cabin.

Lucy chased the butterfly away by flicking her sleeve a few times but when it persisted and fluttered around near the bridge of her nose she got up and swatted it away with her magic. The butterfly that chose the wrong opponent shattered into pieces and disappeared.

I only felt sorry for the butterfly.

“Ed’s growth rate is very fast his sensitivity has gradually increased considerably and he even signed a contract with Merilda so he should be able to handle a mid-level spirit contract.”

Jenica said that and smiled as if she was proud. I am thankful that people are happy with my growth as if it were their own.

“Anyway there are mid-level spirits that were selected and brought. Would you like to respond?”

I nodded and focused my magic in my eyes. The sensitivity ability which gradually rose to the level of a proper spiritist revealed the appearance of the spirits around him without hesitation.

There were so many spirits around the camp that it was difficult to count them all. The places that Yenica goes to are usually like this.

It is truly a sight to see dozens of spirits following Yenika who cannot even be seen without proper spirit sensing ability. I realize once again how much love this girl receives from the spirits.

Meanwhile I saw Merilda who was larger than the cabin sitting with her arms wrapped around a tree and Tarkan who felt a chill down my spine just by making eye contact was seen lying face down by the river.

There is so much power gathered in one place that you might wonder if this is okay but all they do is laze around lazily in the cool spring breeze.

Even if it is a spirit corps or a high-ranking spirit it usually feels like this drowsy feeling.

It is meaningless to count the number of lower-ranking spirits. There are roughly six or seven middle-ranking spirits and two high-ranking spirits are Merilda and Tarkan.

It was surprising to think that although Yenica did not have a contract with all of them most of them had contracts.

“Isn’t it always hectic when you’re dragging this many people around? “You already have a high level of sensitivity so you can almost see spirits even in your daily life.”

huh? That’s right. Still I’m okay with it because I’m used to it. “Everyone says they like me so there’s no need to push them away.”

Yenika smiled and stroked a baby snake climbing her forearm.

“Middle-level spirit contracts are definitely different from low-level spirit contracts. Just because the amount of magical energy is sufficient doesn’t mean you can just make a contract. First you have to find a spirit whose magical energy flow resonates well with Ed. “If the amount of magical power is overwhelming you don’t have to worry about that but Ed isn’t that strong.”

“It seems like it’s a lot more tricky than signing a contract with Merilda.”

“Because Merilda was on good wavelength with Ed to begin with. Ed is more friendly to the wind and fire elements. Still if you are a mid-level spirit I think it would be better to avoid the wind and fire elements when making a contract.”

If you contract with a frequently used elemental spirit the operation itself may be easy but it is difficult to deal with various situations.

Even if you cannot reach the level of being able to handle all elemental spirits like Yenika it is best to handle as many different elements as possible and maintain a state where you can fight regardless of terrain and environmental conditions.

“Usually to make a contract with a mid-level spirit you first have to walk through all kinds of mountains and fields to find a spirit with the right wavelength. So spirit masters often think of the mid-level spirits they contract with as fate. But Ed… “It’s a bit of a special situation.”

“Instead of looking around they are sitting together as if they are at some kind of marketplace… ”

“There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable right?”

Yenika smiled brightly and waved her hand.

All kinds of mid-level spirits revealed themselves between the gaps in the spirit army. It certainly appears to be of a different rank from lower-level spirits.

From the fire bird to the earthen deer the leopard made of wind and the eagle scattering water. First of all it is at least as big as the upper body of a person. The large ones are almost as big as trees.

“I’m done talking with the spirits. “You just have to ‘nominate’ the person you think has good magic efficiency and likes the elements.”

ji… It’s a place name… ”

The characters of the Elementalist class from suddenly come to mind.

There was a romantic feeling of wandering in nature going through forests and rivers and communing with the spirits I met by fate. Although she may not have been as gentle as Jenica she seemed somewhat relaxed and benevolent.

When thinking of a contract with a mid-ranking spirit such a fateful meeting often comes to mind first.

An illustration that comes to mind when thinking of a spiritist. A nature-friendly feeling like looking up energetically at a huge wolf or eagle from a crevice in Mother Nature. It was something romantic like that.

