The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 55

Glast Subjugation Battle (4)

When too many things happen at once and your mind is overloaded reason always comes to you later with a lag.

Therefore it was only after some time that Ayla regained her senses.

The devil in the underground waterway across from me is completely immersed in sleep magic and will never wake up.

As long as he doesn’t resist and just sits in prison there doesn’t seem to be any immediate threat to his life.

The spinning head has calmed down to some extent.

A combination of factors came into play and I finally calmed down and my legs stopped shaking.

“Taylor… ”

I bury my face in my knees and desperately call out his name but there is still a long time left for Tailly to arrive.

Ayla also vaguely knew. Tailly will definitely come to save him.

However I feel so disgraceful and resentful of myself as a burden every time. Sadness and self-destruction rise together in his chest.

It’s not that I didn’t try. Ayla was hopelessly gifted with no talent in the field of combat. Other intellectual academic fields are at a level that can never be underestimated.

The ability to understand and utilize magical knowledge is a trait of an academic acknowledged even by Professor Glast.

However I cannot help but resent the fact that I cannot do anything on my own without someone’s help every time.

More than anyone else’s incompetence the most resentful and resentful thing is one’s own incompetence.

This time too you will receive help from many people.

I even received help from Ed Rothtaylor who thought like an idiot and made me grind my teeth just by looking at his face.

The man ran out to resolve the situation on his own leaving Ayla alone in the safety of the prison.

What is there to express now? I couldn’t believe it but he was considerate of Ayla who was in confusion.

To be honest it’s more scary than reliable. Even if you raise your hand just once you will be afraid of being stabbed and stabbed.

decomposition… ”

Emotions always come with expectations.

The form of that expectation varies from person to person.

Just as I hope that the person I love will always be an upright and good person.

The object of my resentment and hatred must always be evil twisted and mean-spirited.

Only then will my hostility toward that person be given legitimacy and legitimacy.

The fact that that person is also right that he or she has his or her own beliefs and definitions and that that person may be justified depending on one’s perspective… It’s really not easy to overcome your pride and admit that fact.

But Ayla had no choice but to admit it.

Ed’s reputation as heard in the Bachelor’s The tenacious and calm appearance he showed during the Glaskan incident a second-year senior who fully supports him.

In addition he maintained a calm posture and did not show any signs of panic due to the fact that he was also kidnapped.

Ayla who was grumpy hostile and wary of Ed didn’t even seem to show any signs of being offended.

Ayla knows very well what some people call such character.

It is tolerance.

Whether you harm them pass the buck say bad things or try to sacrifice them… It was a situation where you could do anything you wanted to do. The balance of power was completely in Ed’s favor. Whether it’s simple physical strength magical abilities or even the mental aspect.

Nevertheless the way he seemed to want to help and save Ayla was closer to that of a healthy and reliable senior than the arrogant appearance he had seen during the entrance exam.

It would be better to do it from the beginning.

Why did I get criticized for doing such an absurd thing during the entrance exam?

When an important and urgent moment comes he tries to resolve the situation with a serious and serious attitude like a senior and he shows his complete trust in Tailley by saying things like that Tailley will definitely come to save him…

Why did he ruin his reputation by being so mean to Taily during the entrance exam?

– ‘Ayla Tris. As you know because you have been watching Taily all along she is a person who becomes stronger the more trials she encounters.’

As if wondering what the urgent situation was all about his tone was unwavering as he sat heavily like a giant tree with deep roots.

Ayla knows. Tail Lee’s life was full of all kinds of trials to the point where one might wonder if he was born with a fate of trials.

And each time we overcome an ordeal we grow even further… He is such a shining human being.

How does Ed know Tailley’s temperament? A suspicious feeling emerged late but it didn’t really matter.

The way he looked down on Tailly during the entrance exam the way he scolded Tailly during the Glaskan incident and the way he blocked Taily during the Ofilis Hall occupation incident. And even though he had the strength to resist more he admitted defeat to Taily.

He was a person who usually spoke little and after being excommunicated he quietly focused on his studies without getting involved with anyone. He seemed to have lost interest in everything except his studies and life as if something had changed in his state of mind.

However at important times they always became Tailley’s trials and sometimes even her whip… The way he always showed his face in situations where there was no need to intervene and he could just stand by.

Only then did Ayla feel confident that the puzzle was coming together.

The reason is unknown but it seems as if Ed Rosstaylor sincerely wishes Tailley growth and success.


“… Ed Rosstaylor… ?”

Ayla who came to her senses quickly stood up and stuck her face out through the bars.

At the end of the hallway astrology researcher Kum is busy reviewing research materials.

Ayla’s fingertips trembled as she watched Ed quietly open the exit door outside of her gaze and walk out with a low posture.

That’s the case considering the situation.

All Ayla and Taily gave him was resentment and hatred and he was risking his life for them.

Pride and resentment blinded me so I didn’t have time to think about it properly but if I take a step back and think about it it was always like that.

In the first place it was partly because Ed Rosstaylor was not the type of person to be condescending about such things.

Ayla continued to swallow in vain as she felt as if there was a thorn stuck at the end of her throat. Now that I think about it carefully it wasn’t such a difficult conclusion.

Rather than being an arrogant self-absorbed fallen aristocrat he is upright and quiet not showing much condescension at what he does… He was such a heavy person.

After acknowledging that I feel like I have let go of a lot.

I have no choice but to admit how hastily I have been judging others.

Ayla… I had no choice but to stand still facing the bars.


Compared to its size there were not that many people gathered in the main conference room of the Trix building.

Because the sale of Bongseo was not a fact to be proud of Bongseo’s acceptance ceremony was scheduled to be held on a very small scale and simple.

Therefore it was carried out quietly and secretly with only a few top academic officials and a few executives from the Chamber of Commerce in attendance.

Principal Obel Forcius

Vice Principal Rachel

Combat Department Dean Stan

Dean McDowell of the Ministry of Magic

Dean of Pensions Edelweiss

Glast person in charge of sensitive processing

Clerk Claire

Lortel Kecheln plenipotentiary representative of the Elte Chamber of Commerce.

Business Area Manager Tanya

Accounting Agent Veneer

Records Keeper Tars

Secretary Melania

Bachelor’s and College of Commerce. A sensitive site where only the tops of each group are gathered together.

Among them the people who attracted the most attention were Obel and Lortel the representatives of each group.

The impressions of the two were so clearly different that they could be said to be completely opposite.

Obel Forcius looked young flawless and easy-going unbefitting his position as the principal of this great Sylvania.

His short-cut hair and face without a single beard make it difficult to guess his age. He looks so neat that it’s hard to call him an elderly gentleman approaching 60.

He was a talented person who had extensive experience in all fields of battle magic and alchemy and his reputation was as big as his reputation. Although he is wearing an ornate robe with Sylvania’s seal engraved on it his broad shoulders do not lose their presence.

On the other hand the plenipotentiary representative of the Chamber of Commerce is extremely small. However if I had to compare it to a flower it would be a rose as its bewitching appearance does not match its small size.

If you are tempted by its fragile appearance which looks as if it could be broken with a single wave of your hand and approach it too hastily you will find yourself pricked by thorns and bleeding.

Reddish-brown hair that was flowing down. A frilly dress and semi-robe that are gorgeous overall but are carefully restrained in the parts.

Even in front of Obel who is many times different in age height experience experience strength and magical power there is no sign of being oppressed at all.

Rather Lortel quietly opened his mouth… He began questioning the bachelor’s staff.

“Respected Principal Obel. Before I am a merchant I am a student at the great Sylvania Academy. I never forget to always pay due respect to the academic staff who provide valuable teachings. but… “This situation is a problem that goes beyond the perspective of students and teachers right?”

The trading company employees who followed Lortel to the scene trembled. Lortel’s anger is always cold.

What Lortel Kecheln hates most is non-fulfillment of contracts.

Even if there is any force majeure involved if things do not proceed according to the contract be sure to find the person responsible and investigate.

The reason why young Lortel’s leadership was able to tie the entire company together and make it work as one body lies in its clarity.

Despite her calm and pretty appearance her actions are always cold-hearted and cold-blooded.

It is so realistic that once a policy is set there is little room for compromise.

Thanks to his thorough temperament the employees of the trading company have rarely seen Lortel sign unfavorable contracts or make high-risk investments.

This contract which increased the purchase amount more than necessary seemed strange.