[Symbol #1 Lieutenant Water Spirit Fellow. The divine protection that surrounds him is ‘Seok Seok’s divine protection’. Let me flap my wings once. Ego… ]

I was sitting next to the campfire and quietly watching as the lined up spirits came in one by one.

Before I knew it the mug that flew to my shoulder was actually a low-level spirit but… . He was paying attention to the spirits while making noises.

yes… Yenika… wait for a sec… Speaking of place names… I feel a little strange… ”

huh? Strange? Did you push your schedule too hard today? “If it’s hard should we do it next time?”

“Umm… It’s not like that… no… no… nothing… ”

[Then we will continue. Symbol number 2… ]

As I watched the spirits coming in one by one I was surrounded by a strange sense of discomfort that I couldn’t quite put into words.

A romantic encounter and a fateful contract with the elemental spirits that roam nature. A refreshing illustration of a girl coming face to face with a huge wolf in a lush forest.

… Is this right… ?

It feels more like I’m at a used car trading complex rather than a spirit contract…

… Is this really true? .?


The queen has fallen. This was because she was unable to respond to the knight’s blade that struck her side.

The priest who was watching quickly hit the knight’s neck but it was already too late. A dead queen never comes back.

The opposing soldiers advance again and the king quickly hides behind the castle wall.

Another knight pressures one side of the castle wall and quickly moves his soldiers to spread out a defensive line but there is no longer a place to retreat.

In the end the king who was miserable hiding behind the walls and watching the soldiers dying one by one in his stead quietly chose to commit suicide.

It was checkmate. Not even half of Fenia’s pieces remained on the chessboard.

“Are you worried Princess Fenia?”

New student welcome party.

This event held at the student center at the beginning of the semester is just a ritual for seniors but it is a very meaningful day for freshmen who are excited about their first semester.

The seniors are talented people who have honed their skills over several years in Sylvania which has produced many great people. Most of them were people who could do their part in their field so the new students had no choice but to want to meet them if they had the chance.

Unlike new students participation is not particularly mandatory for existing students. However there are students who are encouraged by the academic department to participate.

Some students in each grade must participate because it is a good thing for current students. There is no point in participating if only freshmen are excited.

Basically the seniors of each grade are encouraged to participate but if they decline they do not have to participate.

Sophomore senior Lucy Merill a major concern for freshmen reported not attending due to personal reasons (nap). Of course the academic staff also had some expectations.

However I had no idea that even Jenica Palover a conscientious third-year student who always participates in the academic schedule would miss the class citing personal reasons (Edwa’s spirit class).

Thanks to that this new student welcome party seemed a bit lacking as there were only two senior students… As Princess Fenia participated at the request of the bachelor all news of her absence became meaningless.

This is because the freshmen clearly realized how wide the spectrum of Sylvania students was just by Fenia’s presence.

A girl who can be said to be the most noble among the second-year students at Sylvania Academy.

Even among all the freshmen there is almost no one who has the status to talk to her face to face.

No matter how horizontal the Sylvania Academy is if the opponent is of imperial blood the story is completely different.

The commoners and the borderline nobles who are collapsing cannot even dare to talk to him. Even her high-ranking nobles catch her attention and her influential people even her children show off her courage but when they get near the VIP table where she is sitting they swallow her breath again and return.

In the end there was only one person who spoke to her properly at this new student welcome party a loyal member of the imperial family and heir to the Calamore family one of the three great swordsmanship families. Senior freshman Wade Calamore. It was a different story from Princess Fenia.

“He hesitated every time he moved his horse.”

Creepily white hair flutters a few times in the wind by the window.

“That’s pretty cool Wade.”

“That can’t be right. “If you had done it right I wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”

“I placed it properly.”

no. “Even though the princess knew her tricks she didn’t let her do that.”

Wade picked up a few fallen soldiers and rolled them around a few times with his fingers.

“You must not hesitate to sacrifice your soldiers Princess Fenia.”

“Thank you for the advice but it’s enough for now. “If you start applying the theory of monarchs to chess you will only start learning endless lessons.”