“To have my official seal stolen in a gathering of all the key personnel of the school… If this deal hadn’t happened so quietly… “It would have been a huge insult.”

“All the search crews are out so it would be best if you wait a bit. “The academic department will take responsibility and bring the seal back.”

Even if it is an equal contractual relationship it is still the position of the student and the principal.

Lortel didn’t want to be more rude than necessary but he had to say something.

I raised my head and looked at the center of the Trix Building conference room.

The explanation of the situation is not that complicated.

While the seal sensitization ceremony was in progress after confirming that Principal Obel’s sensitizer response had stopped… A large-scale vision-obstructing spell appeared in the main conference room.

Smoke billowed out that obscured the view intense light was rampant blinding the eyes and various loud noises rang out turning the scene into chaos in an instant.

It was so loud that the commotion seemed to have echoed outside. Students and faculty nearby were also gathering at the Trix building. The plan to proceed in secret was also half-heartedly abandoned.

After that all kinds of demonic golems rose up and started randomly attacking the surrounding area. In some ways it was a dangerous situation but since all the academic staff gathered together were strong people it was not a big threat.

After summarizing the situation it seemed to be an arbitrary action taken by Professor Glast who was opposed to the sale of Bongseo.

Currently Professor Glast has stolen the seal and disappeared.

He was a senior professor who had worked for over 15 years and he knew very well how the academic system works so he easily stabbed the academic institution in the back.

Professor Glast has such a long career and so many achievements that it would not be surprising if he became a dean long ago.

The value he placed on Bongseo was so great that he even refused promotion and devoted himself to studying Bongseo as a researcher.

I had no idea that he would take such an arbitrary action ahead of the sale of Bongseo. So I couldn’t figure out what he was trying to do with the seal.

“It is unlikely that Professor Glast simply stole the seal based on its monetary value… “It seems like it has some purpose.”

“I guess so.”

Obel wiped his chin and sat quietly at the table on one side of the chaotic conference room.

The fact that he sat comfortably without being aware of the gaze around him seemed quite distant from authority.

“Since the situation has come to this it would be right to inform the Chamber of Commerce at least the facts.”

Anyway the people gathered here are the top executives near the top of each group. Obel must have even taken that fact into account.

“Whatever Professor Glast is planning I’m sure it won’t go very well. So why not wait a little while? Even if it takes time I will take responsibility for securing the seal itself.”

“What do you mean by that?”

A feeling of frustration rose inside Lortel’s chest.

Obel Forcius the principal of Sylvania Academy is a monster who has risen to the rank of master in every way.

Regardless of whether it is actual combat power or magical ability the only person who can properly compare to Obel is Lucy Mayril a lazy first-year genius even considering all the faculty and students at the school.

So if Obel Forcius rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward it was obvious that Glast would be quickly suppressed no matter what he did.

However Obel only gives search instructions to his employees and has no intention of going out himself.

Lortel who saw that wanted to tell you to come forward and bring the seal but… However the difference in position is too vague to be questioned that much.

So Lortel listened intently to see what he was saying. An unbelievable truth rang in his ears.

“What Professor Glast was researching through Aspect magic was magic in the field of ‘revival’ a field that was traditionally prohibited.”

No matter how endless the meaning of academic science is there has definitely been a field of magic that was considered taboo in the long history of magic.

The three major areas that distort the providence of the world blur the current flow of time and reject the framework of human destiny.

Pursuing eternal life resurrecting a lion going back in time.

It is accepted as a taboo that rejects God’s will given to the human race and challenges providence by twisting fate.

Even if it is a star-level magic that deals with time itself twisting and breaking the already established past is not acceptable.

In the first place there are almost no wizards who have reached that level.

“That… Even though I knew about it I neglected it. “Principal?”

“That’s an ambiguous question. Although I have received a full report on Professor Glast’s research records there is no way I can openly report such flawed research in writing. I was just guessing… I am confident now. “It was his habit to praise Great Sage Sylvania.”

Considering Professor Glast’s research reports and his past history it is quite possible to think so. But I just couldn’t be sure.

Lortel quickly turned his head and looked at the expressions of the other academic staff.

Vice Principal Rachel and Chief Dean McDowell quietly close their eyes.

However other academic staff members were rolling their eyes as if this was the first time they had seen it. It was a top secret known only to those in the know even among the academic staff.

“I don’t want to say anything bad but… Principal Obel… ”

“Do you want to ask me if you are crazy Lortel Kecheln? but… “I’m at least curious about Professor Glast’s final choice.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Do you remember what Professor Glast used to say? Anguish over academic progress. A tribute to the great sage Sylvania who was a true intellectual and… “Return for what was lost.”

These were words that Lortel who knew Professor Glast’s past history could not ignore.

“Everyone lives a lie to themselves to some extent.”

A maniacal obsession with talent. That was the one sentence that defined the person named Professor Glast.

But Lortel is also guessing to some extent.

Is that obsession really the heartfelt essence of Professor Glast?

Or is it simply a self-defense mechanism born out of the pain of what was lost?

A maniacal obsession that believes that no value should be given to vague and fleeting talents.

Very self-righteous… Although it may seem noble on one hand the essence of its meaning may be simpler than you think.

I must not let my daughter’s death in vain because she had no talent… It may have been just the result of such fleeting fatherly love.

A supreme scholar or a grieving father?

Unable to define Professor Glast Lortel was overcome with confusion.

“If he really discovered an aspect magic that could revive the dead.”

Sylvania a rare saint and great sage who will accelerate the progress of the world and advance the history of magic dramatically.

My daughter Myuri who believed in her ambiguous talent and pushed her too far died tragically.

“You are Professor Glast… Who do you think will be brought back to life?”

Lortel looked up into Obel’s eyes.

Lortel couldn’t tell what kind of scene those deep river-like eyes were looking at.

– Bang!

“We’re in big trouble Principal Obel! There was sighting information from Haksak-dong! “They say they saw student Tailley chasing Professor Glast who was running away toward the underground waterway a few dozen minutes ago!”

“According to eyewitness testimony not only Bongseo but also a student was kidnapped! From what has been identified… Aayla Triss a first-year student at the Ministry of Magic… And this is Ed Rosstaylor a second year student at the Ministry of Magic!”

– Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

It was the moment when Lortel couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the report from the academic staff who rushed in.

A tremendous roar echoed through the sky above Gyosu Building. The subsequent vibration was the same.

Seeing the ground shaking for a moment Lortel ran out into the hallway and quickly opened the window.

Trix Hall is located on a hill on the outskirts of Gyosu-dong. If you open the window and look down you can see the entire view of Gyosu-dong.

Near the coastline on the outskirts of Aken Island where the entrance to the underground waterway is located you can see a high-ranking spirit that you know so well that you get tired of it.

Although it must be very far away in terms of distance its huge body can be clearly seen even from this Trix building.

High Fire Spirit Tarkan.

It was the fearsome fire lizard that the first-year Ace members had barely been able to subdue until all of them had attacked it.

It slaps its tail and roars as if it is demanding that someone be brought to it right away.

Even if there is only one high-ranking spirit it can be subdued without damage if all the high-ranking students rush out.

If I leave it alone I don’t know what will happen.

As we head to the outskirts of Aken Island it is unlikely that any damage will occur within Sylvania Bachelor.

However in the worst case you may get caught up in a mess and lose your seal.

Since the payment has not yet been made anyway even if the seal is lost there is no direct loss in the books. Although there may be lost profits there is no deficit.

however… Anyway the seal… I want it so much… ..!

Oh really… !”

Lortel finally sighed and pulled out his hair. Anyway nothing is working out properly.

“This is what happened… .. I also go to the underground waterway… !”


“Agent. “What about sensitivity?”

The company’s employees looked at Lortel in surprise but Lortel shook his head.

And Lortel glared at Principal Obel. It looks quite rude but Obel doesn’t even seem to care.

“Since the principal continues to behave in such an indifferent manner I have to go and get the seal myself. Everyone follows us leaving only the minimum number of negotiation personnel! “Ugh!”

It was 5 minutes before the grand party. It was only a matter of time before Ed’s costume exploded.

Is Professor Glast the biggest victim?

It would be too hasty to criticize the kidnapping of a time bomb worse than Ayla… This is largely because the information given to him was overly limited.

There was no one to pray for in silence.


Reverse run.

Trix Building – Professor Building Pursuit Path – Underground Waterway Entrance – Deepest Underground Waterway – Secret Laboratory Entrance – Soul Library – Monster Research Building – Deepest Laboratory The route of the scenario in the final chapter which leads to a series of flows is familiar but you have to go through the route in reverse. It’s also an amazing experience.