“Do you have any bad memories like that?”

“The imperial teacher who taught me when I was staying in the imperial family… “I liked teaching things metaphorically through games like this.”

Wade and Fenia talk quietly.

The students who were far away couldn’t even think of getting in between them.

Since he is like Wade a traditional royal family loyalist he can exchange conversations like that.

“Wade what you were trying to say is probably similar. “If you focus too much on sacrifice you will not be able to read the macroscopic battlefield situation.”

“You are correct Princess Fenia.”

Wade had already been reading Fenia’s gloomy vision.

Fenia the princess of charity who was walking around the imperial court had a very different atmosphere than now.

At the time he was an enterprising and active monarch no matter what he did and was ready to roll up his sleeves at any time for the country.

In the dispute over the succession to the throne between the three princesses she is a mysterious girl who tends to push things forward with more drive than anyone else on even the most remote topics.

However when I saw Fenia again in Sylvania it was like a deflated balloon.

I don’t know what happened but the unique self-confidence that I always wore like armor was completely gone.

Wade knows well the reality of those lifeless eyes.

These are the eyes of a person who has lived a life suffering from repeated failure or constant burden.

“You’ve been through a lot in Sylvania.”

just… “I just became more self-objective.”

Princess Fenia stared at the lifted chess piece. phone. He was a soldier.

Whether they are used as a scapegoat and then disappear or they become majors and get promoted in the end they are puppets who move and act according to the monarch’s words.

The sacrifice and death of one pawn. No great work can be accomplished if you worry and worry about these microscopic things.

“I thought I was better than anyone else when it comes to insight into people.”

“I think so too but recognizing that you might be wrong is an important virtue. “Isn’t it true that the princess has grown steadily?”

well… ”

Fenia sat down on the sofa in the VIP room and looked up at the ceiling with empty eyes.

The one who inevitably overlaps is Ed Ross Taylor. There is no point in trying to cover your ears. The news about him somehow reached Fenia’s ears.

The reason why soldiers on the battlefield are used as scapegoats is because it is a strategically necessary decision.

This was possible because a monarch with a macroscopic view made a rational judgment encompassing the battlefield.

However disposing of Ed Rothtaylor was not such a strategic decision. It just happened because my perspective was short and my eyesight was narrow.

Even if Ed Rosstaylor really just used Princess Fenia to escape from the darkness of the Rosstaylor family… In the end it’s the same.

Even though Princess Fenia recognized that possibility she did not change her attitude toward Ed.

At first it felt like nothing more than a thorn in my throat. Thinking it was just a slight mistake Edra ignored the human being.

However as time passed he showed his presence to the university and reversed the evaluation in his own way.

He intervened in the academic crisis and saved Jenica gritted his teeth and persevered in the wild life in the forest steadily achieved grades was recognized by many students and even rose to the rank of a fairly capable person in the third grade but Fenia eventually turned her head away from him. .

What is the reason? Only after thinking about it carefully was Fenia able to find the answer.

After realizing this I felt an unbearable sense of shame.

The reason why Fenia consciously ignored Ed. This is because his very existence leading a sound and exemplary life and achieving results was evidence revealing Fenia’s mistakes.

How childish and one-dimensional these feelings are.

The illusion is that if you cover your eyes crouch down and turn your eyes away from your mistakes you will be able to be free from that guilt.

If she hides away relying on her high and noble status as a princess she feels an ugly sense of security that no one will hold her accountable for her crimes.

How shameful it is to think that if a preschooler who made a mistake closes his eyes and covers his ears everything will disappear.

The reason I was finally able to realize that was… Because this is Sylvania.

In the Cloel imperial family the words of the royal family are law and order.

All chess pieces discarded due to wrong judgment die laughing. They don’t even struggle to get out of the pain. Whatever the consequences of Fenia’s misjudgment it is all right in itself.

However this is Sylvania Academy where the virtue of learning is emphasized rather than the nobility of status.

Most of the abandoned chess pieces… He sheds bloody tears gnashes his teeth curses and ultimately dies a miserable death.

The difference is enormous. The weight on your shoulders is completely different.

“I just… “You must be afraid.”

Close your eyes once.

Ed Rosstaylor covered in blood raises his head from the abyss.

He carries his body covered in wounds puts his face right in front of Fenia’s eyes and speaks. You made me like this. I am a good and upstanding person but my life has been ruined in vain by your petty foundation. Still I will grit my teeth and survive to the end standing here with my feet up.

I blame you and hate you.


“I’m sorry Wade. “I thought about something else for a moment.”

Fenia suddenly raised her head brushed off her elegant platinum-blond hair and took a deep breath.

“But thanks to you I’ve organized my thoughts a lot. You can’t run away from your mistakes forever. that… “Because it’s stupid.”

“I’m glad you’re making progress.”

Once you recognize the problem you need to think about improving it.

In the end Princess Fenia managed to keep herself from falling into the swamp of depression.

Princess Fenia thought to herself as she put the chess pieces back in order.

Whatever it is all you have to do is sort out the relationship from the beginning shake off what you need to know and apologize for what you need to apologize for.

Let’s meet with Ed Rosstaylor as soon as possible and sort out the story.

Thinking like that Princess Fenia remembered the schedule.

He is very busy. Even if I were to only complete the really important schedules I would need four days to make time. If you move quickly it might be possible in three days.

Then let’s go to Ed Rosstaylor’s camp with only the minimum number of escorts. Go sit by the campfire drop everything and have a straight talk with him.

After making that decision I nodded my head shallowly.

The gloomy mood seemed to have lifted a bit and a clear path of passage appeared. I felt refreshed for the first time in a while.

It was the morning of the third day when Princess Fenia heard the news of Ed Rosstaylor’s death.

* ‘The imprint of extreme poison’.

The line engraved along the sharp edge of the dagger is ominous.

The poisonous magic that a top-class imprinter hired by the Rosstaylor family worked through several days and nights to complete is the worst curse magic that causes even the slightest trace of it to cause death while writhing in pain.

I didn’t bother to find out how many gold coins it takes to engrave just one engraving. What is certain is that it is definitely not a small amount.

Crepin Rosstaylor sheathed the dagger being careful not to cut the tip of his finger. He then presented the dagger to his trusted associate.

The aide who politely received the dagger from under his robe and the assistant standing on either side of him knelt in front of Crepin.

I wrote a letter to Tanya Rosstaylor.

Since it seems difficult to take responsibility for the student council president election and the negotiation of the purchase of the seal between Lortel and Sage Chi on his own he will send a trustworthy retainer to act as a helper. Since the dispatch is for business reasons the university will also give permission.

However the real purpose of sending the vassals was not to help Tanya. There is a more sinister reason hidden beneath the surface.

After returning to the room Crepin took off the glove on his right hand. When he placed his hand which was fully engraved with hideous patterns on the crystal ball an enormous amount of magical power spewed out from his hand.

One of the powers granted to Crepin Rosstaylor by the evil god ‘Mebula’. ‘Confirmation of causality’.

This is the highest level of magic that allows you to specify an action or variable that you have caused and project the resulting result onto a crystal ball.

You can’t use it often because it costs a lot of magical power but being able to check in advance what the results of your actions will be before an important event… It’s an ability that’s incredibly close to fraud.

Eventually the ‘result’ blooms on the crystal ball.

The scene shown is… It is a cliff where rain pours down. It seemed clear that it was a coastal area near the north of Aken Island.

Inside the crystal ball is Ed Rothtaylor. After a breathtaking and bloody fight he held on until he was completely ruined but in the end he was stabbed straight in the abdomen by a dagger taken out by a retainer.

It spits out dark red blood from its mouth and steps back little by little.

A girl with light pink hair who arrived late screams. The vassal pulls out a dagger and shoves Ed off her feet. Just like that Ed falls down a distant cliff.

A girl with light pink hair ran out toward the cliff in the rain.

The projection of the crystal ball ends with her slowly looking back at her retainer with her head down.

“… ”

Crepin sat down at the office table and put on his gloves again sighing softly.

“It’s not a very pleasant feeling.”

However his expression did not move at all.

“But it is a necessary sacrifice.”

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