Tailley is probably driving straight ahead so you can probably meet him somewhere in the middle.

I ran out from the deepest part of the lab and carefully passed the monster research wing.

Breaking through the monster research building was not that difficult. This is because most monsters are confined in research facilities and there are not many permanent personnel. This part is difficult because Kum releases all the monsters trapped in the research facility. There are no other obstacles now.

The problem is the soul library.

Raina the librarian who guards the Soul Library has great insight and is good at detection magic. It took her a long time for even the weak spirit Mug to sneak in.

I turned my back to the back door of the library and glanced inside.

Bookshelf and magic books floating in the air.

And it is full of all kinds of valuable magical engineering supplies and recipes.

I feel like I want to sweep up everything I’ve come this far and leave. Since the routes overlap anyway it is right to take everything you need with you.

Right now the priority is to quickly escape this lab and meet Yenika so let’s pick only the most efficient ones and get rid of them. As long as it doesn’t catch Raina’s attention.

[ Master Ed! if… Are you drooling… ? ]

“… ”

I quickly adjusted my expression and checked the items I needed to take.

Raina’s patrol patterns and behavior patterns are simpler than you might think. It won’t take that long to get everything.

I’m a little excited because I think it’s an opportunity to actually improve my magic engineering proficiency.

Even so the increase in specifications has been sluggish these days. If you procure the right materials this is an opportunity to make magic engineering supplies with specifications that should not exist at the 2nd or 3rd act level. My heart was pounding.

In any case it would be difficult to focus too much on preparing recipes and magical engineering supplies.

All you have to do is put as much as you can into your body right away then come back after Taily passes and take it slowly. For now meeting Yenika comes first.

Still my excitement over the feeling of a windfall did not subside easily.

It’s a bargain… !!

“Where’s Ed?”

Dorothy Whitepeltz mid-boss of Act 2 Phase 2 of the Glast Battle.

She was quite proud of her abilities.

Dorothy a third-year student was a combat alchemist who received considerable recognition from the Alchemy Society.

Although he was not the top student in his entire grade he rose to the top position in the pension department.

Dorothy’s combat power using all kinds of combat reagents and magical engineering supplies that mass-produced instant chemical reactions was at a level that even students in the combat club found difficult.

First-year pension department chief Elvira and second-year pension department chief Norden often came to ask for teachings.

For Dorothy Professor Glast was truly a benefactor as he recognized her talent that had once eluded her.

Professor Glast was the one who single-handedly supported Dorothy when everyone underestimated her abilities… I thought that there might be some meaning to this somewhat extreme action.

Therefore Dorothy happily participated in Professor Glast’s plan.

Although I don’t know his exact intentions I decided to strictly carry out his request to guard the entrance to the underground waterway.

“… ”

Anyway this isn’t right Professor.

Dorothy who was soliloquizing had to sit down in the shallow water at the mouth of the canal and face the mouth of Tarkan who roared as if he would set the world on fire.

“Where’s Ed?”

I know who that girl with light pink hair is. She is a fairy tale princess loved by all bachelors.

It is said that wherever she walks flowers bloom along the way. She also says that her lively bright smile makes those who see her feel warm.

That warm smile is still the same.

The smiling face is so cute and adorable that if you let your guard down it seems like your hand will reach out and stroke your head.

But no one will be able to do that.

When she looks up in the background behind her is a giant lizard burning with fire and drooling.

Yenika Tan is asking as politely and kindly as possible but the sense of disparity with the background ultimately increases the sense of fear.

“Yes Yenika! therefore! I’m just guarding this place! I was just told to! huh!

Dorothy was startled and stuttered.

“Yeah I see… Ah now that I think about it. You are a 3rd year senior. Sorry for speaking informally… I’m out of my mind… !”

A reaction that agrees with Dorothy’s words. And a hesitant polite apology.

Only then did Dorothy realize that the person she was dealing with was none other than Jenica the kind person in the world and almost lost her mind…

by the way… Where is Ed?”

Apart from Jenika the kind person in the world… It was clear that the blazing lizard heat would show no mercy to Dorothy.

Dorothy’s arms lost strength and she fell down.

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